Beispiel #1
INT_PTR MO_RemoveMenuItem(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
	EnterCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );
	PMO_IntMenuItem pimi = MO_GetIntMenuItem(( HGENMENU )wParam );
	if ( !pimi ) {
		LeaveCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );
		return -1;

	if ( pimi->submenu.first ) {
		MO_RecursiveWalkMenu( pimi->submenu.first, FreeMenuItem, NULL );
		pimi->submenu.first = NULL;

	PMO_IntMenuItem prev = MO_RecursiveWalkMenu( pimi->owner->first, FindParent, pimi );
	if ( prev )
		prev->next = pimi->next;
	if ( pimi->owner->first == pimi )
		pimi->owner->first = pimi->next;
	if ( pimi->owner->last == pimi )
		pimi->owner->last = prev;

	pimi->signature = 0; // invalidate all future calls to that object
	pimi->parent->freeItem( pimi );

	LeaveCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );
	return 0;
	if (!bIsGenMenuInited)
		return NULL;

	TMO_IntMenuItem *pimi = MO_GetIntMenuItem(hMenu);
	mir_cslock lck(csMenuHook);
	return (pimi) ? MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(pimi, FindDefaultItem, NULL) : NULL;
Beispiel #3
PMO_IntMenuItem MO_AddOldNewMenuItem( HANDLE menuobjecthandle, PMO_MenuItem pmi )
	if ( !bIsGenMenuInited || pmi == NULL )
		return NULL;

	int objidx = GetMenuObjbyId( (int)menuobjecthandle );
	if ( objidx == -1 )
		return NULL;

	if ( pmi->cbSize != sizeof( TMO_MenuItem ))
		return NULL;

	if ( pmi->flags & CMIF_ROOTHANDLE )
		return NULL;

	//is item with popup or not
	if ( pmi->root == 0 ) {
		//yes,this without popup
		pmi->root = NULL; //first level
	else { // no,search for needed root and create it if need
		TCHAR* tszRoot;
#if defined( _UNICODE )
		if ( pmi->flags & CMIF_UNICODE )
			tszRoot = mir_tstrdup(TranslateTS(( TCHAR* )pmi->root ));
			tszRoot = LangPackPcharToTchar(( char* )pmi->root );
		tszRoot = mir_tstrdup(TranslateTS(( TCHAR* )pmi->root ));

		PMO_IntMenuItem oldroot = MO_RecursiveWalkMenu( g_menus[objidx]->m_items.first, FindRoot, tszRoot );
		mir_free( tszRoot );

		if ( oldroot == NULL ) {
			//not found,creating root
			TMO_MenuItem tmi = { 0 };
			tmi = *pmi;
			tmi.flags |= CMIF_ROOTHANDLE;
			tmi.ownerdata = 0;
			tmi.root = NULL;
			//copy pszPopupName
			tmi.ptszName = ( TCHAR* )pmi->root;
			if (( oldroot = MO_AddNewMenuItem( menuobjecthandle, &tmi )) != NULL )
				MO_SetOptionsMenuItem( oldroot, OPT_MENUITEMSETUNIQNAME, (INT_PTR)pmi->root );
		pmi->root = oldroot;

		//popup will be created in next commands
	pmi->flags |= CMIF_ROOTHANDLE;
	//add popup(root allready exists)
	return MO_AddNewMenuItem( menuobjecthandle, pmi );
static int GetNextObjectMenuItemId()
	// if menu commands are exausted, pack the menu array
	if (NextObjectMenuItemId >= CLISTMENUIDMAX) {
		NextObjectMenuItemId = CLISTMENUIDMIN;
		for (int i = 0; i < g_menus.getCount(); i++)
			MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(g_menus[i]->m_items.first, PackMenuItems, NULL);

	return NextObjectMenuItemId++;
int RegisterAllIconsInIconLib()
	// register all icons
	for (int mo = 0; mo < g_menus.getCount(); mo++) {
		if (hStatusMenuObject == g_menus[mo]->id) //skip status menu

		MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(g_menus[mo]->m_items.first, MO_RegisterIcon, 0);

	return 0;
Beispiel #6
int OnIconLibChanges(WPARAM, LPARAM)
	EnterCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );
	for ( int mo=0; mo < g_menus.getCount(); mo++ )
		if ( (int)hStatusMenuObject != g_menus[mo]->id ) //skip status menu
			MO_RecursiveWalkMenu( g_menus[mo]->m_items.first, MO_ReloadIcon, 0 );

	LeaveCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );

	return 0;
Beispiel #7
	MO_RecursiveWalkMenu( m_items.first, FreeMenuItem, NULL );

	FreeAndNil(( void** )&FreeService );
	FreeAndNil(( void** )&onAddService );
	FreeAndNil(( void** )&CheckService );
	FreeAndNil(( void** )&ExecService );
	FreeAndNil(( void** )&Name );

MIR_APP_DLL(BOOL) Menu_ProcessCommandById(int command, LPARAM lParam)
	if (!bIsGenMenuInited)
		return -1;

	mir_cslock lck(csMenuHook);
	for (int i = 0; i < g_menus.getCount(); i++)
		if (TMO_IntMenuItem *pimi = MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(g_menus[i]->m_items.first, FindMenuByCommand, &command))
			return Menu_ProcessCommand(pimi, lParam);

	return false;
int OnIconLibChanges(WPARAM, LPARAM)
		mir_cslock lck(csMenuHook);
		for (int mo = 0; mo < g_menus.getCount(); mo++)
			if (hStatusMenuObject != g_menus[mo]->id) //skip status menu
				MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(g_menus[mo]->m_items.first, MO_ReloadIcon, 0);

	return 0;
Beispiel #10
INT_PTR MO_GetDefaultMenuItem(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
	if ( !bIsGenMenuInited )
		return -1;

	PMO_IntMenuItem pimi = MO_GetIntMenuItem(( HGENMENU )wParam);
	EnterCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );
	if ( pimi )
		pimi = MO_RecursiveWalkMenu( pimi, FindDefaultItem, NULL );

	LeaveCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );
	return ( INT_PTR )pimi;
Beispiel #11
MIR_APP_DLL(void) KillModuleMenus(int _hLang)
	if (!bIsGenMenuInited)

	KillMenuItemsParam param(_hLang);

	mir_cslock lck(csMenuHook);
	for (int i = 0; i < g_menus.getCount(); i++)
		MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(g_menus[i]->m_items.first, (pfnWalkFunc)KillMenuItems, &param);

	for (int k = 0; k < param.arItems.getCount(); k++)
Beispiel #12
MIR_APP_DLL(int) Menu_RemoveItem(HGENMENU hMenuItem)
	mir_cslock lck(csMenuHook);
	TMO_IntMenuItem *pimi = MO_GetIntMenuItem(hMenuItem);
	if (pimi == NULL)
		return -1;

	if (pimi->submenu.first) {
		MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(pimi->submenu.first, FreeMenuItem, NULL);
		pimi->submenu.first = NULL;

	TMO_IntMenuItem *prev = MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(pimi->owner->first, FindParent, pimi);
	if (prev)
		prev->next = pimi->next;
	if (pimi->owner->first == pimi)
		pimi->owner->first = pimi->next;
	if (pimi->owner->last == pimi)
		pimi->owner->last = prev;

	pimi->signature = 0; // invalidate all future calls to that object
	return 0;
Beispiel #13
int MO_ProcessCommandBySubMenuIdent(int menuID, int command, LPARAM lParam)
	if (!bIsGenMenuInited)
		return -1;

	TMO_IntMenuItem *pimi;
		mir_cslock lck(csMenuHook);
		TIntMenuObject *pmo = GetMenuObjbyId(menuID);
		if (pmo == NULL)
			return -1;

		pimi = MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(pmo->m_items.first, FindMenuByCommand, &command);

	return (pimi) ? Menu_ProcessCommand(pimi, lParam) : -1;
Beispiel #14
INT_PTR MO_ProcessCommandByMenuIdent(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
	if ( !bIsGenMenuInited )
		return -1;

	EnterCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );

	for ( int i=0; i < g_menus.getCount(); i++ ) {
		PMO_IntMenuItem pimi = MO_RecursiveWalkMenu( g_menus[i]->m_items.first, FindMenuByCommand, ( void* )wParam );
		if ( pimi ) {
			LeaveCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );
			return MO_ProcessCommand( pimi, lParam );
	}	}

	LeaveCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );
	return FALSE;
Beispiel #15
MIR_APP_DLL(HGENMENU) Menu_CreateRoot(int hMenuObject, LPCTSTR ptszName, int position, HANDLE hIcoLib, int _hLang)
	mir_cslock lck(csMenuHook);
	TIntMenuObject *pmo = GetMenuObjbyId(hMenuObject);
	if (pmo == NULL)
		return NULL;

