Beispiel #1
Int32 encodeIssue(AUDENC1_Handle enc, int in, int out)
    Int32 status;

    /* we send the same data as inBuf as ancillory data */
    memcpy(ancBuf[in], inBuf[in], ENCANCBUFSIZE);

    /* Deal with cache issues, if necessary */
#ifdef xdc_target__isaCompatible_64P
     *  fread() on this processor is implemented using CCS's stdio, which
     *  is known to write into the cache, not physical memory.  To meet
     *  xDAIS DMA Rule 7, we must writeback the cache into physical
     *  memory.  Also, per DMA Rule 7, we must invalidate the buffer's
     *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.
    Memory_cacheWbInv(inBuf[in], IFRAMESIZE);
#error Unvalidated config - add appropriate fread-related cache maintenance

    /* ancBuf is an inBuf, filled via memcpy (i.e. CPU writes) */
    Memory_cacheWbInv(ancBuf[in], ENCANCBUFSIZE);

    /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
    Memory_cacheInv(encodedBuf[out], EFRAMESIZE);

    GT_4trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "App-> inBuf[%d]=%#x, outBuf[%d]=%#x\n",
              in, inBufDesc[in].descs[0].buf,
              out, encodedBufDesc[out].descs[0].buf);

     * Encode the frame.  Note that .numInSamples is the number of
     * _samples_ not bytes.  IFRAMESIZE is in 8-bit bytes, so there's a
     * little math here to get .numInSamples right.
    encInArgs[in].numInSamples =
        (IFRAMESIZE / (ENCBITSPERSAMPLE / (8 /* bits per byte */)));

    status = AUDENC1_processAsync(enc, &inBufDesc[in],

    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
              "App-> Encoder processAsync returned 0x%x\n", status);
    if (status != AUDENC1_EOK) {
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "App-> Encodcer processing FAILED\n");

    return status;
Beispiel #2
Int32 encodeReclaim(AUDENC1_Handle enc, int in, int out)
    Int32 status;

    GT_4trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "App-> inBuf[%d]=%#x, outBuf[%d]=%#x\n",
              in, inBufDesc[in].descs[0].buf,
              out, encodedBufDesc[out].descs[0].buf);

    status = AUDENC1_processWait(enc, &inBufDesc[in],

     * Since encodedBuf is an inBuf to the next process call, we
     * must invalidate it, to clean buffer lines.
    Memory_cacheWbInv(encodedBuf[out], EFRAMESIZE);

    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
              "App-> Encoder processWait returned 0x%x\n", status);
    if (status != AUDENC1_EOK) {
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                  "App-> Encodcer processing FAILED, extendedError = 0x%x\n",

    return status;
 *  ======== analyze ========
static Void analyze(VIDANALYTICS_Handle analyzer, FILE *in, FILE *out)
    Int                         n;
    Int32                       result;

    VIDANALYTICS_InArgs         inArgs;
    VIDANALYTICS_OutArgs        outArgs;
    VIDANALYTICS_DynamicParams  dynParams;
    VIDANALYTICS_Status         status;

    XDM1_BufDesc                inBufDesc;
    XDM1_BufDesc                outBufDesc;

    /* clear and initialize the buffer descriptors */
    inBufDesc.numBufs = outBufDesc.numBufs = 1;

    inBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize = outBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize = NSAMPLES;

    inBufDesc.descs[0].buf = inBuf;
    outBufDesc.descs[0].buf = outBuf;

    /* initialize all "sized" fields */
    inArgs.size    = sizeof(inArgs);
    outArgs.size   = sizeof(outArgs);
    dynParams.size = sizeof(dynParams);
    status.size    = sizeof(status);

    /* if the codecs support it, dump their versions */ = 1;[0].buf = versionBuf;[0].bufSize = MAXVERSIONSIZE;

    result = VIDANALYTICS_control(analyzer, XDM_GETVERSION, &dynParams,
    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "Analyzer version:  %s\n",
        (result == VIDANALYTICS_EOK ?
            ((char *)[0].buf) : "[unknown]"));

     * This app expects the analyzer to accept 1 buf in and provide 1 buf out,
     * and the buf sizes of the in and out buffer must be able to handle
     * NSAMPLES bytes of data.
     */ = 0;[0].buf = NULL;
    result = VIDANALYTICS_control(analyzer, XDM_GETBUFINFO, &dynParams,
    if (result != VIDANALYTICS_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "VIDANALYTICS control status = %ld\n",

    /* Validate this analyzer will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((inBufDesc.numBufs < status.bufInfo.minNumInBufs) ||
        (IFRAMESIZE < status.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (outBufDesc.numBufs < status.bufInfo.minNumOutBufs) ||
        (OFRAMESIZE < status.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
            "Error:  analyzer codec feature conflict\n");

     * Read complete frames from in, analyze, and write to out.
    for (n = 0; fread(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE, 1, in) == 1; n++) {

#ifdef xdc_target__isaCompatible_64P
         *  fread() on this processor is implemented using CCS's stdio, which
         *  is known to write into the cache, not physical memory.  To meet
         *  xDAIS DMA Rule 7, we must writeback the cache into physical
         *  memory.  Also, per DMA Rule 7, we must invalidate the buffer's
         *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE);
#error Unvalidated config - add appropriate fread-related cache maintenance
        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "App-> Processing frame %d...\n", n);

         * Analyze the frame.
        result = VIDANALYTICS_process(analyzer, &inBufDesc, &outBufDesc,
            &inArgs, &outArgs);

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
            "App-> Analyzer frame %d process returned - 0x%x)\n", n, result);

        if (result != VIDANALYTICS_EOK) {
            GT_3trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "App-> Analyzer frame %d processing FAILED, result = 0x%x, "
                "extendedError = 0x%x\n", n, result, outArgs.extendedError);

         * Conditionally writeback the analyzed buf from the previous
         * call.
        if (XDM_ISACCESSMODE_WRITE(outBufDesc.descs[0].accessMask)) {
            Memory_cacheWb(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        /* write to file */
        fwrite(outBufDesc.descs[0].buf, OFRAMESIZE, 1, out);

    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "%d frames analyzed\n", n);
Beispiel #4
 *  ======== encode_decode ========
static Void encode_decode(SPHENC1_Handle enc, SPHDEC1_Handle dec, FILE *in,
    FILE *out)
    Int                         n;
    Int32                       status;

    SPHDEC1_InArgs              decInArgs;
    SPHDEC1_OutArgs             decOutArgs;
    SPHDEC1_DynamicParams       decDynParams;
    SPHDEC1_Status              decStatus;

    SPHENC1_InArgs              encInArgs;
    SPHENC1_OutArgs             encOutArgs;
    SPHENC1_DynamicParams       encDynParams;
    SPHENC1_Status              encStatus;

    XDM1_SingleBufDesc          inBufDesc;
    XDM1_SingleBufDesc          encodedBufDesc;
    XDM1_SingleBufDesc          outBufDesc;

    /* init buffer descriptor settings that don't change during processing */
    inBufDesc.bufSize = IFRAMESIZE;
    inBufDesc.buf = inBuf;
    encodedBufDesc.buf = encodedBuf;
    outBufDesc.buf = outBuf;

    /* initialize all "sized" fields */
    encInArgs.size    = sizeof(encInArgs);
    decInArgs.size    = sizeof(decInArgs);
    encOutArgs.size   = sizeof(encOutArgs);
    decOutArgs.size   = sizeof(decOutArgs);
    encDynParams.size = sizeof(encDynParams);
    decDynParams.size = sizeof(decDynParams);
    encStatus.size    = sizeof(encStatus);
    decStatus.size    = sizeof(decStatus);

     * We never use the decoder or encoder's fields, so
     * initialize them NULL.
     */ = NULL; = NULL;

     * Note that we use versionBuf in both the encoder and decoder.  In this
     * application, this is okay, as there is always only one user of
     * the buffer.  Not all applications can make this assumption.
     */     =     = versionBuf; = = MAXVERSIONSIZE;

    /* if the codecs support it, dump their versions */
    status = SPHDEC1_control(dec, XDM_GETVERSION, &decDynParams, &decStatus);
    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "Decoder version:  %s\n",
        (status == SPHDEC1_EOK ? ((char *) : "[unknown]"));

    status = SPHENC1_control(enc, XDM_GETVERSION, &encDynParams, &encStatus);
    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "Encoder version:  %s\n",
        (status == SPHENC1_EOK ? ((char *) : "[unknown]"));

     * This app expects the encoder to provide 1 buf in and get 1 buf out,
     * and the buf sizes of the in and out buffer must be able to handle
     * NSAMPLES bytes of data.
    status = SPHENC1_control(enc, XDM_GETSTATUS, &encDynParams, &encStatus);
    if (status != SPHENC1_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "encode control status = %ld\n", status);

    /* Validate this encoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((IFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (EFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
            "Error:  encoder codec feature conflict\n");

    status = SPHDEC1_control(dec, XDM_GETSTATUS, &decDynParams, &decStatus);
    if (status != SPHDEC1_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "decode control status = %ld\n", status);

    /* Validate this decoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((EFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (OFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
            "App-> ERROR: decoder does not meet buffer requirements.\n");

     * Read complete frames from in, encode, decode, and write to out.
    for (n = 0; fread(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE, 1, in) == 1; n++) {

        /* reset potentially changed 'output' buffers to actual buf sizes. */
        encodedBufDesc.bufSize = EFRAMESIZE;
        outBufDesc.bufSize = OFRAMESIZE;

#ifdef xdc_target__isaCompatible_64P
         *  fread() on this processor is implemented using CCS's stdio, which
         *  is known to write into the cache, not physical memory.  To meet
         *  xDAIS DMA Rule 7, we must writeback the cache into physical
         *  memory.  Also, per DMA Rule 7, we must invalidate the buffer's
         *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE);
#error Unvalidated config - add appropriate fread-related cache maintenance
        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(encodedBuf, encodedBufDesc.bufSize);

        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "App-> Processing frame %d...\n", n);

        /* encode the frame */
        status = SPHENC1_process(enc, &inBufDesc, &encodedBufDesc, &encInArgs,

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
            "App-> Encoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x)\n",
            n, status);

        /* Writeback this outBuf from the previous call.  Also, as encodedBuf
         * is an inBuf to the next process call, we must invalidate it also, to
         * clean buffer lines.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(encodedBuf, encodedBufDesc.bufSize);

        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(outBuf, outBufDesc.bufSize);

        if (status != SPHENC1_EOK) {
            GT_3trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "App-> Encoder frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x, "
                "extendedError = 0x%x\n", n, status, encOutArgs.extendedError);

        /* decode the frame */
        status = SPHDEC1_process(dec, &encodedBufDesc, &outBufDesc, &decInArgs,

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
            "App-> Decoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x)\n",
            n, status);

        if (status != SPHDEC1_EOK) {
            GT_3trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "App-> Decoder frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x, "
                "extendedError = 0x%x\n", n, status, decOutArgs.extendedError);

        /* Writeback the outBuf. */
        Memory_cacheWb(outBuf, outBufDesc.bufSize);
        /* write to file */
        fwrite(outBuf, outBufDesc.bufSize, 1, out);

    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "%d frames encoded/decoded\n", n);
Beispiel #5
 *  ======== encode_decode ========
static Void encode_decode(SPHENC_Handle enc, SPHDEC_Handle dec, FILE *in,
    FILE *out)
    Int                         n;
    Int32                       status;

    SPHDEC_InArgs               decInArgs;
    SPHDEC_OutArgs              decOutArgs;
    SPHDEC_DynamicParams        decDynParams;
    SPHDEC_Status               decStatus;

    SPHENC_InArgs               encInArgs;
    SPHENC_OutArgs              encOutArgs;
    SPHENC_DynamicParams        encDynParams;
    SPHENC_Status               encStatus;

    XDM_BufDesc                 inBufDesc;
    XDAS_Int8                  *src[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];
    XDAS_Int32                  inBufSizes[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];

    XDM_BufDesc                 encodedBufDesc;
    XDAS_Int8                  *encoded[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];
    XDAS_Int32                  encBufSizes[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];

    XDM_BufDesc                 outBufDesc;
    XDAS_Int8                  *dst[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];
    XDAS_Int32                  outBufSizes[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];

