Beispiel #1
        static std::shared_ptr<MaterialScaffold> CreateMaterialScaffold(
            const ::Assets::ResChar model[], 
            const ::Assets::ResChar material[], 
            RenderCore::Assets::IModelFormat& modelFormat)
                // note --  we need to remove any parameters after ':' in the model name
                //          these are references to sub-nodes within the model hierarchy
                //          (which are irrelevant when dealing with materials, since the
                //          materials are shared for the entire model file)
            ::Assets::ResChar temp[MaxPath];
            const auto paramStart = XlFindChar(model, (::Assets::ResChar)':');
            if (paramStart) {
                XlCopyString(temp, MakeStringSection(model, paramStart));
                model = temp;

            auto& compilers = ::Assets::Services::GetAsyncMan().GetIntermediateCompilers();
            auto& store = ::Assets::Services::GetAsyncMan().GetIntermediateStore();
            const ::Assets::ResChar* inits[] = { material, model };
            auto marker = compilers.PrepareAsset(
                inits, dimof(inits), store);
            if (!marker) return nullptr;
            return std::make_shared<MaterialScaffold>(std::move(marker));
Beispiel #2
    void DivergentAssetBase::AssetIdentifier::OnChange()
        // We need to mark the target file invalidated.
        // this is a little strange, because the target file
        // hasn't actually changed. 
        // But this is required because some dependent assets
        // don't have a dependency on the asset itself (just
        // on the underlying file). Invalidating the file ensures
        // that we invoke a update on all assets that require it.

        if (_targetFilename.empty()) return;

        auto fn = _targetFilename;
        auto paramStart = fn.find_last_of(':');
		auto end = fn.cend();
        if (paramStart != std::basic_string<ResChar>::npos)
			end = fn.cbegin() + paramStart;

        Services::GetAsyncMan().GetIntermediateStore().ShadowFile(MakeStringSection(AsPointer(fn.cbegin()), AsPointer(end)));