Beispiel #1
portTASK_FUNCTION(Timer_Task, pvParameters) {
	sec = 3;

	vTaskDelay(MSEC2TICK(3000) );

	while (sec > 0) {
		vTaskDelay(MSEC2TICK(1000) );
Beispiel #2
static void accel_data_report_worker(void *arg)
    struct sensor_accel_info *info;
    struct report_info *rinfo;
    struct report_info_data *rinfo_data;
    struct sensor_event_data *event_data;
    struct timespec ts;
    uint16_t payload_size;

    payload_size = (PRESSURE_READING_NUM * sizeof(struct sensor_event_data))
                    + (REPORTING_SENSORS * sizeof(struct report_info));

    info = arg;
    if (info->callback) {
        rinfo_data = malloc(sizeof(struct report_info_data) + payload_size);
        if (!rinfo_data)
            goto out;
        rinfo_data->num_sensors_reporting = REPORTING_SENSORS;
        rinfo = rinfo_data->reportinfo;
        rinfo->id = info->sensor_id;
        rinfo->flags = 0;
        event_data = (struct sensor_event_data *)&rinfo->data_payload[0];

        rinfo->reference_time = timespec_to_nsec(&ts);
        gb_debug("[%u.%03u]\n", ts.tv_sec, (ts.tv_nsec / 1000000));
         * Batch sensor data values and its time_deltas
         * until max fifo event count
        /* Single sensor event data */
        rinfo->readings = PRESSURE_READING_NUM;
        event_data->time_delta = 0;
        event_data->data_value[0] = data++;
        event_data->data_value[1] = data++;
        event_data->data_value[2] = data++;
        gb_debug("report sensor: %d\n", rinfo->id);
        info->callback(info->sensor_id, rinfo_data, payload_size);



     /* cancel any work and reset ourselves */
    if (!work_available(&info->data_report_work))
        work_cancel(LPWORK, &info->data_report_work);

    /* if not already scheduled, schedule start */
    if (work_available(&info->data_report_work))
        work_queue(LPWORK, &info->data_report_work, accel_data_report_worker, info, MSEC2TICK(1200));
void up_timer_initialize(void)
  uint32_t tctl;

  /* Make sure the timer interrupts are disabled */


  /* Make sure that timer1 is disabled */

  putreg32(0, IMX_TIMER1_TCTL);
  putreg32(0, IMX_TIMER1_TPRER);

  /* Select restart mode with source = PERCLK1. In restart mode, after
   * the compare value is reached, the counter resets to 0x00000000, the
   * compare event (COMP) bit of the timer status register is set, an
   * interrupt is issued if the interrupt request enable (IRQEN) bit of
   * the corresponding TCTL register is set, and the counter resumes
   * counting.

  putreg32(tctl, IMX_TIMER1_TCTL);

  /* The timer is driven by PERCLK1.  Set prescaler for division by one
   * so that the clock is driven at PERCLK1.
   * putreg(0, IMX_TIMER1_TPRER); -- already the case
   * Set the compare register so that the COMP interrupt is generated
   * with a period of USEC_PER_TICK.  The value IMX_PERCLK1_FREQ/1000
   * (defined in board.h) is the number of counts in millisecond, so:


  /* Configure to provide timer COMP interrupts when TCN increments
   * to TCMP.

  putreg32(tctl, IMX_TIMER1_TCTL);

  /* Finally, enable the timer (be be the last operation on TCTL) */

  tctl |= TIMER_TCTL_TEN;
  putreg32(tctl, IMX_TIMER1_TCTL);

  /* Attach and enable the timer interrupt */

  irq_attach(IMX_IRQ_SYSTIMER, (xcpt_t)up_timerisr);
systime_t clock_systimer(void)

  struct timespec ts;

  /* Get the time from the platform specific hardware */


  /* Convert to a 64-bit value in microseconds, then in clock tick units */

  return USEC2TICK(1000000 * (uint64_t)ts.tv_sec + (uint64_t)ts.tv_nsec / 1000);

# else /* CONFIG_SYSTEM_TIME64 */

  struct timespec ts;
  uint64_t tmp;

  /* Get the time from the platform specific hardware */


  /* Convert to a 64- then a 32-bit value */

  tmp = MSEC2TICK(1000 * (uint64_t)ts.tv_sec + (uint64_t)ts.tv_nsec / 1000000);
  return (systime_t)(tmp & 0x00000000ffffffff);

# endif /* CONFIG_SYSTEM_TIME64 */

  irqstate_t flags;
  systime_t sample;

  /* 64-bit accesses are not atomic on most architectures. */

  flags  = irqsave();
  sample = g_system_timer;
  return sample;

# else /* CONFIG_SYSTEM_TIME64 */

  /* Return the current system time */

  return g_system_timer;