    /* clear and initialize the buffer descriptors */
    memset(src,     0, sizeof(src[0])     * XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS);
    memset(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded[0]) * XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS);
    memset(dst,     0, sizeof(dst[0])     * XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS);

    src[0]     = inBuf;
    encoded[0] = encodedBuf;
    dst[0]     = outBuf;

    inBufDesc.numBufs = encodedBufDesc.numBufs = outBufDesc.numBufs = 1;

    inBufDesc.bufSizes      = inBufSizes;
    encodedBufDesc.bufSizes = encBufSizes;
    outBufDesc.bufSizes     = outBufSizes;

    inBufSizes[0] = encBufSizes[0] = outBufSizes[0] = NSAMPLES;

    inBufDesc.bufs      = src;
    encodedBufDesc.bufs = encoded;
    outBufDesc.bufs     = dst;

    /* initialize all "sized" fields */
    encInArgs.size    = sizeof(encInArgs);
    decInArgs.size    = sizeof(decInArgs);
    encOutArgs.size   = sizeof(encOutArgs);
    decOutArgs.size   = sizeof(decOutArgs);
    encDynParams.size = sizeof(encDynParams);
    decDynParams.size = sizeof(decDynParams);
    encStatus.size    = sizeof(encStatus);
    decStatus.size    = sizeof(decStatus);

     * Query the encoder and decoder.
     * This app expects the encoder to provide 1 buf in and get 1 buf out,
     * and the buf sizes of the in and out buffer must be able to handle
     * NSAMPLES bytes of data.
    status = SPHENC_control(enc, XDM_GETBUFINFO, &encDynParams, &encStatus);
    if (status != SPHENC_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "encode control status = 0x%x\n", status);

    /* Validate this encoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((inBufDesc.numBufs < encStatus.bufInfo.minNumInBufs) ||
        (IFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (encodedBufDesc.numBufs < encStatus.bufInfo.minNumOutBufs) ||
        (EFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
            "Error:  encoder codec feature conflict\n");

    status = SPHDEC_control(dec, XDM_GETBUFINFO, &decDynParams, &decStatus);
    if (status != SPHDEC_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "decode control status = 0x%x\n", status);

    /* Validate this decoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((encodedBufDesc.numBufs < decStatus.bufInfo.minNumInBufs) ||
        (EFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (outBufDesc.numBufs < decStatus.bufInfo.minNumOutBufs) ||
        (OFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
            "App-> ERROR: decoder does not meet buffer requirements.\n");

     * Read complete frames from in, encode, decode, and write to out.
    for (n = 0; fread(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE, 1, in) == 1; n++) {

#ifdef xdc_target__isaCompatible_64P
         *  fread() on this processor is implemented using CCS's stdio, which
         *  is known to write into the cache, not physical memory.  To meet
         *  xDAIS DMA Rule 7, we must writeback the cache into physical
         *  memory.  Also, per DMA Rule 7, we must invalidate the buffer's
         *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE);
#error Unvalidated config - add appropriate fread-related cache maintenance
        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(encodedBuf, EFRAMESIZE);

        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "App-> Processing frame %d...\n", n);

        /* encode the frame */
        status = SPHENC_process(enc, &inBufDesc, &encodedBufDesc, &encInArgs,

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
            "App-> Encoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x\n",
            n, status);

        /* Writeback this outBuf from the previous call.  Also, as encodedBuf
         * is an inBuf to the next process call, we must invalidate it also, to
         * clean buffer lines.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(encodedBuf, EFRAMESIZE);

        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        if (status != SPHENC_EOK) {
            GT_2trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "App-> Encoder frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x\n",
                n, status);

        /* decode the frame */
        decInArgs.inBufferSize = encOutArgs.outbufferSize;
        status = SPHDEC_process(dec, &encodedBufDesc, &outBufDesc, &decInArgs,

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
            "App-> Decoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x\n",
            n, status);

        if (status != SPHDEC_EOK) {
            GT_2trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "App-> Decoder frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x\n",
                n, status);

        /* Writeback the outBuf. */
        Memory_cacheWb(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);
        /* write to file */
        fwrite(dst[0], OFRAMESIZE, 1, out);

    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "%d frames encoded/decoded\n", n);
Beispiel #6
 * appMain
Void appMain(Args * args)
    VIDENC_Params           params      = Venc_Params_DEFAULT;
    VIDENC_DynamicParams    dynParams   = Venc_DynamicParams_DEFAULT;
    BufferGfx_Attrs         gfxAttrs    = BufferGfx_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Buffer_Attrs            bAttrs      = Buffer_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Time_Attrs              tAttrs      = Time_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Venc_Handle             hVe         = NULL;
    FILE                   *outFile     = NULL;
    FILE                   *inFile      = NULL;
    Engine_Handle           hEngine     = NULL;
    Time_Handle             hTime       = NULL;
    Int                     numFrame    = 0;
    Buffer_Handle           hOutBuf     = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle           hInBuf      = NULL;
    ColorSpace_Type         colorSpace;
    UInt32                  time;

    printf("Starting application...\n");
    /* Initialize the codec engine run time */
    /* Initialize DMAI */
    if (args->benchmark) {
        hTime = Time_create(&tAttrs);

        if (hTime == NULL) {
            printf("Failed to create Time object\n");
            goto cleanup;

    /* Open input file */
    inFile = fopen(args->inFile, "rb");
    if (inFile == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to open input file %s\n", args->inFile);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Using a larger vbuf to enhance performance of file i/o */
    if (setvbuf(inFile, vbufferIn, _IOFBF, sizeof(vbufferIn)) != 0) {
        printf("Failed to setvbuf on input file descriptor\n");
        goto cleanup;   

    /* Open output file */
    outFile = fopen(args->outFile, "wb");

    if (outFile == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to open output file %s\n", args->outFile);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Using a larger vbuf to enhance performance of file i/o */
    if (setvbuf(outFile, vbufferOut, _IOFBF, sizeof(vbufferOut)) != 0) {
        printf("Failed to setvbuf on output file descriptor\n");
        goto cleanup;   
    /* Open the codec engine */
    hEngine = Engine_open(args->engineName, NULL, NULL);

    if (hEngine == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to open codec engine: %s\n", args->engineName);
        goto cleanup;

    params.maxWidth = args->width;
    params.maxHeight = args->height;

    /* Set up codec parameters depending on bit rate */
    if (args->bitRate < 0) {
        /* Variable bit rate */
        params.rateControlPreset = IVIDEO_NONE;

         * If variable bit rate use a bogus bit rate value (> 0)
         * since it will be ignored.
        params.maxBitRate        = 2000000;
    else {
        /* Constant bit rate */
        params.rateControlPreset = IVIDEO_LOW_DELAY;
        params.maxBitRate        = args->bitRate;

    params.inputChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_422ILE;

    dynParams.targetBitRate = params.maxBitRate;
    dynParams.inputWidth = params.maxWidth;
    dynParams.inputHeight = params.maxHeight;
    /* Create the video encoder */
    hVe = Venc_create(hEngine, args->codecName, &params, &dynParams);

    if (hVe == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to create video encoder: %s\n", args->codecName);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Only the UYVY colorspace is supported in this application */
    colorSpace = ColorSpace_UYVY;

    /* Align buffers to cache line boundary */    
    gfxAttrs.bAttrs.memParams.align = bAttrs.memParams.align = BUFSIZEALIGN; 
    /* Use cached buffers if requested */    
    if (args->cache) {
        gfxAttrs.bAttrs.memParams.flags = bAttrs.memParams.flags 
            = Memory_CACHED;
    /* Calculate the buffer attributes */
    gfxAttrs.dim.width = args->width;
    gfxAttrs.dim.height = args->height;
    gfxAttrs.dim.lineLength = BufferGfx_calcLineLength(args->width, colorSpace);
    gfxAttrs.colorSpace = colorSpace;

    /* Create input buffer */
    hInBuf = Buffer_create(Dmai_roundUp(Venc_getInBufSize(hVe), BUFSIZEALIGN),

    if (hInBuf == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to allocate contiguous buffer\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Create output buffer */
    hOutBuf = Buffer_create(Dmai_roundUp(Venc_getOutBufSize(hVe), BUFSIZEALIGN),

    if (hOutBuf == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to create contiguous buffer\n");
        goto cleanup;

    while (numFrame++ < args->numFrames) {
        /* Read a yuv input frame */
        printf("Frame %d: ", numFrame);
        if (readFrameUYVY(hInBuf, inFile) < 0) {
            goto cleanup;        
        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_reset(hTime) < 0) {
                printf("Failed to reset timer\n");
                goto cleanup;

        if (args->cache) {
             *  To meet xDAIS DMA Rule 7, when input buffers are cached, we 
             *  must writeback the cache into physical memory.  Also, per DMA 
             *  Rule 7, we must invalidate the output buffer from
             *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.
            Memory_cacheWbInv(Buffer_getUserPtr(hInBuf), Buffer_getSize(hInBuf));
            /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
            Memory_cacheInv(Buffer_getUserPtr(hOutBuf), Buffer_getSize(hOutBuf));
            if (args->benchmark) {
                if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                    printf("Failed to get timer delta\n");
                    goto cleanup;
                printf("Pre-process cache maintenance: %uus \n", (Uns) time);

        /* Encode the video buffer */
        if (Venc_process(hVe, hInBuf, hOutBuf) < 0) {
            printf("Failed to encode video buffer\n");
            goto cleanup;

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                printf("Failed to get encode time\n");
                goto cleanup;

            printf("[%d] Encode: %uus\n", numFrame, (Uns)time);

        if (args->cache) {
            /* Writeback the outBuf. */
            Memory_cacheWb(Buffer_getUserPtr(hOutBuf), Buffer_getSize(hOutBuf));
            if (args->benchmark) {
                if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                    printf("Failed to get timer delta\n");
                    goto cleanup;
                printf("Post-process cache write back: %uus \n", (Uns) time);
        /* Write the encoded frame to the file system */
        if (Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hOutBuf)) {
            if (fwrite(Buffer_getUserPtr(hOutBuf),
                       Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hOutBuf), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                printf("Failed to write encoded video data to file\n");
                goto cleanup;
        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_total(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                printf("Failed to get timer total\n");
                goto cleanup;

            printf("Total: %uus\n", (unsigned int)time);

    /* Clean up the application */
    if (hOutBuf) {

    if (hInBuf) {

    if (hVe) {

    if (hEngine) {

    if (inFile) {
    if (outFile) {

    if (hTime) {

    printf("End of application.\n");
Beispiel #7
 *  ======== processLoop ========
static Void processLoop(UNIVERSAL_Handle hUniversal, FILE *in, FILE *out,
        XDAS_Int8 *inBuf, XDAS_Int8 *outBuf, XDAS_Int8 *versionBuf)
    Int                         n;
    Int32                       status;

    UNIVERSAL_InArgs            universalInArgs;
    UNIVERSAL_OutArgs           universalOutArgs;
    UNIVERSAL_DynamicParams     universalDynParams;
    UNIVERSAL_Status            universalStatus;

    XDM1_BufDesc                universalInBufDesc;
    XDM1_BufDesc                universalOutBufDesc;

    /* initialize bufDescs */
    universalInBufDesc.numBufs = universalOutBufDesc.numBufs = 1;
    universalInBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize = universalOutBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize =

    universalInBufDesc.descs[0].buf = inBuf;
    universalOutBufDesc.descs[0].buf = outBuf;

    /* initialize all "sized" fields */
    universalInArgs.size    = sizeof(universalInArgs);
    universalOutArgs.size   = sizeof(universalOutArgs);
    universalDynParams.size = sizeof(universalDynParams);
    universalStatus.size    = sizeof(universalStatus);

    /* if the codecs support it, dump their versions */ = 1;[0].buf = versionBuf;[0].bufSize = MAXVERSIONSIZE;[1].buf = NULL;

    /* invalidate versionBuf it before the alg fills it */
    Memory_cacheInv(versionBuf, MAXVERSIONSIZE);

    status = UNIVERSAL_control(hUniversal, XDM_GETVERSION, &universalDynParams,
    Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Alg version:  %s",
            (IArg)((status == UNIVERSAL_EOK ?
            ((char *)[0].buf) : "[unknown]")));

     * Read complete frames from in, process them, and write to out.
    for (n = 0; fread(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE, 1, in) == 1; n++) {

#if defined(xdc_target__isaCompatible_64P) || \
         *  fread() on this processor is implemented using CCS's stdio, which
         *  is known to write into the cache, not physical memory.  To meet
         *  XDAIS DMA Rule 7, we must writeback the cache into physical
         *  memory.  Also, per DMA Rule 7, we must invalidate the buffer's
         *  cache before providing it to any XDAIS algorithm.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE);
#error Unvalidated config - add appropriate fread-related cache maintenance
        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] App-> Processing frame %d...", (IArg)n);

