Beispiel #1
/* Allocate a piece of memory from the spesh graph's buffer. Deallocated when
 * the spesh graph is. */
void * MVM_spesh_alloc(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMSpeshGraph *g, size_t bytes) {
    char *result = NULL;

#if !defined(MVM_CAN_UNALIGNED_INT64) || !defined(MVM_CAN_UNALIGNED_NUM64)
    /* Round up size to next multiple of 8, to ensure alignment. */
    bytes = (bytes + 7) & ~7;

    if (g->mem_block) {
        MVMSpeshMemBlock *block = g->mem_block;
        if (block->alloc + bytes < block->limit) {
            result = block->alloc;
            block->alloc += bytes;
    if (!result) {
        /* No block, or block was full. Add another. */
        MVMSpeshMemBlock *block = MVM_malloc(sizeof(MVMSpeshMemBlock));
        block->buffer = MVM_calloc(MVM_SPESH_MEMBLOCK_SIZE, 1);
        block->alloc  = block->buffer;
        block->limit  = block->buffer + MVM_SPESH_MEMBLOCK_SIZE;
        block->prev   = g->mem_block;
        g->mem_block  = block;

        /* Now allocate out of it. */
        if (bytes > MVM_SPESH_MEMBLOCK_SIZE) {
            MVM_spesh_graph_destroy(tc, g);
            MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "MVM_spesh_alloc: requested oversized block");
        result = block->alloc;
        block->alloc += bytes;
    return result;
Beispiel #2
/* Adds instrumented versions of the unspecialized bytecode. */
static void add_instrumentation(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMStaticFrame *sf) {
    MVMSpeshCode  *sc;
    MVMSpeshGraph *sg = MVM_spesh_graph_create(tc, sf, 1);
    instrument_graph(tc, sg);
    sc = MVM_spesh_codegen(tc, sg);
    sf->body.instrumented_bytecode        = sc->bytecode;
    sf->body.instrumented_handlers        = sc->handlers;
    sf->body.instrumented_bytecode_size   = sc->bytecode_size;
    sf->body.uninstrumented_bytecode      = sf->body.bytecode;
    sf->body.uninstrumented_handlers      = sf->body.handlers;
    sf->body.uninstrumented_bytecode_size = sf->body.bytecode_size;
    MVM_spesh_graph_destroy(tc, sg);
Beispiel #3
/* Adds instrumented version of the unspecialized bytecode. */
static void add_instrumentation(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMStaticFrame *sf, MVMuint8 want_coverage) {
    MVMSpeshCode  *sc;
    MVMStaticFrameInstrumentation *ins;
    MVMSpeshGraph *sg = MVM_spesh_graph_create(tc, sf, 1, 0);
    if (want_coverage)
        instrument_graph(tc, sg);
        instrument_graph_with_breakpoints(tc, sg);
    sc = MVM_spesh_codegen(tc, sg);
    ins = sf->body.instrumentation;
    if (!ins)
        ins = MVM_calloc(1, sizeof(MVMStaticFrameInstrumentation));
    ins->instrumented_bytecode        = sc->bytecode;
    ins->instrumented_handlers        = sc->handlers;
    ins->instrumented_bytecode_size   = sc->bytecode_size;
    ins->uninstrumented_bytecode      = sf->body.bytecode;
    ins->uninstrumented_handlers      = sf->body.handlers;
    ins->uninstrumented_bytecode_size = sf->body.bytecode_size;
    sf->body.instrumentation = ins;
    MVM_spesh_graph_destroy(tc, sg);
Beispiel #4
/* Produces and installs a specialized version of the code, according to the
 * specified plan. */
void MVM_spesh_candidate_add(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMSpeshPlanned *p) {
    MVMSpeshGraph *sg;
    MVMSpeshCode *sc;
    MVMSpeshCandidate *candidate;
    MVMSpeshCandidate **new_candidate_list;
    MVMStaticFrameSpesh *spesh;
    MVMuint64 start_time, spesh_time, jit_time, end_time;

