Beispiel #1
static void getDrect(const double vector[], int nbElements,
                     double* dMin, double* dMax,
                     double defaultMin, double defaultMax)
    if (containsOneFiniteElement(vector, nbElements))
        *dMin = Mini(vector, nbElements);
        *dMax = Maxi(vector, nbElements);
        *dMin = defaultMin;
        *dMax = defaultMax;
Beispiel #2
int C2F(contourif)(double *x, double *y, double *z, int *n1, int *n2, int *flagnz, int *nz, double *zz, int *style)
    int err = 0;
    static double *zconst = NULL;
    double zmin = 0., zmax = 0.;
    int N[3], i = 0;

    zmin = (double) Mini(z, *n1 * (*n2));
    zmax = (double) Maxi(z, *n1 * (*n2));

    if (*flagnz == 0)
        if ( ( zconst = MALLOC( (*nz) * sizeof(double) ) ) == 0 )
            Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "contourif");
            return -1;
        for ( i = 0 ; i < *nz ; i++)
            zconst[i] = zmin + (i + 1) * (zmax - zmin) / (*nz + 1);
        N[0] = *n1;
        N[1] = *n2;
        N[2] = *nz;
        contourI(GContStore2, x, y, z, zconst, N, style, &err);
        FREE(zconst) ;
        zconst = NULL ;
        N[0] = *n1;
        N[1] = *n2;
        N[2] = *nz;
        contourI(GContStore2, x, y, z, zz, N, style, &err);

    return 0 ;
Beispiel #3
/* Given two set of coordinates x and y this routine computes the corresponding
 *  data bounds rectangle drect=[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax] taking into account the logflag
 *  -> means we have to find among the data the min > 0.
void compute_data_bounds2(int cflag, char dataflag, char *logflags, double *x, double *y, int n1, int n2, double *drect)
    int size_x = 0, size_y = 0;
    double xd[2];
    double *x1 = NULL;

    switch (dataflag)
        case 'e':
            xd[0] = 1.0;
            xd[1] = (double)n2;
            x1 = xd;
            size_x = (n2 != 0) ? 2 : 0;
        case 'o':
            x1 = x;
            size_x = n2;
        case 'g':
            x1 = x;
            size_x = (cflag == 1) ? n1 : (n1 * n2);

    if (size_x != 0)
        if (logflags[0] != 'l')
            MiniMaxi(x1, size_x, drect, drect + 1);
            //drect[0] = Mini(x1, size_x);
            //drect[1] = Maxi(x1, size_x);
            /* log. case */
            drect[0] = sciFindStPosMin(x1, size_x);
            drect[1] = Maxi(x1, size_x);

        if (logflags[0] != 'l')
            drect[0] = 0.0;
            drect[1] = 10.0;
            /* log. case */
            drect[0] = 1.0;
            drect[1] = 10.0;

    size_y = (cflag == 1) ? n2 : (n1 * n2);
    if (size_y != 0)
        if (logflags[1] != 'l')
            MiniMaxi(y, size_y, drect + 2, drect + 3);
            //drect[2] = Mini(y, size_y);
            //drect[3] = Maxi(y, size_y);
            /* log. case */
            drect[2] = sciFindStPosMin(y, size_y);
            drect[3] = Maxi(y, size_y);
        if (logflags[1] != 'l')
            drect[2] = 0.0;
            drect[3] = 10.0;
            /* log. case */
            drect[2] = 1.0;
            drect[3] = 10.0;

    /* back to default values for  x=[] and y = [] */
    if (drect[2] == LARGEST_REAL || drect[3] == -LARGEST_REAL || C2F(isanan)(&drect[2]) || C2F(isanan)(&drect[3]))
        if (logflags[1] != 'l')
            drect[2] = 0.0;
            drect[2] = 1.0;

        drect[3] = 10.0;

    if (drect[0] == LARGEST_REAL || drect[1] == -LARGEST_REAL || C2F(isanan)(&drect[0]) || C2F(isanan)(&drect[1]))
        if (logflags[0] != 'l')
            drect[0] = 0.0;
            drect[0] = 1.0;

        drect[1] = 10.0;
Beispiel #4
int  Max(const int* A, const int sz)
    return A[Maxi(A,sz)];
Beispiel #5
int C2F(xgray)(double *x, double *y, double *z, int *n1, int *n2, char *strflag, double *brect, int *aaint, BOOL flagNax, char *logflags, long int l1)
    int iSubwinUID = 0;
    int iGrayplotUID = 0;
    double xx[2], yy[2];
    int nn1 = 1, nn2 = 2;
    double drect[6];
    BOOL bounds_changed = FALSE;
    BOOL isRedrawn = FALSE;
    BOOL axes_properties_changed = FALSE;

    char textLogFlags[3];
    double rotationAngles[2];
    int clipState = 0;
    int autoScale = 0;
    int firstPlot = 0;
    int logFlags[3];
    char dataflag = 0;
    int autoSubticks = 0;

    int iTmp = 0;
    int* piTmp = &iTmp;

    xx[0] = Mini(x, *n1);
    xx[1] = Maxi(x, *n1);
    yy[0] = Mini(y, *n2);
    yy[1] = Maxi(y, *n2);

