Beispiel #1
*   Function   : GetOptList
*   Description: This function is similar to the POSIX function getopt.  All
*                options and their corresponding arguments are returned in a
*                linked list.  This function should only be called once per
*                an option list and it does not modify argv or argc.
*   Parameters : argc - the number of command line arguments (including the
*                       name of the executable)
*                argv - pointer to the open binary file to write encoded
*                       output
*                options - getopt style option list.  A NULL terminated
*                          string of single character options.  Follow an
*                          option with a colon to indicate that it requires
*                          an argument.
*   Effects    : Creates a link list of command line options and their
*                arguments.
*   Returned   : option_t type value where the option and arguement fields
*                contain the next option symbol and its argument (if any).
*                The argument field will be set to NULL if the option is
*                specified as having no arguments or no arguments are found.
*                The option field will be set to PO_NO_OPT if no more
*                options are found.
*   NOTE: The caller is responsible for freeing up the option list when it
*         is no longer needed.
option_t *GetOptList(const int argc, char *const argv[], char *const options)
    int nextArg;
    option_t *head, *tail;
    int optIndex;

    /* start with first argument and nothing found */
    nextArg = 1;
    head = NULL;
    tail = NULL;

    /* loop through all of the command line arguments */
    while (nextArg < argc)
        if ((strlen(argv[nextArg]) > 1) && ('-' == argv[nextArg][0]))
            /* possible option */
            optIndex = 0;

            /* attempt to find a matching option */
            while ((options[optIndex] != '\0') &&
                (options[optIndex] != argv[nextArg][1]))
                while ((options[optIndex] != '\0') &&
                    (':' == options[optIndex]));

            if (options[optIndex] == argv[nextArg][1])
                /* we found the matching option */
                if (NULL == head)
                    head = MakeOpt(options[optIndex], NULL, OL_NOINDEX);
                    tail = head;
                    tail->next = MakeOpt(options[optIndex], NULL, OL_NOINDEX);
                    tail = tail->next;

                if (':' == options[optIndex + 1])
                    /* the option found should have a text arguement */
                    if (strlen(argv[nextArg]) > 2)
                        /* no space between argument and option */
                        tail->argument = &(argv[nextArg][2]);
                        tail->argIndex = nextArg;
                    else if (nextArg < argc)
                        /* there must be space between the argument option */
                        tail->argument = argv[nextArg];
                        tail->argIndex = nextArg;


    return head;
Beispiel #2
*   Function   : GetOptList
*   Description: This function is similar to the POSIX function getopt.  All
*                options and their corresponding arguments are returned in a
*                linked list.  This function should only be called once per
*                an option list and it does not modify argv or argc.
*   Parameters : argc - the number of command line arguments (including the
*                       name of the executable)
*                argv - pointer to the open binary file to write encoded
*                       output
*                options - getopt style option list.  A NULL terminated
*                          string of single character options.  Follow an
*                          option with a colon to indicate that it requires
*                          an argument.
*   Effects    : Creates a link list of command line options and their
*                arguments.
*   Returned   : option_t type value where the option and arguement fields
*                contain the next option symbol and its argument (if any).
*                The argument field will be set to NULL if the option is
*                specified as having no arguments or no arguments are found.
*                The option field will be set to PO_NO_OPT if no more
*                options are found.
*   NOTE: The caller is responsible for freeing up the option list when it
*         is no longer needed.
option_t *GetOptList(const int argc, char *const argv[], char *const options)
    int nextArg;
    option_t *head, *tail;
    size_t optIndex;
    size_t argIndex;

    /* start with first argument and nothing found */
    nextArg = 1;
    head = NULL;
    tail = NULL;

    /* loop through all of the command line arguments */
    while (nextArg < argc)
        argIndex = 1;

        while ((strlen(argv[nextArg]) > argIndex) && ('-' == argv[nextArg][0]))
            /* attempt to find a matching option */
            optIndex = MatchOpt(argv[nextArg][argIndex], options);

            if (options[optIndex] == argv[nextArg][argIndex])
                /* we found the matching option */
                if (NULL == head)
                    head = MakeOpt(options[optIndex], NULL, OL_NOINDEX);
                    tail = head;
                    tail->next = MakeOpt(options[optIndex], NULL, OL_NOINDEX);
                    tail = tail->next;

                if (':' == options[optIndex + 1])
                    /* the option found should have a text arguement */

                    if (strlen(argv[nextArg]) > argIndex)
                        /* no space between argument and option */
                        tail->argument = &(argv[nextArg][argIndex]);
                        tail->argIndex = nextArg;
                    else if (nextArg < argc)
                        /* there must be space between the argument option */
                        tail->argument = argv[nextArg];
                        tail->argIndex = nextArg;

                    break; /* done with argv[nextArg] */



    return head;