         * Transcode the frame.
         * Note, inputID == 0 is an error.  This example doesn't account
         * for the case where 'n + 1' wraps to zero.
        status = UNIVERSAL_process(hUniversal, &universalInBufDesc,
                &universalOutBufDesc, NULL, &universalInArgs, &universalOutArgs);

                "[+2] App-> Alg frame %d process returned - 0x%x",
                (IArg)n, (IArg)status);

        if (status != UNIVERSAL_EOK) {
                    "[+7] App-> Alg frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x, "
                    "extendedError = 0x%x",
                    (IArg)n, (IArg)status,

         * Conditionally writeback the processed buf from the previous
         * call.  This [pessimistic] writeback illustrates the general
         * situation where the subsequent access of outBuf (fwrite(), in
         * this case), is not known to be via CPU/cache or DMA/physical mem.
         * An optimized system, where the access mode of outBufs known,
         * may be able to eliminate this writeback.
        if (XDM_ISACCESSMODE_WRITE(universalOutBufDesc.descs[0].accessMask)) {
            Memory_cacheWb(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        /* write to file */
        fwrite(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE, 1, out);

    Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] %d frames processed", (IArg)n);
Beispiel #8
 *  ======== encode_decode ========
static Void encode_decode(VIDENC1_Handle enc, VIDDEC2_Handle dec, FILE *in,
    FILE *out)
    Int                         n;
    Int32                       status;

    VIDDEC2_InArgs              decInArgs;
    VIDDEC2_OutArgs             decOutArgs;
    VIDDEC2_DynamicParams       decDynParams;
    VIDDEC2_Status              decStatus;

    VIDENC1_InArgs              encInArgs;
    VIDENC1_OutArgs             encOutArgs;
    VIDENC1_DynamicParams       encDynParams;
    VIDENC1_Status              encStatus;

    IVIDEO1_BufDescIn           encInBufDesc;

    XDM_BufDesc                 encOutBufDesc;
    XDAS_Int8                  *encoded[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];
    XDAS_Int32                  encBufSizes[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];

    XDM1_BufDesc                decInBufDesc;

    XDM_BufDesc                 decOutBufDesc;
    XDAS_Int8                  *dst[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];
    XDAS_Int32                  outBufSizes[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];

    /* clear and initialize the buffer descriptors */
    memset(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded[0]) * XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS);
    memset(dst,     0, sizeof(dst[0])     * XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS);

    encoded[0] = encodedBuf;
    dst[0]     = outBuf;

    encInBufDesc.numBufs = encOutBufDesc.numBufs = decInBufDesc.numBufs =
        decOutBufDesc.numBufs = 1;

    encOutBufDesc.bufSizes  = encBufSizes;
    decOutBufDesc.bufSizes  = outBufSizes;

    encInBufDesc.bufDesc[0].bufSize = encBufSizes[0] =
        decInBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize = outBufSizes[0] = NSAMPLES;

    encInBufDesc.bufDesc[0].buf = inBuf;
    encOutBufDesc.bufs = encoded;
    decInBufDesc.descs[0].buf = encoded[0];
    decOutBufDesc.bufs     = dst;

    encInBufDesc.frameWidth     = 0;  /* TODO */
    encInBufDesc.frameHeight    = 0;  /* TODO */
    encInBufDesc.framePitch     = 0;  /* TODO */

    /* initialize all "sized" fields */
    encInArgs.size    = sizeof(encInArgs);
    decInArgs.size    = sizeof(decInArgs);
    encOutArgs.size   = sizeof(encOutArgs);
    decOutArgs.size   = sizeof(decOutArgs);
    encDynParams.size = sizeof(encDynParams);
    decDynParams.size = sizeof(decDynParams);
    encStatus.size    = sizeof(encStatus);
    decStatus.size    = sizeof(decStatus);

     * Note that we use versionBuf in both the encoder and decoder.  In this
     * application, this is okay, as there is always only one user of
     * the buffer.  Not all applications can make this assumption.
     */     =     = versionBuf; = = MAXVERSIONSIZE;

    /* if the codecs support it, dump their versions */
    status = VIDDEC2_control(dec, XDM_GETVERSION, &decDynParams, &decStatus);
    Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Decoder version:  %s",
            (IArg)((status == VIDDEC2_EOK ? ((char *) :

    status = VIDENC1_control(enc, XDM_GETVERSION, &encDynParams, &encStatus);
    Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Encoder version:  %s",
            (IArg)((status == VIDENC1_EOK ? ((char *) :

     * This app expects the encoder to provide 1 buf in and get 1 buf out,
     * and the buf sizes of the in and out buffer must be able to handle
     * NSAMPLES bytes of data.
    status = VIDENC1_control(enc, XDM_GETSTATUS, &encDynParams, &encStatus);
    if (status != VIDENC1_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] encode control status = %ld",

    /* Validate this encoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((encInBufDesc.numBufs < encStatus.bufInfo.minNumInBufs) ||
        (IFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (encOutBufDesc.numBufs < encStatus.bufInfo.minNumOutBufs) ||
        (EFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        Log_print0(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Error:  encoder codec feature conflict");

    status = VIDDEC2_control(dec, XDM_GETSTATUS, &decDynParams, &decStatus);
    if (status != VIDDEC2_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] decode control status = %ld",

    /* Validate this decoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((decInBufDesc.numBufs < decStatus.bufInfo.minNumInBufs) ||
        (EFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (decOutBufDesc.numBufs < decStatus.bufInfo.minNumOutBufs) ||
        (OFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
                "[+7] App-> ERROR: decoder does not meet buffer requirements.");

     * Read complete frames from in, encode, decode, and write to out.
    for (n = 0; fread(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE, 1, in) == 1; n++) {

#if defined(xdc_target__isaCompatible_64P) || \
         *  fread() on this processor is implemented using CCS's stdio, which
         *  is known to write into the cache, not physical memory.  To meet
         *  XDAIS DMA Rule 7, we must writeback the cache into physical
         *  memory.  Also, per DMA Rule 7, we must invalidate the buffer's
         *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE);
#error Unvalidated config - add appropriate fread-related cache maintenance
        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(encodedBuf, EFRAMESIZE);

        Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] App-> Processing frame %d...", (IArg)n);

         * Encode the frame.
         * Note, inputID == 0 is an error.  This example doesn't account
         * for the case where 'n + 1' wraps to zero.
        encInArgs.inputID = n + 1;
        status = VIDENC1_process(enc, &encInBufDesc, &encOutBufDesc, &encInArgs,

                "[+2] App-> Encoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x)",
                (IArg)n, (IArg)status);

        if (status != VIDENC1_EOK) {
                    "[+7] App-> Encoder frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x, "
                    "extendedError = 0x%x",
                    (IArg)n, (IArg)status, (IArg)(encOutArgs.extendedError));

         * So far, so good.  Validate our assumption that the encoder
         * provided encodedBuf as it's encOutArgs->encodedBuf.buf.  If
         * that's not the case, we may be dealing with a codec that's
         * giving us out of order frames... and this simple app
         * doesn't support that.
        if (encOutArgs.encodedBuf.buf != encodedBuf) {
                    "[+7] App-> Internal error.  Unsupported encoder");

         * Conditionally writeback the encoded buf from the previous
         * call.  Also, as encodedBuf is an inBuf to the next process
         * call, conditionally invalidate it as well.
        if (XDM_ISACCESSMODE_WRITE(encOutArgs.encodedBuf.accessMask)) {
            Memory_cacheWbInv(encodedBuf, EFRAMESIZE);

         * Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines (for the
         * upcoming decoder) must be cleaned.
        Memory_cacheInv(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        /* decode the frame */
        decInArgs.numBytes = EFRAMESIZE;
        decInArgs.inputID = 1;  /* typically this varies by each frame */
        status = VIDDEC2_process(dec, &decInBufDesc, &decOutBufDesc,
            &decInArgs, &decOutArgs);

                "[+2] App-> Decoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x)",
                (IArg)n, (IArg)status);

        if (status != VIDDEC2_EOK) {
                    "[+7] App-> Decoder frame %d processing FAILED, status ="
                    " 0x%x", (IArg)n, (IArg)status);

        /* again, validate our assumption that we don't get out-of-order bufs */
        if (decOutArgs.decodedBufs.bufDesc[0].buf != outBuf) {
                    "[+7] App-> Internal error.  Unsupported decoder");

        /* Conditionally writeback the decoded buf */
                decOutArgs.decodedBufs.bufDesc[0].accessMask)) {
            Memory_cacheWb(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        /* write to file */
        fwrite(dst[0], OFRAMESIZE, 1, out);

    Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+1] %d frames encoded/decoded", (IArg)n);
 *  ======== encode_decode ========
static Void encode_decode(VIDENC_Handle enc, VIDDEC_Handle dec, FILE *in,
    FILE *out)
    Int                         n;
    Int32                       status;

    VIDDEC_InArgs               decInArgs;
    VIDDEC_OutArgs              decOutArgs;
    VIDDEC_DynamicParams        decDynParams;
    VIDDEC_Status               decStatus;

    VIDENC_InArgs               encInArgs;
    VIDENC_OutArgs              encOutArgs;
    VIDENC_DynamicParams        encDynParams;
    VIDENC_Status               encStatus;

    XDM_BufDesc                 inBufDesc;
    XDAS_Int8                  *src[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];
    XDAS_Int32                  inBufSizes[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];

    XDM_BufDesc                 encodedBufDesc;
    XDAS_Int8                  *encoded[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];
    XDAS_Int32                  encBufSizes[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];

    XDM_BufDesc                 outBufDesc;
    XDAS_Int8                  *dst[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];
    XDAS_Int32                  outBufSizes[XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS];

    /* clear and initialize the buffer descriptors */
    memset(src,     0, sizeof(src[0])     * XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS);
    memset(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded[0]) * XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS);
    memset(dst,     0, sizeof(dst[0])     * XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS);

    src[0]     = inBuf;
    encoded[0] = encodedBuf;
    dst[0]     = outBuf;

    inBufDesc.numBufs = encodedBufDesc.numBufs = outBufDesc.numBufs = 1;

    inBufDesc.bufSizes      = inBufSizes;
    encodedBufDesc.bufSizes = encBufSizes;
    outBufDesc.bufSizes     = outBufSizes;

    //Note , this declaration is tell the memtab how much need to  allocate the buf sizes  
    inBufSizes[0] = IFRAMESIZE;
    encBufSizes[0] = EFRAMESIZE;
    outBufSizes[0] = OFRAMESIZE;

    inBufDesc.bufs      = src;
    encodedBufDesc.bufs = encoded;
    outBufDesc.bufs     = dst;

    /* initialize all "sized" fields */
    encInArgs.size    = sizeof(encInArgs);
    decInArgs.size    = sizeof(decInArgs);
    encOutArgs.size   = sizeof(encOutArgs);
    decOutArgs.size   = sizeof(decOutArgs);
    encDynParams.size = sizeof(encDynParams);
    decDynParams.size = sizeof(decDynParams);
    encStatus.size    = sizeof(encStatus);
    decStatus.size    = sizeof(decStatus);

     * Query the encoder and decoder.
     * This app expects the encoder to provide 1 buf in and get 1 buf out,
     * and the buf sizes of the in and out buffer must be able to handle
     * NSAMPLES bytes of data.
    status = VIDENC_control(enc, XDM_GETSTATUS, &encDynParams, &encStatus);
    if (status != VIDENC_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "encode control status = 0x%x\n", status);

    /* Validate this encoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((inBufDesc.numBufs < encStatus.bufInfo.minNumInBufs) ||
        (IFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (encodedBufDesc.numBufs < encStatus.bufInfo.minNumOutBufs) ||
        (EFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
            "Error:  encoder codec feature conflict\n");

//#if 0
    status = VIDDEC_control(dec, XDM_GETSTATUS, &decDynParams, &decStatus);
    if (status != VIDDEC_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "decode control status = 0x%x\n", status);

    /* Validate this decoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((encodedBufDesc.numBufs < decStatus.bufInfo.minNumInBufs) ||
        (EFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (outBufDesc.numBufs < decStatus.bufInfo.minNumOutBufs) ||
        (OFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
            "App-> ERROR: decoder does not meet buffer requirements.\n");

     * Read complete frames from in, encode, decode, and write to out.

