* AT_response_check
* Checks for the expected response in our ring buffer.  This is a destructive
* read from the ring buffer - once read, the data is gone.
int AtModem_response_check(unsigned int checkTime, char *needle, char *termStr)
    char linebuffer[100];
    char * lineptr = linebuffer;
    unsigned char fullLine = 0;
    int result = -1;
    unsigned char line_length = 0;
    unsigned long startTime = MSTimerGet();

    // a '0' in checkTime means read a long time
    if (!checkTime)
        checkTime = 0xFFFF;

    // keep checking until we either get the response we want or until
    // checkTime is elapsed
    while ((AT_REPLY_OK != result) && ((MSTimerGet() - startTime) < checkTime))
        line_length = AtModem_ReadLine(&fullLine, checkTime, lineptr, sizeof(linebuffer) - (lineptr - linebuffer), termStr);

        //check if we read a full line...
        if (fullLine)
            line_length += lineptr - linebuffer;
            if (strnloc(linebuffer,needle,line_length))
                result = AT_REPLY_OK;
            else //if we didn't find the response, but have a line...
                if (strnloc(linebuffer,"ERROR",line_length)) // check for errors
                    result = AT_REPLY_ERROR;
                    if (strnloc(linebuffer,"OK",line_length)) // check for ?? some edge case???
                        result = AT_REPLY_SGACT_NOT_SET;
            //since we did not get AT_REPLY_OK yet, we continue to read the next line
            lineptr = linebuffer;
            line_length = 0;
        if ((lineptr + line_length - linebuffer) <= sizeof(linebuffer))
            lineptr += line_length;                                                           // move lineptr in case we need to read again to get a full line
            break;  //we can't read any more

    //linebuffer[line_length] = 0;
    //WriteUILine(linebuffer, LCD_AT_LINE);

    return result;
 * Routine:  EEPROM_Write
 * Description:
 *      Write EEPROM 
 * Inputs:
 *      uint16_t    add,
        char *  pBuff
 * Outputs:
void EEPROM_WriteStr(uint16_t addr, char *pdata)
    /* Declare error flag */
    uint8_t send[256];
    I2C_Request r;
    uint16_t len = 2;

    send[0] = addr & 0xFF00;
    send[1] = addr & 0x00FF;

    while (*pdata != '\0')
      send[len] = (uint8_t)*pdata;

    uint32_t timeout = MSTimerGet();

    r.iAddr = EEPROM_ADDR>>1;
    r.iSpeed = 100; /* kHz */
    r.iWriteData = send;
    r.iWriteLength = len;
    r.iReadData = 0;
    r.iReadLength = 0;

    I2C_Write(&r, 0);
    while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < 10))
 * Routine:  Temperature_Get
 * Description:
 *      Read the value of the ADT7420 and return the temperature in Celcius.
 * Inputs:
 *      void
 * Outputs:
 *      uint16_t -- temperature with 4 bits of fraction and 12 bits of
 *          integer.
uint16_t Temperature_Get(void)
    uint8_t target_reg;
    uint8_t target_data[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
    uint16_t temp = 0;
    uint32_t timeout = MSTimerGet();
    I2C_Request r;

    r.iAddr = ADT7420_ADDR>>1;
    r.iSpeed = 100;
    r.iWriteData = &target_reg;
    r.iWriteLength = 1;
    r.iReadData = target_data;
    r.iReadLength = 2;
    I2C_Write(&r, 0);
    while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < 10))
    I2C_Read(&r, 0);
    while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < 10))

    /* Convert the device measurement into a decimal number and insert
     into a temporary string to be displayed */
    temp = (target_data[0] << 8) + target_data[1];
    // temp = temp >> 3;

    return temp;
 * Routine:  EEPROM_Seq_Read
 * Description:
 *      Read the value of the address and return the data .
 * Inputs:
 *      void
 * Outputs:
 *      uint16_t -- temperature with 4 bits of fraction and 12 bits of
 *          integer.
int16_t EEPROM_Seq_Read(uint16_t addr,uint8_t *pdata, uint16_t r_lenth)
    uint8_t target_address[2];
    uint32_t timeout = MSTimerGet();
    I2C_Request r;
    int16_t result = 0;

    target_address[0] = addr & 0xFF00;
    target_address[1] = addr & 0x00FF;     

    r.iAddr = EEPROM_ADDR >> 1;
    r.iSpeed = 100;
    r.iWriteData = target_address;
    r.iWriteLength = 2;
    r.iReadData = pdata;
    r.iReadLength = r_lenth;
    I2C_Write(&r, 0);
    while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < 10))
    I2C_Read(&r, 0);
    while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < 10))

