Beispiel #1
void LDeskBarPlugin::updateFiles(){
  QFileInfoList homefiles = LSession::handle()->DesktopFiles();
  QStringList favitems = LUtils::listFavorites();
  //Remember for format for favorites: <name>::::[app/dir/<mimetype>]::::<full path>
    for(int i=0; i<homefiles.length(); i++){
      QString type;
      if(homefiles[i].isDir()){ type="dir"; }
      else if(homefiles[i].fileName().endsWith(".desktop")){ type="app"; }
      else{ type=LXDG::findAppMimeForFile(homefiles[i].fileName()); }
      favitems << homefiles[i].fileName()+"::::"+type+"::::"+homefiles[i].absoluteFilePath();
      //qDebug() << "Desktop Item:" << favitems.last();
  favitems.sort(); //sort them alphabetically
  //Now add the items to the lists
  for(int i=0; i<favitems.length(); i++){
    QString type = favitems[i].section("::::",1,1);
    QString name = favitems[i].section("::::",0,0);
    QString path = favitems[i].section("::::",2,50);
      //Add it to appM
      bool ok = false;
      XDGDesktop df = LXDG::loadDesktopFile(path, ok);
        if( LXDG::checkValidity(df) && !df.isHidden ){ 
	  appM->addAction( newAction(df.filePath,, LXDG::findIcon(df.icon, ":/images/default-application.png")) );
    }else if(type=="dir"){
      //Add it to dirM
      dirM->addAction( newAction(path, name, LXDG::findIcon("folder","")) );
    }else if(type.startsWith("audio/")){
      //Add it to audioM
      audioM->addAction( newAction(path, name, LXDG::findMimeIcon(type)) );
    }else if(type.startsWith("video/")){
      //Add it to videoM
      videoM->addAction( newAction(path, name, LXDG::findMimeIcon(type)) );
    }else if(type.startsWith("image/")){
      //Add it to pictureM
      if(LUtils::imageExtensions().contains(path.section("/",-1).section(".",-1).toLower()) ){
	pictureM->addAction( newAction(path, name, QIcon(path)) );
        pictureM->addAction( newAction(path, name, LXDG::findMimeIcon(type)) );
    }else if(type.startsWith("text/")){
      //Add it to docM
      docM->addAction( newAction(path, name, LXDG::findMimeIcon(type)) );
      //Add it to otherM
      otherM->addAction( newAction(path, name, LXDG::findMimeIcon(type)) );


    //Now update the file menu as appropriate
    if(!audioM->isEmpty()){ fileM->addMenu(audioM); }
    if(!docM->isEmpty()){ fileM->addMenu(docM); }
    if(!pictureM->isEmpty()){ fileM->addMenu(pictureM); }
    if(!videoM->isEmpty()){ fileM->addMenu(videoM); }
    if(!otherM->isEmpty()){ fileM->addMenu(otherM); }
    //Check for a single submenu, and skip the main if need be
    disconnect(fileB->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SIGNAL(MenuClosed()) );
      if(!audioM->isEmpty()){ fileB->setMenu(audioM); }
      else if(!pictureM->isEmpty()){ fileB->setMenu(pictureM); }
      else if(!videoM->isEmpty()){ fileB->setMenu(videoM); }
      else if(!docM->isEmpty()){ fileB->setMenu(docM); }
      else if(!otherM->isEmpty()){ fileB->setMenu(otherM); }
    connect(fileB->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SIGNAL(MenuClosed()));

  //Setup the visibility of the buttons
  appB->setVisible( !appM->isEmpty() );
  dirB->setVisible( !dirM->isEmpty() );
  fileB->setVisible( !fileM->isEmpty() );
Beispiel #2
void LTaskManagerPlugin::UpdateButtons(){
  updating = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); //global time stamp
  QDateTime ctime = updating; //current thread time stamp
  //Get the current window list
  QList<WId> winlist = LSession::handle()->XCB->WindowList();
  //Do not change the status of the previously active window if it just changed to a non-visible window
  //WId activeWin = LSession::handle()->XCB->ActiveWindow();
  //bool skipActive = !winlist.contains(activeWin);
  //qDebug() << "Update Buttons:" << winlist;
  if(updating > ctime){ return; } //another thread kicked off already - stop this one