    /* If we've reached our specialization limit, don't continue. */
    MVMint32 spesh_produced = ++tc->instance->spesh_produced;
    if (tc->instance->spesh_limit)
        if (spesh_produced > tc->instance->spesh_limit)

    /* Produce the specialization graph and, if we're logging, dump it out
     * pre-transformation. */
    tc->in_spesh = 1;
    sg = MVM_spesh_graph_create(tc, p->sf, 0, 1);
    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc)) {
        char *c_name = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, p->sf->;
        char *c_cuid = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, p->sf->body.cuuid);
        MVMSpeshFacts **facts = sg->facts;
        char *before;
        sg->facts = NULL;
        before = MVM_spesh_dump(tc, sg);
        sg->facts = facts;
            "Specialization of '%s' (cuid: %s)\n\n", c_name, c_cuid);
        MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "Before:\n%s", before);
        start_time = uv_hrtime();

    /* Attach the graph so we will be able to mark it during optimization,
     * allowing us to stick GC sync points at various places and so not let
     * the optimization work block GC for too long. */
    tc->spesh_active_graph = sg;

    /* Perform the optimization and, if we're logging, dump out the result. */
    if (p->cs_stats->cs)
        MVM_spesh_args(tc, sg, p->cs_stats->cs, p->type_tuple);
    MVM_spesh_facts_discover(tc, sg, p, 0);
    MVM_spesh_optimize(tc, sg, p);

    /* Clear active graph; beyond this point, no more GC syncs. */
    tc->spesh_active_graph = NULL;

    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc))
        spesh_time = uv_hrtime();

    /* Generate code and install it into the candidate. */
    sc = MVM_spesh_codegen(tc, sg);
    candidate = MVM_calloc(1, sizeof(MVMSpeshCandidate));
    candidate->bytecode      = sc->bytecode;
    candidate->bytecode_size = sc->bytecode_size;
    candidate->handlers      = sc->handlers;
    candidate->deopt_usage_info = sc->deopt_usage_info;
    candidate->num_handlers  = sg->num_handlers;
    candidate->num_deopts    = sg->num_deopt_addrs;
    candidate->deopts        = sg->deopt_addrs;
    candidate->deopt_named_used_bit_field = sg->deopt_named_used_bit_field;
    candidate->deopt_pea     = sg->deopt_pea;
    candidate->num_locals    = sg->num_locals;
    candidate->num_lexicals  = sg->num_lexicals;
    candidate->num_inlines   = sg->num_inlines;
    candidate->inlines       = sg->inlines;
    candidate->local_types   = sg->local_types;
    candidate->lexical_types = sg->lexical_types;


    /* Try to JIT compile the optimised graph. The JIT graph hangs from
     * the spesh graph and can safely be deleted with it. */
    if (tc->instance->jit_enabled) {
        MVMJitGraph *jg;
        if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc))
            jit_time = uv_hrtime();

        jg = MVM_jit_try_make_graph(tc, sg);
        if (jg != NULL) {
            candidate->jitcode = MVM_jit_compile_graph(tc, jg);
            MVM_jit_graph_destroy(tc, jg);

    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc)) {
        char *after = MVM_spesh_dump(tc, sg);
        end_time = uv_hrtime();
        MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "After:\n%s", after);
            "Specialization took %" PRIu64 "us (total %" PRIu64"us)\n",
            (spesh_time - start_time) / 1000,
            (end_time - start_time) / 1000);

        if (tc->instance->jit_enabled) {
                "JIT was %ssuccessful and compilation took %" PRIu64 "us\n",
                candidate->jitcode ? "" : "not ", (end_time - jit_time) / 1000);
            if (candidate->jitcode) {
                MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "    Bytecode size: %" PRIu64 " byte\n",
        MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "\n========\n\n");

    /* calculate work environment taking JIT spill area into account */
    calculate_work_env_sizes(tc, sg->sf, candidate);

    /* Update spesh slots. */
    candidate->num_spesh_slots = sg->num_spesh_slots;
    candidate->spesh_slots     = sg->spesh_slots;

    /* Claim ownership of allocated memory assigned to the candidate */
    sg->cand = candidate;
    MVM_spesh_graph_destroy(tc, sg);