# endif /* CONFIG_SYSTEM_TIME64 */
Beispiel #5
int poll(FAR struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout)
  WDOG_ID wdog;
  sem_t sem;
  int count = 0;
  int ret;

  sem_init(&sem, 0, 0);
  ret = poll_setup(fds, nfds, &sem);
  if (ret >= 0)
      if (timeout >= 0)
          /* Wait for the poll event with a timeout.  Note that the
           * millisecond timeout has to be converted to system clock
           * ticks for wd_start

          wdog = wd_create();
          wd_start(wdog,  MSEC2TICK(timeout), poll_timeout, 1, (uint32_t)&sem);
          /* Wait for the poll event with no timeout */


      /* Teardown the poll operation and get the count of events */

      ret = poll_teardown(fds, nfds, &count);


  /* Check for errors */

  if (ret < 0)
      return ERROR;

  return count;
Beispiel #6
/* schedule/cancel longpress event as needed */
static void ara_key_longpress_update(struct ara_key_context *key, bool active)
    irqstate_t flags;

    flags = irqsave();
    if (active) {
	/* if not already scheduled, schedule the longpress event */
        if (work_available(&key->longpress_work))
            work_queue(HPWORK, &key->longpress_work,
		    ara_key_longpress_worker, key,
    } else {
	/* if key is released, cancel any pending longpress events */
        if (!work_available(&key->longpress_work))
            work_cancel(HPWORK, &key->longpress_work);

Beispiel #7
portTASK_FUNCTION(Item_Task, pvParameters ) {
		int i,j;
		u8 itemOnMap;
		portTickType xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
		portTickType rand;
		PA_LoadSpritePal(DOWN_SCREEN, ITEM_PAL, (void*)ITEM_Pal);

				int itemOnMap = FALSE;
				for(i=0; i<MAX_MAP_X_LENGTH; i++)
					for(j=0; j<MAX_MAP_Y_LENGTH; j++)
							itemOnMap = TRUE;

					u8 x;
					u8 y;
						x = xTaskGetTickCount()%MAX_MAP_X_LENGTH;
						y = xTaskGetTickCount()%MAX_MAP_Y_LENGTH;
					}while((map[x][y].state!=MAP_STATE_NULL)|| (x==1) || x==(MAX_MAP_X_LENGTH-2)
							|| (y==1) || y==(MAX_MAP_Y_LENGTH-2));

					map[x][y].state = MAP_STATE_ITEM;
					PA_CreateSprite(DOWN_SCREEN, ITEM,
						  (void*)ITEM_Sprite, OBJ_SIZE_32X16,
						  TRUE, ITEM_PAL, map[x][y].x-8, map[x][y].y);
					rand = xTaskGetTickCount();
					rand = (rand%2)*2; //0 or 2
					PA_StartSpriteAnim(DOWN_SCREEN, ITEM, rand, rand+1, 1);
					map[x][y].itemSpriteNum = ITEM;
			vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastWakeTime, MSEC2TICK(5555));
Beispiel #8
portTASK_FUNCTION(Screen_Task, pvParameters) {
	PA_LoadSpritePal(UP_SCREEN, UPSCR_BODY_PAL, (void*) man_Pal);
	PA_LoadSpritePal(UP_SCREEN, NUM_PAL, (void*) number_Pal);
	PA_LoadSpritePal(UP_SCREEN, WORD_PAL, (void*) word_Pal);

	PA_CreateSprite(UP_SCREEN, WORD, (void*) word_Sprite,
				        OBJ_SIZE_32X32, TRUE, WORD_PAL, 8, 22);
	PA_CreateSprite(UP_SCREEN, WORD+1, (void*) word_Sprite,
					        OBJ_SIZE_32X32, TRUE, WORD_PAL, 40, 22);
	PA_CreateSprite(UP_SCREEN, WORD+2, (void*) number_Sprite,
						        OBJ_SIZE_32X32, TRUE, NUM_PAL, 72, 22);
	PA_CreateSprite(UP_SCREEN, WORD+3, (void*) number_Sprite,
						        OBJ_SIZE_32X32, TRUE, NUM_PAL, 97, 22);

	PA_SetSpriteAnim (UP_SCREEN, WORD, 2);
	PA_SetSpriteAnim (UP_SCREEN, WORD+1, 3);

	PA_CreateSprite(UP_SCREEN, UPSCRBODY, (void*) man_Sprite,
						OBJ_SIZE_16X32, TRUE, UPSCR_BODY_PAL, 12, 52);
	PA_CreateSprite(UP_SCREEN, UPSCRNUM, (void*) number_Sprite,
							OBJ_SIZE_32X32, TRUE, NUM_PAL, 30, 58);
	PA_SetSpriteAnim (UP_SCREEN, UPSCRNUM, 10);
	PA_CreateSprite(UP_SCREEN, UPSCRNUM+1, (void*) number_Sprite,
								OBJ_SIZE_32X32, TRUE, NUM_PAL, 55, 58);
	PA_CreateSprite(UP_SCREEN, UPSCRNUM+2, (void*) number_Sprite,
								OBJ_SIZE_32X32, TRUE, NUM_PAL, 80, 58);
	PA_StartSpriteAnim(UP_SCREEN,UPSCRBODY,8, 10, 3);