    /* opencv create init image */
    CvSize size=cvSize(320,240);

    /* v4l2 init */
     int count=0;

     /*start capturing*/

    /*===============v4l2 grab frame by Camera======================*/
        mainLoop(); /*this is the v4l2grab frame*/

#ifdef xdc_target__isaCompatible_64P
         *  fread() on this processor is implemented using CCS's stdio, which
         *  is known to write into the cache, not physical memory.  To meet
         *  xDAIS DMA Rule 7, we must writeback the cache into physical
         *  memory.  Also, per DMA Rule 7, we must invalidate the buffer's
         *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE);
#error Unvalidated config - add appropriate fread-related cache maintenance
        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(encodedBuf, EFRAMESIZE);

        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "App-> Processing frame %d...\n", count);

        /* encode the frame */
        status = VIDENC_process(enc, &inBufDesc, &encodedBufDesc, &encInArgs,

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
            "App-> Encoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x)\n",
            count, status);

        /* Writeback this outBuf from the previous call.  Also, as encodedBuf
         * is an inBuf to the next process call, we must invalidate it also, to
         * clean buffer lines.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(encodedBuf, EFRAMESIZE);

        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        if (status != VIDENC_EOK) {
            GT_3trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "App-> Encoder frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x, "
                "extendedError = 0x%x\n", count, status, encOutArgs.extendedError);

/***************************decode part (Unuse)***********************************/
/************************** decode the frame**************************************/
        status = VIDDEC_process(dec, &encodedBufDesc, &outBufDesc, &decInArgs,

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
            "App-> Decoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x)\n",
            n, status);

        if (status != VIDDEC_EOK) {
            GT_3trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "App-> Decoder frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x, "
                "extendedError = 0x%x\n", n, status, decOutArgs.extendedError);

        /* Writeback the outBuf. */
        Memory_cacheWb(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        /* write to file */
        //fwrite(encodedBuf, EFRAMESIZE, 1, out);

        frame->imageData =  encoded[0];
        frame_gray->imageData = dst[0];

        int key=cvWaitKey(33);
        printf("the %d frame are completed \n",count);

    }/*end while*/


    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "%d frames encoded/decoded\n", n);
Beispiel #10
 * main
Int appMain(Args * args)
    Buffer_Attrs            bAttrs      = Buffer_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Loader_Attrs            lAttrs      = Loader_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    AUDDEC1_Params          params      = Adec1_Params_DEFAULT;
    AUDDEC1_DynamicParams   dynParams   = Adec1_DynamicParams_DEFAULT;
    Time_Attrs              tAttrs      = Time_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Adec1_Handle            hAd1        = NULL;
    Loader_Handle           hLoader     = NULL;
    Engine_Handle           hEngine     = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle           hOutBuf     = NULL;
    Time_Handle             hTime       = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle           hInBuf      = NULL;
    FILE                   *outFile     = NULL;
    Int                     numFrame    = 0;
    UInt32                  time;
    Int                     ret         = Dmai_EOK;
    Cpu_Device              device;

    printf("Starting application...\n");
    if (args->benchmark) {
        hTime = Time_create(&tAttrs);

        if (hTime == NULL) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create Time object\n");
            goto cleanup;

    /* Initialize the codec engine run time */

    /* Initialize DMAI */

    /* Determine which device the application is running on */
    if (Cpu_getDevice(NULL, &device) < 0) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to determine target board\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Open the output file */
    outFile = fopen(args->outFile, "wb");

    if (outFile == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create output file %s\n", args->outFile);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Using a larger vbuf to enhance performance of file i/o */
    if (setvbuf(outFile, vbuffer, _IOFBF, sizeof(vbuffer)) != 0) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to setvbuf on file descriptor\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Open the codec engine */
    hEngine = Engine_open(args->engineName, NULL, NULL);

    if (hEngine == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open codec engine %s\n", args->engineName);
        goto cleanup;

    if (device == Cpu_Device_DM365 || device == Cpu_Device_OMAP3530 ||
        device == Cpu_Device_DM368 || device == Cpu_Device_DM3730) {
        params.dataEndianness = XDM_LE_16;

    /* Create the AUDDEC1 based audio decoder */
    hAd1 = Adec1_create(hEngine, args->codecName, &params, &dynParams);

    if (hAd1 == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create audio decoder\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Align buffers to cache line boundary */    
    bAttrs.memParams.align = lAttrs.mParams.align = BUFSIZEALIGN; 
    /* Use cached buffers if requested */    
    if (args->cache) {
        bAttrs.memParams.flags = lAttrs.mParams.flags = Memory_CACHED;
    /* Ask the codec how much input data it needs */
    lAttrs.readSize = Adec1_getInBufSize(hAd1);

    /* Make the total ring buffer larger */
    lAttrs.readBufSize = Dmai_roundUp(lAttrs.readSize * 10, BUFSIZEALIGN);

    /* Increase the stdio buffer size for loader for better RTDX performance */
    lAttrs.vBufSize = VBUFSIZE;

    /* Create the file loader */
    hLoader = Loader_create(args->inFile, &lAttrs);

    if (hLoader == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create loader\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Create an output buffer for decoded data */
    hOutBuf = Buffer_create(
        Dmai_roundUp(Adec1_getOutBufSize(hAd1), BUFSIZEALIGN), &bAttrs);

    if (hOutBuf == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create contiguous buffers\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Prime the file loader */
    Loader_prime(hLoader, &hInBuf);

    while (numFrame++ < args->numFrames) {
        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_reset(hTime) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to reset timer\n");
                goto cleanup;

        if (args->cache) {
             *  To meet xDAIS DMA Rule 7, when input buffers are cached, we
             *  must writeback the cache into physical memory.  Also, per DMA
             *  Rule 7, we must invalidate the output buffer from
             *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.

            /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */

            if (args->benchmark) {
                if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                    ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer delta\n");
                    goto cleanup;

                printf("Pre-process cache maintenance: %uus ", (Uns) time);

        /* Decode the audio buffer */
        ret = Adec1_process(hAd1, hInBuf, hOutBuf);

        if ((ret == Dmai_EFAIL)||
            (ret == Dmai_EBITERROR && Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hInBuf) == 0)) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to decode audio buffer\n");
            goto cleanup;

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get timer delta\n");
                goto cleanup;

            printf("Decode: %uus ", (Uns) time);

        if (args->cache) {
            /* Writeback the outBuf. */
            Memory_cacheWb(Buffer_getUserPtr(hOutBuf), Buffer_getSize(hOutBuf));

            if (args->benchmark) {
                if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                    ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get timer delta\n");
                    goto cleanup;

                printf("Post-process cache write back: %uus ", (Uns) time);

        /* Load a new frame from the file system */
        Loader_getFrame(hLoader, hInBuf);

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer delta\n");
                goto cleanup;

            printf("Loader: %uus\n", (Uns) time);

        if (Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hOutBuf)) {
            if (numFrame >= args->startFrame) {
                printf("Frame %d: ", numFrame);
                if (writeFrame(hOutBuf, outFile) < 0) {
                    ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                    goto cleanup;

        if (Buffer_getUserPtr(hInBuf) == NULL) {
            printf("Loader returned null, clip finished\n");

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_total(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer total\n");
                goto cleanup;

            printf("Total: %uus\n", (unsigned int)time);

    /* Clean up the application */
    if (hLoader) {

    if (hAd1) {

    if (hOutBuf) {

    if (hEngine) {

    if (hTime) {

    if (outFile) {

    printf("End of application.\n");

    if (ret == Dmai_EFAIL)
        return 1;
        return 0;
Beispiel #11
 * appMain
Int appMain(Args * args)
    IMGDEC1_Params          params       = Idec1_Params_DEFAULT;
    IMGDEC1_DynamicParams   dynParams    = Idec1_DynamicParams_DEFAULT;
    Buffer_Attrs            bAttrs       = Buffer_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    BufferGfx_Attrs         gfxAttrs     = BufferGfx_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Time_Attrs              tAttrs       = Time_Attrs_DEFAULT;   
    Idec1_Handle            hId          = NULL;
    Engine_Handle           hEngine      = NULL;
    Time_Handle             hTime        = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle           hInBuf       = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle           hOutBuf      = NULL;
    FILE                   *outFile      = NULL;
    FILE                   *inFile       = NULL;
    Int                     numBytes     = 0;
    Int                     ret          = Dmai_EOK;
    Cpu_Device              device;
    UInt32                  time;

    printf("Starting application...\n");
    if (args->benchmark) {
        hTime = Time_create(&tAttrs);

        if (hTime == NULL) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create Time object\n");
            goto cleanup;

    /* Initialize the codec engine run time */

    /* Initialize DMAI */

    /* Determine which device the application is running on */
    if (Cpu_getDevice(NULL, &device) < 0) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to determine target board\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Open input file */
    inFile = fopen(args->inFile, "rb");

    if (inFile == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open file %s\n", args->inFile);
        goto cleanup;
    /* Open output file */
    outFile = fopen(args->outFile, "wb");
    if (outFile == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create output file %s\n", args->outFile);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Using a larger vbuf to enhance performance of file i/o */
    if (setvbuf(outFile, vbuffer, _IOFBF, sizeof(vbuffer)) != 0) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to setvbuf on file descriptor\n");
        goto cleanup;   
    /* Open the codec engine */
    hEngine = Engine_open(args->engineName, NULL, NULL);

    if (hEngine == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open codec engine %s\n", args->engineName);
        goto cleanup;

     * Set output color format to UYVY or Planar output.
     * Here XDM_DEFUALT sets the output planar format to
     * the planar fromat of the encoded image.
    switch (args->oColorSpace) {
        case ColorSpace_UYVY:
            params.forceChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_422ILE;
        case ColorSpace_NOTSET:
            params.forceChromaFormat = XDM_CHROMAFORMAT_DEFAULT;
        case ColorSpace_YUV444P:
            params.forceChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_444P;
        case ColorSpace_YUV422P:
            params.forceChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_422P;
        case ColorSpace_YUV420P:
            params.forceChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_420P;
        case ColorSpace_YUV420PSEMI:
            params.forceChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_420SP;
        case ColorSpace_GRAY:
            params.forceChromaFormat = ColorSpace_GRAY;
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Unsupported output color space %d.\n", args->oColorSpace);
            goto cleanup;

    if ((device == Cpu_Device_DM365) || (device == Cpu_Device_DM368)) {
        params.maxHeight = VideoStd_720P_HEIGHT;
        params.maxWidth  = VideoStd_720P_WIDTH;

    if (device == Cpu_Device_DM6467) {
        params.maxHeight = VideoStd_720P_HEIGHT;
        params.maxWidth  = VideoStd_720P_WIDTH;

    /* Create the image decoder */
    hId = Idec1_create(hEngine, args->codecName, &params, &dynParams);

    if (hId == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create image decoder: %s\n", args->codecName);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Align buffers to cache line boundary */    
    gfxAttrs.bAttrs.memParams.align = bAttrs.memParams.align = BUFSIZEALIGN; 
    /* Use cached buffers if requested */    
    if (args->cache) {
        gfxAttrs.bAttrs.memParams.flags = bAttrs.memParams.flags 
            = Memory_CACHED;
    gfxAttrs.colorSpace     = args->oColorSpace;
    gfxAttrs.dim.width      = params.maxWidth;
    gfxAttrs.dim.height     = params.maxHeight;
    gfxAttrs.dim.lineLength = BufferGfx_calcLineLength(params.maxWidth,
    /* Create an output buffer for decoded data */
    hOutBuf = Buffer_create(
        Dmai_roundUp(Idec1_getOutBufSize(hId), BUFSIZEALIGN), 

    if (hOutBuf == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create contiguous buffers\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Create an input buffer for encoded data */
    hInBuf = Buffer_create(Dmai_roundUp(Idec1_getInBufSize(hId), BUFSIZEALIGN), 

    if (hInBuf == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create contiguous buffers\n");
        goto cleanup;
    /* Read encoded image data */
    numBytes = fread(Buffer_getUserPtr(hInBuf), 1,
                     Idec1_getInBufSize(hId), inFile);
    Buffer_setNumBytesUsed(hInBuf, numBytes);

    if (args->benchmark) {
        if (Time_reset(hTime) < 0) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to reset timer\n");
            goto cleanup;

    if (args->cache) {
         *  To meet xDAIS DMA Rule 7, when input buffers are cached, we 
         *  must writeback the cache into physical memory.  Also, per DMA 
         *  Rule 7, we must invalidate the output buffer from
         *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(Buffer_getUserPtr(hInBuf), Buffer_getSize(hInBuf));
        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(Buffer_getUserPtr(hOutBuf), Buffer_getSize(hOutBuf));
        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer delta\n");
                goto cleanup;
            printf("Pre-process cache maintenance: %uus \n", (Uns) time);

    printf("Decoding image...\n");
    /* Decode the image frame */
    ret = Idec1_process(hId, hInBuf, hOutBuf);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to decode image buffer\n");
        goto cleanup;
    if (args->benchmark) {
        if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer delta\n");
            goto cleanup;
        printf("Frame - Decode: %uus \n", (unsigned int)time);
    if (args->cache) {
        /* Writeback the outBuf. */
        Memory_cacheWb(Buffer_getUserPtr(hOutBuf), Buffer_getSize(hOutBuf));
        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer delta\n");
                goto cleanup;
            printf("Post-process cache write back: %uus ", (Uns) time);

