Beispiel #1
 * @brief Allocates memory for FSR source arrays.
 * @details Deletes memory for old source arrays if they were allocated for a
 *          previous simulation.
void VectorizedSolver::initializeSourceArrays() {

  /* Delete old sources arrays if they exist */
  if (_reduced_sources != NULL)
  if (_fixed_sources != NULL)

  int size = _num_FSRs * _num_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);

  /* Allocate aligned memory for all source arrays */
    _reduced_sources = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);
    _fixed_sources = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);
  catch(std::exception &e) {
    log_printf(ERROR, "Could not allocate memory for FSR sources");

  /* Initialize fixed sources to zero */
  memset(_fixed_sources, 0.0, size);

  /* Populate fixed source array with any user-defined sources */
Beispiel #2
 * @brief Computes the total source (fission, scattering, fixed) in each FSR.
 * @details This method computes the total source in each FSR based on
 *          this iteration's current approximation to the scalar flux.
void VectorizedSolver::computeFSRSources() {

#pragma omp parallel default(none)
    int tid;
    Material* material;
    FP_PRECISION* sigma_t;
    FP_PRECISION* sigma_s;
    FP_PRECISION* fiss_mat;
    FP_PRECISION scatter_source, fission_source;

    int size = _num_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
    FP_PRECISION* fission_sources =
    FP_PRECISION* scatter_sources =

    /* For all FSRs, find the source */
#pragma omp for schedule(guided)
    for (int r=0; r < _num_FSRs; r++) {

      tid = omp_get_thread_num();
      material = _FSR_materials[r];
      sigma_t = material->getSigmaT();
      sigma_s = material->getSigmaS();
      fiss_mat = material->getFissionMatrix();

      /* Compute scatter + fission source for group G */
      for (int G=0; G < _num_groups; G++) {
        for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

#pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
          for (int g=v*VEC_LENGTH; g < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; g++) {
            scatter_sources[g] = sigma_s[G*_num_groups+g] * _scalar_flux(r,g);
            fission_sources[g] = fiss_mat[G*_num_groups+g] * _scalar_flux(r,g);

#ifdef SINGLE
        scatter_source=cblas_sasum(_num_groups, scatter_sources, 1);
        fission_source=cblas_sasum(_num_groups, fission_sources, 1);
        scatter_source=cblas_dasum(_num_groups, scatter_sources, 1);
        fission_source=cblas_dasum(_num_groups, fission_sources, 1);

        fission_source /= _k_eff;

        /* Compute total (scatter+fission+fixed) reduced source */
        _reduced_sources(r,G) = _fixed_sources(r,G);
        _reduced_sources(r,G) += scatter_source + fission_source;
        _reduced_sources(r,G) *= ONE_OVER_FOUR_PI / sigma_t[G];

Beispiel #3
 * @brief Compute \f$ k_{eff} \f$ from successive fission sources.
void VectorizedSolver::computeKeff() {

  FP_PRECISION fission;

  int size = _num_FSRs * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);

  size = _num_threads * _num_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);

#pragma omp parallel

    int tid = omp_get_thread_num() * _num_groups;
    Material* material;
    FP_PRECISION* sigma;
    FP_PRECISION volume;

    /* Compute the new nu-fission rates in each FSR */
#pragma omp for schedule(guided)
    for (int r=0; r < _num_FSRs; r++) {

      volume = _FSR_volumes[r];
      material = _FSR_materials[r];
      sigma = material->getNuSigmaF();

      /* Loop over each energy group vector length */
      for (int v=0; v < _num_vector_lengths; v++) {

        /* Loop over energy groups within this vector */
#pragma simd vectorlength(VEC_LENGTH)
        for (int e=v*VEC_LENGTH; e < (v+1)*VEC_LENGTH; e++)
          group_rates[tid+e] = sigma[e] * _scalar_flux(r,e);

#ifdef SINGLE
      FSR_rates[r] = cblas_sasum(_num_groups, &group_rates[tid], 1) * volume;
      FSR_rates[r] = cblas_dasum(_num_groups, &group_rates[tid], 1) * volume;

  /* Reduce new fission rates across FSRs */
#ifdef SINGLE
  fission = cblas_sasum(_num_FSRs, FSR_rates, 1);
  fission = cblas_dasum(_num_FSRs, FSR_rates, 1);

  _k_eff *= fission;

Beispiel #4
 Function: Z_TagMalloc -Allocates zone memory blocks.
 			size -[in] Bytes to allocate. 	
 			tag -[in] Tag to associate with memory (see header for tag).
 		A void pointer to the allocated space, or will shutdown application 
		if there is insufficient memory available.
PUBLIC void *Z_TagMalloc( size_t size, int tag )
	zhead_t	*z;

	// Allocate memory
	size += sizeof( zhead_t );
	z = MM_MALLOC( size );
	if( ! z )
		Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of %i bytes", size );

	// Set memory block to zero and fill in header.
	memset( z, 0, size );
	z_bytes += size;
	z->magic = Z_MAGIC;
	z->tag = tag;
	z->size = size;

	// Add new memory block to chain.
	z->next =;
	z->prev = &z_chain;>prev = z; = z;

	return (void *)(z+1);
Beispiel #5
 * \brief Get Page file raw data.
 * \param[in] pagenum Page to load.
 * \param[in] length Length of data.
 * \return On success pointer to data block, otherwise NULL.
 * \note Caller is responsible for freeing allocated data by calling MM_FREE.
PUBLIC void *PageFile_getPage( W32 pagenum, W32 *length )
    W8 *addr;
    PageList_t *page;
	W32  pageOffset;
    W16  pageLength;

	*length = 0;

    page = &PMPages[ pagenum ];

	pageOffset = LittleLong( page->offset );
    pageLength = LittleShort( page->length );

	if( pageLength == 0 )
		return NULL;

    addr = (PW8)MM_MALLOC( pageLength );
	if( addr == NULL )
		return NULL;

    PageFile_ReadFromFile( addr, pageOffset, pageLength );

