Beispiel #1
      int MatFileIO::getNumberOfVariables() {
	Mat_Rewind(mat); // get back to first variable
	int count = 0;
	matvar_t * matvar = Mat_VarReadNextInfo(mat);
	while (matvar != NULL) {
	  matvar = Mat_VarReadNextInfo(mat);
	return count;
Beispiel #2
// load a .mat matlab matrix
// will load the first matrix (sparse or dense) in the file
// returns 0 on success
  int read_mat(char const *const filename,
               matrix_t *const A) {
#ifndef HAVE_MATIO
  return 1;
  const int LOCAL_DEBUG = 0;
  mat_t* matfp;
  matfp = Mat_Open(filename, MAT_ACC_RDONLY);
  if(matfp == NULL)
    return 1; // failed to open file

  matvar_t* t;
  int more_data = 1;

  while (more_data) {
    t = Mat_VarReadNextInfo(matfp);
    if(t == NULL) {
      return 2; // no suitable variable found
// TODO decide if this is the one:    if(t->
    if(1) {
      more_data = 0;
    else { // keep going
      t = NULL;

  { // load the selected variable, including data
    matvar_t* tt = Mat_VarRead(matfp, t->name);
    t = tt;
    if(LOCAL_DEBUG) Mat_VarPrint(tt, 1);

  // debug info
  if(LOCAL_DEBUG && t->name != NULL)
    printf("%s: loaded variable %s\n", filename, t->name);

  // checks and data handling
  int ret = 0;

  if(t->rank > 2 || t->rank <= 0) { // number of dimensions
    ret = 2;
  else if(t->data_type != MAT_T_DOUBLE) {
    if(LOCAL_DEBUG) printf("data_type=%d\n",t->data_type);
    ret = 3;
  else if(t->isComplex) {
    ret = 10; // TODO can't handle complex matrices yet
  else if(t->isLogical) {
    ret = 11; // TODO can't handle logicals yet
  else {
    if(t->rank == 1) {
      A->m = t->dims[0]; // rows
      A->n = 1; // cols
    else {
      A->m = t->dims[0]; // rows
      A->n = t->dims[1]; // cols
    A->sym = SM_UNSYMMETRIC;
    //if(t->data_type == MAT_T_DOUBLE) {
    A->data_type = REAL_DOUBLE;
    //} // TODO complex, single precision, various sized integers

    if(t->class_type == MAT_C_SPARSE) { // = sparse_t in CSC format
      // Note that Matlab will save('-v4'...) a sparse matrix
      // to version 4 format without complaint but it appears
      // to be gibberish as far as MatIO is concerned
      sparse_t* st = t->data;
      A->nz = st->ndata; //st->nzmax has the actual size of the allocated st->data
      A->format = SM_CSC;
      // transfer the data pointer into our strucut
      // TODO check for negative values in ir/jc before throwing away their signs
      A->ii = (unsigned int*) st->ir;
      st->ir = NULL;
      A->jj = (unsigned int*) st->jc;
      st->jc = NULL;
      A->dd = st->data;
      st->data = NULL;
    else if(t->class_type == MAT_C_DOUBLE) {
      A->nz = A->m * A->n;
      A->format = DCOL;
      // transfer the data pointer into our struct
      A->dd = t->data;
      t->data = NULL;
    else {
      ret = 4; // unknown class of data structure

  // DEBUG
  if(LOCAL_DEBUG && validate_matrix(A) != 0) {
    ret = 50;
    fprintf(stderr, "problem loading .mat matrix file\n");
    printf_matrix("  ", A);

  // sanity checks
  // t.dims[] is don't-care
  // t.isGlobal is don't-care

  return ret; // success?