// Calcula el histograma de la region 'area' del filtro 'numFiltro', devolviendo los valores en 'histo', 'media' y 'sigma' // El histograma se devuelve con NUM_VALORES_HISTO valores independientemente de la profundidad de la imagen // nBitsImagen - profundidad en bits de las imagenes. Hay que tener esto en cuenta para transformar histograma a NUM_VALORES_HISTO // Devuelve false si la imagen correspondiente no esta disponible bool ControlImagenes::CalculaHistograma(int numFiltro, const CRect& area, int nBitsImagen, long* histo, double& moda, double& sigma, int &nPercentilInf, int &nPercentilSup) { MIL_ID M_AreaAux; double media; int nValorMaxImagen = 1<<nBitsImagen; long * histoImagen = new long [nValorMaxImagen]; //histograma auxiliar con TODOS los valores de gris de la imagen memset(histo,0,NUM_VALORES_HISTO*sizeof(long)); //inicializamos if (m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1] != M_NULL) { MbufChild2d(m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1], area.left, area.top,area.right - area.left, area.bottom - area.top, &M_AreaAux); if (EvaluaHistograma(M_AreaAux,histoImagen, nValorMaxImagen)) { MbufFree(M_AreaAux); // calcular histograma con NUM_VALORES_HISTO if (NUM_VALORES_HISTO < nValorMaxImagen) { int nValoresAgrupar = nValorMaxImagen / NUM_VALORES_HISTO; //numero de valores a sumar para agrupar for (int i = 0; i<NUM_VALORES_HISTO; i++) { for (int j=0;j<nValoresAgrupar;j++) histo[i] += histoImagen[i*nValoresAgrupar + j]; } } else { memcpy(histo,histoImagen,nValorMaxImagen*sizeof(long)); } delete [] histoImagen; procesa_histograma(histo,&media,&sigma); moda = moda_histograma(histo, 0, NUM_VALORES_HISTO-1); nPercentilInf = percentil_histograma(histo,NUM_VALORES_HISTO,5); nPercentilSup = percentil_histograma(histo,NUM_VALORES_HISTO,95); return true; } else { MbufFree(M_AreaAux); delete [] histoImagen; return false; } } else { delete [] histoImagen; return false; } }
/************************** fin_TomaPatrones ****************************** *****************************************************************************/ int fin_TomaPatrones(int num_bandas) { int i; for (i=0; i < num_bandas; i++) { MbufFree(M_banda_enmascarada_acum[i]); MbufFree(M_banda_acum[i]); MbufFree(M_cont_campos[i]); } MbufFree(M_mascara_aux); MbufFree(M_acum_aux); return 0; }
bool MdispGtkView::saveROIAs(const char *filename) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIL: Get current ROI in buffer-related coordinates. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIL_INT OffsetX = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_BUFFER_OFFSET_X, M_NULL); MIL_INT OffsetY = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_BUFFER_OFFSET_Y, M_NULL); MIL_INT SizeX = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_BUFFER_SIZE_X, M_NULL); MIL_INT SizeY = MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, M_ROI_BUFFER_SIZE_Y, M_NULL); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIL: Create a child of the selected buffer, with the ROI coordinates. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIL_ID ChildBuffer = MbufChildColor2d(m_MilImage, M_ALL_BANDS, OffsetX, OffsetY, SizeX, SizeY, M_NULL); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIL: Save the buffer in the path given by the user. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MbufSave(filename, ChildBuffer); MbufFree(ChildBuffer); return true; }
void calcula_y_guarda_AOI(FILE* fich_AOI, parametros& param, MIL_ID Mbanda) { MIL_ID M_Centro; long histo[NUMVAL]; double media,sigma; static bool bPrimeraVez = true; if (bPrimeraVez) //primera vez de esta "sesion" { // Escribir cabecera en el fichero bPrimeraVez = false; // Get local time time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; time ( &rawtime ); timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime ); fprintf(fich_AOI, "\n%s - Reflectancias medias y sigmas de regiones de interes\n",asctime (timeinfo)); } MbufChild2d(Mbanda, param.Cam.anchoImagen/2 - m_nAnchoAOI/2, param.Cam.altoImagen/2 - m_nAnchoAOI/2, m_nAnchoAOI, m_nAnchoAOI, &M_Centro); evalua_histograma(M_Centro,histo); MbufFree(M_Centro); procesa_histograma(histo,&media,&sigma); if (BITS_CAMARA == 12) fprintf(fich_AOI, "%.2lf\t%.2lf\t",media*param.escala/16,sigma*param.escala/16); else fprintf(fich_AOI, "%.2lf\t%.2lf\t",media*param.escala,sigma*param.escala); }