	*length = pageLength;

    return addr;
Beispiel #6
 * \brief Decodes raw sprite data into RGB32.
 * \param[in] data Raw sprite data.
 * \param[in] palette Palette array.
 * \return On success pointer to raw image data block, otherwise NULL.
 * \note Caller is responsible for freeing allocated data by calling MM_FREE.
PUBLIC void *PageFile_decodeSprite_RGB32( W8 *data, W8 *palette )
	W32 i;
	W32 temp;
	W32 x, y;
	W8 *buffer;
	W8 *ptr;
	W16 *cmdptr;
	SW16 *linecmds;

	t_compshape *shape;

	W16 leftpix, rightpix;

	buffer = (PW8)MM_MALLOC( 64 * 64 * 4 );
	if( NULL == buffer )
		return NULL;

	for( x = 0 ; x < (64 * 64 * 4) ; x += 4 )
		ptr = buffer + x;

		ptr[ 0 ] = 0xFF;	/* R */
		ptr[ 1 ] = 0x00;	/* G */
		ptr[ 2 ] = 0xFF;	/* B */
        ptr[ 3 ] = 0x00;	/* A */

	shape = (t_compshape *)data;

	leftpix = LittleShort( shape->leftpix );
	rightpix = LittleShort( shape->rightpix );

	cmdptr = shape->dataofs;
	for( x = leftpix ; x <= rightpix ; ++x )
        linecmds = (PSW16)(data + LittleShort( *cmdptr ));
		for( ; LittleShort( *linecmds ) ; linecmds += 3 )
			i = (LittleShort( linecmds[ 2 ] ) / 2) + LittleShort( linecmds[ 1 ] );
			for( y = (W32)(LittleShort( linecmds[ 2 ] ) / 2) ; y < (W32)(LittleShort( linecmds[ 0 ] ) / 2) ; ++y, ++i )
				temp = data[ i ] * 3;

				ptr = buffer + (y * 64 + x) * 4;

				ptr[ 0 ] = palette[ temp + 0 ];		/* R */
				ptr[ 1 ] = palette[ temp + 1 ];		/* G */
				ptr[ 2 ] = palette[ temp + 2 ];		/* B */
                ptr[ 3 ] = 0xFF;		            /* A */

	return (void *)buffer;
Beispiel #7
 * \brief Decodes raw wall data into RGB-32.
 * \param[in] data Raw wall data.
 * \param[in] palette Palette array.
 * \return On success pointer to raw image data block, otherwise NULL.
 * \note Caller is responsible for freeing allocated data by calling MM_FREE.
PUBLIC void *PageFile_decodeWall_RGB32( W8 *data, W8 *palette )
	W32 temp;
	W8 *buffer;
	W8 *ptr;
	W32 x, y;

	buffer = (PW8)MM_MALLOC( 64 * 64 * 4 );
	if( NULL == buffer )
		return NULL;

	for( x = 0 ; x < 64 ; ++x )
		for( y = 0 ; y < 64 ; ++y )
			temp = ( data[ (x << 6) + y ] ) * 3;

			ptr = buffer + ( ( (y << 6) + x ) * 4 );

			ptr[ 0 ] = palette[ temp + 0 ];		/* R */
			ptr[ 1 ] = palette[ temp + 1 ];		/* G */
			ptr[ 2 ] = palette[ temp + 2 ];		/* B */

            ptr[ 3 ] = 0xFF;                    /* A */

	return (void *)buffer;
Beispiel #8
 * @brief Allocates memory for Track boundary angular and FSR scalar fluxes.
 * @details Deletes memory for old flux arrays if they were allocated for a
 *          previous simulation.
void VectorizedSolver::initializeFluxArrays() {

  /* Delete old flux arrays if they exist */
  if (_boundary_flux != NULL)

  if (_scalar_flux != NULL && !_user_fluxes)

  if (_old_scalar_flux != NULL)

  if (_delta_psi != NULL)

  if (_thread_taus != NULL)

  int size;

  /* Allocate aligned memory for all flux arrays */

    size = 2 * _tot_num_tracks * _num_groups * _num_polar;
    size *= sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
    _boundary_flux = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);

    size = _num_FSRs * _num_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
    _scalar_flux = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);
    _old_scalar_flux = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);

    size = _num_threads * _num_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
    _delta_psi = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);

    size = _num_threads * _polar_times_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
    _thread_taus = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);
  catch(std::exception &e) {
    log_printf(ERROR, "Could not allocate memory for the fluxes");
Beispiel #9
 * \brief Gets the current working directory
 * \return If the function succeeds, a pointer to a NUL-terminated string. Otherwise NULL.
 * \note Caller is responsible for freeing allocated memory.
PUBLIC char *FS_GetCurrentDirectory( void )
	char *path;

	if( path == NULL )
		return NULL;

	return getcwd( path, MAXPATHLEN );
Beispiel #10
 Function: CAL_ExpandGrChunk() -Expand compressed graphic chunk.
 Parameters: chunk -[in] Chunk number to expand.
             source -[in] Pointer to compressed data.
             version -[in] extension version. 
                        1 -WL6
                        2 -SOD 
 Returns: Nothing.
PRIVATE void CAL_ExpandGrChunk( W32 chunk, const W8 *source, W16 version )
	W32 expanded;
	W16	 offset = 0;

	if( version & SOD_PAK )
        offset = SOD_STARTDIFF;

	if( chunk >= ( STARTTILE8 + offset ) && 
        chunk < ( STARTEXTERNS + offset ) )
	// expanded sizes of tile8/16/32 are implicit

#define BLOCK		64
#define MASKBLOCK	128

		if( chunk < (STARTTILE8M + offset) ) // tile 8s are all in one chunk!
			expanded = BLOCK * NUMTILE8;
		else if( chunk < (STARTTILE16 + offset) )
			expanded = MASKBLOCK * NUMTILE8M;
		else if( chunk < (STARTTILE16M + offset) )	// all other tiles are one/chunk
			expanded = BLOCK << 2;
		else if( chunk < (STARTTILE32 + offset) )
			expanded = MASKBLOCK << 2;
		else if( chunk < (STARTTILE32M + offset) )
			expanded = BLOCK << 4;
			expanded = MASKBLOCK << 4;
	// everything else has an explicit size longword
		expanded = *(PW32)source;
		source += 4;			// skip over length