    /* Create a new candidate list and copy any existing ones. Free memory
     * using the FSA safepoint mechanism. */
    spesh = p->sf->body.spesh;
    new_candidate_list = MVM_fixed_size_alloc(tc, tc->instance->fsa,
        (spesh->body.num_spesh_candidates + 1) * sizeof(MVMSpeshCandidate *));
    if (spesh->body.num_spesh_candidates) {
        size_t orig_size = spesh->body.num_spesh_candidates * sizeof(MVMSpeshCandidate *);
        memcpy(new_candidate_list, spesh->body.spesh_candidates, orig_size);
        MVM_fixed_size_free_at_safepoint(tc, tc->instance->fsa, orig_size,
    new_candidate_list[spesh->body.num_spesh_candidates] = candidate;
    spesh->body.spesh_candidates = new_candidate_list;

    /* May now be referencing nursery objects, so barrier just in case. */
    if (spesh->common.header.flags & MVM_CF_SECOND_GEN)
        MVM_gc_write_barrier_hit(tc, (MVMCollectable *)spesh);

    /* Update the guards, and bump the candidate count. This means there is a
     * period when we can read, in another thread, a candidate ahead of the
     * count being updated. Since we set it up above, that's fine enough. The
     * updating of the count *after* this, plus the barrier, is to make sure
     * the guards are in place before the count is bumped, since OSR will
     * watch the number of candidates to see if there's one for it to try and
     * jump in to, and if the guards aren't in place first will see there is
     * not, and not bother checking again. */
    MVM_spesh_arg_guard_add(tc, &(spesh->body.spesh_arg_guard),
        p->cs_stats->cs, p->type_tuple, spesh->body.num_spesh_candidates);

    /* If we're logging, dump the upadated arg guards also. */
    if (MVM_spesh_debug_enabled(tc)) {
        char *guard_dump = MVM_spesh_dump_arg_guard(tc, p->sf);
        MVM_spesh_debug_printf(tc, "%s========\n\n", guard_dump);

    tc->in_spesh = 0;
Beispiel #5
/* Sees if it will be possible to inline the target code ref, given we could
 * already identify a spesh candidate. Returns NULL if no inlining is possible
 * or a graph ready to be merged if it will be possible. */
MVMSpeshGraph * MVM_spesh_inline_try_get_graph(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMSpeshGraph *inliner,
                                               MVMCode *target, MVMSpeshCandidate *cand) {
    MVMSpeshGraph *ig;
    MVMSpeshBB    *bb;

    /* Check inlining is enabled. */
    if (!tc->instance->spesh_inline_enabled)
        return NULL;

    /* Check bytecode size is within the inline limit. */
    if (cand->bytecode_size > MVM_SPESH_MAX_INLINE_SIZE)
        return NULL;

    /* Ensure that this isn't a recursive inlining. */
    if (target->body.sf == inliner->sf)
        return NULL;

    /* Ensure the candidate isn't still logging. */
    if (cand->sg)
        return NULL;

    /* Build graph from the already-specialized bytecode. */
    ig = MVM_spesh_graph_create_from_cand(tc, target->body.sf, cand, 0);

    /* Traverse graph, looking for anything that might prevent inlining and
     * also building usage counts up. */
    bb = ig->entry;
    while (bb) {
        MVMSpeshIns *ins = bb->first_ins;
        while (ins) {
            /* Track usages. */
            MVMint32 opcode = ins->info->opcode;
            MVMint32 is_phi = opcode == MVM_SSA_PHI;
            MVMuint8 i;
            for (i = 0; i < ins->info->num_operands; i++)
                if ((is_phi && i > 0)
                    || (!is_phi && (ins->info->operands[i] & MVM_operand_rw_mask) == MVM_operand_read_reg))
            if (opcode == MVM_OP_inc_i || opcode == MVM_OP_inc_u ||
                    opcode == MVM_OP_dec_i || opcode == MVM_OP_dec_u)
                ig->facts[ins->operands[0].reg.orig][ins->operands[0].reg.i - 1].usages++;