	while (1) {
		PA_SetSpriteAnim (UP_SCREEN, UPSCRNUM+1, length/10);
		PA_SetSpriteAnim (UP_SCREEN, UPSCRNUM+2, length%10);
Beispiel #9
// 4*4 key matrix 입력을 6*6 입력으로 바꿈
// 기존의 key scan하는 방식과 동일
portTASK_FUNCTION(Puzzle_Key_Task, pvParameters)
	// Variables
	u8 key, scan = 0;
	u8 key_pressed = FALSE;

	while (1) {
		if (!key_pressed) {

			write_puzzle(0x20 >> scan);
			key = scan * 6;

			switch (read_puzzle()) {
			case 32 : key += 1; break;
			case 16 : key += 2; break;
			case 8 : key += 3; break;
			case 4 : key += 4; break;
			case 2 : key += 5; break;
			case 1 : key += 6; break;
			default : key = 255; break;

			if (scan == 6)
				scan = 0;

			if (key <= 36) {
				key_pressed = TRUE;
				xQueueSend(KeyQueue, &key, 0);

		if (key_pressed && (read_puzzle() == 0))
			key_pressed = FALSE;

Beispiel #10
portTASK_FUNCTION(Unit_Task, pvParameters ) {
	body bd[MAX_BODY_LENGTH];
	int i;
	u8 x = 5;
	u8 y = 5;
	unit.x = 5;
	unit.y = 5;
	u8 pfx;
	u8 pfy;
	u8 pfDirection;
	u8 tempx;
	u8 tempy;
	u8 tempDirection;
	unit.direction = D_DOWN;
	portTickType xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
	PA_LoadSpritePal(DOWN_SCREEN, C_PAL, (void*) C_Pal);
	PA_LoadSpritePal(DOWN_SCREEN, BODY_PAL, (void*) man_Pal);
	PA_CreateSprite(DOWN_SCREEN, C, (void*) C_Sprite, OBJ_SIZE_32X32, TRUE,
			C_PAL,  map[unit.x][unit.y].x-8, map[unit.x][unit.y].y-16);

	while (1) {
		x = unit.x;
		y = unit.y;
		switch (unit.direction) {
		case D_UP:
		case D_DOWN:
		case D_LEFT:
		case D_RIGHT:
		if ((map[x][y].state == MAP_STATE_NULL)
				|| (map[x][y].state == MAP_STATE_ITEM)) {
			pfx = unit.x;
			pfy = unit.y;
			pfDirection = unit.direction;
			if ((map[x][y].state == MAP_STATE_ITEM)) {
				if (length < MAX_BODY_LENGTH) // to max length
				if (length == MAX_BODY_LENGTH)
				map[x][y].state = MAP_STATE_NULL;
				PA_DeleteSprite(DOWN_SCREEN, map[x][y].itemSpriteNum);
				PA_CreateSprite(DOWN_SCREEN, BODY + (length-1), (void*) man_Sprite,
					OBJ_SIZE_16X32, TRUE, BODY_PAL, 0, 0);
			unit.x = x;
			unit.y = y;
			PA_SetSpriteXY(DOWN_SCREEN, C, map[unit.x][unit.y].x - 8,
					map[unit.x][unit.y].y - 16);
			for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
				tempx = bd[i].x;
				tempy = bd[i].y;
				tempDirection = bd[i].direction;
				map[tempx][tempy].state = MAP_STATE_NULL;
				bd[i].x = pfx;
				bd[i].y = pfy;
				map[pfx][pfy].state = MAP_STATE_C_BODY;
				bd[i].direction = pfDirection;
				pfx = tempx;
				pfy = tempy;
				pfDirection = tempDirection;
				PA_SetSpriteXY(DOWN_SCREEN, BODY + i, map[bd[i].x][bd[i].y].x,
					PA_StartSpriteAnim(DOWN_SCREEN, BODY + i, bd[i].direction, bd[i].direction+2, 7);
		if((map[x][y].state == MAP_STATE_WALL) || map[x][y].state == MAP_STATE_C_BODY) //실패
			PA_ResetSpriteSys ();
			PA_ResetBgSysScreen (DOWN_SCREEN);
			PA_LoadBackground(DOWN_SCREEN, 3, &FAILSCREEN);
		if(map[x][y].state == MAP_STATE_EXIT)      //클리어
			PA_ResetSpriteSys ();
			PA_ResetBgSysScreen (DOWN_SCREEN);
			PA_LoadBackground(DOWN_SCREEN, 3, &CLEARSCREEN);
		vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastWakeTime, MSEC2TICK(300-(length*10)) );
Beispiel #11
int sigtimedwait(FAR const sigset_t *set, FAR struct siginfo *info,
                 FAR const struct timespec *timeout)
    FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb = (FAR struct tcb_s*)g_readytorun.head;
    sigset_t intersection;
    FAR sigpendq_t *sigpend;
    irqstate_t saved_state;
    int32_t waitticks;
    int ret = ERROR;