void ControlImagenes::EliminarTodas() { if (M_overlay_normal != M_NULL) { MbufClear(M_overlay_normal, TRANSPARENTE );// Relleno el buffer overlay con el color TRANSPARENTE M_overlay_normal = M_NULL; } MIL_ID selected; MdispInquire(m_Mildisplay,M_SELECTED,&selected); if (selected!=M_NULL) MdispDeselect(m_Mildisplay,selected); for (int i=0;i<MAX_NUM_IMAGENES;i++) { if (m_Milimagen[i] != M_NULL) { MbufFree(m_Milimagen[i]); m_Milimagen[i] = M_NULL; } } m_numImagenes = 0; //Liberamos RGB if (m_MilRGB != M_NULL) { MbufFree(m_MilRGB); m_MilRGB = M_NULL; } //Liberamos imagen identificacion if (M_Clasificacion != M_NULL) { MbufFree(M_Clasificacion); M_Clasificacion = M_NULL; } if (m_bufClasificacionSelectiva != NULL) { delete [] m_bufClasificacionSelectiva; m_bufClasificacionSelectiva = NULL; } theApp.clasificacion.Liberar(); }
ControlImagenes::~ControlImagenes() { for (int i=0;i<MAX_NUM_IMAGENES;i++) { if (m_Milimagen[i] != M_NULL) MbufFree(m_Milimagen[i]); } if (m_MilRGB != M_NULL) MbufFree(m_MilRGB); // CLASIFICACION if(M_Clasificacion!=M_NULL) MbufFree(M_Clasificacion); if (m_bufClasificacionSelectiva != NULL) delete [] m_bufClasificacionSelectiva; MdispFree(m_Mildisplay); //MsysFree(m_Milsistema); MappFree(m_Milaplicacion); }
// A partir de las imagenes guardadas en disco, genera la imagen mosaico void GenerarMosaicos() { char nombre_fich[512]; MIL_ID M_aux; MIL_ID M_mosaico; long lSizeX, lSizeY; //dimensiones imagen // Leer tamaño de primera imagen sprintf(nombre_fich, "%s%s_%03d_%03d_%02d%s", g_csDirectorioBarrido, g_csMuestra, g_nFilaInicio, g_nColumnaInicio, g_arrFiltros[0]+1, ".tif"); MbufDiskInquire(nombre_fich,M_SIZE_X, &lSizeX); MbufDiskInquire(nombre_fich,M_SIZE_Y, &lSizeY); MbufAlloc2d(M_DEFAULT_HOST, lSizeX, lSizeY, 8/*theApp.m_ParamIni.Cam.profundidad*/+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_PROC, &M_aux); MbufAlloc2d(M_DEFAULT_HOST, lSizeX * (g_nColumnaFin - g_nColumnaInicio + 1), lSizeY * (g_nFilaFin - g_nFilaInicio + 1), 8/*theApp.m_ParamIni.Cam.profundidad*/+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_PROC, &M_mosaico); for (int f=0; f < g_nBandas; f++) { MbufClear(M_mosaico,0); for (int i=g_nFilaInicio;i<=g_nFilaFin;i++) { printf("\rComponiendo mosaico filtro %d Fila %d ... ", g_arrFiltros[f], i); for (int j=g_nColumnaInicio;j<=g_nColumnaFin;j++) { sprintf(nombre_fich, "%s%s_%03d_%03d_%02d%s", g_csDirectorioBarrido, g_csMuestra, i, j, g_arrFiltros[f], ".tif"); //carga_imagen_campo8bit(nombre_fich, M_aux, theApp.m_ParamIni.Cam.profundidad); carga_imagen_campo_bits(nombre_fich, M_aux,8); MbufCopyClip(M_aux,M_mosaico,(j-g_nColumnaInicio)*lSizeX,(i-g_nFilaInicio)*lSizeY); } } printf("\rSalvando mosaico filtro %d ... ", g_arrFiltros[f]); sprintf(nombre_fich, "%s%s_%02d%s", g_csDirectorioBarrido, g_csMuestra, g_arrFiltros[f], ".tif"); graba_imagen_campo(nombre_fich, M_mosaico); } printf("\r \n"); MbufFree(M_aux); MbufFree(M_mosaico); }
/************************** graba_imagen_campo **************************** Función para efectuar la grabación en disco de una imagen del campo. "nombre" es el nombre del archivo a almacenar. "buffer" es el buffer que quiero copiar a disco. Se espera que este buffer este en 8 o 16 bits reales (dependiendo de la profundidad de la camara) nBits - profundidad en bits en que se grabará la imagen (8,12,16) ****************************************************************************/ int graba_imagen_campo_bits(parametros& param, char *nombre, MIL_ID buffer, int nBits, double dEscala) { int res = 0; if (param.Cam.profundidad == 16 && (nBits == 8 || nBits == 12)) { MIL_ID M_buf16; long altoImagen,anchoImagen; MbufInquire(buffer, M_SIZE_X, &anchoImagen); MbufInquire(buffer, M_SIZE_Y, &altoImagen); MbufAlloc2d(M_sistema, anchoImagen, altoImagen, 16+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_DISP+M_PROC, &M_buf16 ); if (nBits == 8) { MIL_ID M_buf8; MbufAlloc2d(M_sistema, anchoImagen, altoImagen, 8+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_DISP+M_PROC, &M_buf8 ); MimShift(buffer,M_buf16,-8);//conversion a 8 bit MbufCopy(M_buf16, M_buf8); // MimShift(buffer,buffer,4);//conversion a 12 bit. Para que luego los histogramas funcionen correctamente res = graba_imagen_campo(nombre,M_buf8, nBits, dEscala); MbufFree(M_buf8); } else //nBits==12 { MimShift(buffer,M_buf16,-4);//conversion a 12 bit res = graba_imagen_campo(nombre,M_buf16, nBits, dEscala); } MbufFree(M_buf16); } else //Grabar tal cual (imagen origen esta en 8 bit o esta en 16 bit y se quiere dejar en 16 bit) { res = graba_imagen_campo(nombre,buffer, nBits, dEscala); } return res; }
