Beispiel #1
/* Free the storage associated with a window object */
void MTestFreeWin(MPI_Win * win)
    void *addr;
    int flag, merr;

    merr = MPI_Win_get_attr(*win, MPI_WIN_BASE, &addr, &flag);
    if (merr)
    if (!flag) {
        MTestError("Could not get WIN_BASE from window");
    if (addr) {
        void *val;
        merr = MPI_Win_get_attr(*win, mem_keyval, &val, &flag);
        if (merr)
        if (flag) {
            if (val == (void *) 1) {
            else if (val == (void *) 2) {
                merr = MPI_Free_mem(addr);
                if (merr)
            /* if val == (void *)0, then static data that must not be freed */
    merr = MPI_Win_free(win);
    if (merr)
Beispiel #2
  Finalize MTest.  errs is the number of errors on the calling process;
  this routine will write the total number of errors over all of MPI_COMM_WORLD
  to the process with rank zero, or " No Errors".
  It does *not* finalize MPI.
void MTest_Finalize(int errs)
    int rank, toterrs, merr;

    merr = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    if (merr)

    merr = MPI_Reduce(&errs, &toterrs, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if (merr)
    if (rank == 0) {
        if (toterrs) {
            printf(" Found %d errors\n", toterrs);
        else {
            printf(" No Errors\n");

    if (usageOutput)

    /* Clean up any persistent objects that we allocated */
Beispiel #3
 * Setup contiguous type info and handlers.
 * A contiguous datatype is created by using following parameters (stride is unused).
 * nblock:   Number of blocks.
 * blocklen: Number of elements in each block. The total number of elements in
 *           this datatype is set as (nblock * blocklen).
 * lb:       Lower bound of the new datatype (ignored).
 * oldtype:  Datatype of element.
static int MTestTypeContiguousCreate(MPI_Aint nblock, MPI_Aint blocklen, MPI_Aint stride,
                                     MPI_Aint lb, MPI_Datatype oldtype, const char *typename_prefix,
                                     MTestDatatype * mtype)
    int merr = 0;
    char type_name[128];


    merr = MPI_Type_size(oldtype, &mtype->basesize);
    if (merr)

    mtype->nblock = nblock;
    mtype->blksize = blocklen * mtype->basesize;

    merr = MPI_Type_contiguous(nblock * blocklen, oldtype, &mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)
    merr = MPI_Type_commit(&mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)

    memset(type_name, 0, sizeof(type_name));
    sprintf(type_name, "%s %s (%ld count)", typename_prefix, "contiguous", nblock * blocklen);
    merr = MPI_Type_set_name(mtype->datatype, (char *) type_name);
    if (merr)

    mtype->InitBuf = MTestTypeContigInit;
    mtype->FreeBuf = MTestTypeFree;
    mtype->CheckBuf = MTestTypeContigCheckbuf;
    return merr;
Beispiel #4
 * Setup struct type info and handlers.
 * A struct datatype is created by using following parameters.
 * nblock:   Number of blocks.
 * blocklen: Number of elements in each block. Each block has the same length.
 * stride:   Strided number of elements between two adjacent blocks. The byte
 *           displacement of each block is set as (index of current block * stride * size of oldtype).
 * lb:       Lower bound of the new datatype.
 * oldtype:  Datatype of element. Each block has the same oldtype.
static int MTestTypeStructCreate(MPI_Aint nblock, MPI_Aint blocklen, MPI_Aint stride, MPI_Aint lb,
                                 MPI_Datatype oldtype, const char *typename_prefix,
                                 MTestDatatype * mtype)
    int merr;
    char type_name[128];
    int i;


    merr = MPI_Type_size(oldtype, &mtype->basesize);
    if (merr)

    mtype->old_datatypes = (MPI_Datatype *) malloc(nblock * sizeof(MPI_Datatype));
    mtype->displ_in_bytes = (MPI_Aint *) malloc(nblock * sizeof(MPI_Aint));
    mtype->index = (int *) malloc(nblock * sizeof(int));
    if (!mtype->displ_in_bytes || !mtype->old_datatypes) {
        char errmsg[128] = { 0 };
        sprintf(errmsg, "Out of memory in %s", __FUNCTION__);

    mtype->nblock = nblock;
    mtype->blksize = blocklen * mtype->basesize;
    for (i = 0; i < nblock; i++) {
        mtype->displ_in_bytes[i] = (lb + stride * i) * mtype->basesize;
        mtype->old_datatypes[i] = oldtype;
        mtype->index[i] = blocklen;