  //Now go through all the current buttons first
  for(int i=0; i<BUTTONS.length(); i++){
    //Get the windows managed in this button
    QList<WId> WI = BUTTONS[i]->windows();
    bool updated=false;
    if(updating > ctime){ return; } //another thread kicked off already - stop this one
    //Loop over all the windows for this button
    for(int w=0; w<WI.length(); w++){
      if(updating > ctime){ return; } //another thread kicked off already - stop this one
      if( winlist.contains( WI[w] ) ){
        //Still current window - update it later
	winlist.removeAll(WI[w] ); //remove this window from the list since it is done
	//Window was closed - remove it
	  //Remove the entire button
	  //qDebug() << "Window Closed: Remove Button" ;
	  this->layout()->takeAt(i); //remove from the layout
	  delete BUTTONS.takeAt(i);
	  updated = true; //prevent updating a removed button
	  break; //break out of the button->window loop
	  //qDebug() << "Window Closed: Remove from button:" << WI[w].windowID() << "Button:" << w;
	  BUTTONS[i]->rmWindow(WI[w]); // one of the multiple windows for the button
	  WI.removeAt(w); //remove this window from the list
	updated=true; //button already changed
      if(updating > ctime){ return; } //another thread kicked off already - stop this one
      //qDebug() << "Update Button:" << i;
      if(updating > ctime){ return; } //another thread kicked off already - stop this one
      //if(!skipActive || !BUTTONS[i]->isActive()){
        QTimer::singleShot(1,BUTTONS[i], SLOT(UpdateButton()) ); //keep moving on
  //Now go through the remaining windows
  for(int i=0; i<winlist.length(); i++){
    //New windows, create buttons for each (add grouping later)
    if(updating > ctime){ return; } //another thread kicked off already - stop this one
    //Check for a button that this can just be added to
    QString ctxt = LSession::handle()->XCB->WindowClass(winlist[i]);
    bool found = false;
    for(int b=0; b<BUTTONS.length(); b++){
      if(updating > ctime){ return; } //another thread kicked off already - stop this one
      if(BUTTONS[b]->classname()== ctxt && usegroups){
	//This adds a window to an existing group
        found = true;
	//qDebug() << "Add Window to Button:" << b;
      if(updating > ctime){ return; } //another thread kicked off already - stop this one
      //No group, create a new button
      //qDebug() << "New Button";
      LTaskButton *but = new LTaskButton(this, usegroups);
        but->addWindow( winlist[i] );
	    but->setIconSize(QSize(this->height(), this->height()));
	    but->setIconSize(QSize(this->width(), this->width()));
      connect(but, SIGNAL(MenuClosed()), this, SIGNAL(MenuClosed()));
      BUTTONS << but;
Beispiel #3
void LPanel::UpdatePanel(bool geomonly){
  //Create/Update the panel as designated in the Settings file
  settings->sync(); //make sure to catch external settings changes
  //First set the geometry of the panel and send the EWMH message to reserve that space
  if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Update Panel: Geometry only=" << geomonly << "Screen Size:" << LSession::handle()->screenGeom(screennum); }
  hidden = settings->value(PPREFIX+"hidepanel",false).toBool();
  QString loc = settings->value(PPREFIX+"location","").toString().toLower();
  if(loc.isEmpty() && defaultpanel){ loc="top"; }
  if(loc=="top" || loc=="bottom"){ 
  int ht = settings->value(PPREFIX+"height", 30).toInt(); //this is technically the distance into the screen from the edge
  if(ht<=1){ ht = 30; } //some kind of error in the saved height - use the default value
  int hidesize = qRound(ht*0.01); //use 1% of the panel size
  if(hidesize<2){ hidesize=2; } //minimum of 2 pixels (need space for the mouse to go over it)
  if(hidden){ viswidth = hidesize; }
  else{ viswidth = ht; }