    /* Write decoded image to a file */
   if (BufferGfx_getColorSpace(hOutBuf) == ColorSpace_UYVY){
        if (writeFrameUYVY(hOutBuf, outFile) < 0) {
           ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
           fprintf(stderr,"Failed to write image to file\n");
           goto cleanup; 
    } else if (BufferGfx_getColorSpace(hOutBuf) == ColorSpace_YUV420PSEMI) {
        if (writeFrameSemiPlanar(hOutBuf, outFile) < 0) {
           ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
           fprintf(stderr,"Failed to write image to file\n");
           goto cleanup; 
    else if (BufferGfx_getColorSpace(hOutBuf) == ColorSpace_YUV420P
             || ColorSpace_YUV422P || ColorSpace_YUV444P || ColorSpace_GRAY){
        /* For XDM_GRAY ignoring the color planes */
        if (args->oColorSpace == ColorSpace_GRAY){
            BufferGfx_setColorSpace (hOutBuf, ColorSpace_GRAY); 
        if (writeFramePlanar(hOutBuf, outFile) < 0) {
           ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
           fprintf(stderr,"Failed to write image to file\n");
           goto cleanup; 
    else {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Invalid output colorspace.\n");
        goto cleanup;     

    if (args->benchmark) {
        if (Time_total(hTime, &time) < 0) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer total\n");
            goto cleanup;
        printf("Total: %uus\n", (unsigned int)time);
    /* Clean up the application */
    if (hId) {
    if (hInBuf) {

    if (hOutBuf) {

    if (hEngine) {

    if (hTime) {

    if (inFile) {
    if (outFile) {
    printf("End of application.\n");

    if (ret == Dmai_EFAIL) 
        return 1;
        return 0;
Beispiel #12
static int do_transcodeFrame(CodecEngine* _ce,
                             const void* _srcFramePtr, size_t _srcFrameSize,
                             void* _dstFramePtr, size_t _dstFrameSize, size_t* _dstFrameUsed)
  if (_ce->m_srcBuffer == NULL || _ce->m_dstBuffer == NULL)
    return ENOTCONN;
  if (_srcFramePtr == NULL || _dstFramePtr == NULL)
    return EINVAL;
  if (_srcFrameSize > _ce->m_srcBufferSize || _dstFrameSize > _ce->m_dstBufferSize)
    return ENOSPC;

  memset(&tcInArgs, 0, sizeof(tcInArgs));
  tcInArgs.size = sizeof(tcInArgs);
  tcInArgs.numBytes = _srcFrameSize;
  tcInArgs.inputID = 1; // must be non-zero, otherwise caching issues appear

  VIDTRANSCODE_OutArgs tcOutArgs;
  memset(&tcOutArgs,    0, sizeof(tcOutArgs));
  tcOutArgs.size = sizeof(tcOutArgs);

  XDM1_BufDesc tcInBufDesc;
  memset(&tcInBufDesc,  0, sizeof(tcInBufDesc));
  tcInBufDesc.numBufs = 1;
  tcInBufDesc.descs[0].buf = _ce->m_srcBuffer;
  tcInBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize = _srcFrameSize;

  XDM_BufDesc tcOutBufDesc;
  memset(&tcOutBufDesc, 0, sizeof(tcOutBufDesc));
  XDAS_Int8* tcOutBufDesc_bufs[1];
  XDAS_Int32 tcOutBufDesc_bufSizes[1];
  tcOutBufDesc.numBufs = 1;
  tcOutBufDesc.bufs = tcOutBufDesc_bufs;
  tcOutBufDesc.bufs[0] = _ce->m_dstBuffer;
  tcOutBufDesc.bufSizes = tcOutBufDesc_bufSizes;
  tcOutBufDesc.bufSizes[0] = _dstFrameSize;

  memcpy(_ce->m_srcBuffer, _srcFramePtr, _srcFrameSize);

  Memory_cacheWbInv(_ce->m_srcBuffer, _ce->m_srcBufferSize); // invalidate and flush *whole* cache, not only written portion, just in case
  Memory_cacheInv(_ce->m_dstBuffer, _ce->m_dstBufferSize); // invalidate *whole* cache, not only expected portion, just in case

  XDAS_Int32 processResult = VIDTRANSCODE_process(_ce->m_vidtranscodeHandle, &tcInBufDesc, &tcOutBufDesc, &tcInArgs, &tcOutArgs);
  if (processResult != IVIDTRANSCODE_EOK)
    fprintf(stderr, "VIDTRANSCODE_process(%zu -> %zu) failed: %"PRIi32"/%"PRIi32"\n",
            _srcFrameSize, _dstFrameSize, processResult, tcOutArgs.extendedError);
    return EILSEQ;

#warning Remove me after a while if everything is fine
#if 0 // does not seems to be needed according to notes in CE skeletons (Wb is done by DSP side, not ARM)
  if (XDM_ISACCESSMODE_WRITE(tcOutArgs.encodedBuf[0].accessMask))
    Memory_cacheWb(_ce->m_dstBuffer, _ce->m_dstBufferSize);

  if (tcOutArgs.encodedBuf[0].bufSize > _dstFrameSize)
    *_dstFrameUsed = _dstFrameSize;
    fprintf(stderr, "VIDTRANSCODE_process(%zu -> %zu) returned too large buffer %zu, truncated\n",
            _srcFrameSize, _dstFrameSize, *_dstFrameUsed);
  else if (tcOutArgs.encodedBuf[0].bufSize < 0)
    *_dstFrameUsed = 0;
    fprintf(stderr, "VIDTRANSCODE_process(%zu -> %zu) returned negative buffer size\n",
            _srcFrameSize, _dstFrameSize);
    *_dstFrameUsed = tcOutArgs.encodedBuf[0].bufSize;

  memcpy(_dstFramePtr, _ce->m_dstBuffer, *_dstFrameUsed);

  return 0;
 * appMain
Int main(Int argc, Char *argv[])
    UInt32 framesize;
    Memory_AllocParams memParams = Memory_DEFAULTPARAMS;
    printf("Sample application for testing kernels in C6Accel started.\n");
    /* This call must be made before the Memory_xxx() functions as it is required for the tracing functions
     in all the codec engine APIs that are used*/

    /* Reset timeObj used for benchmarking*/

    /* Create call generates a C6ACCEL handle */
    hC6 = C6accel_create(engineName, NULL,algName, NULL);

    /*Check for failure*/
    if ( hC6 == NULL)
       {printf("%s: C6accel_create() failed \n",progName);
        goto end;

    /* Create buffers for use by algorithms */

    /* Want to use cached & contiguous memory to get best performance from cortex when it also uses the buffers.*/
    memParams.flags = Memory_CACHED;
    memParams.type = Memory_CONTIGHEAP;

    /* Size all buffers for 6 bytes, to cope with worst case 16 bit 422Planar*/
    framesize = (MAX_WIDTH * MAX_HEIGHT * sizeof(Int32)*3/2);

    /* Create 16bit buffers for use by algorithms*/
    pSrcBuf_16bpp = Memory_alloc(framesize, &memParams);
    if (pSrcBuf_16bpp == NULL) {
        goto end;
    else {
       Memory_cacheWbInv(pSrcBuf_16bpp, framesize);
      pOutBuf_16bpp = Memory_alloc(framesize, &memParams);
    if (pOutBuf_16bpp == NULL) {
        goto end;
    else {
       Memory_cacheWbInv(pOutBuf_16bpp, framesize);
    pRefBuf_16bpp = Memory_alloc(framesize, &memParams);
    if (pRefBuf_16bpp == NULL) {
        goto end;
    else {
       Memory_cacheWbInv(pRefBuf_16bpp, framesize);

      pWorkingBuf_16bpp = Memory_alloc(framesize, &memParams);
    if (pWorkingBuf_16bpp == NULL) {
        goto end;
    else {
       Memory_cacheWbInv(pWorkingBuf_16bpp, framesize);
    pWorkingBuf2_16bpp = Memory_alloc(framesize, &memParams);
    if (pWorkingBuf2_16bpp == NULL) {
        goto end;
    else {
       Memory_cacheWbInv(pWorkingBuf2_16bpp, framesize);
   #ifdef DEVICE_FLOAT
   pWorkingBuf3_16bpp = Memory_alloc(framesize, &memParams);
    if (pWorkingBuf3_16bpp == NULL) {
        goto end;
    else {
       Memory_cacheWbInv(pWorkingBuf3_16bpp, framesize);
    /* open file for csv output*/
    /* Call test functions for kernels in C6accel*/
    LOG_STRING("IMGLib Functions\n");
    LOG_STRING("640x480 8bit/pixel b/w Test Image \n");
    printf("Test for Image processing functions in C6Accel: \n");

    LOG_STRING("800x600 YUYV Test Image \n");
    c6accel_test_IMG_YUV422PLtoYUV422SP(hC6,2,16,16,16, 8);
    c6accel_test_IMG_YUV422SPtoYUV422ILE( hC6,2,16,16,32);
    c6accel_test_IMG_YUV422SPtoYUV420PL(hC6,2,16,16,16, 8);
    LOG_STRING("DSPLib Functions\n");
    LOG_STRING("64k sample FFT \n");
    printf("Test for Fixed point Signal processing functions in C6Accel \n");

    /* Implementation of this function limits
    the rows and columns of matrices to be multiples of 4 and r1 >8 */

  // No need to use these on floating point devices
  #ifndef DEVICE_FLOAT
    LOG_STRING_P1("MATH kernels tested with size of data block %d \n", NMAX+1);
    printf("Test for Fixed point Math functions in C6Accel\n");
    c6accel_test_MATH_IQCONV(hC6,NMAX,GLOBAL_Q, Q1);
  /*Test function calls for floating point kernels in C6accel*/ 
    printf("Test for Floating point Math Functions in C6Accel \n");
    c6accel_test_MATH_RTSFLT(hC6,BUFSIZE) ;
    c6accel_test_MATH_RTSFLTDP(hC6,BUFSIZE) ;
    printf("Test for Floating point Signal processing Functions in C6accel\n");
    c6accel_test_DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP(hC6, Npt, rad, 0, Npt);
    c6accel_test_DSPF_VECMUL(hC6,  BUFSIZE );
    c6accel_test_DSPF_VECRECIP(hC6,  NumX );
    c6accel_test_DSPF_VECSUM_SQ(hC6,  Nelements );
    c6accel_test_DSPF_W_VEC(hC6, Mfactor,   BUFSIZE );
    c6accel_test_DSPF_DOTPRODFXNS(hC6,  Nelements);
    c6accel_test_DSPF_MATFXNS(hC6,  16,  16,  16 );
    c6accel_test_DSPF_MAT_MUL_CPLX(hC6,  4,  8,  8 ); 
    c6accel_test_DSPF_MAT_TRANS(hC6,  NumR,  NumR );
    //c6accel_test_DSPF_IIR(hC6,  NumX);
    c6accel_test_DSPF_FIR(hC6, 128,  4);
    c6accel_test_DSPF_sp_ifftSPxSP(hC6, Npt, rad, 0, Npt);
    c6accel_test_DSPF_BIQUAD(hC6,  BUFSIZE);


     // Tear down C6ACCEL
    if (hC6)

        Memory_free(pSrcBuf_16bpp, framesize, &memParams);

        Memory_free(pOutBuf_16bpp, framesize, &memParams);

        Memory_free(pRefBuf_16bpp, framesize, &memParams);

        Memory_free(pWorkingBuf_16bpp, framesize, &memParams);

        Memory_free(pWorkingBuf2_16bpp, framesize, &memParams);