UINT CFormTomaUnica::TomaThread( LPVOID Param ) { PARAM_THREAD_TOMA* paramThread = (PARAM_THREAD_TOMA*)Param; //Tomar Imagenes (en M_banda[]) captura_bandas( theApp.m_ParamIni, theApp.m_configuracion.m_nImagenAcum,theApp.Rueda, theApp.m_configuracion.m_dEscalaReflectancia); //Lanzamos el thread de Actualizacion de Posicion paramThread->pDialogo->m_pPadre->LanzarThreadPosicion(); // Correcion de las diferencias de posicion, escala, etc entre bandas theApp.CorregirImagenes(false); //false=sin corregir rotacion // Una vez obtenida la imagen promedio se guarda esta en disco char nombre_fich[512]; long nInicioX = 0; int nTamX = theApp.m_ParamIni.Cam.anchoImagen; if (theApp.m_configuracion.m_nDimension_toma_x > 0) { nInicioX = (long)(theApp.m_ParamIni.Cam.anchoImagen - theApp.m_configuracion.m_nDimension_toma_x)/2; nTamX = theApp.m_configuracion.m_nDimension_toma_x; } long nInicioY = 0; int nTamY = theApp.m_ParamIni.Cam.altoImagen; if (theApp.m_configuracion.m_nDimension_toma_y > 0) { nInicioY = (long)(theApp.m_ParamIni.Cam.altoImagen - theApp.m_configuracion.m_nDimension_toma_y)/2; nTamY = theApp.m_configuracion.m_nDimension_toma_y; } for (int f=0; f < theApp.m_ParamIni.nBandas; f++) { // Guardamos en el tamaño de salida definido por el usuario MIL_ID Mchild; MbufChild2d(M_banda[f],nInicioX, nInicioY, nTamX,nTamY,&Mchild); sprintf(nombre_fich, "%s%s_%03d_%02d%s", theApp.m_configuracion.m_csDirectorioToma, paramThread->csNombreToma, paramThread->pDialogo->m_nCampo, theApp.m_ParamIni.filtro[f]+1, EXT_IMAG); graba_imagen_campo_bits(theApp.m_ParamIni, nombre_fich, Mchild, theApp.m_configuracion.m_nBits, theApp.m_configuracion.m_dEscalaReflectancia); MbufFree(Mchild); } paramThread->pDialogo->m_nCampo++; delete paramThread; return 0; }
void cleanup() { if(MilApplication != 0) { if(MilImageX != 0) { MdigGrabWait(MilDigitizer, M_GRAB_END); for(int n = 0; n < nmilbuff; n++) { MbufFree(MilImage[n]); } MilImageX = MilImageY = 0; } /* Release defaults. */ MappFreeDefault(MilApplication, MilSystem, M_NULL, MilDigitizer, M_NULL); MilApplication = 0; } }
void CvCaptureCAM_MIL::close( CvCaptureCAM_MIL* capture ) { if( MilSystem != M_NULL ) { MdigFree( MilDigitizer ); MbufFree( MilImage ); MsysFree( MilSystem ); cvReleaseImage(&rgb_frame ); g_Mil.MilUser--; if(!g_Mil.MilUser) MappFree(g_Mil.MilApplication); MilSystem = M_NULL; MilDigitizer = M_NULL; } }
MdispGtkView::~MdispGtkView() { // Halt the grab, deselected the display, free the display and the image buffer // only if MbufAlloc was successful if (m_MilImage) { // Make sure display is deselected and grab is halt RemoveFromDisplay(); // Free image buffer [CALL TO MIL] MbufFree(m_MilImage); } // remove timer g_source_remove(m_FrameTimeOutTag); // Close Annotation XDisplay if(m_XDisplay) XCloseDisplay(m_XDisplay); }
// Se elimina la imagen correspondiente al filtro "numFiltro", liberando la memoria del buffer // Se muestra la imagen correspondiente al primer filtro anterior o posterior disponible // Devuelve el nuevo filtro que se muestra o -1 si no hay mas int ControlImagenes::EliminarImagen(int numFiltro, CStatic& m_control) { int filtroAnterior = EncontrarFiltroAnterior(numFiltro); if (filtroAnterior == -1) { // No hay ningun filtro MdispDeselect(m_Mildisplay,m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1]); m_control.SetBitmap((HBITMAP)m_backgound_bitmap); //al quitar el fondo, se queda lo ultimo (es decir m_backgound_bitmap) //y ademas se veran las imagenes MIL cuando haya m_control.SetBitmap(NULL); } else { MdispSelectWindow(m_Mildisplay,m_Milimagen[filtroAnterior-1],m_control); } MbufFree(m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1]); m_Milimagen[numFiltro-1] = M_NULL; m_numImagenes--; return filtroAnterior; }
/*************************** fin_control_digitalizador ********************* Libero la memoria reservada para el control del digitalizador (adquisición de imágenes). *****************************************************************************/ int fin_control_digitalizador() { int i; // Libero los buffers asociados al digitalizador if (M_enfoque != M_NULL) MbufFree(M_enfoque); // relacionado con determina_contraste2 if (M_correc_aux != M_NULL) MbufFree(M_correc_aux); for (i=0; i < MAX_FILTROS_DTA; i++) { if (M_correc_numer[i] != M_NULL) MbufFree(M_correc_numer[i]); if (M_correc_denom[i] != M_NULL) MbufFree(M_correc_denom[i]); if (M_banda[i] != M_NULL) MbufFree(M_banda[i]); } if (M_imagen_acum != M_NULL) MbufFree(M_imagen_acum); // Libero el digitalizador seleccionado if (M_digitalizador != M_NULL) libera_digitalizador(); return 0; }
