Beispiel #1
 MenuItem* _make_item(Menu *pMenu)
     if (BBVERSION_09X) {
         char buffer[20]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", initval);
         return MakeMenuItemString(pMenu, text, menu->addid(cmd), buffer);
     } else {
         return MakeMenuItemInt(pMenu, text, menu->addid(cmd), initval, minval, maxval);
void make_menuitem_int(Menu *m, const char *title, const char* cmd, int val, int minval, int maxval)
	if (BBVERSION_09X == BBVersion)
		char buffer[20]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", val);
		MakeMenuItemString(m, title, cmd, buffer);
		MakeMenuItemInt(m, title, cmd, val, minval, maxval);
void make_menuitem_str(Menu *m, const char *title, const char* cmd, const char * init_string)
	char buffer[BBI_MAX_LINE_LENGTH];

	if (BBVERSION_LEAN == BBVersion)
		sprintf(buffer, "%s \"%%s\"", cmd), cmd = buffer;

	if (BBVERSION_09X == BBVersion)
		sprintf(buffer, "\"%s\"", init_string), init_string = buffer;

	MakeMenuItemString(m, title, cmd, init_string);
void make_menuitem_str(Menu *m, const char *title, const char* cmd, const char * init_string)
	char buffer[BBI_MAX_LINE_LENGTH];

	if (BBP_is_bbversion_lean())
		sprintf(buffer, "%s \"%%s\"", cmd), cmd = buffer;

	if (BBP_is_bbversion_09x())
		sprintf(buffer, "\"%s\"", init_string), init_string = buffer;

	MakeMenuItemString(m, title, cmd, init_string);
Beispiel #5
void ShowMyMenu(bool popup)
    Menu *pMenu, *pSub;

    /* Create the main menu, with a title and an unique IDString */
    pMenu = MakeNamedMenu(szAppName, MENU_ID("Main"), popup);

    /* Create a submenu, also with title and unique IDString */
    pSub = MakeNamedMenu("Configuration", MENU_ID("Config"), popup);

    /* Insert first Item */
    MakeMenuItem(pSub, "Draw Border", BROAM("drawBorder"), my.drawBorder);

    if (g_hSlit)
        MakeMenuItem(pSub, "Use Slit", BROAM("useSlit"), my.useSlit);

    if (false == my.is_inslit)
        /* these are only available if outside the slit */
        MakeMenuItem(pSub, "Always On Top", BROAM("alwaysOnTop"), my.alwaysOnTop);
        MakeMenuItem(pSub, "Snap To Edges", BROAM("snapWindow"), my.snapWindow);
        MakeMenuItem(pSub, "Toggle With Plugins", BROAM("pluginToggle"), my.pluginToggle);
        MakeMenuItem(pSub, "Transparency", BROAM("alphaEnabled"), my.alphaEnabled);
        MakeMenuItemInt(pSub, "Alpha Value", BROAM("alphaValue"), my.alphaValue, 0, 255);

    /* Insert the submenu into the main menu */
    MakeSubmenu(pMenu, pSub, "Configuration");

    /* The configurable text string */
    MakeMenuItemString(pMenu, "Display Text", BROAM("windowText"), my.windowText);

    /* ---------------------------------- */
    /* add an empty line */
    MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, NULL);

    /* add an entry to let the user edit the setting file */
    MakeMenuItem(pMenu, "Edit Settings", BROAM("editRC"), false);

    /* and an about box */
    MakeMenuItem(pMenu, "About", BROAM("About"), false);