// allocate final space and decompress it.
// Sprites need to have shifts made and various other junk.
	grsegs[ chunk ] = MM_MALLOC( expanded );
	if( grsegs[ chunk ] == NULL )
	CAL_HuffExpand( source, grsegs[ chunk ], expanded, grhuffman );
Beispiel #11



PRIVATE void R_ScreenShot_f( void ) 
	W8		*buffer;
	char	picname[ 80 ]; 
	char	checkname[ MAX_OSPATH ];
	int		i;
	FILE	*f;

	// create the scrnshots directory if it doesn't exist
	my_snprintf( checkname, sizeof( checkname ), "%s/scrnshot", FS_Gamedir() );
	FS_CreateDirectory( checkname );

// find a file name to save it to 
	my_strlcpy( picname, "scrn00.tga", sizeof( picname ) );

	for( i = 0 ; i <= 99 ; ++i ) 
		picname[ 4 ] = i / 10 + '0'; 
		picname[ 5 ] = i % 10 + '0'; 
		my_snprintf( checkname, sizeof( checkname ), "%s/scrnshot/%s", FS_Gamedir(), picname );
		f = fopen( checkname, "rb" );
		if( ! f )
			break;	// file doesn't exist

		fclose( f );

	if( i == 100 ) 
		Com_Printf( "R_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a file\n" ); 

	buffer = MM_MALLOC( viddef.width * viddef.height * 3 );

	pfglReadPixels( 0, 0, viddef.width, viddef.height, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer ); 

	WriteTGA( checkname, 24, viddef.width, viddef.height, buffer, 1, 1 );

	MM_FREE( buffer );
	Com_Printf( "Wrote %s\n", picname );
Beispiel #12
 * \brief Create a new link list.
 * \return Pointer to new link list structure. 
PUBLIC linkList_t *linkList_new( void )
    linkList_t *list;

	list = (linkList_t *) MM_MALLOC( sizeof( linkList_t ) );
    if( list == NULL )
        MM_OUTOFMEM( "linkList_new" );

    list->element = NULL;
    list->next = NULL;

    return list;
Beispiel #13
 * @brief Allocates memory for the exponential linear interpolation table.
void VectorizedSolver::initializeExpEvaluator() {


  /* Deallocates memory for the exponentials if it was allocated for a
   * previous simulation */
  if (_thread_exponentials != NULL)

  /* Allocates memory for an array of exponential values for each thread
   * - this is not used by default, but can be to allow for vectorized
   * evaluation of the exponentials. Unfortunately this does not appear
   * to give any performance boost. */
  int size = _num_threads * _polar_times_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
  _thread_exponentials = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);
Beispiel #14
 Function: CA_CacheGrChunk() -Cache graphic chunk.
 Parameters: chunk -[in] Chunk number to cache.
             version -[in] extension version. 
                        1 -WL6
                        2 -SOD 
 Returns: Nothing.
 Notes: Makes sure a given chunk is in memory, loading it if needed.
PRIVATE void CA_CacheGrChunk( W32 chunk, W16 version )
	SW32	pos;
	W32		compressed;
	void	*buffer;
	W32		next;
	if( grsegs[ chunk ] )
		return;	// already in memory

// load the chunk into a buffer
	pos = GRFILEPOS( chunk );
	if( pos < 0 )  // $FFFFFFFF start is a sparse tile

	next = chunk + 1;
	while( GRFILEPOS( next ) == -1 )   // skip past any sparse tiles

	compressed = GRFILEPOS( next ) - pos;

	fseek( grhandle, pos, SEEK_SET );

	buffer = MM_MALLOC( compressed );
	if( buffer == NULL )

	fread( buffer, 1, compressed, grhandle );
	CAL_ExpandGrChunk( chunk, buffer, version );

	MM_FREE( buffer );
Beispiel #15

PRIVATE powerup_t *Pow_AddNew( void )
	powerup_t *newp;
	newp = MM_MALLOC( sizeof( powerup_t ) );
	newp->prev = NULL;
	newp->next = powerups;

	if( powerups )
		powerups->prev = newp;

	powerups = newp;

	return newp;
 * \brief Cache audio data.
 * \param[in] chunkId Id of chunk to cache. 
 * \return On success pointer to raw data, otherwise NULL.
PUBLIC void *AudioFile_CacheAudioChunk( const W32 chunkId )
	W32	pos;
	W32 chunk_size;
	W32 count;			/* Number of bytes read from file */	
	SW8 *buffer;

// Load the chunk into a buffer
	pos = LittleLong( audiostarts[ chunkId ] );
	chunk_size = (LittleLong( audiostarts[ chunkId+1 ] )) - pos;
	if( chunk_size < 1 )
		fprintf( stderr, "[AudioFile_CacheAudioChunk]: Chunk size not valid\n" );
		return NULL;

	if( fseek( audiohandle, pos, SEEK_SET ) != 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "[AudioFile_CacheAudioChunk]: Could not seek in file!\n" );
		return NULL;

	buffer = (PSW8) MM_MALLOC( chunk_size );
	if( buffer == NULL )
		return NULL;

	count = fread( buffer, 1, chunk_size, audiohandle );
	if( count != chunk_size )
		fprintf( stderr, "[AudioFile_CacheAudioChunk]: Read error!\n" );

		MM_FREE( buffer );
		return NULL;	

	return (void *)buffer;
Beispiel #17
 * \brief Initialize Texture Manager.
 * \note Generates default texture.
PUBLIC void TM_Init( void )
    W8 *ptr;
    W8 *data;
    int x, y;

    memset( _texWalls, 0, sizeof( _texWalls ) );
    memset( _texSprites, 0, sizeof( _texSprites ) );

    texture_registration_sequence = 1;

// create a checkerboard texture
    data = (PW8)MM_MALLOC( 16 * 16 * 4 );
    for( y = 0; y < 16; ++y )
        for( x = 0; x < 16; ++x )
            ptr = &data[ (y * 16 + x) * 4 ];
            if( (y < 8) ^ (x < 8) )
                ptr[ 0 ] = ptr[ 1 ] = ptr[ 2 ] = 0x00;
                ptr[ 3 ] = 0xFF;
                ptr[ 0 ] = ptr[ 1 ] = ptr[ 2 ] = 0xFF;
                ptr[ 3 ] = 0xFF;

    r_notexture = TM_LoadTexture( "***r_notexture***", data, 16, 16, TT_Pic, 4 );