int MosMain(void) { MIL_ID MilApplication, /* Application Identifier. */ MilSystem, /* System Identifier. */ MilDisplay, /* Display Identifier. */ MilImage; /* Image buffer Identifier. */ long ReturnValue; /* Return Value holder. */ MIL_DOUBLE SynchronousCallTime, /* Timer variable. */ AsynchronousCallTime; /* Timer variable. */ int n; /* Counter. */ /* Allocate application, system and display. */ MappAlloc(M_DEFAULT, &MilApplication); MsysAlloc(SLAVE_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTOR, M_DEF_SYSTEM_NUM, M_SETUP, &MilSystem); MdispAlloc(MilSystem, M_DEV0, MIL_TEXT("M_DEFAULT"), M_DEFAULT, &MilDisplay); /* Restore source image into an automatically allocated image buffer. */ MbufRestore(IMAGE_FILE, MilSystem, &MilImage); /* Uncomment to display the image. */ /* MdispSelect(MilDisplay, MilImage); */ /* Pause */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("\nMIL DTK:\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("--------\n\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Custom synchronous and asynchronous MIL functions:\n\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("This example times a synchronous and asynchronous custom function call.\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press a key to continue.\n\n")); MosGetch(); /* Synchronous function call. */ /* -------------------------- */ /* Call the function a first time for more accurate timings later (dll load, ...). */ ReturnValue = SynchronousFunction(MilImage, MilImage, M_DEFAULT); /* Start the timer */ MappTimer(M_TIMER_RESET+M_SYNCHRONOUS, M_NULL); /* Loop many times for more precise timing. */ for (n= 0; n < NB_LOOP; n++) { /* Call the custom MIL synchronous function. */ ReturnValue = SynchronousFunction(MilImage, MilImage, M_DEFAULT); } /* Read the timer. */ MappTimer(M_TIMER_READ+M_SYNCHRONOUS, &SynchronousCallTime); /* Print the synchronous call time. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Synchronous function call time: %.1f us.\n"), SynchronousCallTime*1000000/NB_LOOP); /* Asynchronous function call. */ /* --------------------------- */ /* Call the function a first time for more accurate timings later (dll load, ...). */ AsynchronousFunction(MilImage, MilImage, M_DEFAULT); MthrWait(M_DEFAULT, M_THREAD_WAIT, M_NULL); /* Start the timer */ MappTimer(M_TIMER_RESET+M_SYNCHRONOUS, M_NULL); /* Loop many times for more precise timing. */ for (n= 0; n < NB_LOOP; n++) { /* Call the custom MIL asynchronous function. */ AsynchronousFunction(MilImage, MilImage, M_DEFAULT); } /* Read and print the time. */ MappTimer(M_TIMER_READ+M_SYNCHRONOUS, &AsynchronousCallTime); /* Print the asynchronous call time. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Asynchronous function call time: %.1f us.\n"), AsynchronousCallTime*1000000/NB_LOOP); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press a key to terminate.\n\n")); MosGetch(); /* Free all allocations. */ MbufFree(MilImage); MdispFree(MilDisplay); MsysFree(MilSystem); MappFree(MilApplication); return 0; }
/* -------------- */ int MosMain(void) { MIL_ID MilApplication; MIL_ID MilSystem ; MIL_ID MilDigitizer ; MIL_ID MilDisplay ; MIL_ID MilImageDisp ; MIL_ID GrabBufferList[GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER]; MIL_ID ProcSystemList[PROCESSING_SYSTEM_NUMBER]; MIL_ID SrcProcBufferList[BUFFER_NUMBER]; MIL_ID DstProcBufferList[BUFFER_NUMBER]; MIL_INT SizeX, SizeY, SizeBand; MIL_TEXT_CHAR SystemDescriptor[SYSTEM_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE]; long NbSystem = 0, NbSystemToAllocate = PROCESSING_SYSTEM_NUMBER; MIL_INT GrabFrameCount, n; double SingleSystemProcessingRate, MultipleSystemProcessingRate; ProcessingDataStruct ProcessingData; /* Allocations and setup. */ /* ---------------------- */ /* MIL application allocation. */ MappAlloc(M_DEFAULT, &MilApplication); /* Allocations on the default grab system. */ MsysAlloc(M_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, M_DEFAULT, M_DEFAULT, &MilSystem); MdispAlloc(MilSystem, M_DEV0, MIL_TEXT("M_DEFAULT"), M_DEFAULT, &MilDisplay); MdigAlloc(MilSystem, M_DEV0, MIL_TEXT("M_DEFAULT"), M_DEFAULT, &MilDigitizer); /* Inquire the digitizer's size. */ SizeX = ProcessingData.SizeX = (MIL_INT)(MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, M_SIZE_X, M_NULL)*BUFFER_SCALE); SizeY = ProcessingData.SizeY = (MIL_INT)(MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, M_SIZE_Y, M_NULL)*BUFFER_SCALE); SizeBand = ProcessingData.SizeBand = (MIL_INT)(MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, M_SIZE_BAND, M_NULL)); /* Allocate a display buffer and clear it. */ MbufAllocColor(MilSystem, SizeBand, SizeX, SizeY, 8L+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_GRAB+M_DISP, &MilImageDisp); MbufClear(MilImageDisp, 0x0); /* Display the processing result if activated (might be the limiting factor for speed). */ if (DISPLAY_EACH_IMAGE_PROCESSED) MdispSelect(MilDisplay, MilImageDisp); /* Allocate the grab buffers. */ for (n=0; n< GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER; n++) MbufAllocColor(MilSystem, SizeBand, SizeX, SizeY, 8L+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_GRAB, &GrabBufferList[n]); /* Allocate and order the required processing systems. */ if (USE_GRAB_SYSTEM_AS_ONE_PROCESSOR) NbSystemToAllocate--; for (n=0; n<NbSystemToAllocate; n++) { /* Create a system descriptor: (Protocol://Address/System (Ex: dmiltcp:// */ MosSprintf(SystemDescriptor, SYSTEM_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE, MT("%s://%s/%s"), DISTRIBUTED_MIL_PROTOCOL, SYSTEM_ADDRESSES[n], PROCESSING_SYSTEM_TYPE); /* Allocate the system. */ MsysAlloc(SystemDescriptor, M_DEFAULT, M_DEFAULT, &ProcSystemList[n]); /* Count the sucessfully allocated processing systems. */ if (ProcSystemList[n]) NbSystem++; } /* If the grab system is used to process, we add it at the end of the processing system list . This permits to dispatch the job to the other remote systems before to use the grab system itself to process synchronously. */ if (USE_GRAB_SYSTEM_AS_ONE_PROCESSOR) { ProcSystemList[NbSystem] = MilSystem; NbSystem++; } /* Allocate and order the source and destination processing buffers alternating the target system. */ for (n=0; n<(NbSystem*BUFFER_PER_PROCESSOR); n++) { MbufAllocColor(ProcSystemList[n%NbSystem], SizeBand, SizeX, SizeY, 8L+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_PROC, &SrcProcBufferList[n]); MbufAllocColor(ProcSystemList[n%NbSystem], SizeBand, SizeX, SizeY, 8L+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_PROC, &DstProcBufferList[n]); } /* Set the specified grab scale. */ MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_GRAB_SCALE, BUFFER_SCALE); /* Single system processing. */ /* ------------------------- */ /* Print a message. */ /* Print a message. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("\nDISTRIBUTED MIL PROCESSING:\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("---------------------------\n\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("1 System processing:\n")); /* Initialize processing variables. */ ProcessingData.NbSystem = 1; ProcessingData.ProcessEachImageOnAllSystems = M_NO; ProcessingData.NbProc = 0; ProcessingData.MilDigitizer = MilDigitizer; ProcessingData.DispBuffer = MilImageDisp; ProcessingData.SrcProcBufferListPtr = SrcProcBufferList; ProcessingData.DstProcBufferListPtr = DstProcBufferList; /* Start processing the buffers. */ MdigProcess(MilDigitizer, GrabBufferList, GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER, M_START, M_DEFAULT, ProcessingFunction, &ProcessingData); /* Wait for a key and stop the processing. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press <Enter> to stop.\n\n")); MosGetch(); MdigProcess(MilDigitizer, GrabBufferList, GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER, M_STOP+M_WAIT, M_DEFAULT, ProcessingFunction, &ProcessingData); /* Print statistics. */ if (ProcessingData.NbProc != 0) { SingleSystemProcessingRate = ProcessingData.NbProc/ProcessingData.Time; MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, M_PROCESS_FRAME_COUNT, &GrabFrameCount); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("%ld Frames grabbed, %ld Frames processed at %.1f frames/sec (%.1f ms/frame).\n"), GrabFrameCount, ProcessingData.NbProc, SingleSystemProcessingRate, 1000.0/SingleSystemProcessingRate); } else MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("No frame has been grabbed.\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press <Enter> to continue.\n\n")); MosGetch(); /* Multiple systems processing. */ /* ---------------------------- */ /* Print a message. