Beispiel #1
 Float3 CartesianToSpherical(Float3 direction)
     Float3 result;
     float rDist = XlRSqrt(MagnitudeSquared(direction));
     result[0] = XlACos(direction[2] * rDist);
     result[1] = XlATan2(direction[1], direction[0]);
     result[2] = 1.0f / rDist;
     return result;
Beispiel #2
   float Vector2::Normalise()
      float sqLen = MagnitudeSquared();
      assert(sqLen != 0); // Why the f**k would you do this?

      float len = Sqrt(sqLen);
      float invLen = 1.0f / len;

      x *= invLen;
      y *= invLen;

      return len;
Beispiel #3
void CVector::Normalise()
    float fLength = MagnitudeSquared();
    if(fLength > 0.0)
        x /= fLength;
        y /= fLength;
        z /= fLength;
        x = 1.0;
Beispiel #4
inline B32 GJKIntersection(const AABB& a, const AABB& b, CollisionInfo *collison) {
  V3 aabbA[8], aabbB[8];
  AABBToVertices(a, aabbA, sizeof(V3));
  AABBToVertices(b, aabbB, sizeof(V3));
  GJKState gjkState = {};

  auto sim = &GetEngine()->physicsSimulation;
  CollisionVisualization *vis = &sim->collisionVisualization;
  vis->a = a;
  vis->b = b;

  V3 initalPoint = GJKArbitraryPolytopeSupport(aabbA, 8, sizeof(V3), aabbB, 8, sizeof(V3), V3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
  gjkState.simplex[gjkState.simplexCount++] = initalPoint;
  vis->AddGJKStep(gjkState.simplex, gjkState.simplexCount);
  gjkState.searchDirection= -initalPoint;

  static const size_t GJK_MAX_ITERATIONS = 32;
  size_t iterationCount = 0;
  while (iterationCount < GJK_MAX_ITERATIONS) {
    V3 p = GJKArbitraryPolytopeSupport(aabbA, 8, sizeof(V3), aabbB, 8, sizeof(V3), gjkState.searchDirection);
    F32 dot = Dot(p, gjkState.searchDirection);
    if (dot < 0.0f) return false;
    gjkState.simplex[gjkState.simplexCount++] = p; 
    vis->AddGJKStep(gjkState.simplex, gjkState.simplexCount);
    if (GJKUpdateSimplex(&gjkState)) {
      assert(gjkState.simplexCount == 4);
      V3 penetration = EPAFromGJKSimplex(gjkState.simplex, aabbA, 8, sizeof(V3), aabbB, 8, sizeof(V3));
      //V3 penetration = V3(0.0f);
      collison->penetrationVector = penetration;
      return true;

    if (MagnitudeSquared(gjkState.searchDirection) < 0.01f) {
      return true;


  if (iterationCount == GJK_MAX_ITERATIONS) {
    LogError("GJK Reached Max Iterrations");
    GetEngine()->isPaused = true;

  return false;
Beispiel #5
	void v3f::Normalise()		// Vector becomes a unit vector
		float magsquared = MagnitudeSquared();

		if( math::isZero( magsquared ) )
			float factor = math::InvSqrt( magsquared );
			x *= factor;
			y *= factor;
			z *= factor;
Beispiel #6
	bool DistanceToSphereIntersection(
		float& distance,
		Float3 rayStart, Float3 rayDirection, float sphereRadiusSq)
		/*	Find the std::distance, along the ray that begins at 'rayStart' and continues in unit direction 'direction', to the
			first intersection with the sphere centered at the origin and with radius 'radius'.
			Returns 0 if there is no intersection */
		auto d = Dot(-rayStart, rayDirection);
		const Float3 closestPoint = rayStart + d * rayDirection;
		const auto closestDistanceSq = MagnitudeSquared(closestPoint);
		if (closestDistanceSq > sphereRadiusSq)
			return false;
		auto a = XlSqrt(sphereRadiusSq - closestDistanceSq);
		distance = std::min(d-a, d+a);
		return true;
Beispiel #7
 float Vector3::Magnitude()
     return (float) std::sqrt(MagnitudeSquared());
 bool Vector2::IsZeroMagnitude() const
    return (MagnitudeSquared() < EPSILON);
 float Vector2::Magnitude() const
    return Sqrt(MagnitudeSquared());
Beispiel #10
 double Vector3::Magnitude() const
     return sqrt( MagnitudeSquared() );
Beispiel #11
 chain::Real Vector3::Magnitude() const
   return CH_SQRT(MagnitudeSquared());
Quaternion Quaternion::Inverse() const
	return Conjugate() / MagnitudeSquared();
Beispiel #13
double Vector4D<double>::Magnitude()
	return sqrt(MagnitudeSquared());
Beispiel #14
 Scalar Magnitude() const {
   return std::sqrt(MagnitudeSquared());
 T Magnitude()
   return (std::sqrt(MagnitudeSquared()));
Beispiel #16
//TODO(Torin) For now we will just return a 
//penetration vector but we need to generate a contact manifold in the future
inline V3 EPAFromGJKSimplex(V3 *initalSimplex, V3 *a, size_t countA, size_t strideA, V3 *b, size_t countB, size_t strideB) {

  struct EPAEdge {
    V3 a, b;

  static const size_t MAX_EDGE_COUNT = 256;
  static const size_t MAX_TRIANGLE_COUNT = 128;