    /* Adding F.Leray 22.04.04 */
    iSubwinUID = getCurrentSubWin();

    isRedrawn = checkRedrawing();

    rotationAngles[0] = 0.0;
    rotationAngles[1] = 270.0;

    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_ROTATION_ANGLES__, rotationAngles, jni_double_vector, 2);

    /* Force "cligrf" clipping (1) */
    clipState = 1;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_CLIP_STATE__, &clipState, jni_int, 1);

    getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
    firstPlot = iTmp;

    getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_AUTO_SCALE__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
    autoScale = iTmp;

    /* Reset x and y logflags */
    if (firstPlot)
        logFlags[0] = getBooleanLogFlag(logflags[1]);
        logFlags[1] = getBooleanLogFlag(logflags[2]);

        setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, &logFlags[0], jni_bool, 1);
        setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, &logFlags[1], jni_bool, 1);

    if (autoScale)
        /* compute and merge new specified bounds with the data bounds */
        switch (strflag[1])
            case '0':
                /* do not change data bounds */
            case '1' :
            case '3' :
            case '5' :
            case '7':
                /* Force data bounds=brect */
                re_index_brect(brect, drect);
            case '2' :
            case '4' :
            case '6' :
            case '8':
            case '9':
                /* Force data bounds to the x and y bounds */
                if ((int)strlen(logflags) < 1)
                    dataflag = 'g';
                    dataflag = logflags[0];

                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[0] = iTmp;
                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[1] = iTmp;
                getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Z_AXIS_LOG_FLAG__, jni_bool, (void **)&piTmp);
                logFlags[2] = iTmp;

                /* Conversion required by compute_data_bounds2 */
                textLogFlags[0] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[0]);
                textLogFlags[1] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[1]);
                textLogFlags[2] = getTextLogFlag(logFlags[2]);

                /* Force data bounds to the x and y bounds */
                compute_data_bounds2(0, dataflag, textLogFlags, xx, yy, nn1, nn2, drect);

        /* merge data bounds and drect */
        if (!firstPlot && (strflag[1] == '7' || strflag[1] == '8'))
            double* dataBounds;
            getGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_DATA_BOUNDS__, jni_double_vector, (void **)&dataBounds);

            drect[0] = Min(dataBounds[0], drect[0]); /*xmin*/
            drect[2] = Min(dataBounds[2], drect[2]); /*ymin*/
            drect[1] = Max(dataBounds[1], drect[1]); /*xmax*/
            drect[3] = Max(dataBounds[3], drect[3]); /*ymax*/

        if (strflag[1] != '0')
            bounds_changed = update_specification_bounds(iSubwinUID, drect, 2);

    if (firstPlot)
        bounds_changed = TRUE;

    axes_properties_changed = strflag2axes_properties(iSubwinUID, strflag);

    firstPlot = 0;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_FIRST_PLOT__, &firstPlot, jni_bool, 1);

    /* F.Leray 07.10.04 : trigger algo to init. manual graduation u_xgrads and
    u_ygrads if nax (in matdes.c which is == aaint HERE) was specified */

    /* The MVC AUTO_SUBTICKS property corresponds to !flagNax */
    autoSubticks = !flagNax;
    setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_AUTO_SUBTICKS__, &autoSubticks, jni_bool, 1);

    if (flagNax == TRUE)
        if (logFlags[0] == 0 && logFlags[1] == 0)
            int autoTicks;

            autoTicks = 0;
            setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_X_AXIS_AUTO_TICKS__, &autoTicks, jni_bool, 1);
            setGraphicObjectProperty(iSubwinUID, __GO_Y_AXIS_AUTO_TICKS__, &autoTicks, jni_bool, 1);
            Sciwarning(_("Warning: Nax does not work with logarithmic scaling.\n"));

    /* Constructs the object */
    iGrayplotUID = ConstructGrayplot(getCurrentSubWin(), x, y, z, *n1, *n2, 0);

    /* Failed allocation */
    if (iGrayplotUID == 0)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "grayplot");
        return -1;

    /* Sets the grayplot as current */

    return (0);