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("%ld Systems processing:\n"), NbSystem); /* Halt continuous grab. */ MdigHalt(MilDigitizer); /* Initialize processing variables. */ ProcessingData.NbSystem = NbSystem; ProcessingData.ProcessEachImageOnAllSystems = PROCESS_EACH_IMAGE_ON_ALL_SYSTEMS; ProcessingData.NbProc = 0; ProcessingData.DispBuffer = MilImageDisp; ProcessingData.SrcProcBufferListPtr = SrcProcBufferList; ProcessingData.DstProcBufferListPtr = DstProcBufferList; /* Start processing the buffers. */ MdigProcess(MilDigitizer, GrabBufferList, GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER, M_START, M_DEFAULT, ProcessingFunction, &ProcessingData); /* Wait for a key and stop the processing. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press <Enter> to stop.\n\n")); MosGetch(); MdigProcess(MilDigitizer, GrabBufferList, GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER, M_STOP+M_WAIT, M_DEFAULT, ProcessingFunction, &ProcessingData); /* Print statistics. */ if (ProcessingData.NbProc != 0) { MultipleSystemProcessingRate = ProcessingData.NbProc/ProcessingData.Time; MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, M_PROCESS_FRAME_COUNT, &GrabFrameCount); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("%ld Frames grabbed, %ld Frames processed at %.1f frames/sec (%.1f ms/frame).\n\n"), GrabFrameCount, ProcessingData.NbProc, MultipleSystemProcessingRate, 1000.0/MultipleSystemProcessingRate); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Speedup factor: %.1f.\n\n"),MultipleSystemProcessingRate/SingleSystemProcessingRate); if (DISPLAY_EACH_IMAGE_PROCESSED && ((long)((MultipleSystemProcessingRate/SingleSystemProcessingRate)+0.1) < NbSystem)) MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Warning: Display might limit the processing speed. Disable it and retry.\n\n")); } else MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("No frame has been grabbed.\n")); MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press <Enter> to end.\n\n")); MosGetch(); /* Free allocations. */ /* ----------------- */ for (n=0; n<GRAB_BUFFER_NUMBER; n++) MbufFree(GrabBufferList[n]); for (n=0; n<BUFFER_NUMBER; n++) { MbufFree(SrcProcBufferList[n]); MbufFree(DstProcBufferList[n]); } if (USE_GRAB_SYSTEM_AS_ONE_PROCESSOR) NbSystem--; for (n=0; n<NbSystem; n++) MsysFree(ProcSystemList[n]); MbufFree(MilImageDisp); MdispFree(MilDisplay); MdigFree(MilDigitizer); MsysFree(MilSystem); MappFree(MilApplication); return 0; }
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) { // validate the command string if(nrhs < 1 || mxIsChar(prhs[0]) != 1 || mxGetM(prhs[0]) != 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("Missing command string."); } // get the command int cmdlen = mxGetN(prhs[0]) + 1; char* command = (char*)mxCalloc(cmdlen, sizeof(char)); if(mxGetString(prhs[0], command, cmdlen) != 0) { mexErrMsgTxt("Get command string failed."); } // startup if(strcmp(command, "init") == 0) { // set things up so a clear will also clean up mexAtExit(cleanup); if(nrhs > 1) { if(!mxIsChar(prhs[1]) || mxGetM(prhs[1]) != 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("init argument should be the name of a dcf file."); } int nmlen = mxGetN(prhs[1]) + 1; char* dcfname = (char*)mxCalloc(nmlen, sizeof(char)); mxGetString(prhs[1], dcfname, nmlen); MappAllocDefault(M_SETUP, &MilApplication, &MilSystem, M_NULL, M_NULL, M_NULL); if(MdigAlloc(MilSystem, M_DEV0, dcfname, M_DEFAULT, &MilDigitizer) == M_NULL) { mexErrMsgTxt("init failed."); } } else { /* Allocate defaults. */ MappAllocDefault(M_SETUP, &MilApplication, &MilSystem, M_NULL, &MilDigitizer, M_NULL); } MBands = (int)MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, M_SIZE_BAND, M_NULL); for(int i=0; i<MBands; i++) band_is_selected[i] = true; bands_selected = MBands; MappTimer(M_TIMER_RESET, M_NULL); grab_scale_x = grab_scale_y = 1; MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_GRAB_MODE, M_ASYNCHRONOUS); MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_GRAB_SCALE_X, grab_scale_x); MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_GRAB_SCALE_Y, grab_scale_y); // wrapup } else if(strcmp(command, "quit") == 0) { cleanup(); // set the x and y scaling factor } else if(strcmp(command, "setscale") == 0) { // check the parameters if(nrhs != 3 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[2])) { mexErrMsgTxt("setscale expects 2 arguments."); } grab_scale_x = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); grab_scale_y = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]); MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_GRAB_SCALE_X, grab_scale_x); MdigControl(MilDigitizer, M_GRAB_SCALE_Y, grab_scale_y); // select