    #ifdef DEVICE_FLOAT
        Memory_free(pWorkingBuf3_16bpp, framesize, &memParams);

    printf("All tests done.\n");

   return (0);
Beispiel #14
 * appMain
Int appMain(Args * args)
    VIDENC1_Params         params    = Venc1_Params_DEFAULT;
    VIDENC1_DynamicParams  dynParams = Venc1_DynamicParams_DEFAULT;
    BufferGfx_Attrs        gfxAttrs  = BufferGfx_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Buffer_Attrs           bAttrs    = Buffer_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Time_Attrs             tAttrs    = Time_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Venc1_Handle           hVe1      = NULL;
    FILE                  *outFile   = NULL;
    FILE                  *reconFile = NULL;
    FILE                  *inFile    = NULL;
    Engine_Handle          hEngine   = NULL;
    Time_Handle            hTime     = NULL;
    Bool                   flushed   = FALSE;
    Bool                   mustExit  = FALSE;
    BufTab_Handle          hBufTab   = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle          hOutBuf   = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle          hFreeBuf  = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle          hInBuf    = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle          hReconBuf = NULL;
    Int                    numFrame  = 0;
    Int                    flushCntr = 1;
    Int                    bufIdx;
    Int                    inBufSize, outBufSize;
    Cpu_Device             device;
    Int                    numBufs;
    ColorSpace_Type        colorSpace;
    UInt32                 time;
    Int                    ret = Dmai_EOK;

    printf("Starting application...\n");

    /* Initialize the codec engine run time */

    /* Initialize DMAI */

    /* Determine which device the application is running on */
    if (Cpu_getDevice(NULL, &device) < 0) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to determine target board\n");
        goto cleanup;

    if (args->benchmark) {
        hTime = Time_create(&tAttrs);

        if (hTime == NULL) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create Time object\n");
            goto cleanup;

    /* Open the input file with raw yuv data */
    inFile = fopen(args->inFile, "rb");

    if (inFile == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open input file %s\n", args->inFile);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Using a larger vbuf to enhance performance of file i/o */
    if (setvbuf(inFile, vbufferIn, _IOFBF, sizeof(vbufferIn)) != 0) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to setvbuf on input file descriptor\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Open the output file where to put encoded data */
    outFile = fopen(args->outFile, "wb");

    if (outFile == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open output file %s\n", args->outFile);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Using a larger vbuf to enhance performance of file i/o */
    if (setvbuf(outFile, vbufferOut, _IOFBF, sizeof(vbufferOut)) != 0) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to setvbuf on output file descriptor\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Open the output file where to put reconstructed frames */
    if (args->writeReconFrames) {
        reconFile = fopen(args->reconFile, "wb");

        if (reconFile == NULL) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open output file %s\n", args->reconFile);
            goto cleanup;

        /* Using a larger vbuf to enhance performance of file i/o */
        if (setvbuf(reconFile, vbufferRecon, _IOFBF,
                    sizeof(vbufferRecon)) != 0) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to setvbuf on output file descriptor\n");
            goto cleanup;

    /* Open the codec engine */
    hEngine = Engine_open(args->engineName, NULL, NULL);

    if (hEngine == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open codec engine: %s\n", args->engineName);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Set up codec parameters depending on bit rate */
    if (args->bitRate < 0) {
        /* Variable bit rate */
        params.rateControlPreset = IVIDEO_NONE;

         * If variable bit rate use a bogus bit rate value (> 0)
         * since it will be ignored.
        params.maxBitRate        = 2000000;
    else {
        /* Constant bit rate */
        params.rateControlPreset = IVIDEO_LOW_DELAY;
        params.maxBitRate        = args->bitRate;

    /* Set up codec parameters depending on device */
    switch (device) {
    case Cpu_Device_DM6467:
        params.inputChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_420SP;
        params.reconChromaFormat = XDM_CHROMA_NA;
    case Cpu_Device_DM355:
        params.inputChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_422ILE;
        params.reconChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_420P;
    case Cpu_Device_DM365:
    case Cpu_Device_DM368:
        params.inputChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_420SP;
        params.reconChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_420SP;
    case Cpu_Device_DM3730:
        params.rateControlPreset = IVIDEO_STORAGE;
        params.inputChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_422ILE;
        params.inputChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_422ILE;

    params.maxWidth              = args->width;
    params.maxHeight             = args->height;

    /* Workaround for SDOCM00068944: h264fhdvenc fails
       to create codec when params.dataEndianness is
       set as XDM_BYTE */
    if(device == Cpu_Device_DM6467) {
        if (!strcmp(args->codecName, "h264fhdvenc")) {
            params.dataEndianness        = XDM_LE_32;

    params.maxInterFrameInterval = 1;
    dynParams.targetBitRate      = params.maxBitRate;
    dynParams.inputWidth         = params.maxWidth;
    dynParams.inputHeight        = params.maxHeight;

    /* Create the video encoder */
    hVe1 = Venc1_create(hEngine, args->codecName, &params, &dynParams);

    if (hVe1 == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create video encoder: %s\n", args->codecName);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Ask the codec how much input data it needs */
    inBufSize = Venc1_getInBufSize(hVe1);

    /* Ask the codec how much space it needs for output data */
    outBufSize = Venc1_getOutBufSize(hVe1);

    /* Which color space to use in the graphics buffers depends on the device */
    colorSpace = ((device == Cpu_Device_DM6467)||
                  (device == Cpu_Device_DM365) ||
                  (device == Cpu_Device_DM368)) ? ColorSpace_YUV420PSEMI :

    /* Align buffers to cache line boundary */
    gfxAttrs.bAttrs.memParams.align = bAttrs.memParams.align = BUFSIZEALIGN;

    /* Use cached buffers if requested */
    if (args->cache) {
        gfxAttrs.bAttrs.memParams.flags = bAttrs.memParams.flags
                                          = Memory_CACHED;

    gfxAttrs.dim.width      = args->width;
    gfxAttrs.dim.height     = args->height;
    if ((device == Cpu_Device_DM6467) || (device == Cpu_Device_DM365)
            || (device == Cpu_Device_DM368)) {
        gfxAttrs.dim.height = Dmai_roundUp(gfxAttrs.dim.height, CODECHEIGHTALIGN);
    gfxAttrs.dim.lineLength = BufferGfx_calcLineLength(args->width, colorSpace);
    gfxAttrs.colorSpace     = colorSpace;

    if (inBufSize < 0) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to calculate buffer attributes\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Number of input buffers required */
    if(params.maxInterFrameInterval>1) {
        /* B frame support */
        numBufs = params.maxInterFrameInterval;
    else {
        numBufs = 1;

    /* Create a table of input buffers of the size requested by the codec */
    hBufTab =
        BufTab_create(numBufs, Dmai_roundUp(inBufSize, BUFSIZEALIGN),

    if (hBufTab == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate contiguous buffers\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Set input buffer table */
    Venc1_setBufTab(hVe1, hBufTab);

    /* Create the reconstructed frame buffer for raw yuv data */
    if (args->writeReconFrames) {
        hReconBuf =
            Buffer_create(Dmai_roundUp(inBufSize, BUFSIZEALIGN),

        if (hReconBuf == NULL) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate contiguous buffer\n");
            goto cleanup;

    /* Create the output buffer for encoded video data */
    hOutBuf = Buffer_create(Dmai_roundUp(outBufSize, BUFSIZEALIGN), &bAttrs);

    if (hOutBuf == NULL) {
        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create contiguous buffer\n");
        goto cleanup;

    while (1) {

        /* Get a buffer for input */
        hInBuf = BufTab_getFreeBuf(hBufTab);

        if (hInBuf == NULL) {
            ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get a free contiguous buffer from BufTab\n");
            goto cleanup;

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_reset(hTime) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to reset timer\n");
                goto cleanup;

        /* Read a yuv input frame */
        printf("\n Frame %d: ", numFrame);
        if ((device == Cpu_Device_DM6467)||
                (device == Cpu_Device_DM365) ||
                (device == Cpu_Device_DM368)) {
            if(args->sp) {
                if (readFrame420SP(hInBuf, inFile, args->height) < 0) {
                    ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                    goto cleanup;
            } else {
                if (readFrame420P(hInBuf, inFile, args->height) < 0) {
                    ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                    goto cleanup;
        else {
            if (readFrameUYVY(hInBuf, inFile) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                mustExit = TRUE;

        if (++numFrame == args->numFrames||mustExit == TRUE) {
            if(!(params.maxInterFrameInterval>1)) {
                /* No B-frame support */
                printf("... exiting \n");
                goto cleanup;

             * When encoding a stream with B-frames, ending the processing
             * requires to free the buffer held by the encoder. This is done by
             * flushing the encoder and performing a last process() call
             * with a dummy input buffer.
            printf("\n... exiting with flush (B-frame stream) \n");
            flushCntr = params.maxInterFrameInterval-1;
            flushed = TRUE;

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer delta\n");
                goto cleanup;

            printf("Read time: %uus\n", (Uns)time);

         * Following flushing loop will iterate more than one time only
         * when the encoder completes processing by flushing the frames
         * held by the encoder. All flushed frames will be encoded as P
         * or I frames.

        for(bufIdx = 0; bufIdx < flushCntr; bufIdx++) {

            if (args->cache) {
                *  To meet xDAIS DMA Rule 7, when input buffers are cached, we
                *  must writeback the cache into physical memory.  Also, per DMA
                *  Rule 7, we must invalidate the output buffer from
                *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.

                /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */

                if (args->benchmark) {
                    if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer delta\n");
                        goto cleanup;

                    printf("Pre-process cache maintenance: %uus \n", (Uns) time);

            /* Make sure the whole buffer is used for input */

            /* Encode the video buffer */
            if (Venc1_process(hVe1, hInBuf, hOutBuf) < 0) {
                ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to encode video buffer\n");
                goto cleanup;

            /* if encoder generated output content, free released buffer */
            if (Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hOutBuf)>0) {
                /* Get free buffer */
                hFreeBuf = Venc1_getFreeBuf(hVe1);
                /* Free buffer */
            /* if encoder did not generate output content */
            else {
                /* if non B frame sequence */
                /* encoder skipped frame probably exceeding target bitrate */
                if (params.maxInterFrameInterval<=1) {
                    /* free buffer */
                    printf(" Encoder generated 0 size frame\n");

            if (args->benchmark) {
                if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                    ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get encode time\n");
                    goto cleanup;

                printf("[%d] Encode: %uus\n", numFrame, (Uns)time);

            if (args->cache) {
                /* Writeback the outBuf. */

                if (args->benchmark) {
                    if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer delta\n");
                        goto cleanup;

                    printf("Post-process cache write back: %uus \n", (Uns) time);

            /* Write the encoded frame to the file system */
            if (Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hOutBuf)) {
                if (fwrite(Buffer_getUserPtr(hOutBuf),
                           Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hOutBuf), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to write encoded video data to file\n");
                    goto cleanup;

            /* Write the reconstructed frame to the file system */
            if (args->writeReconFrames) {
                processReconData(Venc1_getReconBufs(hVe1), hInBuf, hReconBuf);

                if (Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hReconBuf)) {
                    if (fwrite(Buffer_getUserPtr(hReconBuf),
                               Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hReconBuf), 1, reconFile) != 1) {
                        ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to write reconstructed frame to file\n");
                        goto cleanup;

            if (args->benchmark) {
                if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                    ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                    printf("Failed to get timer delta\n");
                    goto cleanup;

                printf("File write time: %uus\n", (Uns)time);

                if (Time_total(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                    ret = Dmai_EFAIL;
                    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get timer total\n");
                    goto cleanup;

                printf("Total: %uus\n", (Uns)time);

        /* If the codec flushing completed, exit main thread */
        if (flushed) {
            /* Free dummy input buffer used for flushing process() calls */
            printf("freeing dummy input buffer ... \n");

    /* Clean up the application */
    if (hOutBuf) {

    if (hReconBuf) {

    if (hVe1) {

    if (hBufTab) {

    if (hEngine) {

    if (inFile) {

    if (outFile) {

    if (reconFile) {

    if (hTime) {

    printf("End of application.\n");

    if (ret == Dmai_EFAIL)
        return 1;
        return 0;
 *  ======== encode_decode ========
static Void encode_decode(IMGENC1_Handle enc, IMGDEC1_Handle dec, FILE *in,
    FILE *out)
    Int                         n;
    Int32                       status;

    IMGDEC1_InArgs              decInArgs;
    IMGDEC1_OutArgs             decOutArgs;
    IMGDEC1_DynamicParams       decDynParams;
    IMGDEC1_Status              decStatus;

    IMGENC1_InArgs              encInArgs;
    IMGENC1_OutArgs             encOutArgs;
    IMGENC1_DynamicParams       encDynParams;
    IMGENC1_Status              encStatus;

