Beispiel #1
* R_DrawPortalSurface
* Renders the portal view and captures the results from framebuffer if
* we need to do a $portalmap stage. Note that for $portalmaps we must
* use a different viewport.
static void R_DrawPortalSurface( portalSurface_t *portalSurface )
	unsigned int i;
	int x, y, w, h;
	float dist, d, best_d;
	vec3_t viewerOrigin;
	vec3_t origin;
	mat3_t axis;
	entity_t *ent, *best;
	const entity_t *portal_ent = portalSurface->entity;
	cplane_t *portal_plane = &portalSurface->plane, *untransformed_plane = &portalSurface->untransformed_plane;
	const shader_t *shader = portalSurface->shader;
	vec_t *portal_mins = portalSurface->mins, *portal_maxs = portalSurface->maxs;
	vec_t *portal_centre = portalSurface->centre;
	qboolean mirror, refraction = qfalse;
	image_t *captureTexture;
	int captureTextureId = -1;
	int prevRenderFlags = 0;
	qboolean doReflection, doRefraction;
	image_t *portalTexures[2] = { NULL, NULL };

	doReflection = doRefraction = qtrue;
	if( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE )
		shaderpass_t *pass;

		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = 0;

		for( i = 0, pass = shader->passes; i < shader->numpasses; i++, pass++ )
			if( pass->program_type == GLSL_PROGRAM_TYPE_DISTORTION )
				if( ( pass->alphagen.type == ALPHA_GEN_CONST && pass->alphagen.args[0] == 1 ) )
					doRefraction = qfalse;
				else if( ( pass->alphagen.type == ALPHA_GEN_CONST && pass->alphagen.args[0] == 0 ) )
					doReflection = qfalse;
		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = -1;

	x = y = 0;
	w = rn.refdef.width;
	h = rn.refdef.height;

	dist = PlaneDiff( rn.viewOrigin, portal_plane );
	if( dist <= BACKFACE_EPSILON || !doReflection )
		if( !( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ) || !doRefraction )

		// even if we're behind the portal, we still need to capture
		// the second portal image for refraction
		refraction = qtrue;
		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = 1;
		if( dist < 0 )
			VectorInverse( portal_plane->normal );
			portal_plane->dist = -portal_plane->dist;

	if( !(rn.renderFlags & RF_NOVIS) && !R_ScissorForEntity( portal_ent, portal_mins, portal_maxs, &x, &y, &w, &h ) )

	mirror = qtrue; // default to mirror view
	// it is stupid IMO that mirrors require a RT_PORTALSURFACE entity

	best = NULL;
	best_d = 100000000;
	for( i = 1; i < rsc.numEntities; i++ )
		ent = R_NUM2ENT(i);
		if( ent->rtype != RT_PORTALSURFACE )

		d = PlaneDiff( ent->origin, untransformed_plane );
		if( ( d >= -64 ) && ( d <= 64 ) )
			d = Distance( ent->origin, portal_centre );
			if( d < best_d )
				best = ent;
				best_d = d;

	if( best == NULL )
		if( captureTextureId < 0 )
		if( !VectorCompare( best->origin, best->origin2 ) )	// portal
			mirror = qfalse;
		best->rtype = NUM_RTYPES;

	prevRenderFlags = rn.renderFlags;
	if( !R_PushRefInst() ) {

	VectorCopy( rn.viewOrigin, viewerOrigin );


	if( refraction )
		VectorInverse( portal_plane->normal );
		portal_plane->dist = -portal_plane->dist - 1;
		CategorizePlane( portal_plane );
		VectorCopy( rn.viewOrigin, origin );
		Matrix3_Copy( rn.refdef.viewaxis, axis );
		VectorCopy( viewerOrigin, rn.pvsOrigin );

		rn.renderFlags = RF_PORTALVIEW;
		if( !mirror )
			rn.renderFlags |= RF_PVSCULL;
	else if( mirror )
		VectorReflect( rn.viewOrigin, portal_plane->normal, portal_plane->dist, origin );

		VectorReflect( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_FORWARD], portal_plane->normal, 0, &axis[AXIS_FORWARD] );
		VectorReflect( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_RIGHT], portal_plane->normal, 0, &axis[AXIS_RIGHT] );
		VectorReflect( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_UP], portal_plane->normal, 0, &axis[AXIS_UP] );

		Matrix3_Normalize( axis );