    MM_FREE( data );

    Cmd_AddCommand( "listTextures", TM_TextureList_f );

Beispiel #18
 * \brief Add element to link list.
 * \param[in] list Pointer to linkList_t structure.
 * \param[in] newElement Element to add to link list.
 * \return On success pointer to newly added node, otherwise NULL.
PUBLIC linkList_t *linkList_addList( linkList_t *list, void *newElement )
    if( list )
		linkList_t *newNode;

		newNode = (linkList_t *) MM_MALLOC( sizeof( linkList_t ) );
		if( newNode == NULL )
			MM_OUTOFMEM( "linkList_addList" );

		newNode->element = newElement;
		newNode->next = list->next;
		list->next = newNode;

		return newNode;

    return (linkList_t *) NULL;
Beispiel #19
 * \brief Add element to link list.
 * \param[in] list Pointer to linkList_t structure.
 * \param[in] newElement Element to add to link list.
 * \return On success true, otherwise false.
PUBLIC wtBoolean linkList_add( linkList_t *list, void *newElement )
    if( list )
		linkList_t *newNode;
		newNode = (linkList_t *) MM_MALLOC( sizeof( linkList_t ) );
		if( newNode == NULL )
			MM_OUTOFMEM( "linkList_add" );

		newNode->element = newElement;
		newNode->next = list->next;
		list->next = newNode;
		return true;
    return false;
 * \brief Get map data chunk.
 * \param[in] chunkOffset Source buffer to convert from
 * \param[in] chunkLength Size of chunk data.
 * \return NULL on error, otherwise pointer to map data.
 * \note Caller must free allocated data.
PUBLIC void *MapFile_getMapData( W32 chunkOffset, W32 chunkLength )
	void *mapdata;

	if( map_file_handle == NULL )
		return NULL;

	mapdata = MM_MALLOC( chunkLength );
	if( NULL == mapdata )
		MM_OUTOFMEM( "MapFile_getMapData"  );

		return NULL;

	fseek( map_file_handle, chunkOffset, SEEK_SET );

	fread( mapdata, 1, chunkLength, map_file_handle );

	return mapdata;
 * @brief Allocates memory for FSR source arrays.
 * @details Deletes memory for old source arrays if they were allocated for a
 *          previous simulation.
void VectorizedSolver::initializeSourceArrays() {

  /* Delete old sources arrays if they exist */
  if (_fission_sources != NULL)

  if (_scatter_sources != NULL)

  if (_source != NULL)

  if (_old_source != NULL)

  if (_reduced_source != NULL)

  if (_source_residuals != NULL)

  int size;

  /* Allocate aligned memory for all source arrays */
    size = _num_FSRs * _num_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
    _fission_sources = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);
    _old_source = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);
    _reduced_source = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);

    size = _num_threads * _num_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
    _scatter_sources = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);

    size = _num_FSRs * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
    _source_residuals = (FP_PRECISION*)MM_MALLOC(size, VEC_ALIGNMENT);
  catch(std::exception &e) {
    log_printf(ERROR, "Could not allocate memory for the VectorizedSolver's "
               "FSR sources array. Backtrace:%s", e.what());
Beispiel #22
 Function: LumpExtractor() -Extract Lump gfx from Wolf3D and SOD data files.
 Parameters: fextension -[in] String holding file extension 
                            (must be in '.XXX' format).
             limit -[in] max
             version -[in] extension version. 
                        1 -WL6
                        2 -SOD 
 Returns:   Nothing.

PUBLIC _boolean LumpExtractor( const char *fextension, W32 limit, W16 version )
    W32 i;
    W8 *buffer, *buffer2;
    if( ! fextension || ! *fextension )
        printf( "Invalid file extension passed into LumpExtractor!\n" );
		return false;

// Setup

	if( 0 == FS_Mkdir( LGFXDIR ) )
		printf( "[%s] Could not create directory (%s)!\n", "wolf_gfx.c", LGFXDIR );
		return false;

    if( ! CAL_SetupGrFile( fextension ) )
		return false;
// Allocate buffers

	buffer = MM_MALLOC( 320 * 416 * 2 );
	if( buffer == NULL )
		return false;

    buffer2 = MM_MALLOC( 640 * 400 * 4 );
	if( buffer2 == NULL )
		MM_FREE( buffer );
		return false;

// Decode GFX data

	printf( "Decoding GFX Data...\n" );
//	(void)DecodeText( version );
	for( i = STARTFONT; i < STARTPICS; ++i )
        CA_CacheGrChunk( i, version );
        Fontline( i, version );
    for( i = STARTPICS; i < limit+1; ++i )
        CA_CacheGrChunk( i, version );
        SavePic( i, version, buffer, buffer2 );		

// Shutdown
    MM_FREE( buffer2 );
	MM_FREE( buffer );	