            /* Instruction may be marked directly as not being inlinable, in
             * which case we're done. */
            if (!is_phi && ins->info->no_inline)
                goto not_inlinable;

            /* If we have lexical access, make sure it's within the frame. */
            if (ins->info->opcode == MVM_OP_getlex) {
                if (ins->operands[1].lex.outers > 0)
                    goto not_inlinable;
            else if (ins->info->opcode == MVM_OP_bindlex) {
                if (ins->operands[0].lex.outers > 0)
                    goto not_inlinable;

            /* Check we don't have too many args for inlining to work out. */
            if (ins->info->opcode == MVM_OP_sp_getarg_o ||
                    ins->info->opcode == MVM_OP_sp_getarg_i ||
                    ins->info->opcode == MVM_OP_sp_getarg_n ||
                    ins->info->opcode == MVM_OP_sp_getarg_s) {
                if (ins->operands[1].lit_i16 >= MAX_ARGS_FOR_OPT)
                    goto not_inlinable;

            /* Ext-ops need special care in inter-comp-unit inlines. */
            if (ins->info->opcode == (MVMuint16)-1) {
                MVMCompUnit *target_cu = inliner->sf->;
                MVMCompUnit *source_cu = target->body.sf->;
                if (source_cu != target_cu)
                    demand_extop(tc, target_cu, source_cu, ins->info);

            ins = ins->next;
        bb = bb->linear_next;

    /* If we found nothing we can't inline, inlining is fine. */
    return ig;

    /* If we can't find a way to inline, we end up here. */
    MVM_spesh_graph_destroy(tc, ig);
    return NULL;
Beispiel #6
static void build_cfg(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMSpeshGraph *g, MVMStaticFrame *sf,
                      MVMint32 *existing_deopts, MVMint32 num_existing_deopts) {
    MVMSpeshBB  *cur_bb, *prev_bb;
    MVMSpeshIns *last_ins;
    MVMint64     i;
    MVMint32     bb_idx;

    /* Temporary array of all MVMSpeshIns we create (one per instruction).
     * Overestimate at size. Has the flat view, matching the bytecode. */
    MVMSpeshIns **ins_flat = MVM_calloc(g->bytecode_size / 2, sizeof(MVMSpeshIns *));

    /* Temporary array where each byte in the input bytecode gets a 32-bit
     * integer. This is used for two things:
     * A) When we make the MVMSpeshIns for an instruction starting at the
     *    byte, we put the instruction index (into ins_flat) in the slot,
     *    shifting it by 2 bits to the left. We will use this to do fixups.
     * B) The first bit is "I have an incoming branch" - that is, start of
     *    a basic block. The second bit is "I can branch" - that is, end of
     *    a basic block. It's possible to have both bits set.
     * Anything that's just a zero has no instruction starting there. */
    MVMuint32 *byte_to_ins_flags = MVM_calloc(g->bytecode_size, sizeof(MVMuint32));

    /* Instruction to basic block mapping. Initialized later. */
    MVMSpeshBB **ins_to_bb = NULL;

    /* Make first pass through the bytecode. In this pass, we make MVMSpeshIns
     * nodes for each instruction and set the start/end of block bits. Also
     * set handler targets as basic block starters. */
    MVMCompUnit *cu       = sf->;
    MVMuint8    *pc       = g->bytecode;
    MVMuint8    *end      = g->bytecode + g->bytecode_size;
    MVMuint32    ins_idx  = 0;
    MVMuint8     next_bbs = 1; /* Next iteration (here, first) starts a BB. */
    for (i = 0; i < g->num_handlers; i++)
        byte_to_ins_flags[g->handlers[i].goto_offset] |= MVM_CFG_BB_START;
    while (pc < end) {
        /* Look up op info. */
        MVMuint16  opcode     = *(MVMuint16 *)pc;
        MVMuint8  *args       = pc + 2;
        MVMuint8   arg_size   = 0;
        const MVMOpInfo *info = get_op_info(tc, cu, opcode);