		VectorCopy( viewerOrigin, rn.pvsOrigin );

		vec3_t tvec;
		mat3_t A, B, C, rot;

		// build world-to-portal rotation matrix
		VectorNegate( portal_plane->normal, tvec );
		NormalVectorToAxis( tvec, A );

		// build portal_dest-to-world rotation matrix
		ByteToDir( best->frame, tvec );
		NormalVectorToAxis( tvec, B );
		Matrix3_Transpose( B, C );

		// multiply to get world-to-world rotation matrix
		Matrix3_Multiply( C, A, rot );

		// translate view origin
		VectorSubtract( rn.viewOrigin, best->origin, tvec );
		Matrix3_TransformVector( rot, tvec, origin );
		VectorAdd( origin, best->origin2, origin );

		Matrix3_Transpose( A, B );
		Matrix3_Multiply( rn.viewAxis, B, rot );
		Matrix3_Multiply( best->axis, rot, B );
		Matrix3_Transpose( C, A );
		Matrix3_Multiply( B, A, axis );

		// set up portal_plane
		VectorCopy( &axis[AXIS_FORWARD], portal_plane->normal );
		portal_plane->dist = DotProduct( best->origin2, portal_plane->normal );
		CategorizePlane( portal_plane );

		// for portals, vis data is taken from portal origin, not
		// view origin, because the view point moves around and
		// might fly into (or behind) a wall
		rn.renderFlags = RF_PORTALVIEW|RF_PVSCULL;
		VectorCopy( best->origin2, rn.pvsOrigin );
		VectorCopy( best->origin2, rn.lodOrigin );

		// ignore entities, if asked politely
		if( best->renderfx & RF_NOPORTALENTS )
			rn.renderFlags |= RF_NOENTS;

	rn.renderFlags |= (prevRenderFlags & RF_SOFT_PARTICLES);
	rn.refdef.rdflags &= ~( RDF_UNDERWATER|RDF_CROSSINGWATER );

	rn.shadowGroup = NULL;
	rn.meshlist = &r_portallist;

	rn.renderFlags |= RF_CLIPPLANE;
	rn.clipPlane = *portal_plane;

	rn.farClip = R_DefaultFarClip();

	rn.clipFlags |= ( 1<<5 );
	rn.frustum[5] = *portal_plane;
	CategorizePlane( &rn.frustum[5] );

	// if we want to render to a texture, initialize texture
	// but do not try to render to it more than once
	if( captureTextureId >= 0 )
		int texFlags = shader->flags & SHADER_NO_TEX_FILTERING ? IT_NOFILTERING : 0;

		captureTexture = R_GetPortalTexture( rsc.refdef.width, rsc.refdef.height, texFlags,
			rsc.frameCount );
		portalTexures[captureTextureId] = captureTexture;

		if( !captureTexture ) {
			// couldn't register a slot for this plane
			goto done;

		x = y = 0;
		w = captureTexture->upload_width;
		h = captureTexture->upload_height;
		rn.refdef.width = w;
		rn.refdef.height = h;
		rn.refdef.x = 0;
		rn.refdef.y = 0;
		rn.fbColorAttachment = captureTexture;
		// no point in capturing the depth buffer due to oblique frustum messing up
		// the far plane and depth values
		rn.fbDepthAttachment = NULL;
		Vector4Set( rn.viewport, rn.refdef.x + x, rn.refdef.y + y, w, h );
		Vector4Set( rn.scissor, rn.refdef.x + x, rn.refdef.y + y, w, h );
	else {
		// no point in capturing the depth buffer due to oblique frustum messing up
		// the far plane and depth values
		rn.fbDepthAttachment = NULL;
		Vector4Set( rn.scissor, rn.refdef.x + x, rn.refdef.y + y, w, h );

	VectorCopy( origin, rn.refdef.vieworg );
	Matrix3_Copy( axis, rn.refdef.viewaxis );

	R_RenderView( &rn.refdef );

	if( doRefraction && !refraction && ( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ) )
		refraction = qtrue;
		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = 1;
		goto setup_and_render;

	portalSurface->texures[0] = portalTexures[0];
	portalSurface->texures[1] = portalTexures[1];