	return true;
Beispiel #23
 Function: CAL_SetupGrFile() -Initialize graphic files and arrays.
 Parameters: extension -[in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that 
                            specifies the file extension.
                            (must be in '.XXX' format).
 Returns: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
        Uses global variables grhandle and pictable.
        1. Open vgadict.XXX, read huffman dictionary data.
        2. Open vgahead.XXX, read data offsets.
        3. Open vgagraph.XXX, read pic and sprite header, expand data.
PRIVATE W8 CAL_SetupGrFile( const char *extension )
	void *compseg;
	FILE *handle;
	char filename[ 16 ];
	SW32 chunkcomplen; // chunk compressed length
// load vgadict.ext (huffman dictionary for graphics files)
	cs_strlcpy( filename, GFXDICTFNAME, sizeof( filename ) );
	cs_strlcat( filename, extension, sizeof( filename ) );
	if( ( handle = fopen( cs_strupr( filename ), "rb" ) ) ==  NULL )
		if( ( handle = fopen( cs_strlwr( filename ), "rb" ) ) ==  NULL )
			printf( "Could not open file (%s) for read!\n", filename );
			return 0;
	fread( grhuffman, sizeof( grhuffman ), 1, handle );
	fclose( handle );
// Open then load the data offsets from vgahead.ext
	cs_strlcpy( filename, GFXHEADFNAME, sizeof( filename ) );
	cs_strlcat( filename, extension, sizeof( filename ) );
	if( (handle = fopen( cs_strupr( filename ), "rb" )) ==  NULL )
		if( (handle = fopen( cs_strlwr( filename ), "rb" )) ==  NULL )
			printf( "Could not open file (%s) for read!\n", filename );
			return 0;
	if( grstarts == NULL )
		return 0;
	fread( grstarts, sizeof( long ), (NUMCHUNKS+1) * FILEPOSSIZE, handle );
	fclose( handle );
// Open the graphics file 'vgagraph.XXX'.
	cs_strlcpy( filename, GFXFNAME, sizeof( filename ) );
	cs_strlcat( filename, extension, sizeof( filename ) );
	if( ( grhandle = fopen( cs_strupr( filename ), "rb" ) ) ==  NULL )
		if( ( grhandle = fopen( cs_strlwr( filename ), "rb" ) ) ==  NULL )
			printf( "Could not open file (%s) for read!\n", filename );
			return 0;
// load the pic and sprite headers into the arrays.
	pictable = MM_MALLOC( NUMPICS * sizeof( pictabletype ) );
	if( pictable == NULL )
		return 0;
	chunkcomplen = CAL_GetGrChunkLength( STRUCTPIC );  // position file pointer
	compseg = MM_MALLOC( chunkcomplen );
	if( compseg == NULL )
		return 0;
	fread( compseg, chunkcomplen, 1, grhandle );
	CAL_HuffExpand( compseg, (PW8)pictable, 
	                NUMPICS * sizeof( pictabletype ), 
                    grhuffman );

	MM_FREE( compseg ); 
    return 1;                 
Beispiel #24
void Epoll_Engine::Engine_Loop()
	const static int maxevents = 1024;
	struct epoll_event events[1024];
	if( socketpair(AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0,pipefd) == -1)
		LOGDEBUG("libshared","create pipe error!");
	__shared_setnonblocking( pipefd[1] );
		time_t time_start = CURRENTTIME();
		time_t time_end = 0;
		int nfds = epoll_wait(m_EpollFd,events,maxevents,timeout);
		if(nfds <= 0)
			// epoll_wait超时...执行时间心跳
			timeout = TIME_OUT;
			time_end = CURRENTTIME();
			timeout = time_end - time_start;
			for(int i = 0; i < nfds; i++)
				int fd = events[i].data.fd;
				//				信号处理
				if(fd == pipefd[0] && events[i].events & EPOLLIN)
					// 信号处理: 主循环来完成吧~~
				basesocket_sptr socket = fds[fd];

				// 有一个潜在问题 :当socket的异常时通过epoll_wait发现抛出,
				// EPOLLERR/EPOLLHUP事件,而不是read/write流程中发现,这时
				// 同样会误以为异常断开连接,所以只是再read/write流程中忽略
				// 相关错误码不够完善,当epoll_wait检测到socket错误时,仍然
				// 会当成fatal error处理。
				// 正确的解决方法:
				// 2.遇到EPOLLERR/EPOLLHUP事件时,有两种做法:
				//		(1)不调用error异常流程,而是跟EPOLLIN一样调用读取流程,让读取流程
				//			 去确认/处理实际的错误.
				//		(2)通过getsocketopt SO_REEOR获取具体的错误码,并过滤掉非fatal错误.
				if(events[i].events & EPOLLHUP || events[i].events & EPOLLERR)
					int eno = -1;
					int len = sizeof(int);
					if( getsockopt(fd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_ERROR,(void *)&eno,(socklen_t *)&len) == 0)
						if(eno == 0 || eno == 32)
							// 在OnWrite中已经做过处理,这里不必再处理!
						MM_Task * task = new (MM_MALLOC(sizeof(MM_Task))) MM_Task(SWITCH_MM_TASK_ONERROR,(Socket_Engine *)this,fd,socket->GetCtime());
						//MM_Task * task = new MM_Task(SWITCH_MM_TASK_ONERROR,(Socket_Engine *)this,fd,socket->GetCtime());
						if(task != NULL)
				else if(events[i].events & EPOLLIN) // recv data
					MM_Task * task = new (MM_MALLOC(sizeof(MM_Task))) MM_Task(SWITCH_MM_TASK_ONREAD,(Socket_Engine *)this,fd,socket->GetCtime());
					//MM_Task * task = new  MM_Task(SWITCH_MM_TASK_ONREAD,(Socket_Engine *)this,fd,socket->GetCtime());
					if(task != NULL)
				else if(events[i].events & EPOLLOUT) // send data
					MM_Task * task = new (MM_MALLOC(sizeof(MM_Task))) MM_Task(SWITCH_MM_TASK_ONWRITE,(Socket_Engine *)this,fd,socket->GetCtime());
					//MM_Task * task = new  MM_Task(SWITCH_MM_TASK_ONWRITE,(Socket_Engine *)this,fd,socket->GetCtime());
					if(task != NULL)
Beispiel #25
 Function: Fontline() -Extract and save font.
 Parameters: fontnumber -[in] font to save.
             version -[in] extension version. 
                        1 -WL6
                        2 -SOD 
 Returns: Nothing.
 Notes: Font must be cached in grsegs[] before calling.
PRIVATE void Fontline( W32 fontnumber, W16 version )
	fontstruct	*font;
	W16 i;
	W16 x, y;
	W16 px, py;
	W8 *buffer;	
	W8 *source;
	W8 *ptr;	
	char filename[ 256 ];

	font = (fontstruct *)grsegs[ fontnumber ];	

	if( buffer == NULL )

	ptr = buffer;
	for( x = 0; x < FONTWIDTH; ++x )
		for( y = 0; y < FONTHEIGHT; ++y, ptr += 4 )
			ptr[ 0 ] = ptr[ 1 ] = ptr[ 2 ] = 0xFF;
			ptr[ 3 ] = 0x00;

	px = py = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < 256; ++i )
		if( ! font->width[ i ] )
		if( px + font->width[ i ] > FONTWIDTH-1 )
			py += font->height;
			px = 0;
		source = ((PW8) font) + font->location[ i ];

		ptr = buffer + (py * FONTWIDTH + px) * 4;
		for( y = 0; y < font->height; ++y, ptr += FONTWIDTH * 4 )
			for( x = 0; x < font->width[ i ]; ++x )
				if( *source++ )	
					ptr[ x * 4 + 3 ] = 0xFF;
		px += 16;