    /* Struct uses displacement in bytes */
    merr = MPI_Type_create_struct(nblock, mtype->index, mtype->displ_in_bytes,
                                  mtype->old_datatypes, &mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)
    merr = MPI_Type_commit(&mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)

    memset(type_name, 0, sizeof(type_name));
    sprintf(type_name, "%s %s (%ld nblock %ld blocklen %ld stride %ld lb)", typename_prefix,
            "struct", nblock, blocklen, stride, lb);
    merr = MPI_Type_set_name(mtype->datatype, (char *) type_name);
    if (merr)

    /* Reuse indexed functions, because they use the same displ_in_bytes and index */
    mtype->InitBuf = MTestTypeIndexedInit;
    mtype->FreeBuf = MTestTypeFree;
    mtype->CheckBuf = MTestTypeIndexedCheckbuf;

    return merr;
Beispiel #5
 * Setup indexed-block type info and handlers.
 * A indexed-block datatype is created by using following parameters.
 * nblock:   Number of blocks.
 * blocklen: Number of elements in each block.
 * stride:   Strided number of elements between two adjacent blocks. The
 *           displacement of each block is set as (index of current block * stride).
 * lb:       Lower bound of the new datatype.
 * oldtype:  Datatype of element.
static int MTestTypeIndexedBlockCreate(MPI_Aint nblock, MPI_Aint blocklen, MPI_Aint stride,
                                       MPI_Aint lb, MPI_Datatype oldtype,
                                       const char *typename_prefix, MTestDatatype * mtype)
    int merr;
    char type_name[128];
    int i;


    merr = MPI_Type_size(oldtype, &mtype->basesize);
    if (merr)

    mtype->displs = (int *) malloc(nblock * sizeof(int));
    mtype->displ_in_bytes = (MPI_Aint *) malloc(nblock * sizeof(MPI_Aint));
    if (!mtype->displs || !mtype->displ_in_bytes) {
        char errmsg[128] = { 0 };
        sprintf(errmsg, "Out of memory in %s", __FUNCTION__);

    mtype->nblock = nblock;
    mtype->blksize = blocklen * mtype->basesize;
    for (i = 0; i < nblock; i++) {
        mtype->displs[i] = lb + stride * i;
        mtype->displ_in_bytes[i] = (lb + stride * i) * mtype->basesize;

    /* Indexed-block uses displacement in oldtypes */
    merr = MPI_Type_create_indexed_block(nblock, blocklen, mtype->displs,
                                         oldtype, &mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)
    merr = MPI_Type_commit(&mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)

    memset(type_name, 0, sizeof(type_name));
    sprintf(type_name, "%s %s (%ld nblock %ld blocklen %ld stride %ld lb)", typename_prefix,
            "index_block", nblock, blocklen, stride, lb);
    merr = MPI_Type_set_name(mtype->datatype, (char *) type_name);
    if (merr)

    mtype->InitBuf = MTestTypeIndexedBlockInit;
    mtype->FreeBuf = MTestTypeFree;
    mtype->CheckBuf = MTestTypeIndexedBlockCheckbuf;

    return merr;
Beispiel #6
 * Setup order-Fortran subarray type info and handlers.
 * A 2D-subarray datatype specified with order Fortran and located in the right
 * bottom of the full array is created by using input parameters.
 * Number of elements in the dimensions of the full array: {stride, nblock + lb}
 * Number of elements in the dimensions of the subarray: {blocklen, nblock}
 * Starting of the subarray in each dimension: {stride - blocklen, lb}
 * oldtype: oldtype
static int MTestTypeSubArrayOrderFortranCreate(MPI_Aint nblock, MPI_Aint blocklen, MPI_Aint stride,
                                               MPI_Aint lb, MPI_Datatype oldtype,
                                               const char *typename_prefix, MTestDatatype * mtype)
    int merr;
    char type_name[128];


    merr = MPI_Type_size(oldtype, &mtype->basesize);
    if (merr)

    /* use the same row and col as that of order-c subarray for buffer
     * initialization and check because we access buffer in order-c */
    mtype->arr_sizes[0] = nblock + lb;  /* {row, col} */
    mtype->arr_sizes[1] = stride;
    mtype->arr_subsizes[0] = nblock;    /* {row, col} */
    mtype->arr_subsizes[1] = blocklen;
    mtype->arr_starts[0] = lb;  /* {row, col} */
    mtype->arr_starts[1] = stride - blocklen;
    mtype->order = MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN;

