void MapFactory::addSpawn_(const ptree::value_type &v) {
    int id = v.second.get<int>("id");
    if(id < 0)
        throw MapException("Wrong ID!");

    if(vertices.find(id) == vertices.end()) {
        double x = v.second.get<double>("x");
        double y = v.second.get<double>("y");
        int next = v.second.get<int>("next");

        // dodawanie drogi
        if(next < id){
            if(vertices.find(next) != vertices.end()) {
                Vertex ver = boost::add_vertex(*g);
                vertices[id] = ver;
                ((*g)[ver]).id = id;

                PMapElement s(new Spawn(id, x, y, verticesElements[next]->getPosition()));
                verticesElements[id] = s;

                addEdge_(id, next);
                throw MapException("No element with such ID.");
        throw MapException("Not unique MapElement id");
Beispiel #2
void	Map::setCase(int x, int y, m_type Type)
  if (x >= this->_height || x < 0)
    throw MapException("Wrong Height");
  if (y >= this->_width || y < 0)
    throw MapException("Wrong width");
  this->_map[x][y] = Type;
Beispiel #3
char	Map::getCase(int x, int y) const
  if (x >= this->_height || x < 0)
    throw MapException("Wrong Height");
  if (y >= this->_width || y < 0)
    throw MapException("Wrong width");
  return (this->_map[x][y]);
Beispiel #4
void		Map::produceFood(Snake const *snake)
  int		ntry = 0;
  bool		state;
  int		x;
  int		y;

  state = false;
  while (state == false && ntry < 1000)
      x = rand() % (this->_height - 1) + 1;
      y = rand() % (this->_width - 1) + 1;
      state = true;
      if (getCase(x, y) != tEmpty)
	state = false;
      if (snake)
	  for (std::list<SnakeElement *>::const_iterator it = snake->getList().begin(); it != snake->getList().end(); ++it)
	      if (x == (*it)->getPos()[0] && y == (*it)->getPos()[1])
		state = false;
  if (ntry == 1000)
    throw MapException("Impossible to produce food.");
  setCase(x, y, tFood);
void MapFactory::addCross_(const ptree::value_type &v) {
    int id = v.second.get<int>("id");
    if(id < 0)
        throw MapException("Wrong ID");

    if(vertices.find(id) == vertices.end()) {
        double x = v.second.get<double>("x");
        double y = v.second.get<double>("y");
        map<Direction, int> neighbors;
        neighbors[N] = v.second.get<int>("N");
        neighbors[E] = v.second.get<int>("E");
        neighbors[S] = v.second.get<int>("S");
        neighbors[W] = v.second.get<int>("W");

        // tworzenie PriorityRules w zaleznosci od typu
        PriorityRules *p;
        if(v.second.get<string>("crossType") == "rules") {
            string s = v.second.get<string>("subordinate");
            vector<char> subordinate;
            unsigned int i = 0;
            while(i < s.length()) {

            p = new CrossRules(subordinate, neighbors);
            throw MapException("Wrong rules type!");

        // dostep do wlasnosci wierzcholka
        Vertex ver = boost::add_vertex(*g);
        ((*g)[ver]).id = id;
        vertices[id] = ver;

        PMapElement c(new Cross(id, x, y, p, neighbors));
        verticesElements[id] = c;

        addEdges_(id, neighbors);
        throw MapException("Not unique MapElement id");
MapFactory::MapFactory(const string& path) {
    if(!path.empty()) {
        try {
            boost::property_tree::read_json(path, propertyTree);
        catch (boost::property_tree::json_parser::json_parser_error& err){
            std::ostringstream msg;
            msg << err.message() << ": " << err.filename() << std::endl;
            throw MapException(msg.str());
void MapFactory::addEdges_(int id_, map<Direction, int> neighbors_) {
    map<Direction, int>::iterator it;
    for(it = neighbors_.begin(); it != neighbors_.end(); ++it)
        // jeżeli jest dolaczony do jakiegos innego wierzcholka
        // i jeżeli jego id_ jest wieksze, to wtedy na pewno tamten stworzony
        if((*it).second != -1 && id_ > (*it).second) {
            if(vertices.find((*it).second) != vertices.end())
                addEdge_(id_, (*it).second);
                throw MapException("No element with such ID.");