	} // end for i = 0; i < 256; ++i

	cs_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s/font%d.tga", LGFXDIR, fontnumber );
	WriteTGA( filename, 32, FONTWIDTH, FONTHEIGHT, buffer, 0, 1 );	
	MM_FREE( buffer );

Beispiel #26
 * \brief Load font details from file
 * \param[in] filename File name to load details
 * \return Valid pointer to font_t
PUBLIC font_t *createFont( const char *filename )
	font_t *temp_font;
	char *datname;
	filehandle_t *fp;
	W32 size;
	W32 i;

	if( num_fonts == (MAX_FONTS - 1) )
		Com_Printf( "[createFont]: No more font slots open\n" );

		return NULL;

	temp_font = (font_t *)Z_Malloc( sizeof( font_t ) );

	temp_font->texfont = TM_FindTexture( filename, TT_Pic );
	if( NULL == temp_font->texfont )
		Com_Printf( "[createFont]: unable to open file (%s)\n", filename );

		Z_Free( temp_font );

		return NULL;

	memset( temp_font->nCharWidth, 0, sizeof( temp_font->nCharWidth ) );

	datname = (char *)MM_MALLOC( strlen( filename ) + 1 );

	FS_RemoveExtension( filename, datname );

	com_strlcat( datname, ".dat", strlen( filename ) + 1 );

	fp = FS_OpenFile( datname, 0 );
	if( NULL == fp )
		Com_Printf( "[createFont]: unable to open file (%s)\n", datname );

		MM_FREE( datname );
		Z_Free( temp_font );

		return NULL;

	size = FS_GetFileSize( fp );

	// check header size
	if( size < 10 )
		Com_Printf( "[createFont]: File (%s) has incorrect file length\n", datname );

		MM_FREE( datname );
		Z_Free( temp_font );

		FS_CloseFile( fp );

		return NULL;

	// Check sig of font dat file

	FS_ReadFile( &size, 1, 4, fp );

	FS_ReadFile( &temp_font->nMaxWidth, 1, 1, fp );
	FS_ReadFile( &temp_font->nMaxHeight, 1, 1, fp );

	FS_ReadFile( &size, 1, 4, fp );
	size = LittleLong( size );

	if( size > 127 )
		Com_Printf( "[createFont]: File (%s) has incorrect Character Width array\n", datname );

		MM_FREE( datname );
		Z_Free( temp_font );

		FS_CloseFile( fp );

		return NULL;

	FS_ReadFile( &temp_font->nCharWidth, 1, size, fp );

	FS_CloseFile( fp );

	temp_font->nSize = 2;
	temp_font->colour[ 3 ] = 255;

	temp_font->hFrac = (float)(temp_font->nMaxHeight / (float)temp_font->texfont->height);
	temp_font->wFrac = (float)(temp_font->nMaxWidth / (float)temp_font->texfont->width);

	for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_FONTS ; ++i )
		if( ! myfonts[ i ] )

	if( i == (MAX_FONTS - 1) )
		Com_Printf( "[createFont]: No more font slots open\n" );

		MM_FREE( datname );
		Z_Free( temp_font );

		return NULL;

	myfonts[ i ] = temp_font;

	MM_FREE( datname );

	return temp_font;
Beispiel #27
 * \brief Setup page file for decoding.
 * \param[in] pagefname Source buffer to convert from
 * \param[out] nBlocks Destination buffer to convert to.
 * \param[out] SpriteStart Offset index for sprite data.
 * \param[out] SoundStart Offset index for sound data.
 * \return On success true, otherwise false.
PUBLIC wtBoolean PageFile_Setup( const char *pagefname, W32 *nBlocks, W32 *SpriteStart, W32 *SoundStart )
	W32    i;
	W32  size;
	void *buf = NULL;
	W32  *offsetptr;
	char *temp_fileName = NULL;
	PageList_t *page;
	W16 *lengthptr;
	W16 tval;
	W32 PMNumBlocks;
	W32 PMSpriteStart;
	W32 PMSoundStart;

	if( ! pagefname || ! *pagefname )
		fprintf( stderr, "[PageFile_Setup]: Invalid file name\n" );

		goto PMSetupFailure;

	temp_fileName = (char *) MM_MALLOC( strlen( pagefname ) + 1 );
	if( temp_fileName == NULL )
		goto PMSetupFailure;

	wt_strlcpy( temp_fileName, pagefname, strlen( pagefname ) + 1 );

	/* Open page file */
	file_handle_page = fopen( wt_strupr( temp_fileName ), "rb" );
	if( file_handle_page == NULL )
		file_handle_page = fopen( wt_strlwr( temp_fileName ), "rb" );
		if( file_handle_page == NULL )
			fprintf( stderr, "Could not open file (%s) for read!\n", temp_fileName );

			goto PMSetupFailure;

	/* Read in header variables */
	fread( &tval, sizeof( W16 ), 1, file_handle_page );
	PMNumBlocks = LittleShort( tval );

	fread( &tval, sizeof( W16 ), 1, file_handle_page );
	PMSpriteStart = LittleShort( tval );

	fread( &tval, sizeof( W16 ), 1, file_handle_page );
	PMSoundStart = LittleShort( tval );

	/* Allocate and clear the page list */
	PMPages = (PageList_t *) MM_MALLOC( sizeof( PageList_t ) * PMNumBlocks );
	if( PMPages == NULL )
		goto PMSetupFailure;

	memset( PMPages, 0, sizeof( PageList_t ) * PMNumBlocks );