    /* reverse row and col when create datatype so that we can get the same
     * packed data on the other side in order to reuse the contig check function */
    int arr_sizes[2] = { mtype->arr_sizes[1], mtype->arr_sizes[0] };
    int arr_subsizes[2] = { mtype->arr_subsizes[1], mtype->arr_subsizes[0] };
    int arr_starts[2] = { mtype->arr_starts[1], mtype->arr_starts[0] };

    merr = MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, arr_sizes, arr_subsizes, arr_starts,
                                    mtype->order, oldtype, &mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)
    merr = MPI_Type_commit(&mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)

    memset(type_name, 0, sizeof(type_name));
    sprintf(type_name, "%s %s (full{%d,%d}, sub{%d,%d},start{%d,%d})",
            typename_prefix, "subarray-f", arr_sizes[0], arr_sizes[1],
            arr_subsizes[0], arr_subsizes[1], arr_starts[0], arr_starts[1]);
    merr = MPI_Type_set_name(mtype->datatype, (char *) type_name);
    if (merr)

    mtype->InitBuf = MTestTypeSubarrayInit;
    mtype->FreeBuf = MTestTypeFree;
    mtype->CheckBuf = MTestTypeSubarrayCheckbuf;

    return merr;
Beispiel #7
 * Setup contiguous buffers of n copies of a datatype.  Initialize for
 * reception (e.g., set initial data to detect failure)
static void *MTestTypeContigInitRecv( MTestDatatype *mtype )
    MPI_Aint size;
    int      merr;

    if (mtype->count > 0) {
	signed char *p;
	int  i, totsize;
	merr = MPI_Type_extent( mtype->datatype, &size );
	if (merr) MTestPrintError( merr );
	totsize = size * mtype->count;
	if (!mtype->buf) {
	    mtype->buf = (void *) malloc( totsize );
	p = (signed char *)(mtype->buf);
	if (!p) {
	    /* Error - out of memory */
	    MTestError( "Out of memory in type buffer init" );
	for (i=0; i<totsize; i++) {
	    p[i] = 0xff;
    else {
	if (mtype->buf) {
	    free( mtype->buf );
	mtype->buf = 0;
    return mtype->buf;
Beispiel #8
static int MTestTypeContigCheckbuf( MTestDatatype *mtype )
    unsigned char *p;
    unsigned char expected;
    int  i, totsize, err = 0, merr;
    MPI_Aint size;

    p = (unsigned char *)mtype->buf;
    if (p) {
	merr = MPI_Type_extent( mtype->datatype, &size );
	if (merr) MTestPrintError( merr );
	totsize = size * mtype->count;
	for (i=0; i<totsize; i++) {
	    expected = (0xff ^ (i & 0xff));
	    if (p[i] != expected) {
		if (mtype->printErrors && err < 10) {
		    printf( "Data expected = %x but got p[%d] = %x\n",
			    expected, i, p[i] );
		    fflush( stdout );
    return err;
Beispiel #9
 * Setup indexed buffers for 1 copy of a datatype.  Initialize for
 * reception (e.g., set initial data to detect failure)
static void *MTestTypeIndexedInitRecv( MTestDatatype *mtype )
    MPI_Aint totsize;
    int      merr;

    if (mtype->count > 1) {
	MTestError( "This datatype is supported only for a single count" );
    if (mtype->count == 1) {
	signed char *p;
	int  i;
	merr = MPI_Type_extent( mtype->datatype, &totsize );
	if (merr) MTestPrintError( merr );
	if (!mtype->buf) {
	    mtype->buf = (void *) malloc( totsize );
	p = (signed char *)(mtype->buf);
	if (!p) {
	    /* Error - out of memory */
	    MTestError( "Out of memory in type buffer init\n" );
	for (i=0; i<totsize; i++) {
	    p[i] = 0xff;
    else {
	/* count == 0 */
	if (mtype->buf) {
	    free( mtype->buf );
	mtype->buf = 0;
    return mtype->buf;
Beispiel #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int errs = 0, err;
    int j, count;
    char *ap;

    MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);

    for (count = 1; count < 128000; count *= 2) {

        err = MPI_Alloc_mem(count, MPI_INFO_NULL, &ap);
        if (err) {
            int errclass;
            /* An error of  MPI_ERR_NO_MEM is allowed */
            MPI_Error_class(err, &errclass);
            if (errclass != MPI_ERR_NO_MEM) {