    result = 1;

    return result;
*  UART_ReadBufferLine
*  \param  buffer: character buffer to tx; len: size of buffer;
*  \return failure: -1; success: bytes rx'd
*  \brief  Reads characters out of the UART buffer into the caller buffer until
*          the buffer size is hit.  Returns number of bytes
*          read into buffer. Populates fullLine with a '1' if a full line was
*          read.
int AtModem_ReadLineTimeOut(unsigned int checkTime,
                            char *buffer,
                            unsigned int bufSize)
    char * lineptr = buffer;
    char * maxptr = buffer + bufSize;
    uint32_t startTime = MSTimerGet();

    while (MSTimerDelta(startTime)< checkTime)
        while (UART0_ReceiveByte((unsigned char *)lineptr))
            if ((lineptr + 1) > maxptr) // too many bytes to read into our line!
                return lineptr - buffer;

    //if we read a partial line, but timed out, we still return how many
    //bytes we read just in case the caller wants to try to assemble the line
    return lineptr - buffer;
 * Routine:  Accelerometer_Get
 * Description:
 *      Read the value of the ADT7420 and return the LightSensor in Lux.
 * Inputs:
 *      void
 * Outputs:
 *      uint16_t -- LightSensor with 4 bits of fraction and 12 bits of
 *          integer.
int16_t *Accelerometer_Get(void)
    uint8_t target_reg, acc_axis;
    uint8_t target_data[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
    uint32_t timeout = MSTimerGet();
    I2C_Request r;
    for(acc_axis=0; acc_axis<3; acc_axis++)
      target_reg = acc_reg_addr[acc_axis];
      r.iAddr = ACCEL_ADDR>>1;
      r.iSpeed = 100;
      r.iWriteData = &target_reg;
      r.iWriteLength = 1;
      r.iReadData = target_data;
      r.iReadLength = 2;
      I2C_Write(&r, 0);
      while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < 10))
      I2C_Read(&r, 0);
      while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < 10))
      /* Convert the device measurement into a decimal number and insert
       into a temporary string to be displayed */
      gAccData[acc_axis] = (target_data[1] << 8) + target_data[0]; 
    return gAccData;
Beispiel #7
 * Routine:  MSTimerDelay
 * Description:
 *      Routine to idle and delay a given number of milliseconds doing
 *      nothing.
 * Inputs:
 *      uint32_t ms -- Number of milliseconds to delay
 * Outputs:
 *      void
void MSTimerDelay(uint32_t ms)
    uint32_t start = MSTimerGet();

    while (MSTimerDelta(start) < ms) {
 * Outline      : EEPROM_Read
 * Description  : This function writes the given contents to the
 *                 EEPROM, at the given location.
 * Argument     : offset -- Offset byte from start of EEPROM
 *                aData -- Pointer to bytes to write to EEPROM
 *                aSize -- number of bytes to write to EEPROM
 * Return value : 0 = success, else failure
uint8_t EEPROM_Read(uint16_t offset, uint8_t *aData, uint16_t aSize)
    uint8_t writeData[2];
    uint32_t timeout = MSTimerGet();
    I2C_Request r;

    writeData[0] = (uint8_t)offset<<8;
    writeData[1] = (uint8_t)offset;
    r.iAddr = EEPROM_ADDR>>1;
    r.iSpeed = 100;
    r.iWriteData = writeData;
    r.iWriteLength = 2;
    r.iReadData = aData;
    r.iReadLength = aSize;
    I2C_Write(&r, 0);
    while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < EEPROM_TIMEOUT))
    I2C_Read(&r, 0);
    while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < EEPROM_TIMEOUT))

    return 0;
void TestGainSpan_ATCommands(void)
    bool send = true;
    const uint8_t match[] = "AT\r\r\nOK\r\n\n\r\n";
    uint8_t in[sizeof(match)];
    uint8_t pos;
    uint8_t c;
    uint32_t start;

    DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE2, "GS ATCmd");

