Beispiel #1
namespace gmtl {
    const Matrix22f MAT_IDENTITY22F = Matrix22f();
    const Matrix22d MAT_IDENTITY22D = Matrix22d();
    const Matrix23f MAT_IDENTITY23F = Matrix23f();
    const Matrix23d MAT_IDENTITY23D = Matrix23d();
    const Matrix33f MAT_IDENTITY33F = Matrix33f();
    const Matrix33d MAT_IDENTITY33D = Matrix33d();
    const Matrix34f MAT_IDENTITY34F = Matrix34f();
    const Matrix34d MAT_IDENTITY34D = Matrix34d();
    const Matrix44f MAT_IDENTITY44F = Matrix44f();
    const Matrix44d MAT_IDENTITY44D = Matrix44d();
void ARToolKitPlusTracker::update(unsigned char* data)
    ARToolKitPlus::ARMarkerInfo* m_infos;
    int numActiveTrackables;
    std::vector<int> markerId = _tracker->calc(data, &m_infos, &numActiveTrackables);

    int best_id = _tracker->selectBestMarkerByCf();
        std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(_mtx_ar);
        _n_trackables = numActiveTrackables;

        for (int j = 0; j < numActiveTrackables; j++) 
            if (m_infos[j].id == best_id)
                for(int i=0; i<4; i++) 
                    _pts_corner[i] = ci::Vec2f(m_infos[j].vertex[i][0], m_infos[j].vertex[i][1]);
                _mat_proj = Matrix44d(_tracker->getProjectionMatrix());
                _mat_modelview = Matrix44d(_tracker->getModelViewMatrix());
Beispiel #3
void S9FbxDrawer::applyRotations(shared_ptr<FbxMesh> pMesh) {

    //int clusterMode = pMesh->clusters[0]->mode;

    // set skin matrices to ALL ZEROS if not additive (which it is likely to be but we'll need to change that)
    for (vector<Matrix44d>::iterator it = pMesh->skinmatrices.begin(); it != pMesh->skinmatrices.end(); it++) {
        (*it) = Matrix44d(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

    // set skin weights to zero

    for (vector<float>::iterator it = pMesh->skinweights.begin(); it != pMesh->skinweights.end(); it++) {
        *it = 0.0;

    // Compute the skin matrices (a matrix for each vertex) - This is the shader bit I'd have thought
    for (int i = 0; i < pMesh->clusters.size(); ++i) {
        shared_ptr<FbxCluster> cinderCluster = pMesh->clusters[i];

        Matrix44d clusterMatrix;
        clusterMatrix = cinderCluster->pretransform * (*cinderCluster->transform) * cinderCluster->posttransform;

        // Modify this cluster's matrices by the current indicies weight then add this up for all matrices
        // affecting that vertex (as multiple clusters can influence one vertex)

        Vec3f centre(0,0,0);

        for (int j=0; j < cinderCluster->indicies.size(); ++j) {

            int idx = cinderCluster->indicies[j];
            float w = cinderCluster->weights[j];

            if (w == 0.0)

            Matrix44d influenceMatrix = clusterMatrix * w;

            pMesh->skinmatrices[idx] = pMesh->skinmatrices[idx] + influenceMatrix;
            pMesh->skinweights[idx] += w;


    pMesh->skinvertices = pMesh->vertices;

    for (int i =0; i < pMesh->skinvertices.size(); ++i) {
        float w = pMesh->skinweights[i];
        if (w != 0.0) {
            pMesh->skinvertices[i] = pMesh->skinmatrices[i] * pMesh->vertices[i];

            int idx = pMesh->indiciesToIterative[pMesh->indicies[i]];

            pMesh->skinnormals[idx] = pMesh->skinmatrices[i].transformVec(pMesh->normals[idx]);

    ///\todo - There is definitely a performance hit here. Can we perhaps do some things with that?

    for (int i = 0; i < pMesh->clusters.size(); ++i) {
        shared_ptr<FbxCluster> cinderCluster = pMesh->clusters[i];

        // Modify this cluster's matrices by the current indicies weight then add this up for all matrices
        // affecting that vertex (as multiple clusters can influence one vertex)

        Vec3f centre(0,0,0);

        cinderCluster->mMax = Vec3f(-1e10,-1e10,-1e10);
        cinderCluster->mMin = Vec3f(1e10,1e10,1e10);

        for (int j=0; j < cinderCluster->indicies.size(); ++j) {
            //Centre points - how best to do this? Dont want to loop again! ><

            int idx = cinderCluster->indicies[j];

            Vec3f vert = pMesh->skinvertices[idx];

            cinderCluster->mMax.x = vert.x > cinderCluster->mMax.x ? vert.x : cinderCluster->mMax.x;
            cinderCluster->mMax.y = vert.y > cinderCluster->mMax.y ? vert.y : cinderCluster->mMax.y;
            cinderCluster->mMax.z = vert.z > cinderCluster->mMax.z ? vert.z : cinderCluster->mMax.z;

            cinderCluster->mMin.x = vert.x < cinderCluster->mMin.x ? vert.x : cinderCluster->mMin.x;
            cinderCluster->mMin.y = vert.y < cinderCluster->mMin.y ? vert.y : cinderCluster->mMin.y;
            cinderCluster->mMin.z = vert.z < cinderCluster->mMin.z ? vert.z : cinderCluster->mMin.z;

            centre += vert;


        if (centre != Vec3f::zero()) {
            cinderCluster->mCentre = centre * 1.0 / static_cast<float>(cinderCluster->indicies.size());
        else {
            cinderCluster->mCentre = centre;