        } else {
            /* Access all of this memory */
            for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                ap[j] = (char) (j & 0x7f);

    return MTestReturnValue(errs);
Beispiel #11
 * Initialize buffer of basic datatype
static void *MTestTypeContigInit(MTestDatatype * mtype)
    MPI_Aint extent = 0, lb = 0, size;
    int merr;

    if (mtype->count > 0) {
        unsigned char *p;
        MPI_Aint i, totsize;
        merr = MPI_Type_get_extent(mtype->datatype, &lb, &extent);
        if (merr)

        size = extent + lb;
        totsize = size * mtype->count;
        if (!mtype->buf) {
            mtype->buf = (void *) malloc(totsize);
        p = (unsigned char *) (mtype->buf);
        if (!p) {
            char errmsg[128] = { 0 };
            sprintf(errmsg, "Out of memory in %s", __FUNCTION__);
        for (i = 0; i < totsize; i++) {
            p[i] = (unsigned char) (0xff ^ (i & 0xff));
    else {
        if (mtype->buf) {
        mtype->buf = 0;
    return mtype->buf;
Beispiel #12
int CheckMPIErr(int err)
    int rc = 0;
    if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        rc = 1;
    return rc;
Beispiel #13
/* Free a communicator.  It may be called with a predefined communicator
void MTestFreeComm(MPI_Comm * comm)
    int merr;
    if (*comm != MPI_COMM_WORLD && *comm != MPI_COMM_SELF && *comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) {
        merr = MPI_Comm_free(comm);
        if (merr)
Beispiel #14
 * Initialize buffer of indexed-block datatype
static void *MTestTypeIndexedBlockInit(MTestDatatype * mtype)
    MPI_Aint extent = 0, lb = 0, size, totsize, offset, dt_offset;
    int merr;

    if (mtype->count > 0) {
        unsigned char *p;
        MPI_Aint k, j;
        int i, nc;

        /* Allocate the send/recv buffer */
        merr = MPI_Type_get_extent(mtype->datatype, &lb, &extent);
        if (merr)
        size = extent + lb;
        totsize = size * mtype->count;

        if (!mtype->buf) {
            mtype->buf = (void *) malloc(totsize);
        p = (unsigned char *) (mtype->buf);
        if (!p) {
            char errmsg[128] = { 0 };
            sprintf(errmsg, "Out of memory in %s", __FUNCTION__);

        /* First, set to -1 */
        for (k = 0; k < totsize; k++)
            p[k] = 0xff;

        /* Now, set the actual elements to the successive values.
         * We require that the base type is a contiguous type */
        nc = 0;
        dt_offset = 0;
        /* For each datatype */
        for (k = 0; k < mtype->count; k++) {
            /* For each block */
            for (i = 0; i < mtype->nblock; i++) {
                offset = dt_offset + mtype->displ_in_bytes[i];
                /* For each byte in the block */
                for (j = 0; j < mtype->blksize; j++) {
                    p[offset + j] = (unsigned char) (0xff ^ (nc++ & 0xff));
            dt_offset += size;
    else {
        /* count == 0 */
        if (mtype->buf) {
        mtype->buf = 0;
    return mtype->buf;
Beispiel #15
 * Setup order-C subarray type info and handlers.
 * A 2D-subarray datatype specified with order C and located in the right-bottom
 * of the full array is created by using input parameters.
 * Number of elements in the dimensions of the full array: {nblock + lb, stride}
 * Number of elements in the dimensions of the subarray: {nblock, blocklen}
 * Starting of the subarray in each dimension: {1, stride - blocklen}
 * order: MPI_ORDER_C
 * oldtype: oldtype
static int MTestTypeSubArrayOrderCCreate(MPI_Aint nblock, MPI_Aint blocklen, MPI_Aint stride,
                                         MPI_Aint lb, MPI_Datatype oldtype,
                                         const char *typename_prefix, MTestDatatype * mtype)
    int merr;
    char type_name[128];


    merr = MPI_Type_size(oldtype, &mtype->basesize);
    if (merr)

    mtype->arr_sizes[0] = nblock + lb;  /* {row, col} */
    mtype->arr_sizes[1] = stride;
    mtype->arr_subsizes[0] = nblock;    /* {row, col} */
    mtype->arr_subsizes[1] = blocklen;
    mtype->arr_starts[0] = lb;  /* {row, col} */
    mtype->arr_starts[1] = stride - blocklen;
    mtype->order = MPI_ORDER_C;

    merr = MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, mtype->arr_sizes, mtype->arr_subsizes, mtype->arr_starts,
                                    mtype->order, oldtype, &mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)
    merr = MPI_Type_commit(&mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)

    memset(type_name, 0, sizeof(type_name));
    sprintf(type_name, "%s %s (full{%d,%d}, sub{%d,%d},start{%d,%d})",
            typename_prefix, "subarray-c", mtype->arr_sizes[0], mtype->arr_sizes[1],
            mtype->arr_subsizes[0], mtype->arr_subsizes[1], mtype->arr_starts[0],
    merr = MPI_Type_set_name(mtype->datatype, (char *) type_name);
    if (merr)