        /* Create an instruction node, add it, and record its position. */
        MVMSpeshIns *ins_node = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, sizeof(MVMSpeshIns));
        ins_flat[ins_idx] = ins_node;
        byte_to_ins_flags[pc - g->bytecode] |= ins_idx << 2;

        /* Did previous instruction end a basic block? */
        if (next_bbs) {
            byte_to_ins_flags[pc - g->bytecode] |= MVM_CFG_BB_START;
            next_bbs = 0;

        /* Also check we're not already a BB start due to being a branch
         * target, in which case we should ensure our prior is marked as
         * a BB end. */
        else {
            if (byte_to_ins_flags[pc - g->bytecode] & MVM_CFG_BB_START) {
                MVMuint32 hunt = pc - g->bytecode;
                while (!byte_to_ins_flags[--hunt]);
                byte_to_ins_flags[hunt] |= MVM_CFG_BB_END;

        /* Store opcode */
        ins_node->info = info;

        /* Go over operands. */
        ins_node->operands = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, info->num_operands * sizeof(MVMSpeshOperand));
        for (i = 0; i < info->num_operands; i++) {
            MVMuint8 flags = info->operands[i];
            MVMuint8 rw    = flags & MVM_operand_rw_mask;
            switch (rw) {
            case MVM_operand_read_reg:
            case MVM_operand_write_reg:
                ins_node->operands[i].reg.orig = GET_UI16(args, arg_size);
                arg_size += 2;
            case MVM_operand_read_lex:
            case MVM_operand_write_lex:
                ins_node->operands[i].lex.idx    = GET_UI16(args, arg_size);
                ins_node->operands[i].lex.outers = GET_UI16(args, arg_size + 2);
                arg_size += 4;
            case MVM_operand_literal: {
                MVMuint32 type = flags & MVM_operand_type_mask;
                switch (type) {
                case MVM_operand_int8:
                    ins_node->operands[i].lit_i8 = GET_I8(args, arg_size);
                    arg_size += 1;
                case MVM_operand_int16:
                    ins_node->operands[i].lit_i16 = GET_I16(args, arg_size);
                    arg_size += 2;
                case MVM_operand_int32:
                    ins_node->operands[i].lit_i32 = GET_I32(args, arg_size);
                    arg_size += 4;
                case MVM_operand_int64:
                    ins_node->operands[i].lit_i64 = MVM_BC_get_I64(args, arg_size);
                    arg_size += 8;
                case MVM_operand_num32:
                    ins_node->operands[i].lit_n32 = GET_N32(args, arg_size);
                    arg_size += 4;
                case MVM_operand_num64:
                    ins_node->operands[i].lit_n64 = MVM_BC_get_N64(args, arg_size);
                    arg_size += 8;
                case MVM_operand_callsite:
                    ins_node->operands[i].callsite_idx = GET_UI16(args, arg_size);
                    arg_size += 2;
                case MVM_operand_coderef:
                    ins_node->operands[i].coderef_idx = GET_UI16(args, arg_size);
                    arg_size += 2;
                case MVM_operand_str:
                    ins_node->operands[i].lit_str_idx = GET_UI32(args, arg_size);
                    arg_size += 4;
                case MVM_operand_ins: {
                    /* Stash instruction offset. */
                    MVMuint32 target = GET_UI32(args, arg_size);
                    ins_node->operands[i].ins_offset = target;

                    /* This is a branching instruction, so it's a BB end. */
                    byte_to_ins_flags[pc - g->bytecode] |= MVM_CFG_BB_END;

                    /* Its target is a BB start, and any previous instruction
                     * we already passed needs marking as a BB end. */
                    byte_to_ins_flags[target] |= MVM_CFG_BB_START;
                    if (target > 0 && target < pc - g->bytecode) {
                        while (!byte_to_ins_flags[--target]);
                        byte_to_ins_flags[target] |= MVM_CFG_BB_END;

                    /* Next instruction is also a BB start. */
                    next_bbs = 1;

                    arg_size += 4;
                case MVM_operand_spesh_slot:
                    ins_node->operands[i].lit_i16 = GET_I16(args, arg_size);
                    arg_size += 2;
                        "Spesh: unknown operand type %d in graph building (op %s)",
                        (int)type, ins_node->info->name);

