Beispiel #1
/*for named semaphore: creates  a  new  POSIX  semaphore  or  opens  an existing semaphore.*/
EC_BOOL csem_named_open(CSEM *csem, const uint8_t *name, const int oflag, const mode_t mode, const uint32_t value, const UINT32 location)
    sem_t  *sem;

    if(NULL_PTR != CSEM_NAME_CSTR(csem))
        dbg_log(SEC_0029_CSEM, 0)(LOGSTDOUT, "error:csem_named_open: csem %p has already set name %s at %s:%ld\n",
                           csem, cstring_get_str(CSEM_NAME_CSTR(csem)),
                           MM_LOC_FILE_NAME(location), MM_LOC_LINE_NO(location));
        return (EC_FALSE);

    CSEM_NAME_CSTR(csem) = cstring_new(name, location);
    if(NULL_PTR == CSEM_NAME_CSTR(csem))
        dbg_log(SEC_0029_CSEM, 0)(LOGSTDOUT, "error:csem_named_open: new cstring for csem %p failed where name %s\n", csem, name);
        return (EC_FALSE);

    sem = sem_open((const char *)name, oflag, mode, value);
    if(SEM_FAILED == sem)
        dbg_log(SEC_0029_CSEM, 0)(LOGSTDOUT, "error:csem_named_open: open sem of %s oflag %d mode_t %o value %u failed where errno = %d, errstr = %s at %s:%ld\n",
                           name, oflag, mode, value, 
                           errno, strerror(errno),
                           MM_LOC_FILE_NAME(location), MM_LOC_LINE_NO(location));
        return (EC_FALSE);

    CSEM_SEM(csem) = sem;
    return (EC_TRUE);
Beispiel #2
EC_BOOL csem_named_clean(CSEM *csem, const UINT32 location)
    uint8_t *sem_name;

    if(EC_FALSE == csem_named_close(csem, location))
        dbg_log(SEC_0029_CSEM, 0)(LOGSTDOUT, "error:csem_named_clean: close csem %p failed where errno = %d, errstr = %s at %s:%ld\n",
                           errno, strerror(errno),
                           MM_LOC_FILE_NAME(location), MM_LOC_LINE_NO(location)); 
        return (EC_FALSE);                           

    if(NULL_PTR == CSEM_NAME_CSTR(csem))
        return (EC_TRUE);

    sem_name = cstring_get_str(CSEM_NAME_CSTR(csem));
    if(EC_FALSE == csem_named_unlink(sem_name, location))
        dbg_log(SEC_0029_CSEM, 0)(LOGSTDOUT, "error:csem_named_clean: unlink sem %s failed where errno = %d, errstr = %s at %s:%ld\n",
                           errno, strerror(errno),
                           MM_LOC_FILE_NAME(location), MM_LOC_LINE_NO(location));
        return (EC_FALSE);                           

    return (EC_TRUE);
Beispiel #3
size_t    rawFileRead(RawFile *raw_file, const offset_t offset, void *des, size_t size, size_t nmemb, const word_t location)
    size_t count;
    count = rawDataRead(raw_file->raw_data, offset, des, size, nmemb);
    dbg_log(SEC_0132_RAW, 9)(LOGSTDNULL, "[DEBUG] rawFileRead: raw_file %lx: read %d bytes at offset %d, %s:%ld\n",
                        raw_file, count * size, offset, MM_LOC_FILE_NAME(location), MM_LOC_LINE_NO(location));
    return count;
Beispiel #4
/*destroys the unnamed semaphore*/
EC_BOOL csem_unamed_clean(CSEM *csem, const UINT32 location)
    if(0 == sem_destroy(CSEM_SEM(csem)))
        return (EC_TRUE);
    dbg_log(SEC_0029_CSEM, 0)(LOGSTDOUT, "error:csem_unamed_clean: clean csem %p failed where errno = %d, errstr = %s at %s:%ld\n",
                       errno, strerror(errno),
                       MM_LOC_FILE_NAME(location), MM_LOC_LINE_NO(location));
    return (EC_FALSE);
Beispiel #5
/*initialises the unnamed semaphore*/
EC_BOOL csem_unamed_init(CSEM *csem, const int pshared, const uint32_t value, const UINT32 location)
    if(0 == sem_init(CSEM_SEM(csem), pshared, value))
        return (EC_TRUE);
    dbg_log(SEC_0029_CSEM, 0)(LOGSTDOUT, "error:csem_unamed_init: csem %p pshared %d value %u failed where errno = %d, errstr = %s at %s:%ld\n",
                       csem, pshared, value, 
                       errno, strerror(errno),
                       MM_LOC_FILE_NAME(location), MM_LOC_LINE_NO(location));
    return (EC_FALSE);                       
Beispiel #6
/*removes  the named semaphore*/
EC_BOOL csem_named_unlink(const uint8_t *name, const UINT32 location)
    if(NULL_PTR == name)
        dbg_log(SEC_0029_CSEM, 1)(LOGSTDOUT, "warn:csem_named_unlink: unlink sem name is null at %s:%ld\n",
                           MM_LOC_FILE_NAME(location), MM_LOC_LINE_NO(location));
        return (EC_TRUE);
    if(0 == sem_unlink((char *)name))
        return (EC_TRUE);
    dbg_log(SEC_0029_CSEM, 0)(LOGSTDOUT, "error:csem_named_unlink: unlink sem %s failed where errno = %d, errstr = %s at %s:%ld\n",
                       errno, strerror(errno),
                       MM_LOC_FILE_NAME(location), MM_LOC_LINE_NO(location));
    return (EC_FALSE);