    /* Reset the connection by flushing any waiting data */
    start = MSTimerGet();
    while (MSTimerDelta(start) < 500) {
        if (GainSpan_SPI_ReceiveByte(SPI_WIFI_CHANNEL, &c)) {
            start = MSTimerGet();

    start = MSTimerGet();
    while (1) {
        /* Infitine loop */
        if (send) {
            /* Do AT commands as fast as possible. */
            GainSpan_SPI_SendData("AT\r\n", 4);
            send = false;
            pos = 0;
            start += 10;
        if (GainSpan_SPI_ReceiveByte(SPI_WIFI_CHANNEL, &c)) {
            if (c != GAINSPAN_SPI_CHAR_IDLE) {
                in[pos++] = c;
                if (pos == (sizeof(match) - 1)) {
                    if (memcmp(match, in, sizeof(match) - 1) != 0) {

                    send = true;
// continously flushes the buffer for mSecs milli seconds
void flushUart0RxBuffer(uint8_t mSecs)
    uint8_t dummy;
    while( MSTimerGet() <= mSecs)
 *  @brief  Wait until we receive ack from master ble module
 *  After sending SPI message to master ble we should wait
 *  for acknowledge or timeout.
 *  @return True if ack received
static bool Sensors_Cfg_WaitAck(){
	unsigned long long timeout;

	timeout = MSTimerGet();

	while (sensors_ack_rcv == false)
		if (MSTimerDelta(timeout) > CFG_PASSKEY_WRITE_TIMEOUT)
			return false;

	return sensors_ack_rcv;
Beispiel #12
@brief Sends periodic temperature using TCP client connection
static void gs_example_send_tcp_client_data(){
  static uint8_t temperatureStr[] = TCP_CLIENT_DATA_STR;
  // Check for a valid connection and timer interval
  if(tcpClientCID != GS_API_INVALID_CID && MSTimerDelta(tcpClientSentTime) > TCP_CLIENT_SEND_INTERVAL ){
    // Format string with temperature
    sprintf((char*)temperatureStr, TCP_CLIENT_DATA_STR, GS_Example_GetTemperature());
    // Try to send the temperature string
    if(!GS_API_SendTcpData(tcpClientCID, temperatureStr, sizeof(TCP_CLIENT_DATA_STR) - 1)){
      // Sending failed, disable this connection ID
      tcpClientCID = GS_API_INVALID_CID;
      GS_API_Printf("Send TCP Data failed");
    // Reset sending interval
    tcpClientSentTime = MSTimerGet();
// Flush the modems buffer
void AtModem_FlushBuffer()
    char linebuffer[200];
    unsigned char fullLine = 1;
    unsigned char line_length = 0;

    unsigned long startTime = MSTimerGet();

    AtModem_Write((unsigned char *)"\r", 1);
    while (fullLine)
        line_length = AtModem_ReadLine( &fullLine,
                                        linebuffer + line_length,
                                        sizeof(linebuffer) - line_length,
 * Routine:  LightSensor_Init
 * Description:
 *      Initialize the LightSensor driver.
 * Inputs:
 *      void
 * Outputs:
 *      void
void LightSensor_Init(void)
    /* Declare error flag */
    uint8_t cmd[2] = { LIGHTSENSOR_CMD, 0x00 };
    I2C_Request r;
    uint32_t timeout = MSTimerGet();

    r.iAddr = LIGHTSENSOR_ADDR>>1;
    r.iSpeed = 100; /* kHz */
    r.iWriteData = cmd;
    r.iWriteLength = 2;
    r.iReadData = 0;
    r.iReadLength = 0;

    I2C_Write(&r, 0);
    while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < 10))
 * Routine:  Temperature_Init
 * Description:
 *      Initialize the temperature ADT7420 driver.
 * Inputs:
 *      void
 * Outputs:
 *      void
void Temperature_Init(void)
    /* Declare error flag */
    uint8_t cmd[2] = { ADT7420_CONFIG_REG, 0x00 };
    I2C_Request r;
    uint32_t timeout = MSTimerGet();

    r.iAddr = ADT7420_ADDR>>1;
    r.iSpeed = 100; /* kHz */
    r.iWriteData = cmd;
    r.iWriteLength = 2;
    r.iReadData = 0;
    r.iReadLength = 0;

    I2C_Write(&r, 0);
    while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < 10))
*  @brief  Saves current message into first empty slot in buffer
*  Finds first empty slot in message buffer and saves message.
*  Sets starting state of the message.
*  Returns message buffer index as message handler.
*  @param  MQTT message struct
*  @param  Desired message state
*  @return Message handler, 255 if buffer is full
static unsigned char MQTT_Msg_StoreMessage(MQTT_User_Message_t* MyMessage, MQTT_Msg_State_t state){
	unsigned char count = 255;