    DEBUGASSERT(rtcb->waitdog == NULL);

    sched_lock();  /* Not necessary */

    /* Several operations must be performed below:  We must determine if any
     * signal is pending and, if not, wait for the signal.  Since signals can
     * be posted from the interrupt level, there is a race condition that
     * can only be eliminated by disabling interrupts!

    saved_state = irqsave();

    /* Check if there is a pending signal corresponding to one of the
     * signals in the pending signal set argument.

    intersection = *set & sig_pendingset(rtcb);
    if (intersection != NULL_SIGNAL_SET)
        /* One or more of the signals in intersections is sufficient to cause
         * us to not wait.  Pick the lowest numbered signal and mark it not
         * pending.

        sigpend = sig_removependingsignal(rtcb, sig_lowest(&intersection));

        /* Return the signal info to the caller if so requested */

        if (info)
            memcpy(info, &sigpend->info, sizeof(struct siginfo));

        /* Then dispose of the pending signal structure properly */


        /* The return value is the number of the signal that awakened us */

        ret = sigpend->info.si_signo;

    /* We will have to wait for a signal to be posted to this task. */

        /* Save the set of pending signals to wait for */

        rtcb->sigwaitmask = *set;

        /* Check if we should wait for the timeout */

        if (timeout)
            /* Convert the timespec to system clock ticks, making sure that
             * the resulting delay is greater than or equal to the requested
             * time in nanoseconds.

            uint64_t waitticks64 = ((uint64_t)timeout->tv_sec * NSEC_PER_SEC +
                                    (uint64_t)timeout->tv_nsec + NSEC_PER_TICK - 1) /
            DEBUGASSERT(waitticks64 <= UINT32_MAX);
            waitticks = (uint32_t)waitticks64;
            uint32_t waitmsec;

            DEBUGASSERT(timeout->tv_sec < UINT32_MAX / MSEC_PER_SEC);
            waitmsec = timeout->tv_sec * MSEC_PER_SEC +
                       (timeout->tv_nsec + NSEC_PER_MSEC - 1) / NSEC_PER_MSEC;
            waitticks = MSEC2TICK(waitmsec);

            /* Create a watchdog */

            rtcb->waitdog = wd_create();

            if (rtcb->waitdog)
                /* This little bit of nonsense is necessary for some
                 * processors where sizeof(pointer) < sizeof(uint32_t).
                 * see wdog.h.

                wdparm_t wdparm;
                wdparm.pvarg = (FAR void *)rtcb;

                /* Start the watchdog */

                wd_start(rtcb->waitdog, waitticks, (wdentry_t)sig_timeout, 1,

                /* Now wait for either the signal or the watchdog */

                up_block_task(rtcb, TSTATE_WAIT_SIG);

                /* We no longer need the watchdog */

                rtcb->waitdog = NULL;

            /* REVISIT: And do what if there are no watchdog timers?  The wait
             * will fail and we will return something bogus.

        /* No timeout, just wait */

            /* And wait until one of the unblocked signals is posted */

            up_block_task(rtcb, TSTATE_WAIT_SIG);

        /* We are running again, clear the sigwaitmask */

        rtcb->sigwaitmask = NULL_SIGNAL_SET;

        /* When we awaken, the cause will be in the TCB.  Get the signal number
         * or timeout) that awakened us.

        if (GOOD_SIGNO(rtcb->sigunbinfo.si_signo))
            /* We were awakened by a signal... but is it one of the signals that
             * we were waiting for?

            if (sigismember(set, rtcb->sigunbinfo.si_signo))
                /* Yes.. the return value is the number of the signal that
                 * awakened us.

                ret = rtcb->sigunbinfo.si_signo;
                /* No... then set EINTR and report an error */

                ret = ERROR;
            /* Otherwise, we must have been awakened by the timeout.  Set EGAIN
             * and return an error.

            DEBUGASSERT(rtcb->sigunbinfo.si_signo == SIG_WAIT_TIMEOUT);
            ret = ERROR;

        /* Return the signal info to the caller if so requested */

        if (info)
            memcpy(info, &rtcb->sigunbinfo, sizeof(struct siginfo));


    return ret;
void up_unblock_task(struct tcb_s *tcb)
  struct tcb_s *rtcb = (struct tcb_s*)g_readytorun.head;

  /* Verify that the context switch can be performed */

  ASSERT((tcb->task_state >= FIRST_BLOCKED_STATE) &&
         (tcb->task_state <= LAST_BLOCKED_STATE));

  /* Remove the task from the blocked task list */


  /* Reset its timeslice.  This is only meaningful for round
   * robin tasks but it doesn't here to do it for everything

  tcb->timeslice = MSEC2TICK(CONFIG_RR_INTERVAL);

  /* Add the task in the correct location in the prioritized
   * g_readytorun task list

  if (sched_addreadytorun(tcb))
      /* The currently active task has changed! We need to do
       * a context switch to the new task.
       * Are we in an interrupt handler?

      if (current_regs)
          /* Yes, then we have to do things differently.
           * Just copy the current_regs into the OLD rtcb.


