M invert(const ArithSqMat3x3Float<V,M>& _a)
	{ /*
        // From Graphcis Gems IV, Jean-Francois Doue, C++ Vector and Matrix Algebra Routines.
        // From the EULA "Using the code is permitted in any program, product, or library, non-commercial 
        // or commercial. Giving credit is not required, though is a nice gesture"
		M a(_a[0], _a[1], _a[2]);
		M	b;

		unsigned int  i, j, i1;

		for (j=0; j<3; j++) 
				i1 = j;                 // Row with largest pivot candidate
				for (i=j+1; i<3; i++)
					if (fabs(a[i][j]) > fabs(a[i1][j]))
						i1 = i;
				// Swap rows i1 and j in a and b to put pivot on diagonal
				V a_tmp = a[i1];
				a[i1] = a[j];
				a[j]  = a_tmp;
				V b_tmp = b[i1];
				b[i1] = b[j];
				b[j]  = b_tmp;
				// Scale row j to have a unit diagonal
				if (a[j][j] == 0.0)
					throw(Mat3x3fSingular("Tried to invert Singular matrix"));
				b[j] /= a[j][j];
				a[j] /= a[j][j];
				// Eliminate off-diagonal elems in col j of a, doing identical ops to b
				for (i=0; i<3; i++)
					if (i!=j) 
							b[i] -= a[i][j] * b[j];
							a[i] -= a[i][j] * a[j];
		return b; */
    M a = transpose(_a);
    V a1a2 = cross(a[1], a[2]);
    float det = dot(a[0], a1a2);
    if(fabs(det) < 1.0e-15f)
      throw(Mat3x3fSingular("Tried to invert singular matrix"));
    return M(a1a2, cross(a[2], a[0]), cross(a[0], a[1]))/det;
Beispiel #2
	Mat3x3f invert(const Mat3x3f& _a)
		Mat3x3f a = _a;
		Mat3x3f	b = identity_Mat3x3f();

		int  i, j, i1;

		for (j=0; j<3; j++) 
				i1 = j;                 // Row with largest pivot candidate
				for (i=j+1; i<3; i++)
					if (fabs(a[i][j]) > fabs(a[i1][j]))
						i1 = i;
				// Swap rows i1 and j in a and b to put pivot on diagonal
				Vec3f a_tmp = a[i1];
				a[i1] = a[j];
				a[j]  = a_tmp;
				Vec3f b_tmp = b[i1];
				b[i1] = b[j];
				b[j]  = b_tmp;
				// Scale row j to have a unit diagonal
				if (a[j][j] == 0.0f)
					throw(Mat3x3fSingular("Tried to invert Singular matrix"));
				b[j] /= a[j][j];
				a[j] /= a[j][j];
				// Eliminate off-diagonal elems in col j of a, doing identical ops to b
				for (i=0; i<3; i++)
					if (i!=j) 
							b[i] -= a[i][j] * b[j];
							a[i] -= a[i][j] * a[j];
		return b;