	// find first empty message slot in buffer
	for (count = 0; count < MQTT_API_MSG_BUFFER; count ++)
		if (MQTT_Api_Messages[count].MQTT_MsgState == MQTT_MSG_STATE_EMPTY)

	if (count == MQTT_API_MSG_BUFFER)
		return 255;           // error no more space for messages

	// save message
	MQTT_Api_Messages[count].MQTT_MsgState 	  = state;
	memcpy((void *) &MQTT_Api_Messages[count].MQTT_MyMessage, (const void *) MyMessage, sizeof(MQTT_User_Message_t));
	MQTT_Api_Messages[count].TimeOfLastAction = MSTimerGet();

	return count;
 * Outline      : EEPROM_Write
 * Description  : This function writes the given contents to the
 *                 EEPROM, at the given location.
 * Argument     : offset -- Offset byte from start of EEPROM
 *                aData -- Pointer to bytes to write to EEPROM
 *                aSize -- number of bytes to write to EEPROM
 * Return value : 0 = success, else failure
uint8_t EEPROM_Write(uint16_t offset, uint8_t *aData, uint16_t aSize)
    I2C_Request r;
    uint32_t timeout = MSTimerGet();
    uint8_t writeData[EEPROM_BYTES_PER_WRITE+2];
    uint16_t i, j, bytesToWrite;

    r.iAddr = EEPROM_ADDR>>1;
    r.iSpeed = 100; /* kHz */
    // Write Data in groups of size defined by EEPROM_BYTES_PER_WRITE
    for(i=0; i<aSize; i+=EEPROM_BYTES_PER_WRITE) {
        // Data Address in the EEPROM to write to
        writeData[0] = (uint8_t)(i + offset)<<8;
        writeData[1] = (uint8_t)(i + offset);
        for(j=0; j<EEPROM_BYTES_PER_WRITE; j++) {
            writeData[2+j] = aData[i+j];
        if((aSize - i) < EEPROM_BYTES_PER_WRITE)
            bytesToWrite = aSize - i;
            bytesToWrite = EEPROM_BYTES_PER_WRITE;
        r.iWriteData = writeData;
        r.iWriteLength = 2+bytesToWrite;
        r.iReadData = 0;
        r.iReadLength = 0;
        I2C_Write(&r, 0);
        MSTimerDelay(10); // Part requires a 5ms to process a data write
        while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < EEPROM_TIMEOUT))
    return 0;
 * Routine:  Accelerometer_Init
 * Description:
 *      Initialize the Accelerometer driver.
 * Inputs:
 *      void
 * Outputs:
 *      void
void Accelerometer_Init(void)
    I2C_Request r;
    uint32_t timeout;  uint8_t acc_config_cnt;
    for(acc_config_cnt=0; acc_config_cnt<3; acc_config_cnt++)
      timeout = MSTimerGet();
      pTxData = (uint8_t *)acc_config[acc_config_cnt];
      r.iAddr = ACCEL_ADDR>>1;
      r.iSpeed = 100; /* kHz */
      r.iWriteData = pTxData;
      r.iWriteLength = 2;
      r.iReadData = 0;
      r.iReadLength = 0;
      I2C_Write(&r, 0);
      while ((I2C_IsBusy()) && (MSTimerDelta(timeout) < 10))
Beispiel #19
 * Routine:  MSTimerDelta
 * Description:
 *      Calculate the current number of milliseconds expired since a given
 *      start timer value.
 * Inputs:
 *      uint32_t start -- Timer value at start of delta.
 * Outputs:
 *      uint32_t -- Millisecond counter since given timer value.
uint32_t MSTimerDelta(uint32_t start)
    return MSTimerGet() - start;
*  @brief  Set time of last action to detect in progress timeout.
*  @return void
static void MQTT_Msg_SetLastTimeMsgInProgress(){
	MQTT_MsgProcessBusy.LastAction = MSTimerGet();
Beispiel #21
int  main(void)
    char LCDString[30], temp_char[2]; uint16_t temp; float ftemp;