          /* Restore the exception context of the rtcb at the (new) head
           * of the g_readytorun task list.

          rtcb = (struct tcb_s*)g_readytorun.head;

          /* Then switch contexts.  Any necessary address environment
           * changes will be made when the interrupt returns.


      /* No, then we will need to perform the user context switch */

          /* Restore the exception context of the new task that is ready to
           * run (probably tcb).  This is the new rtcb at the head of the
           * g_readytorun task list.

          struct tcb_s *nexttcb = (struct tcb_s*)g_readytorun.head;

         /* Make sure that the address environment for the previously
          * running task is closed down gracefully (data caches dump,
          * MMU flushed) and set up the address environment for the new
          * thread at the head of the ready-to-run list.

          /* Then switch contexts */

          up_switchcontext(rtcb->xcp.regs, nexttcb->xcp.regs);

          /* up_switchcontext forces a context switch to the task at the
           * head of the ready-to-run list.  It does not 'return' in the
           * normal sense.  When it does return, it is because the blocked
           * task is again ready to run and has execution priority.
void up_unblock_task(struct tcb_s *tcb)
  struct tcb_s *rtcb = (struct tcb_s*)g_readytorun.head;

  /* Verify that the context switch can be performed */

  ASSERT((tcb->task_state >= FIRST_BLOCKED_STATE) &&
         (tcb->task_state <= LAST_BLOCKED_STATE));

  /* Remove the task from the blocked task list */


  /* Reset its timeslice.  This is only meaningful for round
   * robin tasks but it doesn't here to do it for everything

  tcb->timeslice = MSEC2TICK(CONFIG_RR_INTERVAL);

  /* Add the task in the correct location in the prioritized
   * g_readytorun task list

  if (sched_addreadytorun(tcb))
      /* The currently active task has changed! We need to do
       * a context switch to the new task.
       * Are we in an interrupt handler?

      if (current_regs)
          /* Yes, then we have to do things differently.
           * Just copy the current_regs into the OLD rtcb.


          /* Restore the exception context of the rtcb at the (new) head
           * of the g_readytorun task list.

          rtcb = (struct tcb_s*)g_readytorun.head;

          /* Then switch contexts */


         /* Make sure that the address environment for the previously
          * running task is closed down gracefully (data caches dump,
          * MMU flushed) and set up the address environment for the new
          * thread at the head of the ready-to-run list.


      /* We are not in an interrupt handler.  Copy the user C context
       * into the TCB of the task that was previously active.  if
       * up_saveusercontext returns a non-zero value, then this is really the
       * previously running task restarting!

      else if (!up_saveusercontext(rtcb->xcp.regs))
          /* Restore the exception context of the new task that is ready to
           * run (probably tcb).  This is the new rtcb at the head of the
           * g_readytorun task list.

          rtcb = (struct tcb_s*)g_readytorun.head;

         /* Make sure that the address environment for the previously
          * running task is closed down gracefully (data caches dump,
          * MMU flushed) and set up the address environment for the new
          * thread at the head of the ready-to-run list.

          /* Then switch contexts */

Beispiel #14
portTASK_FUNCTION(Key_Task, pvParameters) {
	vTaskDelay(MSEC2TICK(1000000) );
void up_unblock_task(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb)
  FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb = (FAR struct tcb_s*)g_readytorun.head;

  /* Verify that the context switch can be performed */

  ASSERT((tcb->task_state >= FIRST_BLOCKED_STATE) &&
         (tcb->task_state <= LAST_BLOCKED_STATE));

  /* dbg("Unblocking TCB=%p\n", tcb); */

  /* Remove the task from the blocked task list */


  /* Reset its timeslice.  This is only meaningful for round
   * robin tasks but it doesn't here to do it for everything

  tcb->timeslice = MSEC2TICK(CONFIG_RR_INTERVAL);

  /* Add the task in the correct location in the prioritized
   * g_readytorun task list

  if (sched_addreadytorun(tcb))
      /* The currently active task has changed! We need to do
       * a context switch to the new task.
       * Are we in an interrupt handler?

      if (IN_INTERRUPT)
          /* Yes, then we have to do things differently.
           * Just copy the current context into the OLD rtcb.


          /* Restore the exception context of the rtcb at the (new) head
           * of the g_readytorun task list.

          rtcb = (FAR struct tcb_s*)g_readytorun.head;
          /* dbg("New Active Task TCB=%p\n", rtcb); */

          /* Then setup so that the context will be performed on exit
           * from the interrupt.