which bands to return for multiband sources } else if(strcmp(command, "selectbands") == 0) { // check to see if it's legal if(MBands == 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("selectbands only works for multiband sources."); } // check the argument if(nrhs != 2 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || mxGetM(prhs[1]) != 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("selectbands expects a row vector of band numbers."); } int nbands = mxGetN(prhs[1]); if(nbands == 0 || nbands > MBands) { mexErrMsgTxt("selectbands allows only 1 to 3 bands."); } double* bp = mxGetPr(prhs[1]); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { band_is_selected[i] = false; } bands_selected = 0; for(i=0; i<nbands; i++) { int bnd = int(bp[i]); if(bnd < 0 || bnd > 2) { mexErrMsgTxt("selectbands allows bands numbered 0 to 2."); } if(!band_is_selected[bnd]) { band_is_selected[bnd] = true; bands_selected++; } } // grab a sequence in one call } else if(strcmp(command, "grabframes") == 0) { // check the parameters if(nrhs < 4 || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[2]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[3])) { mexErrMsgTxt("grabframes expects 3 or 4 arguments."); } int width = int(mxGetScalar(prhs[1])); int height = int(mxGetScalar(prhs[2])); int frames = int(mxGetScalar(prhs[3])); // indicates whether this is a continuation of a previous grab bool grab_continue = false; if(nrhs == 5 && mxIsDouble(prhs[4]) && mxGetScalar(prhs[4]) > 0) { grab_continue = true; } // space to record per frame times if requested mxArray *time_array = 0; double* time_data = 0; if(nlhs > 1) { time_array = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(frames, 1, mxREAL); time_data = mxGetPr(time_array); } // allocate a matlab multidimensional array to return the image int dims[4]; int ndims = 3; dims[0] = height; dims[1] = width; if(bands_selected > 1) { dims[2] = bands_selected; dims[3] = frames; ndims = 4; } else { dims[2] = frames; } mxArray *res = mxCreateNumericArray(ndims, dims, mxUINT8_CLASS, mxREAL); int frameelements = width*height*MBands; unsigned char* pmat = (unsigned char*)mxGetPr(res); // free buffers if they are the wrong size if(MilImageX != 0 && (width != MilImageX || height != MilImageY)) { MdigGrabWait(MilDigitizer, M_GRAB_END); for(int n=0; n<nmilbuff; n++) { MbufFree(MilImage[n]); } MilImageX = MilImageY = 0; } // allocate a few MIL buffers if we don't already have them if(MilImageX == 0) { for (int n=0; n<nmilbuff; n++) { MbufAllocColor(MilSystem, MBands, width, height, 8L+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_GRAB, &MilImage[n]); if (MilImage[n] == 0) { mexErrMsgTxt("MbufAllocColor failed."); } } MilImageX = width; MilImageY = height; } // grab the frames if(!grab_continue) { // if you're not continuing a previous grab, then you want a fresh first frame MdigGrab(MilDigitizer, MilImage[MilImageNdx]); } for(int i = 0; i < frames; i++) { int ndx0 = MilImageNdx; MilImageNdx = (MilImageNdx + 1) % nmilbuff; MdigGrab(MilDigitizer, MilImage[MilImageNdx]); if(time_array) MappTimer(M_TIMER_READ, &time_data[i]); // copy the completed buff to the matlab array if(MBands == 1) { // easy // get a pointer to the buffer unsigned char* pmil; MbufInquire(MilImage[ndx0], M_HOST_ADDRESS, &pmil); if(pmil == M_NULL) { mexErrMsgTxt("no access to mil buffer."); } // copy the pixels exchanging x and y coordinates to suit matlab for(int y=0; y<height; y++) { for(int x=0; x<width; x++) { pmat[y+x*height] = pmil[x+y*width]; } } pmat += width*height; } else { // harder // I bet there is some smarter way to do this... // for each band for(int b=0; b<MBands; b++) { if(band_is_selected[b]) { // allocate a child buffer on the band. MIL_ID child = MbufChildColor(MilImage[ndx0], b, M_NULL); if(child == M_NULL) { mexErrMsgTxt("no child"); } // get a pointer to the child unsigned char* pmil; MbufInquire(child, M_HOST_ADDRESS, &pmil); if(pmil == M_NULL) { MbufFree(child); mexErrMsgTxt("no access to mil buffer."); } // do the copy, twizzling the indicies around... for(int y=0; y<height; y++) { for(int x=0; x<width; x++) { pmat[(y + x*height)] = pmil[x+y*width]; } } pmat += width*height; // release the child MbufFree(child); } } } } plhs[0] = res; if(time_array) plhs[1] = time_array; } else { mexErrMsgTxt("Unknown command string."); } }