        /* We specially handle the jumplist case, which needs to mark all of
         * the possible places we could jump to in the following instructions
         * as starts of basic blocks. It is, in itself, the end of one. Note
         * we jump to the instruction after the n jump points if none match,
         * so that is marked too. */
        if (opcode == MVM_OP_jumplist) {
            MVMint64 n = MVM_BC_get_I64(args, 0);
            for (i = 0; i <= n; i++)
                byte_to_ins_flags[(pc - g->bytecode) + 12 + i * 6] |= MVM_CFG_BB_START;
            byte_to_ins_flags[pc - g->bytecode] |= MVM_CFG_BB_END;

        /* Invocations, returns, and throws are basic block ends. */
        switch (opcode) {
        case MVM_OP_invoke_v:
        case MVM_OP_invoke_i:
        case MVM_OP_invoke_n:
        case MVM_OP_invoke_s:
        case MVM_OP_invoke_o:
        case MVM_OP_return_i:
        case MVM_OP_return_n:
        case MVM_OP_return_s:
        case MVM_OP_return_o:
        case MVM_OP_return:
        case MVM_OP_throwdyn:
        case MVM_OP_throwlex:
        case MVM_OP_throwlexotic:
        case MVM_OP_throwcatdyn:
        case MVM_OP_throwcatlex:
        case MVM_OP_throwcatlexotic:
        case MVM_OP_die:
        case MVM_OP_rethrow:
        case MVM_OP_resume:
            byte_to_ins_flags[pc - g->bytecode] |= MVM_CFG_BB_END;
            next_bbs = 1;

        /* Final instruction is basic block end. */
        if (pc + 2 + arg_size == end)
            byte_to_ins_flags[pc - g->bytecode] |= MVM_CFG_BB_END;

        /* Caculate next instruction's PC. */
        pc += 2 + arg_size;

        /* If this is a deopt point opcode... */
        if (!existing_deopts && (info->deopt_point & MVM_DEOPT_MARK_ONE))
            add_deopt_annotation(tc, g, ins_node, pc, MVM_SPESH_ANN_DEOPT_ONE_INS);
        if (!existing_deopts && (info->deopt_point & MVM_DEOPT_MARK_ALL))
            add_deopt_annotation(tc, g, ins_node, pc, MVM_SPESH_ANN_DEOPT_ALL_INS);
        if (!existing_deopts && (info->deopt_point & MVM_DEOPT_MARK_OSR))
            add_deopt_annotation(tc, g, ins_node, pc, MVM_SPESH_ANN_DEOPT_OSR);

        /* Go to next instruction. */

    /* Annotate instructions that are handler-significant. */
    for (i = 0; i < g->num_handlers; i++) {
        MVMSpeshIns *start_ins = ins_flat[byte_to_ins_flags[g->handlers[i].start_offset] >> 2];
        MVMSpeshIns *end_ins   = ins_flat[byte_to_ins_flags[g->handlers[i].end_offset] >> 2];
        MVMSpeshIns *goto_ins  = ins_flat[byte_to_ins_flags[g->handlers[i].goto_offset] >> 2];
        MVMSpeshAnn *start_ann = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, sizeof(MVMSpeshAnn));
        MVMSpeshAnn *end_ann   = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, sizeof(MVMSpeshAnn));
        MVMSpeshAnn *goto_ann  = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, sizeof(MVMSpeshAnn));

        start_ann->next = start_ins->annotations;
        start_ann->type = MVM_SPESH_ANN_FH_START;
        start_ann->data.frame_handler_index = i;
        start_ins->annotations = start_ann;

        end_ann->next = end_ins->annotations;
        end_ann->type = MVM_SPESH_ANN_FH_END;
        end_ann->data.frame_handler_index = i;
        end_ins->annotations = end_ann;

        goto_ann->next = goto_ins->annotations;
        goto_ann->type = MVM_SPESH_ANN_FH_GOTO;
        goto_ann->data.frame_handler_index = i;
        goto_ins->annotations = goto_ann;