      /* We are not in an interrupt handler.  Copy the user C context
       * into the TCB of the task that was previously active.  if
       * SAVE_USERCONTEXT returns a non-zero value, then this is really the
       * previously running task restarting!

      else if (!SAVE_USERCONTEXT(rtcb))
          /* Restore the exception context of the new task that is ready to
           * run (probably tcb).  This is the new rtcb at the head of the
           * g_readytorun task list.

          rtcb = (FAR struct tcb_s*)g_readytorun.head;
          /* dbg("New Active Task TCB=%p\n", rtcb); */

          /* Then switch contexts */

int pthread_create(FAR pthread_t *thread, FAR const pthread_attr_t *attr,
                   pthread_startroutine_t start_routine, pthread_addr_t arg)
  FAR struct pthread_tcb_s *ptcb;
  FAR struct join_s *pjoin;
  struct sched_param param;
  int policy;
  int errcode;
  pid_t pid;
  int ret;
  bool group_joined = false;

  /* If attributes were not supplied, use the default attributes */

  if (!attr)
      attr = &g_default_pthread_attr;

  /* Allocate a TCB for the new task. */

  ptcb = (FAR struct pthread_tcb_s *)kmm_zalloc(sizeof(struct pthread_tcb_s));
  if (!ptcb)
      sdbg("ERROR: Failed to allocate TCB\n");
      return ENOMEM;

  /* Bind the parent's group to the new TCB (we have not yet joined the
   * group).

  ret = group_bind(ptcb);
  if (ret < 0)
      errcode = ENOMEM;
      goto errout_with_tcb;

  /* Share the address environment of the parent task group. */

  ret = up_addrenv_attach(ptcb->,
                          (FAR struct tcb_s *)g_readytorun.head);
  if (ret < 0)
      errcode = -ret;
      goto errout_with_tcb;

  /* Allocate a detachable structure to support pthread_join logic */

  pjoin = (FAR struct join_s *)kmm_zalloc(sizeof(struct join_s));
  if (!pjoin)
      sdbg("ERROR: Failed to allocate join\n");
      errcode = ENOMEM;
      goto errout_with_tcb;

  /* Allocate the stack for the TCB */

  ret = up_create_stack((FAR struct tcb_s *)ptcb, attr->stacksize,
  if (ret != OK)
      errcode = ENOMEM;
      goto errout_with_join;

  /* Should we use the priority and scheduler specified in the pthread
   * attributes?  Or should we use the current thread's priority and
   * scheduler?

  if (attr->inheritsched == PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED)
      /* Get the priority (and any other scheduling parameters) for this
       * thread.

      ret = sched_getparam(0, &param);
      if (ret == ERROR)
          errcode = get_errno();
          goto errout_with_join;

      /* Get the scheduler policy for this thread */

      policy = sched_getscheduler(0);
      if (policy == ERROR)
          errcode = get_errno();
          goto errout_with_join;
      /* Use the scheduler policy and policy the attributes */

      policy                             = attr->policy;
      param.sched_priority               = attr->priority;

      param.sched_ss_low_priority        = attr->low_priority;
      param.sched_ss_max_repl            = attr->max_repl;
      param.sched_ss_repl_period.tv_sec  = attr->repl_period.tv_sec;
      param.sched_ss_repl_period.tv_nsec = attr->repl_period.tv_nsec;
      param.sched_ss_init_budget.tv_sec  = attr->budget.tv_sec;
      param.sched_ss_init_budget.tv_nsec = attr->budget.tv_nsec;

  if (policy == SCHED_SPORADIC)
      FAR struct sporadic_s *sporadic;
      int repl_ticks;
      int budget_ticks;

      /* Convert timespec values to system clock ticks */

      (void)clock_time2ticks(&param.sched_ss_repl_period, &repl_ticks);
      (void)clock_time2ticks(&param.sched_ss_init_budget, &budget_ticks);

      /* The replenishment period must be greater than or equal to the
       * budget period.

      if (repl_ticks < budget_ticks)
          errcode = EINVAL;
          goto errout_with_join;

      /* Initialize the sporadic policy */

      ret = sched_sporadic_initialize(&ptcb->cmn);
      if (ret >= 0)
          sporadic               = ptcb->cmn.sporadic;
          DEBUGASSERT(sporadic != NULL);

          /* Save the sporadic scheduling parameters */

          sporadic->hi_priority  = param.sched_priority;
          sporadic->low_priority = param.sched_ss_low_priority;
          sporadic->max_repl     = param.sched_ss_max_repl;
          sporadic->repl_period  = repl_ticks;
          sporadic->budget       = budget_ticks;

          /* And start the first replenishment interval */

          ret = sched_sporadic_start(&ptcb->cmn);

      /* Handle any failures */

      if (ret < 0)
          errcode = -ret;
          goto errout_with_join;

  /* Initialize the task control block */

  ret = pthread_schedsetup(ptcb, param.sched_priority, pthread_start,
  if (ret != OK)
      errcode = EBUSY;
      goto errout_with_join;

  /* Configure the TCB for a pthread receiving on parameter
   * passed by value

  pthread_argsetup(ptcb, arg);

  /* Join the parent's task group */

  ret = group_join(ptcb);
  if (ret < 0)
      errcode = ENOMEM;
      goto errout_with_join;

  group_joined = true;

  /* Attach the join info to the TCB. */

  ptcb->joininfo = (FAR void *)pjoin;

