static void menu_cb_FormulasTutorial (ScriptEditor, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"Formulas"); }
static void menu_cb_AmplitudeTierHelp (AmplitudeTierEditor /* me */, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"AmplitudeTier"); }
static void menu_cb_help (CategoriesEditor /* me */, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"CategoriesEditor"); }
static void menu_cb_TheHistoryMechanism (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor); Melder_help (U"History mechanism"); }
static void menu_cb_AddingToAFixedMenu (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor); Melder_help (U"Add to fixed menu..."); }
static void menu_cb_ScriptingExamples (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor); Melder_help (U"Scripting examples"); }
static void menu_cb_FormulasTutorial (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor); Melder_help (U"Formulas"); }
static void menu_cb_LongSoundEditorHelp (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (SoundEditor); Melder_help (L"LongSoundEditor"); }
static void menu_cb_IntensityTierHelp (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (IntensityTierEditor); Melder_help (L"IntensityTier"); }
static void menu_cb_AddingToAFixedMenu (ScriptEditor, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"Add to fixed menu..."); }
static void menu_cb_AddingToADynamicMenu (ScriptEditor, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"Add to dynamic menu..."); }
static void menu_cb_InitializationScripts (ScriptEditor, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"Initialization script"); }
static void menu_cb_TheHistoryMechanism (ScriptEditor, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"History mechanism"); }
static void menu_cb_DemoWindow (ScriptEditor, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"Demo window"); }
static void menu_cb_AboutScriptEditor (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor); Melder_help (U"ScriptEditor"); }
int SoundEditor::menu_cb_LongSoundEditorHelp (EDITOR_ARGS) { Melder_help (L"LongSoundEditor"); return 1; }
static void menu_cb_ScriptingTutorial (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor); Melder_help (U"Scripting"); }
static void menu_cb_PointEditorHelp (PointEditor, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"PointEditor"); }
static void menu_cb_PraatScript (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor); Melder_help (U"Praat script"); }
static void menu_cb_OTLearningTutorial (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (OTMultiEditor); (void) me; Melder_help (U"OT learning"); }
static void menu_cb_DemoWindow (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor); Melder_help (U"Demo window"); }
static void menu_cb_LongSoundEditorHelp (SoundEditor, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"LongSoundEditor"); }
static void menu_cb_InitializationScripts (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor); Melder_help (U"Initialization script"); }
static void menu_cb_EEGWindowHelp (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (EEGWindow); Melder_help (L"EEG window"); }
static void menu_cb_AddingToADynamicMenu (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor); Melder_help (U"Add to dynamic menu..."); }
static void menu_cb_TableEditorHelp (TableEditor, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"TableEditor"); }
static void menu_cb_PitchHelp (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (PitchEditor); Melder_help (L"Pitch"); }
static void menu_cb_AmplitudeTierHelp (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (AmplitudeTierEditor); Melder_help (U"AmplitudeTier"); }
static void menu_cb_PointEditorHelp (EDITOR_ARGS) { EDITOR_IAM (PointEditor); Melder_help (L"PointEditor"); }
static void menu_cb_PraatScript (ScriptEditor, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) { Melder_help (U"Praat script"); }