	R_PopRefInst( rn.fbDepthAttachment != NULL ? 0 : GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );
Beispiel #2
* R_DrawPortalSurface
* Renders the portal view and captures the results from framebuffer if
* we need to do a $portalmap stage. Note that for $portalmaps we must
* use a different viewport.
static void R_DrawPortalSurface( portalSurface_t *portalSurface ) {
	unsigned int i;
	int x, y, w, h;
	float dist, d, best_d;
	vec3_t viewerOrigin;
	vec3_t origin;
	mat3_t axis;
	entity_t *ent, *best;
	cplane_t *portal_plane = &portalSurface->plane, *untransformed_plane = &portalSurface->untransformed_plane;
	const shader_t *shader = portalSurface->shader;
	vec_t *portal_centre = portalSurface->centre;
	bool mirror, refraction = false;
	image_t *captureTexture;
	int captureTextureId = -1;
	int prevRenderFlags = 0;
	bool prevFlipped;
	bool doReflection, doRefraction;
	image_t *portalTexures[2] = { NULL, NULL };

	doReflection = doRefraction = true;
	if( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE ) {
		shaderpass_t *pass;

		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = 0;

		for( i = 0, pass = shader->passes; i < shader->numpasses; i++, pass++ ) {
			if( pass->program_type == GLSL_PROGRAM_TYPE_DISTORTION ) {
				if( ( pass->alphagen.type == ALPHA_GEN_CONST && pass->alphagen.args[0] == 1 ) ) {
					doRefraction = false;
				} else if( ( pass->alphagen.type == ALPHA_GEN_CONST && pass->alphagen.args[0] == 0 ) ) {
					doReflection = false;
	} else {
		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = -1;

	x = y = 0;
	w = rn.refdef.width;
	h = rn.refdef.height;

	dist = PlaneDiff( rn.viewOrigin, portal_plane );
	if( dist <= BACKFACE_EPSILON || !doReflection ) {
		if( !( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ) || !doRefraction ) {

		// even if we're behind the portal, we still need to capture
		// the second portal image for refraction
		refraction = true;
		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = 1;
		if( dist < 0 ) {
			VectorInverse( portal_plane->normal );
			portal_plane->dist = -portal_plane->dist;

	mirror = true; // default to mirror view
	// it is stupid IMO that mirrors require a RT_PORTALSURFACE entity

	best = NULL;
	best_d = 100000000;
	for( i = 0; i < rn.numEntities; i++ ) {
		ent = R_NUM2ENT( rn.entities[i] );

		if( ent->rtype != RT_PORTALSURFACE ) {

		d = PlaneDiff( ent->origin, untransformed_plane );
		if( ( d >= -64 ) && ( d <= 64 ) ) {
			d = Distance( ent->origin, portal_centre );
			if( d < best_d ) {
				best = ent;
				best_d = d;

	if( best == NULL ) {
		if( captureTextureId < 0 ) {
			// still do a push&pop because to ensure the clean state
			if( R_PushRefInst() ) {
	} else {
		if( !VectorCompare( best->origin, best->origin2 ) ) { // portal
			mirror = false;
		best->rtype = NUM_RTYPES;

	prevRenderFlags = rn.renderFlags;
	prevFlipped = ( rn.refdef.rdflags & RDF_FLIPPED ) != 0;
	if( !R_PushRefInst() ) {

	VectorCopy( rn.viewOrigin, viewerOrigin );
	if( prevFlipped ) {
		VectorInverse( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_RIGHT] );


	if( refraction ) {
		VectorInverse( portal_plane->normal );
		portal_plane->dist = -portal_plane->dist;
		CategorizePlane( portal_plane );
		VectorCopy( rn.viewOrigin, origin );
		Matrix3_Copy( rn.refdef.viewaxis, axis );
		VectorCopy( viewerOrigin, rn.pvsOrigin );

		rn.renderFlags |= RF_PORTALVIEW;
		if( prevFlipped ) {
			rn.renderFlags |= RF_FLIPFRONTFACE;
	} else if( mirror ) {
		VectorReflect( rn.viewOrigin, portal_plane->normal, portal_plane->dist, origin );

		VectorReflect( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_FORWARD], portal_plane->normal, 0, &axis[AXIS_FORWARD] );
		VectorReflect( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_RIGHT], portal_plane->normal, 0, &axis[AXIS_RIGHT] );
		VectorReflect( &rn.viewAxis[AXIS_UP], portal_plane->normal, 0, &axis[AXIS_UP] );

		Matrix3_Normalize( axis );

		VectorCopy( viewerOrigin, rn.pvsOrigin );

		rn.renderFlags = ( prevRenderFlags ^ RF_FLIPFRONTFACE ) | RF_MIRRORVIEW;
	} else {
		vec3_t tvec;
		mat3_t A, B, C, rot;