  /* Set the appropriate scheduling policy in the TCB */

  ptcb->cmn.flags &= ~TCB_FLAG_POLICY_MASK;
  switch (policy)
      case SCHED_FIFO:
        ptcb->cmn.flags    |= TCB_FLAG_SCHED_FIFO;

      case SCHED_RR:
        ptcb->cmn.flags    |= TCB_FLAG_SCHED_RR;
        ptcb->cmn.timeslice = MSEC2TICK(CONFIG_RR_INTERVAL);

      case SCHED_SPORADIC:
        ptcb->cmn.flags    |= TCB_FLAG_SCHED_SPORADIC;

#if 0 /* Not supported */
      case SCHED_OTHER:
        ptcb->cmn.flags    |= TCB_FLAG_SCHED_OTHER;

  /* Get the assigned pid before we start the task (who knows what
   * could happen to ptcb after this!).  Copy this ID into the join structure
   * as well.

  pid = (int)ptcb->;
  pjoin->thread = (pthread_t)pid;

  /* Initialize the semaphores in the join structure to zero. */

  ret = sem_init(&pjoin->data_sem, 0, 0);
  if (ret == OK)
      ret = sem_init(&pjoin->exit_sem, 0, 0);

  /* Activate the task */

  if (ret == OK)
      ret = task_activate((FAR struct tcb_s *)ptcb);

  if (ret == OK)
      /* Wait for the task to actually get running and to register
       * its join structure.


      /* Return the thread information to the caller */

      if (thread)
         *thread = (pthread_t)pid;

      if (!pjoin->started)
          ret = EINVAL;

      dq_rem((FAR dq_entry_t *)ptcb, (FAR dq_queue_t *)&g_inactivetasks);

      errcode = EIO;
      goto errout_with_join;

  return ret;

  ptcb->joininfo = NULL;

  /* Clear group binding */

  if (ptcb && !group_joined)
      ptcb-> = NULL;

  sched_releasetcb((FAR struct tcb_s *)ptcb, TCB_FLAG_TTYPE_PTHREAD);
  return errcode;
Beispiel #17
static int ft80x_fade(FAR struct ft80x_dev_s *priv,
                      FAR const struct ft80x_fade_s *fade)
  systime_t start;
  systime_t elapsed;
  int32_t delay;
  int32_t duty;
  int16_t endduty;
  int16_t delta;

  /* 0% corresponds to the value 0, but 100% corresponds to the value 128 */

  endduty = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)fade->duty << 7) / 100;

  /* Get the change in duty from the current to the terminal duty. */

  duty  = (int32_t)(ft80x_read_byte(priv, FT80X_REG_PWM_DUTY) & 0x7f);
  delta = endduty - (int16_t)duty;

  /* The "smoothness" of the steps will depend on the resolution of the
   * system timer.  The minimum delay is <= 2 * system_clock_period.
   * We will try for a FADE_STEP_MSEC delay, but we will try to adapt to
   * whatever we get is we are working close the system time resolution.
   * For human factors reasons, any delay less than 100 MS or so should
   * appear more or less smooth.
   * The delay calculation should never overflow:
   *   Max delay:        16,700 msec (MAX_FADE_DELAY)
   *   Min clock period: 1 usec
   *   Max delay:        16,700,000 ticks
   *   INT32_MAX         2,147,483,647

  delay = MSEC2TICK((int32_t)fade->delay);
  if (delay <= 0)
      delay = 1;

  start = clock_systimer();

      /* Wait for FADE_STEP_MSEC msec (or whatever we get) */

      (void)nxsig_usleep(FADE_STEP_MSEC * 1000);

      /* Get the elapsed time */

      elapsed = clock_systimer() - start;
      if (elapsed > INT32_MAX || (int32_t)elapsed >= delay)
          duty = endduty;
          /* Interpolate to get the next PWM duty in the fade.  This
           * calculation should never overflow:
           *   Max delta:       128
           *   Max elapsed:     16,700,000 ticks
           *   Max numerator:   2,137,600,000
           *   Min denominator: 1
           *   Max duty:        2,137,600,000
           *   INT32_MAX        2,147,483,647

          duty += ((int32_t)delta * (int32_t)elapsed) / delay;
          if (duty > 128)
              duty = 128;
          else if (duty < 0)
              duty = 0;

      /* The set the new backlight PWM duty */

      ft80x_write_byte(priv, FT80X_REG_PWM_DUTY, (uint8_t)duty);
  while (duty != endduty);

  return OK;
Beispiel #18
int sched_setscheduler(pid_t pid, int policy,
                       const struct sched_param *param)
  FAR struct tcb_s *tcb;
  irqstate_t saved_state;
  int ret;

  /* Check for supported scheduling policy */

  if (policy != SCHED_FIFO && policy != SCHED_RR)
  if (policy != SCHED_FIFO)
      return ERROR;

  /* Check if the task to modify the calling task */

  if (pid == 0 )
      pid = getpid();

  /* Verify that the pid corresponds to a real task */

  tcb = sched_gettcb(pid);
  if (!tcb)
      return ERROR;

  /* Prohibit any context switches while we muck with priority and scheduler
   * settings.