/************************** carga_imagen_campo **************************** Función para efectuar la carga desde disco de una imagen del campo. Se le pasan a esta función los siguientes argumentos: nombre: nombre del fichero que quiero cargar. buffer: le paso el buffer donde quiero almacenar la imagen a cargar. Esto define el tamaño del mismo. nProfundidad: profundidad (bits) del buffer (8,12,16) Esta función únicamente carga la imagen en el buffer seleccionado, no la muestra en el display. LEE LA PROFUNDIDAD GUARDADA, EL BUFFER ESTA EN nProfundidad ****************************************************************************/ int carga_imagen_campo_bits(char *nombre, MIL_ID buffer, int nProfundidad) { // Leer informacion TIF (escala reflectancia y profundidad) int nProfundidadFichero = -1; double dEscalaFichero; try { CString csNombreImagen; INTERFAZ_LIBTIF::LeerTags(nombre,nProfundidadFichero,dEscalaFichero); //Leemos de la imagen la profundidad en bits y la escala reflectancia-gris if (nProfundidadFichero < 0 ) nProfundidadFichero = 8; // por defecto las imagenes estan en 8 bit } catch(...) { nProfundidadFichero = 8; } if (nProfundidad != nProfundidadFichero) { // Buffer auxiliar de 16 es necesario para poder operar (M_PROC) MIL_ID M_buf16; long altoImagen,anchoImagen; MbufInquire(buffer, M_SIZE_X, &anchoImagen); MbufInquire(buffer, M_SIZE_Y, &altoImagen); MbufAlloc2d(M_DEFAULT_HOST, anchoImagen, altoImagen, 16+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_DISP+M_PROC, &M_buf16 ); if (nProfundidad >= 12 && nProfundidadFichero >= 12) { if (carga_imagen_campo(nombre,M_buf16)) return 1;//ERROR MimShift(M_buf16,buffer,nProfundidad - nProfundidadFichero);//conversion de 12 a 16 bit } else if (nProfundidadFichero == 8) //nProfundidad>8 { MIL_ID M_buf8; MbufAlloc2d(M_DEFAULT_HOST, anchoImagen, altoImagen, 8+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_DISP+M_PROC, &M_buf8 ); if (carga_imagen_campo(nombre,M_buf8)) //ERROR return 1; MbufCopy(M_buf8, M_buf16); MbufFree(M_buf8); MimShift(M_buf16,buffer,nProfundidad - nProfundidadFichero);//conversion de 8 a 12 bit } else //(nProfundidad == 8 && nProfundidadFichero > 8 { if (carga_imagen_campo(nombre,M_buf16)) //ERROR return 1; MimShift(M_buf16,buffer,nProfundidad - nProfundidadFichero);//conversion de 8 a 12 bit } MbufFree(M_buf16); } else { if (carga_imagen_campo(nombre,buffer)) //ERROR return 1; } return 0; }
/* Main function. */ int MosMain(void) { MIL_ID MilApplication; MIL_ID MilSystem; MIL_ID MilDigitizer[2]; MIL_ID MilDisplay[2]; MIL_ID MilImageDisp[2]; /* Allocations. */ MappAlloc(M_DEFAULT, &MilApplication); MsysAlloc(MIL_TEXT("M_DEFAULT"), M_DEFAULT, M_DEFAULT, &MilSystem); MdigAlloc(MilSystem, M_DEV0, MIL_TEXT("M_DEFAULT"), M_DEFAULT, &MilDigitizer[0]); MdigAlloc(MilSystem, M_DEV1, MIL_TEXT("M_DEFAULT"), M_DEFAULT, &MilDigitizer[1]); MdispAlloc(MilSystem, M_DEFAULT, MIL_TEXT("M_DEFAULT"), M_DEFAULT, &MilDisplay[0]); MdispAlloc(MilSystem, M_DEFAULT, MIL_TEXT("M_DEFAULT"), M_DEFAULT, &MilDisplay[1]); /* Allocate 2 display buffers and clear them. */ MbufAlloc2d(MilSystem, (MIL_INT)(MdigInquire(MilDigitizer[0], M_SIZE_X, M_NULL)*GRAB_SCALE), (MIL_INT)(MdigInquire(MilDigitizer[0], M_SIZE_Y, M_NULL)*GRAB_SCALE), 8L+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_GRAB+M_PROC+M_DISP, &MilImageDisp[0]); MbufClear(MilImageDisp[0], 0x0); MbufAlloc2d(MilSystem, (MIL_INT)(MdigInquire(MilDigitizer[1], M_SIZE_X, M_NULL)*GRAB_SCALE), (MIL_INT)(MdigInquire(MilDigitizer[1], M_SIZE_Y, M_NULL)*GRAB_SCALE), 8L+M_UNSIGNED, M_IMAGE+M_GRAB+M_PROC+M_DISP, &MilImageDisp[1]); MbufClear(MilImageDisp[1], 0x80); /* Display the buffers. */ MdispSelect(MilDisplay[0], MilImageDisp[0]); MdispSelect(MilDisplay[1], MilImageDisp[1]); /* Grab continuously on displays at the specified scale. */ MdigControl(MilDigitizer[0], M_GRAB_SCALE, GRAB_SCALE); MdigGrabContinuous(MilDigitizer[0],MilImageDisp[0]); MdigControl(MilDigitizer[1], M_GRAB_SCALE, GRAB_SCALE); MdigGrabContinuous(MilDigitizer[1],MilImageDisp[1]); /* Print a message. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press <Enter> to stop continuous grab.\n")); MosGetch(); /* Halt continuous grab. */ MdigHalt(MilDigitizer[0]); MdigHalt(MilDigitizer[1]); /* Print a message. */ MosPrintf(MIL_TEXT("Press <Enter> to end.\n")); MosGetch(); /* Free allocations. */ MbufFree(MilImageDisp[0]); MbufFree(MilImageDisp[1]); MdispFree(MilDisplay[0]); MdispFree(MilDisplay[1]); MdigFree(MilDigitizer[0]); MdigFree(MilDigitizer[1]); MsysFree(MilSystem); MappFree(MilApplication); return 0; }