		// build world-to-portal rotation matrix
		VectorNegate( portal_plane->normal, tvec );
		NormalVectorToAxis( tvec, A );

		// build portal_dest-to-world rotation matrix
		ByteToDir( best->frame, tvec );
		NormalVectorToAxis( tvec, B );
		Matrix3_Transpose( B, C );

		// multiply to get world-to-world rotation matrix
		Matrix3_Multiply( C, A, rot );

		// translate view origin
		VectorSubtract( rn.viewOrigin, best->origin, tvec );
		Matrix3_TransformVector( rot, tvec, origin );
		VectorAdd( origin, best->origin2, origin );

		Matrix3_Transpose( A, B );
		Matrix3_Multiply( rn.viewAxis, B, rot );
		Matrix3_Multiply( best->axis, rot, B );
		Matrix3_Transpose( C, A );
		Matrix3_Multiply( B, A, axis );

		// set up portal_plane
		VectorCopy( &axis[AXIS_FORWARD], portal_plane->normal );
		portal_plane->dist = DotProduct( best->origin2, portal_plane->normal );
		CategorizePlane( portal_plane );

		// for portals, vis data is taken from portal origin, not
		// view origin, because the view point moves around and
		// might fly into (or behind) a wall
		VectorCopy( best->origin2, rn.pvsOrigin );
		VectorCopy( best->origin2, rn.lodOrigin );

		rn.renderFlags |= RF_PORTALVIEW;

		// ignore entities, if asked politely
		if( best->renderfx & RF_NOPORTALENTS ) {
			rn.renderFlags |= RF_ENVVIEW;
		if( prevFlipped ) {
			rn.renderFlags |= RF_FLIPFRONTFACE;


	rn.meshlist = &r_portallist;
	rn.portalmasklist = NULL;

	rn.renderFlags |= RF_CLIPPLANE;
	rn.renderFlags &= ~RF_SOFT_PARTICLES;
	rn.clipPlane = *portal_plane;

	rn.nearClip = Z_NEAR;
	rn.farClip = R_DefaultFarClip();

	rn.polygonFactor = POLYOFFSET_FACTOR;
	rn.polygonUnits = POLYOFFSET_UNITS;

	rn.clipFlags |= 16;
	rn.frustum[4] = *portal_plane; // nearclip
	CategorizePlane( &rn.frustum[4] );

	// if we want to render to a texture, initialize texture
	// but do not try to render to it more than once
	if( captureTextureId >= 0 ) {
		int texFlags = shader->flags & SHADER_NO_TEX_FILTERING ? IT_NOFILTERING : 0;

		captureTexture = R_GetPortalTexture( rsc.refdef.width, rsc.refdef.height, texFlags,
											 rsc.frameCount );
		portalTexures[captureTextureId] = captureTexture;

		if( !captureTexture ) {
			// couldn't register a slot for this plane
			goto done;

		x = y = 0;
		w = captureTexture->upload_width;
		h = captureTexture->upload_height;
		rn.refdef.width = w;
		rn.refdef.height = h;
		rn.refdef.x = 0;
		rn.refdef.y = 0;
		rn.renderTarget = captureTexture->fbo;
		rn.renderFlags |= RF_PORTAL_CAPTURE;
		Vector4Set( rn.viewport, rn.refdef.x + x, rn.refdef.y + y, w, h );
		Vector4Set( rn.scissor, rn.refdef.x + x, rn.refdef.y + y, w, h );
	} else {
		rn.renderFlags &= ~RF_PORTAL_CAPTURE;

	VectorCopy( origin, rn.refdef.vieworg );
	Matrix3_Copy( axis, rn.refdef.viewaxis );

	R_SetupViewMatrices( &rn.refdef );

	R_SetupFrustum( &rn.refdef, rn.nearClip, rn.farClip, rn.frustum, rn.frustumCorners );

	R_SetupPVS( &rn.refdef );

	R_RenderView( &rn.refdef );

	if( doRefraction && !refraction && ( shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ) ) {
		rn.renderFlags = prevRenderFlags;
		refraction = true;
		captureTexture = NULL;
		captureTextureId = 1;
		goto setup_and_render;

	portalSurface->texures[0] = portalTexures[0];
	portalSurface->texures[1] = portalTexures[1];