    /************************initializa LCD module********************************/

    /* Default app mode */
    AppMode = GAINSPAN_DEMO;
    /* If the CIK is exist, auto into the Exosite mode */
    /* Determine if SW1 & SW3 is pressed at power up to enter programming mode */
    if (Switch1IsPressed() && Switch3IsPressed()) {
         AppMode = PROGRAM_MODE;
    else if(Switch3IsPressed() && Switch2IsPressed())
         AppMode = EXOSITE_ERASE;
    else if(Switch1IsPressed())
        AppMode = RUN_EXOSITE;
    else if(Switch2IsPressed())
        AppMode = RUN_PROVISIONING;
    else if(Switch3IsPressed())
        AppMode = RUN_OVER_AIR_DOWNLOAD;
    if(AppMode == GAINSPAN_DEMO) {
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, "RL78G14 RDK    V2.0");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, "   Wi-Fi & Cloud   ");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE5, "     demos by:     ");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE6, "Gainspan           ");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "Exosite            ");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE8, "Future Designs, Inc");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, "Demo Modes:        ");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE2, "-RST no key:       ");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, "   GS Web Server   ");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, "-RST + SW1:        ");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE5, "   Exosite Cloud   ");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE6, "-RST + SW2:        ");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "   AP Provisioning ");
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE8, "-RST + SW3: OTA    ");
          AppMode = RUN_EXOSITE;
    DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, "Starting..."); 
   /* Setup LCD SPI channel for Chip Select P10, active low, active per byte  */
    SPI_ChannelSetup(GAINSPAN_SPI_CHANNEL, false, true);

    PM15 &= ~(1 << 2);
    P15 &= ~(1 << 2);
    if(AppMode == PROGRAM_MODE) {
    else if (AppMode == RUN_EXOSITE)
        DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, " CLOUD DEMO ");
    else if(AppMode == RUN_PROVISIONING)
     else if(AppMode == RUN_OVER_AIR_DOWNLOAD)
    else if (AppMode == EXOSITE_ERASE)
       DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, "EEPROM ERASING ... ");
       Exosite_Init("renesas", "rl78g14", IF_WIFI, 1);
       DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE3, "                   ");
       DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE4, "Please reset device");
       // UART2_Start(GAINSPAN_UART_BAUD);
       // sprintf(LCDString, "RDK Demo %s", VERSION_TEXT);
       // DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE1, (const uint8_t *)LCDString);
        /* Before doing any tests or apps, startup the module */
        /* and nonvolatile stettings */
        // Now connect to the system
       //  App_PassThroughSPI();
         /******************Start Processing Sensor data******************/
         uint32_t start = MSTimerGet();  uint8_t c;
          // if (GainSpan_SPI_ReceiveByte(GAINSPAN_SPI_CHANNEL, &c)) 
           if(App_Read(&c, 1, 0)) 
        /* Timeout? */
           if (MSTimerDelta(start) >= 100)     // every 100 ms, read sensor data
                case UPDATE_TEMPERATURE:         
                // Temperature sensor reading
                  temp = Temperature_Get();
#if 0                 
                   // Get the temperature and show it on the LCD
                  temp_char[0] = (int16_t)temp / 16;
                  temp_char[1] = (int16_t)((temp & 0x000F) * 10) / 16;
                  temp_char[1] = (temp & 0xFF00)>>8;
                  temp_char[0] = temp & 0xFF;
                  ftemp = *(uint16_t *)temp_char;
                  gTemp_F = ((ftemp/5)*9)/128 + 22;
                  // Display the contents of lcd_buffer onto the debug LCD 
                  //sprintf((char *)LCDString, "TEMP: %d.%d C", temp_char[0], temp_char[1]);
                  sprintf((char *)LCDString, "TEMP: %.1fF", gTemp_F);
                  DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE6, (const uint8_t *)LCDString);  
                  state = UPDATE_LIGHT;
                case UPDATE_LIGHT:
                 // Light sensor reading
                  gAmbientLight = LightSensor_Get();
                    // Display the contents of lcd_buffer onto the debug LCD 
                  sprintf((char *)LCDString, "Light: %d ", gAmbientLight);
                  DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, (const uint8_t *)LCDString);
                  state = UPDATE_ACCELEROMETER;
                case UPDATE_ACCELEROMETER: 
                 // 3-axis accelerometer reading
                  sprintf((char *)LCDString, "x%2d y%2d z%2d", gAccData[0], gAccData[1], gAccData[2]);
                  DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE8, (const uint8_t *)LCDString); 
                  state = UPDATE_TEMPERATURE;
              start = MSTimerGet();
void App_TCPClientDemo(void)
    static char content[512];
    uint8_t cid = 0;
    static int16_t G_adc_int[2] = { 0, 0 };
    static char G_temp_int[2] = { 0, 0 };
    uint8_t remoteTcpSrvIp[20];
    bool connected = false; // when connected to TCP server this is true
    uint32_t time = MSTimerGet();
    ATLIBGS_TCPMessage msg;
    ATLIBGS_NetworkStatus networkStatus;