    mtype->InitBuf = MTestTypeSubarrayInit;
    mtype->FreeBuf = MTestTypeFree;
    mtype->CheckBuf = MTestTypeSubarrayCheckbuf;

    return merr;
Beispiel #16
 * Check value of received subarray datatype buffer
static int MTestTypeSubarrayCheckbuf(MTestDatatype * mtype)
    unsigned char *p;
    unsigned char expected;
    int err = 0, merr;
    MPI_Aint size, offset, dt_offset, byte_offset, lb = 0, extent = 0;

    p = (unsigned char *) mtype->buf;
    if (p) {
        MPI_Aint k;
        int j, b, i, nc;
        merr = MPI_Type_get_extent(mtype->datatype, &lb, &extent);
        if (merr)

        size = lb + extent;

        int ncol, sub_ncol, sub_nrow, sub_col_start, sub_row_start;
        ncol = mtype->arr_sizes[1];
        sub_nrow = mtype->arr_subsizes[0];
        sub_ncol = mtype->arr_subsizes[1];
        sub_row_start = mtype->arr_starts[0];
        sub_col_start = mtype->arr_starts[1];

        nc = 0;
        dt_offset = 0;
        /* For each datatype */
        for (k = 0; k < mtype->count; k++) {
            /* For each row */
            for (i = 0; i < sub_nrow; i++) {
                offset = (sub_row_start + i) * ncol + sub_col_start;
                /* For each element in row */
                for (j = 0; j < sub_ncol; j++) {
                    byte_offset = dt_offset + (offset + j) * mtype->basesize;
                    /* For each byte in element */
                    for (b = 0; b < mtype->basesize; b++) {
                        expected = (unsigned char) (0xff ^ (nc++ & 0xff));
                        if (p[byte_offset + b] != expected) {
                            if (mtype->printErrors && err < 10) {
                                printf("Data expected = %x but got p[%d,%d,%d] = %x\n",
                                       expected, i, j, b, p[byte_offset + b]);
            dt_offset += size;
    if (err)
        printf("%s error\n", __FUNCTION__);
    return err;
Beispiel #17
/* This next routine uses a circular buffer of static name arrays just to
   simplify the use of the routine */
const char *MTestGetDatatypeName( MTestDatatype *dtype )
    static char name[4][MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME];
    static int sp=0;
    int rlen, merr;

    if (sp >= 4) sp = 0;
    merr = MPI_Type_get_name( dtype->datatype, name[sp], &rlen );
    if (merr) MTestPrintError( merr );
    return (const char *)name[sp++];
Beispiel #18
 * Initialize buffer of vector datatype
static void *MTestTypeVectorInit(MTestDatatype * mtype)
    MPI_Aint extent = 0, lb = 0, size, totsize, dt_offset, byte_offset;
    int merr;

    if (mtype->count > 0) {
        unsigned char *p;
        MPI_Aint k, j;
        int i, nc;

        merr = MPI_Type_get_extent(mtype->datatype, &lb, &extent);
        if (merr)

        size = extent + lb;
        totsize = mtype->count * size;
        if (!mtype->buf) {
            mtype->buf = (void *) malloc(totsize);
        p = (unsigned char *) (mtype->buf);
        if (!p) {
            char errmsg[128] = { 0 };
            sprintf(errmsg, "Out of memory in %s", __FUNCTION__);

        /* First, set to -1 */
        for (k = 0; k < totsize; k++)
            p[k] = 0xff;

        /* Now, set the actual elements to the successive values.
         * We require that the base type is a contiguous type */
        nc = 0;
        dt_offset = 0;
        /* For each datatype */
        for (k = 0; k < mtype->count; k++) {
            /* For each block */
            for (i = 0; i < mtype->nblock; i++) {
                byte_offset = dt_offset + i * mtype->stride;
                /* For each byte */
                for (j = 0; j < mtype->blksize; j++) {
                    p[byte_offset + j] = (unsigned char) (0xff ^ (nc & 0xff));
            dt_offset += size;
    else {
        mtype->buf = 0;
    return mtype->buf;
Beispiel #19
 * Setup hvector type info and handlers.
 * A hvector datatype is created by using following parameters.
 * nblock:   Number of blocks.
 * blocklen: Number of elements in each block.
 * stride:   Strided number of elements between blocks.
 * lb:       Lower bound of the new datatype (ignored).
 * oldtype:  Datatype of element.
static int MTestTypeHvectorCreate(MPI_Aint nblock, MPI_Aint blocklen, MPI_Aint stride, MPI_Aint lb,
                                  MPI_Datatype oldtype, const char *typename_prefix,
                                  MTestDatatype * mtype)
    int merr;
    char type_name[128];


    merr = MPI_Type_size(oldtype, &mtype->basesize);
    if (merr)