    /* Annotate instructions that are inline start/end points. */
    for (i = 0; i < g->num_inlines; i++) {
        MVMSpeshIns *start_ins = ins_flat[byte_to_ins_flags[g->inlines[i].start] >> 2];
        MVMSpeshIns *end_ins   = ins_flat[byte_to_ins_flags[g->inlines[i].end] >> 2];
        MVMSpeshAnn *start_ann = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, sizeof(MVMSpeshAnn));
        MVMSpeshAnn *end_ann   = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, sizeof(MVMSpeshAnn));

        start_ann->next = start_ins->annotations;
        start_ann->type = MVM_SPESH_ANN_INLINE_START;
        start_ann->data.inline_idx = i;
        start_ins->annotations = start_ann;

        end_ann->next = end_ins->annotations;
        end_ann->type = MVM_SPESH_ANN_INLINE_END;
        end_ann->data.inline_idx = i;
        end_ins->annotations = end_ann;

    /* Now for the second pass, where we assemble the basic blocks. Also we
     * build a lookup table of instructions that start a basic block to that
     * basic block, for the final CFG construction. We make the entry block a
     * special one, containing a noop; it will have any exception handler
     * targets linked from it, so they show up in the graph. */
    g->entry                  = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, sizeof(MVMSpeshBB));
    g->entry->first_ins       = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, sizeof(MVMSpeshIns));
    g->entry->first_ins->info = get_op_info(tc, cu, 0);
    g->entry->last_ins        = g->entry->first_ins;
    g->entry->idx             = 0;
    cur_bb                    = NULL;
    prev_bb                   = g->entry;
    last_ins                  = NULL;
    ins_to_bb                 = MVM_calloc(ins_idx, sizeof(MVMSpeshBB *));
    ins_idx                   = 0;
    bb_idx                    = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < g->bytecode_size; i++) {
        MVMSpeshIns *cur_ins;

        /* Skip zeros; no instruction here. */
        if (!byte_to_ins_flags[i])

        /* Get current instruction. */
        cur_ins = ins_flat[byte_to_ins_flags[i] >> 2];

        /* Start of a basic block? */
        if (byte_to_ins_flags[i] & MVM_CFG_BB_START) {
            /* Should not already be in a basic block. */
            if (cur_bb) {
                MVM_spesh_graph_destroy(tc, g);
                MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Spesh: confused during basic block analysis (in block)");

            /* Create it, and set first instruction and index. */
            cur_bb = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, sizeof(MVMSpeshBB));
            cur_bb->first_ins = cur_ins;
            cur_bb->idx = bb_idx;

            /* Record instruction -> BB start mapping. */
            ins_to_bb[ins_idx] = cur_bb;

            /* Link it to the previous one. */
            prev_bb->linear_next = cur_bb;

        /* Should always be in a BB at this point. */
        if (!cur_bb) {
            MVM_spesh_graph_destroy(tc, g);
            MVM_exception_throw_adhoc(tc, "Spesh: confused during basic block analysis (no block)");

        /* Add instruction into double-linked per-block instruction list. */
        if (last_ins) {
            last_ins->next = cur_ins;
            cur_ins->prev = last_ins;
        last_ins = cur_ins;

        /* End of a basic block? */
        if (byte_to_ins_flags[i] & MVM_CFG_BB_END) {
            cur_bb->last_ins = cur_ins;
            prev_bb  = cur_bb;
            cur_bb   = NULL;
            last_ins = NULL;

    g->num_bbs = bb_idx;

    /* Finally, link the basic blocks up to form a CFG. Along the way, any of
     * the instruction operands get the target BB stored. */
    cur_bb = g->entry;
    while (cur_bb) {
        /* If it's the first block, it's a special case; successors are the
         * real successor and all exception handlers. */
        if (cur_bb == g->entry) {
            cur_bb->num_succ = 1 + g->num_handlers;
            cur_bb->succ     = MVM_spesh_alloc(tc, g, cur_bb->num_succ * sizeof(MVMSpeshBB *));
            cur_bb->succ[0]  = cur_bb->linear_next;
            for (i = 0; i < g->num_handlers; i++) {
                MVMuint32 offset = g->handlers[i].goto_offset;
                cur_bb->succ[i + 1] = ins_to_bb[byte_to_ins_flags[offset] >> 2];