  EPATriangle triangles[MAX_TRIANGLE_COUNT] = {};
  EPAEdge edges[MAX_EDGE_COUNT] = {};
  size_t triangleCount = 0;
  size_t edgeCount = 0;

  auto& vis = GetEngine()->physicsSimulation.collisionVisualization;

  auto AddTriangle = [&](V3 a, V3 b, V3 c) {
    EPATriangle& triangle = triangles[triangleCount++];
    triangle.a = a;
    triangle.b = b;
    triangle.c = c;

    V3 ab = b - a;
    V3 ac = c - a;
    triangle.normal = Cross(ab, ac);
    triangle.normal = Normalize(triangle.normal);
    //assert(Dot(triangle.normal, -a) < 0.0f);

  auto RemoveTriangle = [&](size_t i) {
    assert(i < triangleCount);
    triangles[i] = triangles[triangleCount - 1];
    triangleCount -= 1;

  auto AddOrRemoveEdge = [&](V3 a, V3 b) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++) {
      auto& edge = edges[i];
      if (Equals(edge.a, b) && Equals(edge.b, a)) {
        edges[i] = edges[edgeCount - 1];

    EPAEdge& edge = edges[edgeCount++];
    edge.a = a;
    edge.b = b;

  { //Add inital simplex to the polytope
    const V3& a = initalSimplex[3];
    const V3& b = initalSimplex[2];
    const V3& c = initalSimplex[1];
    const V3& d = initalSimplex[0];
    AddTriangle(b, c, d);
    AddTriangle(a, b, d);
    AddTriangle(a, d, c);
    AddTriangle(a, c, b);
    EPATriangle dummy = {};
    vis.AddEPAStep(dummy, triangles, triangleCount);
  static size_t const MAX_ITERATIONS = 6;
  size_t iterationCount = 0;
  while (iterationCount < MAX_ITERATIONS) {
    //Get closest face of the polytope to the origin
    F32 minMagnitudeSquared = 999999.0f; //@TODO(Torin) FLT_MAX 
    size_t closestFaceIndex = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++) {
      EPATriangle& t = triangles[i];
      V3 closestPoint = EPAClosestPointToOrigin(t);
      F32 magnitudeSquared = MagnitudeSquared(closestPoint);
      if (magnitudeSquared < minMagnitudeSquared) {
        minMagnitudeSquared = magnitudeSquared;
        closestFaceIndex = i;

    const EPATriangle closestTriangle = triangles[closestFaceIndex];
    const V3 extendPoint = GJKArbitraryPolytopeSupport(a, countA, strideA, b, countB, strideB, closestTriangle.normal);
    V3 closestPointOnTriangle = EPAClosestPointOnTriangle(extendPoint, closestTriangle);
    if (MagnitudeSquared(Abs(extendPoint - closestPointOnTriangle)) < 0.01f) {
      //This is the closest face to the mankowski difference
      V3 penetrationVector = Project(closestPointOnTriangle, closestTriangle.normal);
      vis.penetrationVector = penetrationVector;
      return penetrationVector;
    } else {

      //Expand the Polytope

      //TODO(Torin) @HACK How should this actualy be done?
      B8 markedForRemoval[128];
      memset(markedForRemoval, 0x00, 128);
      assert(triangleCount < 128);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++) {
        EPATriangle triangle = triangles[i];
        F32 dot = Dot(triangle.normal, extendPoint - triangle.a);
        if (dot > 0.0f) {
          markedForRemoval[i] = true;
          AddOrRemoveEdge(triangle.a, triangle.b);
          AddOrRemoveEdge(triangle.b, triangle.c);
          AddOrRemoveEdge(triangle.c, triangle.a);

      //@Hack???  Mabye this isn't such a bad idea...
      size_t newTriangleCount = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++) {
        if (markedForRemoval[i] == false) {
          triangles[newTriangleCount++] = triangles[i];

      triangleCount = newTriangleCount;

      for (size_t i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++) {
        auto& edge = edges[i];
        AddTriangle(edge.a, edge.b, extendPoint);
      vis.AddEPAStep(closestTriangle, triangles, triangleCount);
      edgeCount = 0;

  if (iterationCount == MAX_ITERATIONS) {
    LogError("EPA Reached max iterrations");
    GetEngine()->isPaused = true;
    return V3(0.0f);
Beispiel #17
float CVector::Magnitude() const
    return sqrt(MagnitudeSquared());
Beispiel #18
float Vector4D<float>::Magnitude()
	return sqrt(MagnitudeSquared());