	/* Read in the chunk offsets */
	size = sizeof( W32 ) * PMNumBlocks;

	buf = MM_MALLOC( size );
	if( buf == NULL )
		goto PMSetupFailure;

	if( fread( buf, 1, size, file_handle_page ) == 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "Could not read chunk offsets from file (%s)\n", temp_fileName );

	offsetptr = (PW32) buf;
	for( i = 0, page = PMPages; i < PMNumBlocks; i++, page++ )
		page->offset = LittleLong( *offsetptr++ );
	MM_FREE( buf );

	/* Read in the chunk lengths */
	size = sizeof( W16 ) * PMNumBlocks;

	buf = MM_MALLOC( size );
	if( buf == NULL )
		goto PMSetupFailure;

	if( fread( buf, 1, size, file_handle_page ) == 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "Could not read chunk lengths from file (%s)\n", temp_fileName );

	lengthptr = (PW16)buf;
	for( i = 0, page = PMPages ; i < PMNumBlocks ; ++i, page++ )
		page->length = LittleShort( *lengthptr++ );

	MM_FREE( buf );
	MM_FREE( temp_fileName );

	*nBlocks = PMNumBlocks;
	*SpriteStart = PMSpriteStart;
	*SoundStart = PMSoundStart;

	return true;


	MM_FREE( temp_fileName );
	MM_FREE( PMPages );
	MM_FREE( buf );

	return false;
Beispiel #28
 * \brief Redux the Page file data.
 * \param[in] vsfname data file name.
 * \param[in] wallPath Path to save wall data.
 * \param[in] spritePath Path to save sprite data.
 * \param[in] soundPath Path to save sound data.
 * \param[in] palette Palette array.
 * \return On success true, otherwise false.
 * \note Caller is responsible for freeing allocated data by calling MM_FREE.
PUBLIC wtBoolean PageFile_ReduxDecodePageData( const char *vsfname, const char *wallPath, const char *spritePath, const char *soundPath, W8 *palette )
	void *data;
	void *decdata;
	W32 length;
	char tempFileName[ 1024 ];
	W32 i;
	W32 SpriteStart, NumBlocks, SoundStart;
	W32 soundBufferSize;
	W8 *soundBuffer;
	W32 totallength;

	printf( "Decoding Page Data..." );

	if( ! PageFile_Setup( vsfname, &NumBlocks, &SpriteStart, &SoundStart ) )

		return false;

    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Decode Walls

	for( i = 0 ; i < SpriteStart ; ++i )
		data = PageFile_getPage( i, &length );
		if( data == NULL )

		decdata = PageFile_decodeWall_RGB32( (PW8)data, palette );
		if( decdata == NULL )
			fprintf( stderr, "[PageFile_ReduxDecodePageData]: Unable to decode wall (%d).\n", i );

			MM_FREE( data );


		if( _filterScale > 0 )
			void *scaledImgBuf;

			scaledImgBuf = (void *) MM_MALLOC( 128 * 128 * 4 );
			if( NULL == scaledImgBuf )
				MM_FREE( data );
				MM_FREE( decdata );

			// Scale2x
		        if( _filterScale == 1 )
		                scale( 2, (void *)scaledImgBuf, 128 * 4, decdata, 64 * 4, 4, 64, 64 );
				RGB32toRGB24( (const PW8)scaledImgBuf, (PW8)scaledImgBuf, 128 * 128 * 4 );
			} else {
		                // hq2x
		                RGB32toRGB24( (const PW8)decdata, (PW8)decdata, 64 * 64 * 4 );
		                RGB24toBGR565( decdata, decdata, 64 * 64 * 3 );
				hq2x_32( (PW8)decdata, (PW8)scaledImgBuf, 64, 64, 64 * 2 * 4  );
        		        RGB32toRGB24( (const PW8)scaledImgBuf, (PW8)scaledImgBuf, 128 * 128 * 4 );


    		        wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", wallPath, PATH_SEP, GetWallMappedIndex( i ) );
			TGA_write( tempFileName, 24, 128, 128, scaledImgBuf, 0, 1 );

			MM_FREE( scaledImgBuf );

		} else {
		        wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", wallPath, PATH_SEP, GetWallMappedIndex( i ) );

		        RGB32toRGB24( (const PW8)decdata, (PW8)decdata, 64 * 64 * 4 );
			TGA_write( tempFileName, 24, 64, 64, decdata, 0, 1 );

		MM_FREE( data );
		MM_FREE( decdata );

    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Decode Sprites

	for( i = SpriteStart ; i < SoundStart ; ++i )
		data = PageFile_getPage( i, &length );
		if( data == NULL )

		decdata = PageFile_decodeSprite_RGB32( (PW8)data, palette );
		if( decdata == NULL )
			MM_FREE( data );


		if( _filterScale_Sprites > 0 )
			W8 *scaledImgBuf;

			scaledImgBuf = (PW8) MM_MALLOC( 128 * 128 * 4 );
			if( NULL == scaledImgBuf ) {
				MM_FREE( data );
				MM_FREE( decdata );
			if( _filterScale_Sprites == 1 ) {
				scale( 2, (void *)scaledImgBuf, 128 * 4, decdata, 64 * 4, 4, 64, 64 );
			} else {
			// hq2x
				RGB32toRGB24( (const PW8)decdata, (PW8)decdata, 64 * 64 * 4 );
				RGB24toBGR565( decdata, decdata, 64 * 64 * 3 );
				hq2x_32( (PW8)decdata, (PW8)scaledImgBuf, 64, 64, 64 * 2 * 4  );
				ReduxAlphaChannel_hq2x( scaledImgBuf, 128, 128 );

			wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", spritePath, PATH_SEP, GetSpriteMappedIndex( i - SpriteStart ) );
			TGA_write( tempFileName, 32, 128, 128, scaledImgBuf, 0, 1 );
			MM_FREE( scaledImgBuf );
		} else {
			wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", spritePath, PATH_SEP, GetSpriteMappedIndex( i - SpriteStart )  );
			TGA_write( tempFileName, 32, 64, 64, decdata, 0, 1 );
		MM_FREE( data );
		MM_FREE( decdata );