        /* Otherwise, consider the last instruction, to see how we leave the BB. */
        else {
            switch (cur_bb->last_ins->info->opcode) {
Beispiel #7
/* Tries to generate a specialization of the bytecode, for the given callsite
 * and argument tuple. */
MVMSpeshCandidate * MVM_spesh_candidate_generate(MVMThreadContext *tc,
        MVMStaticFrame *static_frame, MVMCallsite *callsite, MVMRegister *args) {
    MVMSpeshCandidate *result;
    MVMSpeshGuard *guards;
    MVMSpeshCode *sc;
    MVMint32 num_spesh_slots, num_guards, *deopts, num_deopts;
    MVMCollectable **spesh_slots;
    char *before, *after;

    /* Generate the specialization. */
    MVMSpeshGraph *sg = MVM_spesh_graph_create(tc, static_frame);
    if (tc->instance->spesh_log_fh)
        before = MVM_spesh_dump(tc, sg);
    MVM_spesh_args(tc, sg, callsite, args);
    MVM_spesh_facts_discover(tc, sg);
    MVM_spesh_optimize(tc, sg);
    if (tc->instance->spesh_log_fh)
        after = MVM_spesh_dump(tc, sg);
    sc = MVM_spesh_codegen(tc, sg);
    num_spesh_slots = sg->num_spesh_slots;
    spesh_slots = sg->spesh_slots;
    num_guards = sg->num_guards;
    guards = sg->guards;
    num_deopts = sg->num_deopt_addrs;
    deopts = sg->deopt_addrs;
    MVM_spesh_graph_destroy(tc, sg);

    /* Now try to add it. Note there's a slim chance another thread beat us
     * to doing so. Also other threads can read the specializations without
     * lock, so make absolutely sure we increment the count of them after we
     * add the new one. */
    result    = NULL;
    if (static_frame->body.num_spesh_candidates < MVM_SPESH_LIMIT) {
        MVMint32 num_spesh = static_frame->body.num_spesh_candidates;
        MVMint32 i;
        for (i = 0; i < num_spesh; i++) {
            MVMSpeshCandidate *compare = &static_frame->body.spesh_candidates[i];
            if (compare->cs == callsite && compare->num_guards == num_guards &&
                memcmp(compare->guards, guards, num_guards * sizeof(MVMSpeshGuard)) == 0) {
                /* Beaten! */
                result = &static_frame->body.spesh_candidates[i];
        if (!result) {
            if (!static_frame->body.spesh_candidates)
                static_frame->body.spesh_candidates = malloc(
                    MVM_SPESH_LIMIT * sizeof(MVMSpeshCandidate));
            result                  = &static_frame->body.spesh_candidates[num_spesh];
            result->cs              = callsite;
            result->num_guards      = num_guards;
            result->guards          = guards;
            result->bytecode        = sc->bytecode;
            result->bytecode_size   = sc->bytecode_size;
            result->handlers        = sc->handlers;
            result->num_spesh_slots = num_spesh_slots;
            result->spesh_slots     = spesh_slots;
            result->num_deopts      = num_deopts;
            result->deopts          = deopts;
            if (static_frame->common.header.flags & MVM_CF_SECOND_GEN)
                if (!(static_frame->common.header.flags & MVM_CF_IN_GEN2_ROOT_LIST))
                    MVM_gc_root_gen2_add(tc, (MVMCollectable *)static_frame);
            if (tc->instance->spesh_log_fh) {
                char *c_name = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, static_frame->;
                char *c_cuid = MVM_string_utf8_encode_C_string(tc, static_frame->body.cuuid);
                    "Specialized '%s' (cuid: %s)\n\n", c_name, c_cuid);
                    "Before:\n%s\nAfter:\n%s\n\n========\n\n", before, after);
    if (!result) {

    return result;