    XDM1_BufDesc                inBufDesc;
    XDM1_BufDesc                encodedBufDesc;
    XDM1_BufDesc                outBufDesc;

    /* initialize the buffer descriptors */
    inBufDesc.numBufs = encodedBufDesc.numBufs = outBufDesc.numBufs = 1;
    inBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize = encodedBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize =
        outBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize = NSAMPLES;

    inBufDesc.descs[0].buf      = inBuf;
    encodedBufDesc.descs[0].buf = encodedBuf;
    outBufDesc.descs[0].buf     = outBuf;

    /* initialize all "sized" fields */
    encInArgs.size    = sizeof(encInArgs);
    decInArgs.size    = sizeof(decInArgs);
    encOutArgs.size   = sizeof(encOutArgs);
    decOutArgs.size   = sizeof(decOutArgs);
    encDynParams.size = sizeof(encDynParams);
    decDynParams.size = sizeof(decDynParams);
    encStatus.size    = sizeof(encStatus);
    decStatus.size    = sizeof(decStatus);

     * Note that we use versionBuf in both the encoder and decoder.  In this
     * application, this is okay, as there is always only one user of
     * the buffer.  Not all applications can make this assumption.
     */     =     = versionBuf; = = MAXVERSIONSIZE;

    /* if the codecs support it, dump their versions */
    status = IMGDEC1_control(dec, XDM_GETVERSION, &decDynParams, &decStatus);
    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "Decoder version:  %s\n",
        (status == IMGDEC1_EOK ? ((char *) : "[unknown]"));

    status = IMGENC1_control(enc, XDM_GETVERSION, &encDynParams, &encStatus);
    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "Encoder version:  %s\n",
        (status == IMGENC1_EOK ? ((char *) : "[unknown]"));

     * This app expects the encoder to accept 1 buf in and get 1 buf out,
     * and the buf sizes of the in and out buffer must be able to handle
     * NSAMPLES bytes of data.
    status = IMGENC1_control(enc, XDM_GETBUFINFO, &encDynParams, &encStatus);
    if (status != IMGENC1_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "encode control status = 0x%x\n", status);

    /* Validate this encoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((inBufDesc.numBufs < encStatus.bufInfo.minNumInBufs) ||
        (IFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (encodedBufDesc.numBufs < encStatus.bufInfo.minNumOutBufs) ||
        (EFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
            "Error:  encoder codec feature conflict\n");

    status = IMGDEC1_control(dec, XDM_GETBUFINFO, &decDynParams, &decStatus);
    if (status != IMGDEC1_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "decode control status = 0x%x\n", status);

    /* Validate this decoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((encodedBufDesc.numBufs < decStatus.bufInfo.minNumInBufs) ||
        (EFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (outBufDesc.numBufs < decStatus.bufInfo.minNumOutBufs) ||
        (OFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
            "App-> ERROR: decoder does not meet buffer requirements.\n");

     * Read complete frames from in, encode, decode, and write to out.
    for (n = 0; fread(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE, 1, in) == 1; n++) {

        if (appPause) {
            printf("About to start frame %d. Press Enter to continue...\n", n);
            appPause = ('c' == getchar() ? 0 : 1);

        /* Deal with cache issues, if necessary */
#ifdef xdc_target__isaCompatible_64P
         *  fread() on this processor is implemented using CCS's stdio, which
         *  is known to write into the cache, not physical memory.  To meet
         *  xDAIS DMA Rule 7, we must writeback the cache into physical
         *  memory.  Also, per DMA Rule 7, we must invalidate the buffer's
         *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE);
#error Unvalidated config - add appropriate fread-related cache maintenance
        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(encodedBuf, EFRAMESIZE);

        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "App-> Processing frame %d...\n", n);

        /* encode the frame */
        status = IMGENC1_process(enc, &inBufDesc, &encodedBufDesc, &encInArgs,

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
            "App-> Encoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x)\n",
            n, status);

        /* Writeback this outBuf from the previous call.  Also, as encodedBuf
         * is an inBuf to the next process call, we must invalidate it also, to
         * clean buffer lines.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(encodedBuf, EFRAMESIZE);

        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        if (status != IMGENC1_EOK) {
            GT_3trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "App-> Encoder frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x, "
                "extendedError = 0x%x\n", n, status, encOutArgs.extendedError);

        /* decode the frame */
        decInArgs.numBytes = encOutArgs.bytesGenerated;
        status = IMGDEC1_process(dec, &encodedBufDesc, &outBufDesc, &decInArgs,

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
            "App-> Decoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x)\n",
            n, status);

        if (status != IMGDEC1_EOK) {
            GT_3trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "App-> Decoder frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x, "
                "extendedError = 0x%x\n", n, status, decOutArgs.extendedError);

        /* Writeback the outBuf. */
        Memory_cacheWb(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);
        /* write to file */
        fwrite(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE, 1, out);

        if (Global_usePowerManagement) {
            if (appPause) {
                printf("About to hibernate. Press Enter to continue...\n");
                appPause = ('c' == getchar() ? 0 : 1);

            LPM_Status  lpmStat = LPM_SOK;
            GT_0trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS, "Turning DSP off\n");
            lpmStat = LPM_setPowerState(lpmHandle, LPM_HIBERNATE);
            if (lpmStat != LPM_SOK) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error: LPM_setPowerState() failed\n");

            if (appPause) {
                printf("DSP is off: Press Enter to continue...\n");
                appPause = ('c' == getchar() ? 0 : 1);
            else {
                struct timeval tv;
                tv.tv_sec = 0;
                tv.tv_usec = 200000;  /* 200 msec */

                if (select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv) == -1) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error: select() failed\n");

            GT_0trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "Turning DSP on\n");
            lpmStat = LPM_resume(lpmHandle);
            if (lpmStat != LPM_SOK) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error: LPM_resume() failed\n");

            if (appPause) {
                printf("DSP is on: Press Enter to continue...\n");
                appPause = ('c' == getchar() ? 0 : 1);

    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "%d frames encoded/decoded\n", n);
 *  ======== call ========
static VISA_Status call(VISA_Handle visaHandle, VISA_Msg visaMsg)
    _VIDDEC_Msg *msg  = (_VIDDEC_Msg *)visaMsg;
    VIDDEC_Handle handle = (VIDDEC_Handle)visaHandle;
    Int i;
    XDM_BufDesc inBufs, outBufs;
    IVIDDEC_OutArgs *pOutArgs;
    IVIDDEC_Status *pStatus;
    IVIDDEC_CodecClassConfig *codecClassConfig;

    /* get stub/skeleton config data; can be NULL (for old codecs) */
    codecClassConfig = (IVIDDEC_CodecClassConfig *)
                        VISA_getCodecClassConfig( visaHandle );

    /* perform the requested VIDDEC operation by parsing message. */
    switch (msg->visa.cmd) {

        case _VIDDEC_CPROCESS: {
            /* unmarshall inBufs and outBufs since they differ in shape
             * from what their flattened versions passed in the message
            inBufs.bufs      = msg->cmd.process.inBufs;
            inBufs.numBufs   = msg->cmd.process.numInBufs;
            inBufs.bufSizes  = msg->cmd.process.inBufSizes;
            outBufs.bufs     = msg->cmd.process.outBufs;
            outBufs.numBufs  = msg->cmd.process.numOutBufs;
            outBufs.bufSizes = msg->cmd.process.outBufSizes;

            if (SKEL_cachingPolicy == SKEL_LOCALBUFFERINVWB) {
                /* invalidate cache for all input buffers */
                for (i = 0; i < inBufs.numBufs; i++) {
                    if (codecClassConfig != NULL && 
                            codecClassConfig->manageInBufsCache[i] == FALSE) {
                    Memory_cacheInv(inBufs.bufs[i], inBufs.bufSizes[i]);

                /* invalidate cache for all output buffers */
                for (i = 0; i < outBufs.numBufs; i++) {
                    if (codecClassConfig != NULL && 
                        codecClassConfig->manageOutBufsCache[i] == FALSE) {
                    Memory_cacheInv(outBufs.bufs[i], outBufs.bufSizes[i]);
            } /* SKEL_cachingPolicy == SKEL_LOCALBUFFERINVWB */

            /* unmarshall outArgs based on the "size" of inArgs */
            pOutArgs = (IVIDDEC_OutArgs *)((UInt)(&(msg->cmd.process.inArgs)) +

            /* make the process call */
            msg->visa.status = VIDDEC_process(handle,
                &inBufs, &outBufs, &(msg->cmd.process.inArgs), pOutArgs);

            if (SKEL_cachingPolicy == SKEL_WBINVALL) {
            else if (SKEL_cachingPolicy == SKEL_LOCALBUFFERINVWB) {
                /* flush cache for all output buffers and outArgs buffers 
                 * (unless...)
                for (i = 0; i < outBufs.numBufs; i++) {
                    if (codecClassConfig != NULL && 
                        codecClassConfig->manageOutBufsCache[i] == FALSE) {
                    Memory_cacheWb(outBufs.bufs[i], outBufs.bufSizes[i]);
                for (i = 0; i < pOutArgs->displayBufs.numBufs; i++) {
                    if (codecClassConfig != NULL && 
                        codecClassConfig->manageDisplayBufsCache[i] == FALSE) {

             * Note that any changes to individual outBufs[i] values made by
             * the codec will automatically update msg->cmd.process.outBufs
             * as we pass the outBufs array by reference.


        case _VIDDEC_CCONTROL: {
            /* unmarshall status based on the "size" of params */
            pStatus = (IVIDDEC_Status *)((UInt)(&(msg->cmd.control.params)) +

            msg->visa.status = VIDDEC_control(handle, msg->,
                &(msg->cmd.control.params), pStatus);


        default: {
            msg->visa.status = VISA_EFAIL;

    return (VISA_EOK);
Beispiel #17
 * appMain
Void appMain(Args * args)
    Buffer_Attrs            bAttrs      = Buffer_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    Time_Attrs              tAttrs      = Time_Attrs_DEFAULT;
    SPHENC1_Params          params      = Senc1_Params_DEFAULT;
    SPHENC1_DynamicParams   dynParams   = Senc1_DynamicParams_DEFAULT;
    Senc1_Handle            hSe1        = NULL;
    Engine_Handle           hEngine     = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle           hOutBuf     = NULL;
    Buffer_Handle           hInBuf      = NULL;
    Time_Handle             hTime       = NULL;
    FILE                   *inFile      = NULL;
    FILE                   *outFile     = NULL;
    Int                     numFrame    = 0;
    Int32                   bytesRead;
    UInt32                  time;

   printf("Starting application...\n");

   if (args->benchmark) {
        hTime = Time_create(&tAttrs);

        if (hTime == NULL) {
            printf("Failed to create Time object\n");
            goto cleanup;

    /* Initialize the codec engine run time */

    /* Initialize DMAI */

    /* Open the output file */
    outFile = fopen(args->outFile, "wb");

    if (outFile == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to create output file %s\n", args->outFile);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Open the input file */
    inFile = fopen(args->inFile, "rb");

    if (inFile == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to open input file %s\n", args->inFile);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Using a larger vbuf to enhance performance of file i/o */
        if (setvbuf(outFile, vbuffer, _IOFBF, sizeof(vbuffer)) != 0) {
            printf("Failed to setvbuf on file descriptor\n");
            goto cleanup;

    /* Open the codec engine */
    hEngine = Engine_open(args->engineName, NULL, NULL);

    if (hEngine == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to open codec engine %s\n", args->engineName);
        goto cleanup;
    params.compandingLaw = args->compandingLaw;

    /* Create the SPHENC1 based speech encoder */
    hSe1 = Senc1_create(hEngine, args->codecName, &params, &dynParams);

    if (hSe1 == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to create %s\n", args->codecName);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Align buffers to cache line boundary */    
    bAttrs.memParams.align = BUFSIZEALIGN; 
    /* Use cached buffers if requested */  
    if (args->cache) {
        bAttrs.memParams.flags = Memory_CACHED;
    /* Create an output buffer for encoded data */
    hOutBuf = Buffer_create(
        Dmai_roundUp(Senc1_getOutBufSize(hSe1), BUFSIZEALIGN), &bAttrs); 

    if (hOutBuf == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to create contiguous buffer\n");
        goto cleanup;

    /* Create an input buffer for input data */
    hInBuf = Buffer_create(Dmai_roundUp(Senc1_getInBufSize(hSe1), BUFSIZEALIGN),

    if (hInBuf == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to create contiguous buffer\n");
        goto cleanup;

    while (numFrame++ < args->numFrames) {
        printf("Frame %d: ", numFrame);
        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_reset(hTime) < 0) {
                printf("Failed to reset timer\n");
                goto cleanup;

        /* Read raw PCM data from input file */
        bytesRead = fread(Buffer_getUserPtr(hInBuf), 1,
                          Senc1_getInBufSize(hSe1), inFile);

        if (bytesRead < Senc1_getInBufSize(hSe1)) {
            if (ferror(inFile)) {
                printf("Failed to read data from input file\n");
                goto cleanup;
             printf("Failed to read full frame %ld bytes, read %ld bytes\n",
             goto cleanup;

        Buffer_setNumBytesUsed(hInBuf, bytesRead);

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                printf("Failed to get timer delta\n");
                goto cleanup;
            printf("Read: %uus ", (Uns) time);

        if (args->cache) {
             *  To meet xDAIS DMA Rule 7, when input buffers are cached, we
             *  must writeback the cache into physical memory.  Also, per DMA
             *  Rule 7, we must invalidate the output buffer from
             *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.