    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Decode SFX

	soundBufferSize = 20 * 4096;
	soundBuffer = (PW8) MM_MALLOC( soundBufferSize );
	if( soundBuffer == NULL )

		return false;

	totallength = 0;
	for( i = SoundStart ; i < NumBlocks ; ++i )
		data = PageFile_getPage( i, &length );
		if( data == NULL )

		if( (totallength + length) > soundBufferSize )
			fprintf( stderr, "[PageFile_ReduxDecodePageData]: Buffer not large enough to hold sound data!\n" );

			MM_FREE( data );
			MM_FREE( soundBuffer );

			return false;

	  	MM_MEMCPY( soundBuffer + totallength, data, length );

		totallength += length;

		if( length < 4096 )

			wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%.3d.wav", soundPath, PATH_SEP, i - SoundStart );
			wav_write( tempFileName, soundBuffer, totallength, 1, SAMPLERATE, 1 );

			totallength = 0;


		MM_FREE( data );

	MM_FREE( soundBuffer );

	MM_FREE( data );

	printf( "Done\n" );

	return true;
Beispiel #29
 Function: CAL_SetupAudioFile() -Setup for decoding audio data.
 Parameters: fextension -[in] Pointer to string with file extension.
 Returns: Non-zero on success, otherwise zero.
PRIVATE W8 CAL_SetupAudioFile( const char *fextension )
	FILE *handle;
	SW32 length;
	W32 count;
	char fname[ 13 ];

	if( ! fextension || ! *fextension )
		printf( "NULL extension passed into CAL_SetupAudioFile!\n" );
		return 0;	

// load audiohed.XXX (offsets and lengths for audio file)
	cs_strlcpy( fname, AHEADFNAME, sizeof( fname ) );
	cs_strlcat( fname, fextension, sizeof( fname ) );
    handle = fopen( cs_strupr( fname ), "rb" );
	if( handle == NULL )
		handle = fopen( cs_strlwr( fname ), "rb" );
		if( handle == NULL )
			printf( "Can not open file (%s) for read!\n", fname );
			return 0;

	length = FS_FileLength( handle );
	if( length < 4 )
		fclose( handle );
		printf( "Incorrect audio header size on file: %s\n", fname );
		return 0;

	audiostarts = (PW32) MM_MALLOC( length );
	if( audiostarts == NULL )
		return 0;
	count = fread( audiostarts, sizeof( W32 ), length >> 2, handle );
	if( count != (W32)(length >> 2) )
        fclose( handle );
        printf( "[Error]: Read error on file: (%s)", fname  );
		return 0;
	fclose( handle );

// open the Audio data file
	cs_strlcpy( fname, AUDIOFNAME, sizeof( fname ) );
	cs_strlcat( fname, fextension, sizeof( fname ) );
	audiohandle = fopen( cs_strupr( fname ), "rb" );
	if( audiohandle == NULL )
		audiohandle = fopen( cs_strlwr( fname ), "rb" );
		if( audiohandle == NULL )
			printf( "Could not open file (%s) for read!\n", fname ); 
			return 0;
    return 1;
Beispiel #30
 * @brief Reallocates the Material's cross-section data structures along
 *        word-aligned boundaries
 * @details This method is used to assist with SIMD auto-vectorization of the
 *          MOC routines in the Solver classes. Rather than using the assigned
 *          number of energy groups, this method adds "dummy" energy groups
 *          such that the total number of groups is some multiple of VEC_LENGTH
 *          (typically 4, 8, or 16). As a result, the SIMD-vectorized Solver
 *          subclasses can break up loops over energy groups in such a way
 *          to "expose" the SIMD nature of the algorithm.
void Material::alignData() {

  /* If the data has already been aligned, do nothing */
  if (_data_aligned)

  if (_num_groups <= 0)
    log_printf(ERROR, "Unable to align Material %d data since the "
               "cross-sections have not yet been set\n", _id);

  _num_vector_groups = (_num_groups / VEC_LENGTH) + 1;

  /* Allocate memory for the new aligned xs data */
  int size = _num_vector_groups * VEC_LENGTH * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);

  /* Allocate word-aligned memory for cross-section data arrays */

  /* The scattering matrix will be the number of vector groups
   * wide (SIMD) and the actual number of groups long since
   * instructions are not SIMD in this dimension */

  size = _num_vector_groups * VEC_LENGTH * _num_vector_groups;
  size *= VEC_LENGTH * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);

  /* Initialize data structures to ones for sigma_t since it is used to
   * divide the source in the solver, and zeroes for everything else */
  size = _num_vector_groups * VEC_LENGTH * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
  for (int i=0; i < _num_vector_groups * VEC_LENGTH; i++) {
    new_sigma_t[i] = 1.0;
    new_sigma_a[i] = 0.0;
    new_sigma_f[i] = 0.0;
    new_nu_sigma_f[i] = 0.0;
    new_chi[i] = 0.0;

  size *= _num_vector_groups * VEC_LENGTH;
  memset(new_sigma_s, 0.0, size);

  /* Copy materials data from unaligned arrays into new aligned arrays */
  size = _num_groups * sizeof(FP_PRECISION);
  memcpy(new_sigma_t, _sigma_t, size);
  memcpy(new_sigma_a, _sigma_a, size);
  memcpy(new_sigma_f, _sigma_f, size);
  memcpy(new_nu_sigma_f, _nu_sigma_f, size);
  memcpy(new_chi, _chi, size);

  for (int e=0; e < _num_groups; e++) {
    memcpy(new_sigma_s, _sigma_s, size);
    new_sigma_s += _num_vector_groups * VEC_LENGTH;
    _sigma_s += _num_groups;

  _sigma_s -= _num_groups * _num_groups;

  /* Reset the new scattering cross section array pointer */
  new_sigma_s -= _num_vector_groups * VEC_LENGTH * _num_groups;

  /* Delete the old unaligned arrays */
  delete [] _sigma_t;
  delete [] _sigma_a;
  delete [] _sigma_f;
  delete [] _nu_sigma_f;
  delete [] _chi;
  delete [] _sigma_s;

  /* Set the material's array pointers to the new aligned arrays */
  _sigma_t = new_sigma_t;
  _sigma_a = new_sigma_a;
  _sigma_f = new_sigma_f;
  _nu_sigma_f = new_nu_sigma_f;
  _chi = new_chi;
  _sigma_s = new_sigma_s;

  _data_aligned = true;
