int Unreal3DExport::DoExport( const TCHAR *name, ExpInterface *ei, Interface *i, BOOL suppressPrompts, DWORD options ) { int Result = FALSE; // Set a global prompt display switch bShowPrompts = suppressPrompts ? false : true; bExportSelected = (options & SCENE_EXPORT_SELECTED) ? true : false; // Get file names SplitFilename(TSTR(name), &FilePath, &FileName, &FileExt); if( MatchPattern(FileName,TSTR(_T("*_d")),TRUE) || MatchPattern(FileName,TSTR(_T("*_a")),TRUE) ) { FileName = FileName.Substr(0,FileName.length()-2); } ModelFileName = FilePath + _T("\\") + FileName + TSTR(_T("_d")) + FileExt; AnimFileName = FilePath + _T("\\") + FileName + TSTR(_T("_a")) + FileExt; ScriptFileName = FilePath + _T("\\") + FileName + TSTR(_T("_rc.uc")); // Open Log fLog = _tfopen(FilePath + _T("\\") + FileName + _T(".log") ,_T("wb")); // Init pInt = GetCOREInterface(); pInt->ProgressStart( GetString(IDS_INFO_INIT), TRUE, fn, this); Progress += U3D_PROGRESS_INIT; try { MyErrorProc pErrorProc; SetErrorCallBack(&pErrorProc); ReadConfig(); //if(bShowPrompts) /*DialogBoxParam(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PANEL), GetActiveWindow(), Unreal3DExportOptionsDlgProc, (LPARAM)this);*/ //if(showPrompts) { // Prompt the user with our dialogbox, and get all the options. if(!DialogBoxParam(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PANEL), GetActiveWindow(), Unreal3DExportOptionsDlgProc, (LPARAM)this)) { throw CancelException(); } } // Enumerate interesting nodes Init(); // Fetch data from nodes GetTris(); GetAnim(); // Prepare data for writing Prepare(); // Write to files WriteScript(); WriteModel(); WriteTracking(); // Show optional summary ShowSummary(); WriteConfig(); Result = IMPEXP_SUCCESS; } catch( CancelException& ) { Result = IMPEXP_CANCEL; } catch( MAXException& e ) { if( bShowPrompts && !e.message.isNull() ) { MaxMsgBox(pInt->GetMAXHWnd(),e.message,ShortDesc(),MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); } Result = IMPEXP_FAIL; } // Release scene if( pScene != NULL ) { pScene->ReleaseIGame(); pScene = NULL; } // Close files fclosen(fMesh); fclosen(fAnim); fclosen(fLog); fclosen(fScript); // Return to MAX pInt->ProgressEnd(); return Result; }
void Unreal3DExport::WriteScript() { // Write script file { fScript = _tfopen(ScriptFileName,_T("wb")); if( !fScript ) { ProgressMsg.printf(GetString(IDS_ERR_FSCRIPT),ScriptFileName); throw MAXException(; } TSTR buf; // Write class def _ftprintf( fScript, _T("class %s extends Object;\n\n"), FileName ); // write import _ftprintf( fScript, _T("#exec MESH IMPORT MESH=%s ANIVFILE=%s_a.3D DATAFILE=%s_d.3D \n"), FileName, FileName, FileName ); // write origin & rotation // TODO: figure out why it's incorrect without -1 Point3 porg = OptOffset * OptScale * -1; _ftprintf( fScript, _T("#exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=%s X=%f Y=%f Z=%f PITCH=%d YAW=%d ROLL=%d \n"), FileName, porg.x, porg.y, porg.z, (int)OptRot.x, (int)OptRot.y, (int)OptRot.z ); // write mesh scale Point3 psc( Point3(1.0f/OptScale.x,1.0f/OptScale.y,1.0f/OptScale.z)); _ftprintf( fScript, _T("#exec MESH SCALE MESH=%s X=%f Y=%f Z=%f \n"), FileName, psc.x, psc.y, psc.z ); // write meshmap _ftprintf( fScript, _T("#exec MESHMAP NEW MESHMA=P%s MESH=%smap \n"), FileName, FileName ); // write meshmap scale _ftprintf( fScript, _T("#exec MESHMAP SCALE MESHMAP=%s X=%f Y=%f Z=%f \n"), FileName, psc.x, psc.y, psc.z ); // write sequence _ftprintf( fScript, _T("#exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=%s SEQ=%s STARTFRAME=%d NUMFRAMES=%d \n"), FileName, _T("All"), 0, FrameCount-1 ); // Get World NoteTrack ReferenceTarget *rtscene = pInt->GetScenePointer(); for( int t=0; t<rtscene->NumNoteTracks(); ++t ) { DefNoteTrack* notetrack = static_cast<DefNoteTrack*>(rtscene->GetNoteTrack(t)); for( int k=0; k<notetrack->keys.Count(); ++k ) { NoteKey* notekey = notetrack->keys[k]; TSTR text = notekey->note; int notetime = notekey->time / pScene->GetSceneTicks(); while( !text.isNull() ) { TSTR cmd = SplitStr(text,_T('\n')); if( MatchPattern(cmd,TSTR(_T("a *")),TRUE) ) { SplitStr(cmd,_T(' ')); TSTR seq = SplitStr(cmd,_T(' ')); int end = _ttoi(SplitStr(cmd,_T(' ')));; TSTR rate = SplitStr(cmd,_T(' ')); TSTR group = SplitStr(cmd,_T(' ')); if( seq.isNull() ) { ProgressMsg.printf(_T("Missing animation name in notekey #%d"),notetime); throw MAXException(; } if( end <= notetime ) { ProgressMsg.printf(_T("Invalid animation endframe (%d) in notekey #%d"),end,notetime); throw MAXException(; } int startframe = notetime; int numframes = end - notetime; buf.printf( _T("#exec MESH SEQUENCE MESH=%s SEQ=%s STARTFRAME=%d NUMFRAMES=%d"), FileName, seq, notetime, numframes ); if( !rate.isNull() ) buf.printf( _T("%s RATE=%f"), buf, rate ); if( !group.isNull() ) buf.printf( _T("%s GROUP=%f"), buf, rate ); SeqName = seq; SeqFrame = startframe; buf.printf( _T("%s \n"), buf ); _fputts( buf, fScript ); } else if( MatchPattern(cmd,TSTR(_T("n *")),TRUE) ) { SplitStr(cmd,_T(' ')); TSTR func = SplitStr(cmd,_T(' ')); TSTR time = SplitStr(cmd,_T(' ')); if( func.isNull() ) { ProgressMsg.printf(_T("Missing notify name in notekey #%d"),notetime); throw MAXException(; } if( time.isNull() ) { ProgressMsg.printf(_T("Missing notify time in notekey #%d"),notetime); throw MAXException(; } buf.printf( _T("#exec MESH NOTIFY MESH=%s SEQ=%s TIME=%s FUNCTION=%s"), FileName, SeqName, time, func ); _fputts( buf, fScript ); } } } } // TODO: write materials if( Materials.Count() > 0 ) { for( int i=0; i<Materials.Count(); ++i ) { IGameMaterial* mat = Materials[i].Mat; if( mat == NULL ) continue; _ftprintf( fScript, _T("#exec MESHMAP SETTEXTURE MESHMAP=%s NUM=%d TEXTURE=%s \n"), FileName, i, _T("DefaultTexture") ); } } } }
virtual int OnUserPreInvite(User* source,User* dest,Channel* channel, time_t timeout) { return MatchPattern(dest, source, SILENCE_INVITE); }