            /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */

            if (args->benchmark) {
                if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                    printf("Failed to get timer delta\n");
                    goto cleanup;
                printf("Pre-process cache maintenance: %uus ", (Uns) time);

        /* Encode the speech buffer */
        if (Senc1_process(hSe1, hInBuf, hOutBuf) < 0) {
            printf("Failed to encode speech buffer\n");
            goto cleanup;

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                printf("Failed to get timer delta\n");
                goto cleanup;
            printf("Encode: %uus ", (Uns) time);

        if (args->cache) {
            /* Writeback the outBuf. */
            Memory_cacheWb(Buffer_getUserPtr(hOutBuf), Buffer_getSize(hOutBuf));

            if (args->benchmark) {
                if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                    printf("Failed to get timer delta\n");
                    goto cleanup;
                printf("Post-process cache write back: %uus ", (Uns) time);

        printf("Write encoded speech data to output file \n");

        /* Write the encoded frame to the file system */
        if (Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hOutBuf)) {
            if (fwrite(Buffer_getUserPtr(hOutBuf),
                       Buffer_getNumBytesUsed(hOutBuf), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                printf("Failed to write encoded speech data to file\n");
                goto cleanup;

        if (args->benchmark) {
            if (Time_delta(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                printf("Failed to get timer delta\n");
                goto cleanup;
            printf("Write: %uus ", (Uns) time);

            if (Time_total(hTime, &time) < 0) {
                printf("Failed to get timer total\n");
                goto cleanup;

            printf("Total: %uus\n", (unsigned int)time);
    /* Clean up the application */
    if (hSe1) {

    if (hInBuf) {

    if (hOutBuf) {

    if (hEngine) {

    if (hTime) {

    if (inFile) {

    if (outFile) {

    printf("End of application.\n");

 *  ======== encode_decode ========
static Void encode_decode(AUDENC1_Handle enc, AUDDEC1_Handle dec, FILE *in,
    FILE *out)
    Int                         n;
    Int32                       status;

    AUDDEC1_InArgs              decInArgs;
    AUDDEC1_OutArgs             decOutArgs;
    AUDDEC1_DynamicParams       decDynParams;
    AUDDEC1_Status              decStatus;

    AUDENC1_InArgs              encInArgs;
    AUDENC1_OutArgs             encOutArgs;
    AUDENC1_DynamicParams       encDynParams;
    AUDENC1_Status              encStatus;

    XDM1_BufDesc                inBufDesc;
    XDM1_BufDesc                encodedBufDesc;
    XDM1_BufDesc                outBufDesc;

    /* initialize the buffer descriptors */
    inBufDesc.numBufs = encodedBufDesc.numBufs = outBufDesc.numBufs = 1;
    inBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize = encodedBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize =
        outBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize = NSAMPLES;

    inBufDesc.descs[0].buf      = inBuf;
    encodedBufDesc.descs[0].buf = encodedBuf;
    outBufDesc.descs[0].buf     = outBuf;

    /* initialize all "sized" fields */
    encInArgs.size    = sizeof(encInArgs);
    decInArgs.size    = sizeof(decInArgs);
    encOutArgs.size   = sizeof(encOutArgs);
    decOutArgs.size   = sizeof(decOutArgs);
    encDynParams.size = sizeof(encDynParams);
    decDynParams.size = sizeof(decDynParams);
    encStatus.size    = sizeof(encStatus);
    decStatus.size    = sizeof(decStatus);

    /* ancillary data to encode */
    encInArgs.ancData.buf = ancBuf;
    encInArgs.ancData.bufSize = ENCANCBUFSIZE;
    /* Be sure to initialize these to NULL! */
    encInArgs.ancData.buf = NULL;
    encInArgs.ancData.bufSize = 0;
     * Note that we use versionBuf in both the encoder and decoder.  In this
     * application, this is okay, as there is always only one user of
     * the buffer.  Not all applications can make this assumption.
     */     =     = versionBuf; = = MAXVERSIONSIZE;

    /* if the codecs support it, dump their versions */
    status = AUDDEC1_control(dec, XDM_GETVERSION, &decDynParams, &decStatus);
    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "Decoder version:  %s\n",
        (status == AUDDEC1_EOK ? ((char *) : "[unknown]"));

    status = AUDENC1_control(enc, XDM_GETVERSION, &encDynParams, &encStatus);
    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "Encoder version:  %s\n",
        (status == AUDENC1_EOK ? ((char *) : "[unknown]"));

     * This app expects the encoder to accept 1 buf in and get 1 buf out,
     * and the buf sizes of the in and out buffer must be able to handle
     * NSAMPLES bytes of data.
    status = AUDENC1_control(enc, XDM_GETBUFINFO, &encDynParams, &encStatus);
    if (status != AUDENC1_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "encode control status = %ld\n", status);

    /* Validate this encoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((inBufDesc.numBufs < encStatus.bufInfo.minNumInBufs) ||
        (IFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (encodedBufDesc.numBufs < encStatus.bufInfo.minNumOutBufs) ||
        (EFRAMESIZE < encStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
            "Error:  encoder codec feature conflict\n");

    status = AUDDEC1_control(dec, XDM_GETBUFINFO, &decDynParams, &decStatus);
    if (status != AUDDEC1_EOK) {
        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS, "decode control status = %ld\n", status);

    /* Validate this decoder codec will meet our buffer requirements */
    if ((encodedBufDesc.numBufs < decStatus.bufInfo.minNumInBufs) ||
        (EFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minInBufSize[0]) ||
        (outBufDesc.numBufs < decStatus.bufInfo.minNumOutBufs) ||
        (OFRAMESIZE < decStatus.bufInfo.minOutBufSize[0])) {

        /* failure, report error and exit */
        GT_0trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
            "App-> ERROR: decoder does not meet buffer requirements.\n");

     * Read complete frames from in, encode, decode, and write to out.
    for (n = 0; fread(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE, 1, in) == 1; n++) {

        /* we send the same data as inBuf as ancillory data */
        memcpy(ancBuf, inBuf, ENCANCBUFSIZE);

        /* Deal with cache issues, if necessary */
#ifdef xdc_target__isaCompatible_64P
         *  fread() on this processor is implemented using CCS's stdio, which
         *  is known to write into the cache, not physical memory.  To meet
         *  xDAIS DMA Rule 7, we must writeback the cache into physical
         *  memory.  Also, per DMA Rule 7, we must invalidate the buffer's
         *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE);
#error Unvalidated config - add appropriate fread-related cache maintenance

        /* ancBuf is an inBuf, filled via memcpy (i.e. CPU writes) */
        Memory_cacheWbInv(ancBuf, ENCANCBUFSIZE);

        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(encodedBuf, EFRAMESIZE);

        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "App-> Processing frame %d...\n", n);

         * Encode the frame.  Note that .numInSamples is the number of
         * _samples_ not bytes.  IFRAMESIZE is in 8-bit bytes, so there's a
         * little math here to get .numInSamples right.
        encInArgs.numInSamples =
            (IFRAMESIZE / (ENCBITSPERSAMPLE / (8 /* bits per byte */)));
        status = AUDENC1_process(enc, &inBufDesc, &encodedBufDesc, &encInArgs,

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
            "App-> Encoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x)\n",
            n, status);

        /* Writeback this outBuf from the previous call.  Also, as encodedBuf
         * is an inBuf to the next process call, we must invalidate it also, to
         * clean buffer lines.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(encodedBuf, EFRAMESIZE);

        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        if (status != AUDENC1_EOK) {
            GT_3trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "App-> Encoder frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x, "
                "extendedError = 0x%x\n", n, status, encOutArgs.extendedError);

        /* decode the frame */
        decInArgs.numBytes = EFRAMESIZE;
        status = AUDDEC1_process(dec, &encodedBufDesc, &outBufDesc, &decInArgs,

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
            "App-> Decoder frame %d process returned - 0x%x)\n",
            n, status);

        if (status != AUDDEC1_EOK) {
            GT_3trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                "App-> Decoder frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x, "
                "extendedError = 0x%x\n", n, status, decOutArgs.extendedError);

        /* Writeback the outBuf. */
        Memory_cacheWb(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);
        /* write to file */
        fwrite(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE, 1, out);

    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "%d frames encoded/decoded\n", n);
 *  ======== processLoop ========
static Void processLoop(UNIVERSAL_Handle hUniversal, FILE *in, FILE *out)
    Int                         n;
    Int32                       status;

    UNIVERSAL_InArgs            universalInArgs;
    UNIVERSAL_OutArgs           universalOutArgs;
    UNIVERSAL_DynamicParams     universalDynParams;
    UNIVERSAL_Status            universalStatus;

    XDM1_BufDesc                universalInBufDesc;
    XDM1_BufDesc                universalOutBufDesc;

    /* initialize bufDescs */
    universalInBufDesc.numBufs = universalOutBufDesc.numBufs = 1;
    universalInBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize = universalOutBufDesc.descs[0].bufSize =

    universalInBufDesc.descs[0].buf = inBuf;
    universalOutBufDesc.descs[0].buf = outBuf;

    /* initialize all "sized" fields */
    universalInArgs.size    = sizeof(universalInArgs);
    universalOutArgs.size   = sizeof(universalOutArgs);
    universalDynParams.size = sizeof(universalDynParams);
    universalStatus.size    = sizeof(universalStatus);

    /* if the codecs support it, dump their versions */ = 1;[0].buf = versionBuf;[0].bufSize = MAXVERSIONSIZE;[1].buf = NULL;

    status = UNIVERSAL_control(hUniversal, XDM_GETVERSION, &universalDynParams,
    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "Alg version:  %s\n",
              (status == UNIVERSAL_EOK ?
               ((char *)[0].buf) : "[unknown]"));

     * Read complete frames from in, process them, and write to out.
    for (n = 0; fread(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE, 1, in) == 1; n++) {

#ifdef xdc_target__isaCompatible_64P
         *  fread() on this processor is implemented using CCS's stdio, which
         *  is known to write into the cache, not physical memory.  To meet
         *  xDAIS DMA Rule 7, we must writeback the cache into physical
         *  memory.  Also, per DMA Rule 7, we must invalidate the buffer's
         *  cache before providing it to any xDAIS algorithm.
        Memory_cacheWbInv(inBuf, IFRAMESIZE);
#error Unvalidated config - add appropriate fread-related cache maintenance
        /* Per DMA Rule 7, our output buffer cache lines must be cleaned */
        Memory_cacheInv(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "App-> Processing frame %d...\n", n);

         * Transcode the frame.
         * Note, inputID == 0 is an error.  This example doesn't account
         * for the case where 'n + 1' wraps to zero.
        status = UNIVERSAL_process(hUniversal, &universalInBufDesc,
                                   &universalOutBufDesc, NULL, &universalInArgs, &universalOutArgs);

        GT_2trace(curMask, GT_2CLASS,
                  "App-> Alg frame %d process returned - 0x%x)\n", n, status);

        if (status != UNIVERSAL_EOK) {
            GT_3trace(curMask, GT_7CLASS,
                      "App-> Alg frame %d processing FAILED, status = 0x%x, "
                      "extendedError = 0x%x\n", n, status,

         * Conditionally writeback the processed buf from the previous
         * call.
        if (XDM_ISACCESSMODE_WRITE(universalOutBufDesc.descs[0].accessMask)) {
            Memory_cacheWb(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE);

        /* write to file */
        fwrite(outBuf, OFRAMESIZE, 1, out);

    GT_1trace(curMask, GT_1CLASS, "%d frames processed\n", n);