  if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Hidden Panel size:" << hidesize << "pixels"; }
  //qDebug() << " - set Geometry";
  int xwid = LSession::handle()->screenGeom(screennum).width();
  int xhi = LSession::handle()->screenGeom(screennum).height();
  int xloc = LSession::handle()->screenGeom(screennum).x();
  double panelPercent = settings->value(PPREFIX+"lengthPercent",100).toInt();
  if(panelPercent<1 || panelPercent>100){ panelPercent = 100; }
  panelPercent = panelPercent/100.0;
  QString panelPinLoc = settings->value(PPREFIX+"pinLocation","center").toString().toLower(); //[left/right/center] possible values (assume center otherwise)
  if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Panel settings:" << QString::number(panelPercent)+QString("%") << panelPinLoc << loc; }
  if(loc=="top"){ //top of screen
    QSize sz = QSize(xwid*panelPercent, ht);
    if(panelPinLoc=="left"){} // no change to xloc
    else if(panelPinLoc=="right"){ xloc = xloc+xwid-sz.width(); }
    else{ xloc = xloc+((xwid-sz.width())/2) ; } //centered
    //qDebug() << " - Panel Sizing:" << xloc << sz;
    this->setGeometry(xloc,0,sz.width(), sz.height());
    //qDebug() << " - Reserve Panel Localation";
    if(!hidden){ LSession::handle()->XCB->ReserveLocation(this->winId(), this->geometry(), "top"); }
     LSession::handle()->XCB->ReserveLocation(this->winId(), QRect(xloc, 0, this->width(), hidesize), "top");
      hidepoint = QPoint(xloc, hidesize-ht);
      showpoint = QPoint(xloc, 0);
      this->move(hidepoint); //Could bleed over onto the screen above
  }else if(loc=="bottom"){ //bottom of screen
    QSize sz = QSize(xwid*panelPercent, ht);
    if(panelPinLoc=="left"){} // no change to xloc
    else if(panelPinLoc=="right"){ xloc = xloc+xwid-sz.width(); }
    else{ xloc = xloc+((xwid-sz.width())/2) ; } //centered
    this->setGeometry(xloc,xhi-ht,sz.width(), ht );
    if(!hidden){ LSession::handle()->XCB->ReserveLocation(this->winId(), this->geometry(), "bottom"); }
      LSession::handle()->XCB->ReserveLocation(this->winId(), QRect(xloc, xhi-hidesize, this->width(), hidesize), "bottom"); 
      hidepoint = QPoint(xloc, xhi-hidesize);
      showpoint = QPoint(xloc, xhi-ht);
      this->move(hidepoint); //Could bleed over onto the screen below
  }else if(loc=="left"){ //left side of screen
    QSize sz = QSize(ht, xhi*panelPercent);
    int yloc = 0;
    if(panelPinLoc=="left"){} //this is actually the top (left of center in length dimension)
    else if(panelPinLoc=="right"){ yloc = yloc+xhi-sz.height(); }
    else{ yloc = yloc+((xhi-sz.height())/2) ; } //centered
    this->setGeometry(xloc,yloc, ht, sz.height());
    if(!hidden){ LSession::handle()->XCB->ReserveLocation(this->winId(), this->geometry(), "left"); }
      LSession::handle()->XCB->ReserveLocation(this->winId(), QRect(xloc, yloc, hidesize, sz.height()), "left"); 
      hidepoint = QPoint(xloc-ht+hidesize, yloc);
      showpoint = QPoint(xloc, yloc);
      this->move(hidepoint); //Could bleed over onto the screen left
  }else{ //right side of screen
    QSize sz = QSize(ht, xhi*panelPercent);
    int yloc = 0;
    if(panelPinLoc=="left"){} //this is actually the top (left of center in length dimension)
    else if(panelPinLoc=="right"){ yloc = yloc+xhi-sz.height(); }
    else{ yloc = yloc+((xhi-sz.height())/2) ; } //centered
    this->setGeometry(xloc+xwid-ht,yloc,ht, sz.height());
    if(!hidden){ LSession::handle()->XCB->ReserveLocation(this->winId(), this->geometry(), "right"); }  
      LSession::handle()->XCB->ReserveLocation(this->winId(), QRect(xloc+xwid-hidesize, yloc, hidesize, sz.height()), "right"); 
      hidepoint = QPoint(xloc+xwid-hidesize, yloc);
      showpoint = QPoint(xloc+xwid-ht, yloc);
      this->move(hidepoint); //Could bleed over onto the screen right