    sprintf((char*)remoteTcpSrvIp, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
    while (1) {
        if (!AtLibGs_IsNodeAssociated()) {
            connected = false;
        } else if (!connected) {
            DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "Connecting");
            // Start a TCP client
            rxMsgId = AtLibGs_TCPClientStart((char *)remoteTcpSrvIp,
                    TCP_DEMO_REMOTE_TCP_SRVR_PORT, &cid);
            if (rxMsgId != ATLIBGS_MSG_ID_OK) {
                DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "No Connect!");
                DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "");
            if (cid == ATLIBGS_INVALID_CID) {
                DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "No CID!");
                DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "");
            DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "");
            connected = true;
        } else {
            App_TemperatureReadingUpdate(G_temp_int, true);
            App_PotentiometerUpdate(G_adc_int, true);

            // Look to see if there is a message
            if ((G_receivedCount) || (AtLibGs_WaitForTCPMessage(250)
                    == ATLIBGS_MSG_ID_DATA_RX)) {
                // Got data!  Its sitting in G_received, but in a <CID> <data> format
                // We need to send it back
                AtLibGs_ParseTCPData(G_received, G_receivedCount, &msg);

                // Prepare for the next batch of incoming data

                // Copy the data out of the receive message (its sitting in G_recieved)
                memcpy(content, msg.message, msg.numBytes);

                // Now send this back over the TCP/IP connection
                rxMsgId = AtLibGs_SendTCPData(cid, (uint8_t *)content,
                if (rxMsgId != ATLIBGS_MSG_ID_OK) {
                    DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, " Send Fail!");
                    DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "");
            } else if (MSTimerDelta(time) >= TCP_DEMO_UPDATE_INTERVAL) {
                time = MSTimerGet();
                // send temp and ADC to last received TCP client every X seconds

                DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, " Sending");
                sprintf(content, "Temp: %d.%d, Pot: %d.%d%%\r\n", G_temp_int[0],
                        G_temp_int[1], G_adc_int[0], G_adc_int[1]);
                // send data to server
                rxMsgId = AtLibGs_SendTCPData(cid, (uint8_t *)content, strlen(
                if (rxMsgId != ATLIBGS_MSG_ID_OK) {
                    DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, " Send Fail!");
                    DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "");
                    connected = false;
                } // end if
                DisplayLCD(LCD_LINE7, "");
            } // end else if
        } // end else
    } // end while
*  AtModem_GetMeid
*  \param  buffer: character buffer to for MEID;
*  \return failure: 0; success: 1
*  \brief  Reads characters out of the UART buffer into the caller buffer until
*          a CRLF is found or the buffer size is hit.  Returns number of bytes
*          read into buffer. Populates fullLine with a '1' if a full line was
*          read.
uint8_t Novatel_GetMeid(char *buffer)
    char linebuffer[200];
    unsigned char fullLine = 1;
    unsigned char line_length = 0;
    unsigned char total_bytes = 0;
    uint8_t returnVal = 0;
    unsigned long startTime = MSTimerGet();

    AtModem_Write((unsigned char *)"AT+CGSN\r", 8);        //at+cgsn


    while (fullLine)
        line_length = AtModem_ReadLine( &fullLine,
                                        2000, linebuffer + line_length,
                                        sizeof(linebuffer) - line_length,
        total_bytes += line_length;

    // parsing this response assumes that the meid starts after the third
    // occurance of \n, begins with the ascii char 'x', and is terminated with
    // a ':' char
    uint8_t meidFound = 0;
    uint8_t delimeterCnt = 0;

    for (int i = 0; (i < total_bytes) & (!meidFound); i++)
        // Find third occurance of \n
        if  (linebuffer[i] == '\n')

        // MEID starts at third occurance
        if (delimeterCnt == 3)
            meidFound = 1;

            uint8_t meidCopied = 0;

            // advance i past '\n' and 'x'
            i += 2;
            // copy string until ':' found
            for (int j = 0; (j < (total_bytes - i)) & (!meidCopied); j++)

                buffer[j] = linebuffer[i + j];

                // check if next char is ':'
                if (linebuffer[i + j + 1] == ':')
                    meidCopied = 1;

                    // add null terminator
                    buffer[j + 1] = '\0';
                    returnVal = 1;


    return returnVal;
*  @brief  Updates time of last action performed
*  Used to determine timeouts for each message and action.
*  @param  Message handler
*  @return void
static void MQTT_Msg_UpdateLastActionTime(unsigned char handler){
	MQTT_Api_Messages[handler].TimeOfLastAction = MSTimerGet();