    /* ---------------------------------- */
    /* Finally, show the menu... */
Menu* MakeDesktopMenu(int mode, bool popup)
    DesktopInfo DI;
    struct string_node *sl;
    int n, d;
    Menu *m, *s, *i = NULL;

    if (mode == 2) {
        m = MakeNamedMenu(NLS0("Tasks"), "Core_tasks_menu", popup);
    } else {
        i = build_task_folder(-1, NLS0("Icons"), popup);
        if (mode == 1)
            return i;
        m = MakeNamedMenu(NLS0("Workspaces"), "Core_tasks_workspaces", popup);
    for (n = 0, d = DI.nScreens, sl = DI.deskNames; n < d; ++n, sl = sl->next) {
        if (mode == 0) {
            char buf[100];
            MenuItem *fi;

            fi = MakeSubmenu(m, build_task_folder(n, sl->str, popup), NULL);
            sprintf(buf, "@BBCore.SwitchToWorkspace %d", n+1);
            MenuItemOption(fi, BBMENUITEM_LCOMMAND, buf);
            if (n == DI.number)
                MenuItemOption(fi, BBMENUITEM_CHECKED);
        } else {
            fill_task_folder(m, n, e_alltasks);
            if (n == d-1) return m;
            MakeMenuNOP(m, NULL);
    MakeMenuNOP(m, NULL);
    MakeSubmenu(m, i, NULL);
    s = MakeNamedMenu(NLS0("New/Remove"), "Core_workspaces_setup", popup);
    MakeMenuItem(s, NLS0("New Workspace"), "@BBCore.AddWorkspace", false);
    if (d > 1) MakeMenuItem(s, NLS0("Remove Last"), "@BBCore.DelWorkspace", false);
    MakeMenuItemString(s, NLS0("Workspace Names"), "@BBCore.SetWorkspaceNames", Settings_workspaceNames);
    MakeSubmenu(m, s, NULL);
    MakeMenuGrip(s, "New/Remove");
    MakeMenuGrip(m, "Workspaces");
    return m;
Beispiel #7
 MenuItem* _make_item(Menu *pMenu)
     return MakeMenuItemString(pMenu, text, menu->addid(cmd), init);
Beispiel #8
Menu *CfgMenuMaker(const char *title, const char *defbroam, const struct cfgmenu *pm, bool pop, char *menu_id)
    char buf[100];
    char *broam_dot;
    char *end_id;
    Menu *pMenu, *pSub;

    end_id = strchr(menu_id, 0);
    pMenu = MakeNamedMenu(title, menu_id, pop);
    broam_dot = strchr(strcpy_max(buf, defbroam, sizeof buf), 0);

    for (;pm->text; ++pm)
        const char *item_text = pm->text;
        const void *v = pm->pvalue;
        const char *cmd = pm->command;
        const struct int_item *iip;
        bool disabled, checked;
        MenuItem *pItem;

        disabled = checked = false;
        if (cmd)
            if ('@' != *cmd)
                strcpy(broam_dot, cmd), cmd = buf;

            if (NULL != (iip = get_int_item(v))) {
                pItem = MakeMenuItemInt(
                    pMenu, item_text, cmd, *iip->v, iip->minval, iip->maxval);
                if (-2 != iip->offval)
                    MenuItemOption(pItem, BBMENUITEM_OFFVAL,
                        iip->offval, 10000 == iip->maxval ? NLS0("auto") : NULL);
            } else if (is_string_item(v)) {
                MakeMenuItemString(pMenu, item_text, cmd, (const char*)v);
            } else if (is_fixed_string(v)) {
                checked = 0 == stricmp((const char *)v, strchr(cmd, ' ')+1);
            } else if (v) {
                checked = *(bool*)v;

            disabled = (v == &Settings_styleXPFix && Settings_altMethod)
                    || (v == &Settings_menu.dropShadows && false == usingXP)
            pItem = MakeMenuItem(pMenu, item_text, cmd, checked && false == disabled);
        else if (v)
            sprintf(end_id, "_%s", item_text);
            if ((DWORD_PTR)v <= SUB_PLUGIN_SLIT)
                pSub = PluginManager_GetMenu(item_text, menu_id, pop, (int)(DWORD_PTR)v);
                pSub = CfgMenuMaker(item_text, defbroam, (struct cfgmenu*)v, pop, menu_id);
            if (NULL == pSub)
            pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, pSub, NULL);
            pItem = MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, item_text);

        if (disabled)
            MenuItemOption(pItem, BBMENUITEM_DISABLED);
    return pMenu;