  //With QT5, we need to make sure to reset window properties on occasion
  //LSession::handle()->XCB->SetDisableWMActions(this->winId()); //ensure no WM actions
  if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Done with panel geometry"; }
  if(geomonly){ return; }
  //Now update the appearance of the toolbar
  if(settings->value(PPREFIX+"customcolor", false).toBool()){
    QString color = settings->value(PPREFIX+"color", "rgba(255,255,255,160)").toString();
    QString style = "QWidget#LuminaPanelColor{ background: %1; border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid %1; }";
    style = style.arg(color);
    panelArea->setStyleSheet(""); //clear it and use the one from the theme
  //Then go through the plugins and create them as necessary
  QStringList plugins = settings->value(PPREFIX+"pluginlist", QStringList()).toStringList();
  /*if(defaultpanel && plugins.isEmpty()){
    plugins << "userbutton" << "taskmanager" << "spacer" << "systemtray" << "clock" << "systemdashboard";
  if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Initialize Plugins: " << plugins; }
  for(int i=0; i<plugins.length(); i++){
    //Ensure this plugin has a unique ID (NOTE: this numbering does not persist between sessions)
      int num=1;
      while( plugins.contains(plugins[i]+"---"+QString::number(screennum)+"."+QString::number(this->number())+"."+QString::number(num)) ){
      plugins[i] = plugins[i]+"---"+QString::number(screennum)+"."+QString::number(this->number())+"."+QString::number(num);
      //qDebug() << "Adjust Plugin ID:" << plugins[i];
    //See if this plugin is already there or in a different spot
    bool found = false;
    for(int p=0; p<PLUGINS.length(); p++){
        found = true; //already exists
	//Make sure the plugin layout has the correct orientation
	if(horizontal){PLUGINS[p]->layout()->setDirection(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); }
	else{ PLUGINS[p]->layout()->setDirection(QBoxLayout::TopToBottom); }
	QTimer::singleShot(0,PLUGINS[p], SLOT( OrientationChange() ) );
	//Now check the location of the plugin in the panel
	if(p!=i){ //wrong place in the panel
	  layout->takeAt(p); //remove the item from the current location
	  layout->insertWidget(i, PLUGINS[p]); //add the item into the correct location
	  PLUGINS.move(p,i); //move the identifier in the list to match
      //New Plugin
      if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " -- New Plugin:" << plugins[i] << i; }
      LPPlugin *plug = NewPP::createPlugin(plugins[i], panelArea, horizontal);
      if(plug != 0){ 
        PLUGINS.insert(i, plug);
        layout->insertWidget(i, PLUGINS[i]);
	connect(plug, SIGNAL(MenuClosed()), this, SLOT(checkPanelFocus()));
        //invalid plugin type
	plugins.removeAt(i); //remove this invalid plugin from the list
	i--; //make sure we don't miss the next item with the re-order
  //Now remove any extra plugins from the end
  //qDebug() << "plugins:" << plugins;
  //qDebug() << "PLUGINS length:" << PLUGINS.length();
  for(int i=0; i<PLUGINS.length(); i++){
    if(plugins.contains(PLUGINS[i]->type())){ continue; } //good plugin - skip it
    if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " -- Remove Plugin: " << PLUGINS[i]->type(); }
    //If this is the system tray - stop it first
    if( PLUGINS[i]->type().startsWith("systemtray---") ){
    layout->takeAt(i); //remove from the layout
    delete PLUGINS.takeAt(i); //delete the actual widget
    i--; //need to back up one space to not miss another plugin
  this->show(); //make sure the panel is visible now
  if(hidden){ this->move(hidepoint); }
  //Now go through and send the orientation update signal to each plugin
  for(int i=0; i<PLUGINS.length(); i++){
    QTimer::singleShot(0,PLUGINS[i], SLOT(OrientationChange()));