  /* Further, disable timer interrupts while we set up scheduling policy. */

  saved_state = irqsave();
  if (policy == SCHED_RR)
      /* Set round robin scheduling */

      tcb->flags    |= TCB_FLAG_ROUND_ROBIN;
      tcb->timeslice = MSEC2TICK(CONFIG_RR_INTERVAL);
      /* Set FIFO scheduling */

      tcb->flags    &= ~TCB_FLAG_ROUND_ROBIN;
      tcb->timeslice = 0;


  /* Set the new priority */

  ret = sched_reprioritize(tcb, param->sched_priority);

  if (ret != OK)
      return ERROR;
      return OK;
Beispiel #19
int sched_unlock(void)
  FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb = (FAR struct tcb_s *)g_readytorun.head;

  /* Check for some special cases:  (1) rtcb may be NULL only during
   * early boot-up phases, and (2) sched_unlock() should have no
   * effect if called from the interrupt level.

  if (rtcb && !up_interrupt_context())
      /* Prevent context switches throughout the following */

      irqstate_t flags = irqsave();

      /* Decrement the preemption lock counter */

      if (rtcb->lockcount)

      /* Check if the lock counter has decremented to zero.  If so,
       * then pre-emption has been re-enabled.

      if (rtcb->lockcount <= 0)
          rtcb->lockcount = 0;

          /* Release any ready-to-run tasks that have collected in
           * g_pendingtasks.

          if (g_pendingtasks.head)

          /* If (1) the task that was running supported round-robin
           * scheduling and (2) if its time slice has already expired, but
           * (3) it could not slice out because pre-emption was disabled,
           * then we need to swap the task out now and reassess the interval
           * timer for the next time slice.

          if ((rtcb->flags & TCB_FLAG_POLICY_MASK) == TCB_FLAG_SCHED_RR &&
              rtcb->timeslice == 0)
              /* Yes.. that is the situation.  But one more thing.  The call
               * to up_release_pending() above may have actually replaced
               * the task at the head of the read-to-run list.  In that case,
               * we need only to reset the timeslice value back to the
               * maximum.

              if (rtcb != (FAR struct tcb_s *)g_readytorun.head)
                  rtcb->timeslice = MSEC2TICK(CONFIG_RR_INTERVAL);

          /* If (1) the task that was running supported sporadic scheduling
           * and (2) if its budget slice has already expired, but (3) it
           * could not slice out because pre-emption was disabled, then we
           * need to swap the task out now and reassess the interval timer
           * for the next time slice.

          if ((rtcb->flags & TCB_FLAG_POLICY_MASK) == TCB_FLAG_SCHED_SPORADIC &&
              rtcb->timeslice < 0)
              /* Yes.. that is the situation.  Force the low-priority state
               * now


              /* Make sure that the call to up_release_pending() did not
               * change the currently active task.

              if (rtcb == (FAR struct tcb_s *)g_readytorun.head)


  return OK;
uint32_t sched_roundrobin_process(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb, uint32_t ticks,
                                  bool noswitches)
  uint32_t ret;
  int decr;

  /* How much can we decrement the timeslice delay?  If 'ticks' is greater
   * than the timeslice value, then we ignore any excess amount.
   * 'ticks' should never be greater than the remaining timeslice.  We try
   * to handle that gracefully but it would be an error in the scheduling
   * if there ever were the case.

  DEBUGASSERT(tcb != NULL && ticks <= tcb->timeslice);
  decr = MIN(tcb->timeslice, ticks);

  /* Decrement the timeslice counter */

  tcb->timeslice -= decr;

  /* Did decrementing the timeslice counter cause the timeslice to expire?
   * If the task has pre-emption disabled. Then we will let the timeslice
   * count go negative as a indication of this situation.

  ret = tcb->timeslice;
  if (tcb->timeslice <= 0 && tcb->lockcount == 0)
      /* We will also suppress context switches if we were called via one
       * of the unusual cases handled by sched_timer_reasses().  In that
       * case, we will return a value of one so that the timer will expire
       * as soon as possible and we can perform this action in the normal
       * timer expiration context.
       * This is kind of kludge, but I am not to concerned because I hope
       * that the situation is impossible or at least could only occur on
       * rare corner-cases.

      if (noswitches)
          ret = 1;
          /* Reset the timeslice. */

          tcb->timeslice = MSEC2TICK(CONFIG_RR_INTERVAL);
          ret = tcb->timeslice;

          /* We know we are at the head of the ready to run prioritized
           * list.  We must be the highest priority task eligible for
           * execution.  Check the next task in the ready to run list.  If
           * it is the same priority, then we need to relinquish the CPU and
           * give that task a shot.

          if (tcb->flink &&
              tcb->flink->sched_priority >= tcb->sched_priority)
              /* Just resetting the task priority to its current value.
               * This this will cause the task to be rescheduled behind any
               * other tasks at the same priority.

              up_reprioritize_rtr(tcb, tcb->sched_priority);

  return ret;