	TMO_IntMenuItem *oldroot = MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(pmo->m_items.first, FindRoot, (void*)ptszName);
	if (oldroot != NULL)
		return oldroot;

	CMenuItem mi;
	mi.flags = CMIF_TCHAR;
	mi.hIcolibItem = hIcoLib;
	mi.hLangpack = _hLang; = (TCHAR*)ptszName;
	mi.position = position;
	return Menu_AddItem(hMenuObject, &mi, NULL);
Beispiel #16
TMO_IntMenuItem* MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(TMO_IntMenuItem *parent, pfnWalkFunc func, void* param)
	if (parent == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	TMO_IntMenuItem *pnext;
	for (TMO_IntMenuItem *pimi = parent; pimi != NULL; pimi = pnext) {
		TMO_IntMenuItem *submenu = pimi->submenu.first;
		pnext = pimi->next;
		if (func(pimi, param)) // it can destroy the menu item
			return pimi;

		if (submenu) {
			TMO_IntMenuItem *res = MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(submenu, func, param);
			if (res)
				return res;

	return FALSE;
Beispiel #17
int MO_ProcessCommandBySubMenuIdent(int menuID, int command, LPARAM lParam)
	if ( !bIsGenMenuInited )
		return -1;

	EnterCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );

	int objidx = GetMenuObjbyId( menuID );
	if ( objidx == -1 ) {
		LeaveCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );
		return -1;

	PMO_IntMenuItem pimi = MO_RecursiveWalkMenu( g_menus[objidx]->m_items.first, FindMenuByCommand, ( void* )command );
	if ( pimi ) {
		LeaveCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );
		return MO_ProcessCommand( pimi, lParam );

	LeaveCriticalSection( &csMenuHook );
	return -1;
Beispiel #18
static INT_PTR AddStatusMenuItem(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

	TMO_MenuItem tmi;
	if (!cli.pfnConvertMenu(mi, &tmi))
		return 0;

	// for new style menus the pszPopupName contains the root menu handle
	PMO_IntMenuItem pRoot = NULL;
	if (mi->flags & CMIF_ROOTHANDLE)
		pRoot = MO_GetIntMenuItem(mi->hParentMenu);

	// for old style menus the pszPopupName really means the popup name
	else {
		MenuProto *mp = FindProtocolMenu(mi->pszContactOwner);
		if (mp && mi->pszPopupName) {
			if (mp->pMenu) {
				TCHAR *ptszName = (mi->flags & CMIF_UNICODE) ? mir_tstrdup(mi->ptszPopupName) : mir_a2t(mi->pszPopupName);
				pRoot = MO_RecursiveWalkMenu(mp->pMenu->submenu.first, FindRoot, ptszName);
			if (pRoot == NULL) {
				TMO_MenuItem tmi = { 0 };
				tmi.cbSize = sizeof(tmi);
				tmi.flags = (mi->flags & CMIF_UNICODE) | CMIF_ROOTHANDLE;
				tmi.position = 1001;
				tmi.root = mp->pMenu;
				tmi.hIcon = NULL;
				tmi.pszName = mi->pszPopupName;
				pRoot = MO_AddNewMenuItem(hStatusMenuObject, &tmi);

			tmi.flags |= CMIF_ROOTHANDLE;
			tmi.root = pRoot;

	if (wParam) {
		int *res = (int*)wParam;
		*res = (int)pRoot;

	// owner data
	StatusMenuExecParam *smep = NULL;
	if (mi->pszService) {
		smep = (StatusMenuExecParam*)mir_calloc(sizeof(StatusMenuExecParam));
		smep->custom = TRUE;
		smep->svc = mir_strdup(mi->pszService);
			char *buf = mir_strdup(mi->pszService);
			int i = 0;
			while (buf[i] != '\0' && buf[i] != '/') i++;
			buf[i] = '\0';
			smep->proto = mir_strdup(buf);
		tmi.ownerdata = smep;

	PMO_IntMenuItem menuHandle = MO_AddNewMenuItem(hStatusMenuObject, &tmi);
	if (smep)
		smep->hMenuItem = menuHandle;

	char buf[MAX_PATH + 64];
	char *p = (pRoot) ? mir_t2a(pRoot->mi.ptszName) : NULL;
	mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%s/%s", (p) ? p : "", mi->pszService ? mi->pszService : "");

	MO_SetOptionsMenuItem(menuHandle, OPT_MENUITEMSETUNIQNAME, (INT_PTR)buf);
	return (INT_PTR)menuHandle;