    /* These sizes are in bytes (see the VectorInit code) */
    mtype->stride = stride * mtype->basesize;
    mtype->blksize = blocklen * mtype->basesize;
    mtype->nblock = nblock;

    /* Hvector uses stride in bytes */
    merr = MPI_Type_create_hvector(nblock, blocklen, mtype->stride, oldtype, &mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)
    merr = MPI_Type_commit(&mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)

    memset(type_name, 0, sizeof(type_name));
    sprintf(type_name, "%s %s (%ld nblock %ld blocklen %ld stride)", typename_prefix, "hvector",
            nblock, blocklen, stride);
    merr = MPI_Type_set_name(mtype->datatype, (char *) type_name);
    if (merr)

    /* User the same functions as vector, because mtype->stride is in bytes */
    mtype->InitBuf = MTestTypeVectorInit;
    mtype->FreeBuf = MTestTypeFree;
    mtype->CheckBuf = MTestTypeVectorCheckbuf;

    return merr;
Beispiel #20
 * Setup a buffer for one copy of an indexed datatype. 
static void *MTestTypeIndexedInit( MTestDatatype *mtype )
    MPI_Aint totsize;
    int      merr;
    if (mtype->count > 1) {
	MTestError( "This datatype is supported only for a single count" );
    if (mtype->count == 1) {
	signed char *p;
	int  i, k, offset, j;

	/* Allocate the send/recv buffer */
	merr = MPI_Type_extent( mtype->datatype, &totsize );
	if (merr) MTestPrintError( merr );
	if (!mtype->buf) {
	    mtype->buf = (void *) malloc( totsize );
	p = (signed char *)(mtype->buf);
	if (!p) {
	    MTestError( "Out of memory in type buffer init\n" );
	/* Initialize the elements */
	/* First, set to -1 */
	for (i=0; i<totsize; i++) p[i] = 0xff;

	/* Now, set the actual elements to the successive values.
	   We require that the base type is a contiguous type */
	k = 0;
	for (i=0; i<mtype->nelm; i++) {
	    int b;
	    /* Compute the offset: */
	    offset = mtype->displs[i] * mtype->basesize;
	    /* For each element in the block */
	    for (b=0; b<mtype->index[i]; b++) {
		for (j=0; j<mtype->basesize; j++) {
		    p[offset+j] = 0xff ^ (k++ & 0xff);
		offset += mtype->basesize;
    else {
	/* count == 0 */
	if (mtype->buf) {
	    free( mtype->buf );
	mtype->buf = 0;
    return mtype->buf;
Beispiel #21
/* Free the storage associated with a datatype */
void MTestFreeDatatype( MTestDatatype *mtype )
    int merr;
    /* Invoke a datatype-specific free function to handle
       both the datatype and the send/receive buffers */
    if (mtype->FreeBuf) {
	(mtype->FreeBuf)( mtype );
    /* Free the datatype itself if it was created */
    if (!mtype->isBasic) {
	merr = MPI_Type_free( &mtype->datatype );
	if (merr) MTestPrintError( merr );
Beispiel #22
 * Setup dup type info and handlers.
 * A dup datatype is created by using following parameters.
 * oldtype:  Datatype of element.
int MTestTypeDupCreate(MPI_Datatype oldtype, MTestDatatype * mtype)
    int merr = 0;


    merr = MPI_Type_size(oldtype, &mtype->basesize);
    if (merr)

    merr = MPI_Type_dup(oldtype, &mtype->datatype);
    if (merr)

    /* dup'ed types are already committed if the original type
     * was committed (MPI-2, section 8.8) */

    mtype->InitBuf = MTestTypeContigInit;
    mtype->FreeBuf = MTestTypeFree;
    mtype->CheckBuf = MTestTypeContigCheckbuf;

    return merr;
Beispiel #23
static void *MTestTypeVectorInit( MTestDatatype *mtype )
    MPI_Aint size;
    int      merr;

    if (mtype->count > 0) {
	unsigned char *p;
	int  i, j, k, nc, totsize;

	merr = MPI_Type_extent( mtype->datatype, &size );
	if (merr) MTestPrintError( merr );
	totsize	   = mtype->count * size;
	if (!mtype->buf) {
	    mtype->buf = (void *) malloc( totsize );
	p	   = (unsigned char *)(mtype->buf);
	if (!p) {
	    /* Error - out of memory */
	    MTestError( "Out of memory in type buffer init" );

	/* First, set to -1 */
	for (i=0; i<totsize; i++) p[i] = 0xff;

	/* Now, set the actual elements to the successive values.
	   To do this, we need to run 3 loops */
	nc = 0;
	/* count is usually one for a vector type */
	for (k=0; k<mtype->count; k++) {
	    /* For each element (block) */
	    for (i=0; i<mtype->nelm; i++) {
		/* For each value */
		for (j=0; j<mtype->blksize; j++) {
		    p[j] = (0xff ^ (nc & 0xff));
		p += mtype->stride;
    else {
	mtype->buf = 0;
    return mtype->buf;
Beispiel #24
 * Check value of received indexed datatype buffer
static int MTestTypeIndexedCheckbuf(MTestDatatype * mtype)
    unsigned char *p;
    unsigned char expected;
    int err = 0, merr;
    MPI_Aint size = 0, offset, dt_offset, extent = 0, lb = 0;

    p = (unsigned char *) mtype->buf;
    if (p) {
        MPI_Aint k, b;
        int i, j, nc;
        merr = MPI_Type_get_extent(mtype->datatype, &lb, &extent);
        if (merr)

        size = lb + extent;
        nc = 0;
        dt_offset = 0;
        /* For each datatype */
        for (k = 0; k < mtype->count; k++) {
            /* For each block */
            for (i = 0; i < mtype->nblock; i++) {
                /* For each element in the block */
                for (j = 0; j < mtype->index[i]; j++) {
                    offset = dt_offset + mtype->displ_in_bytes[i]
                        + j * mtype->basesize;
                    /* For each byte in the element */
                    for (b = 0; b < mtype->basesize; b++) {
                        expected = (unsigned char) (0xff ^ (nc++ & 0xff));
                        if (p[offset + b] != expected) {
                            if (mtype->printErrors && err < 10) {
                                printf("Data expected = %x but got p[%d,%d] = %x\n",
                                       expected, i, j, p[offset + b]);
            dt_offset += size;
    return err;
Beispiel #25
 * Setup basic type info and handlers.
int MTestTypeBasicCreate(MPI_Datatype oldtype, MTestDatatype * mtype)
    int merr = 0;


    merr = MPI_Type_size(oldtype, &mtype->basesize);
    if (merr)

    mtype->datatype = oldtype;
    mtype->isBasic = 1;
    mtype->InitBuf = MTestTypeContigInit;
    mtype->FreeBuf = MTestTypeFree;
    mtype->CheckBuf = MTestTypeContigCheckbuf;

    return merr;
Beispiel #26
 * Check value of received vector datatype buffer
static int MTestTypeVectorCheckbuf(MTestDatatype * mtype)
    unsigned char *p;
    unsigned char expected;
    int i, err = 0, merr;
    MPI_Aint size = 0, byte_offset, dt_offset, extent, lb;

    p = (unsigned char *) mtype->buf;
    if (p) {
        MPI_Aint k, j;
        int nc;
        merr = MPI_Type_get_extent(mtype->datatype, &lb, &extent);
        if (merr)

        size = extent + lb;
        nc = 0;
        dt_offset = 0;
        /* For each datatype */
        for (k = 0; k < mtype->count; k++) {
            /* For each block */
            for (i = 0; i < mtype->nblock; i++) {
                byte_offset = dt_offset + i * mtype->stride;
                /* For each byte */
                for (j = 0; j < mtype->blksize; j++) {
                    expected = (unsigned char) (0xff ^ (nc & 0xff));
                    if (p[byte_offset + j] != expected) {
                        if (mtype->printErrors && err < 10) {
                            printf("Data expected = %x but got p[%d,%ld] = %x\n", expected, i, j,
                                   p[byte_offset + j]);
            dt_offset += size;
    return err;
Beispiel #27
/* Check that a message was received correctly.  Returns the number of
   errors detected.  Status may be NULL or MPI_STATUS_IGNORE */
int MTestCheckRecv( MPI_Status *status, MTestDatatype *recvtype )
    int count;
    int errs = 0, merr;

    if (status && status != MPI_STATUS_IGNORE) {
	merr = MPI_Get_count( status, recvtype->datatype, &count );
	if (merr) MTestPrintError( merr );
	/* Check count against expected count */
	if (count != recvtype->count) {
	    errs ++;

    /* Check received data */
    if (!errs && recvtype->CheckBuf( recvtype )) {
    return errs;
Beispiel #28
static int MTestTypeIndexedCheckbuf( MTestDatatype *mtype )
    unsigned char *p;
    unsigned char expected;
    int  i, err = 0, merr;
    MPI_Aint totsize;

    p = (unsigned char *)mtype->buf;
    if (p) {
	int j, k, offset;
	merr = MPI_Type_extent( mtype->datatype, &totsize );
	if (merr) MTestPrintError( merr );
	k = 0;
	for (i=0; i<mtype->nelm; i++) {
	    int b;
	    /* Compute the offset: */
	    offset = mtype->displs[i] * mtype->basesize;
	    for (b=0; b<mtype->index[i]; b++) {
		for (j=0; j<mtype->basesize; j++) {
		    expected = (0xff ^ (k & 0xff));
		    if (p[offset+j] != expected) {
			if (mtype->printErrors && err < 10) {
			    printf( "Data expected = %x but got p[%d,%d] = %x\n",
				    expected, i,j, p[offset+j] );
			    fflush( stdout );
		offset += mtype->basesize;
    return err;
Beispiel #29
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int errs = 0, err;
    int rank, size, root;
    int minsize = 2, count; 
    MPI_Comm      comm;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;

    MTest_Init( &argc, &argv );

    /* The following illustrates the use of the routines to 
       run through a selection of communicators and datatypes.
       Use subsets of these for tests that do not involve combinations 
       of communicators, datatypes, and counts of datatypes */
    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral( &comm, minsize, 1 )) {
	if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) continue;

	/* Determine the sender and receiver */
	MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rank );
	MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );
	/* To improve reporting of problems about operations, we
	   change the error handler to errors return */
	MPI_Errhandler_set( comm, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN );

	/* The max value of count must be very large to ensure that we 
	   reach the long message algorithms */
	for (count = 1; count < 2800; count = count * 4) {
	    while (MTestGetDatatypes( &sendtype, &recvtype, count )) {
		for (root=0; root<size; root++) {
		    if (rank == root) {
			sendtype.InitBuf( &sendtype );
			err = MPI_Bcast( sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
					 sendtype.datatype, root, comm );
			if (err) {
			    MTestPrintError( err );
		    else {
			recvtype.InitBuf( &recvtype );
			err = MPI_Bcast( recvtype.buf, recvtype.count, 
				    recvtype.datatype, root, comm );
			if (err) {
			    fprintf( stderr, "Error with communicator %s and datatype %s\n", 
				 MTestGetDatatypeName( &recvtype ) );
			    MTestPrintError( err );
			err = MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
			if (err) {
			    errs += errs;
		MTestFreeDatatype( &recvtype );
		MTestFreeDatatype( &sendtype );
	MTestFreeComm( &comm );

    MTest_Finalize( errs );
    return 0;
Beispiel #30
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int errs = 0, err;
    int *sendbuf = 0, *recvbuf = 0;
    int leftGroup, i, j, idx, count, rrank, rsize;
    MPI_Comm comm;
    MPI_Datatype datatype;

    MTest_Init( &argc, &argv );

    datatype = MPI_INT;
    while (MTestGetIntercomm( &comm, &leftGroup, 4 )) {
	if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) continue;
	for (count = 1; count < 66000; count = 2 * count) {
	    /* Get an intercommunicator */
	    MPI_Comm_remote_size( comm, &rsize );
	    MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rrank );
	    sendbuf = (int *)malloc( rsize * count * sizeof(int) );
	    recvbuf = (int *)malloc( rsize * count * sizeof(int) );
	    for (i=0; i<rsize*count; i++) recvbuf[i] = -1;
	    if (leftGroup) {
		idx = 0;
		for (j=0; j<rsize; j++) {
		    for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
			sendbuf[idx++] = i + rrank;
		err = MPI_Alltoall( sendbuf, count, datatype, 
				    NULL, 0, datatype, comm );
		if (err) {
		    MTestPrintError( err );
	    else {
		int rank, size;

		MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rank );
		MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );

		/* In the right group */
		err = MPI_Alltoall( NULL, 0, datatype, 
				    recvbuf, count, datatype, comm );
		if (err) {
		    MTestPrintError( err );
		/* Check that we have received the correct data */
		idx = 0;
		for (j=0; j<rsize; j++) {
		    for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
			if (recvbuf[idx++] != i + j) {
			    if (errs < 10) 
				fprintf( stderr, "buf[%d] = %d on %d\n", 
					 i, recvbuf[i], rank );
	    free( recvbuf );
	    free( sendbuf );
	MTestFreeComm( &comm );

    MTest_Finalize( errs );
    return 0;