static BOOL task_enum_func(tasklist const * tl, LPARAM lParam)
    struct en* en = (struct en *)lParam;
    bool is_top = tl->hwnd == en->hwndTop;
    bool iconic = !is_top && IsIconic(tl->hwnd);
    if ((en->desk == -1 && iconic) // iconic tasks
     || (en->desk == tl->wkspc // tasks for one workspace
        && ((en->flags & e_alltasks) || false == iconic)))
        char buf[100];
        MenuItem *mi;

        sprintf(buf, "@BBCore.ActivateWindow %d", en->i);
        mi = MakeMenuItem(en->m, tl->caption, buf, is_top);
        if (tl->icon && Settings_menu.iconSize) /* BlackboxZero 1.3.2012 */
            MenuItemOption(mi, BBMENUITEM_SETHICON, tl->icon);
        if (en->desk != -1) {
            sprintf(buf, "@BBCore.MinimizeWindow %d", en->i);
            MenuItemOption(mi, BBMENUITEM_RCOMMAND, buf);
            if (iconic)
                MenuItemOption(mi, BBMENUITEM_DISABLED);
        en->n ++;
    return TRUE;
static BOOL CALLBACK recoverwindow_enum_proc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
    char windowtext[100];
    char classname[100];
    char appname[100];
    char broam[100];
    char text[400];
    RECT r;
    MenuItem *mi;

    if (IsWindowEnabled(hwnd) && (IsIconic(hwnd)
        || (GetClientRect(hwnd, &r) && r.right && r.bottom))
        && GetWindowText(hwnd, windowtext, sizeof(windowtext)))
        classname[0] = 0;
        //GetClassName(hwnd, classname, sizeof classname);
        GetAppByWindow(hwnd, appname);

        sprintf (broam, "@BBCore.RecoverWindow %p", hwnd);
        sprintf (text, "%s : \"%s\"", appname, windowtext);
        mi = MakeMenuItem((Menu*)lParam, text, broam, FALSE != IsWindowVisible(hwnd));
        MenuItemOption(mi, BBMENUITEM_JUSTIFY, DT_LEFT);
    return TRUE;
Menu* MakeDesktopMenu(int mode, bool popup)
    DesktopInfo DI;
    struct string_node *sl;
    int n, d;
    Menu *m, *s, *i = NULL;

    if (mode == 2) {
        m = MakeNamedMenu(NLS0("Tasks"), "Core_tasks_menu", popup);
    } else {
        i = build_task_folder(-1, NLS0("Icons"), popup);
        if (mode == 1)
            return i;
        m = MakeNamedMenu(NLS0("Workspaces"), "Core_tasks_workspaces", popup);
    for (n = 0, d = DI.nScreens, sl = DI.deskNames; n < d; ++n, sl = sl->next) {
        if (mode == 0) {
            char buf[100];
            MenuItem *fi;

            fi = MakeSubmenu(m, build_task_folder(n, sl->str, popup), NULL);
            sprintf(buf, "@BBCore.SwitchToWorkspace %d", n+1);
            MenuItemOption(fi, BBMENUITEM_LCOMMAND, buf);
            if (n == DI.number)
                MenuItemOption(fi, BBMENUITEM_CHECKED);
        } else {
            fill_task_folder(m, n, e_alltasks);
            if (n == d-1) return m;
            MakeMenuNOP(m, NULL);
    MakeMenuNOP(m, NULL);
    MakeSubmenu(m, i, NULL);
    s = MakeNamedMenu(NLS0("New/Remove"), "Core_workspaces_setup", popup);
    MakeMenuItem(s, NLS0("New Workspace"), "@BBCore.AddWorkspace", false);
    if (d > 1) MakeMenuItem(s, NLS0("Remove Last"), "@BBCore.DelWorkspace", false);
    MakeMenuItemString(s, NLS0("Workspace Names"), "@BBCore.SetWorkspaceNames", Settings_workspaceNames);
    MakeSubmenu(m, s, NULL);
    MakeMenuGrip(s, "New/Remove");
    MakeMenuGrip(m, "Workspaces");
    return m;
Beispiel #4
Menu *n_menu::convert(char **broam_key, const char *_id_string, bool _popup)
    this->id_string = _id_string;
    this->popup = _popup;
    this->broam_key = broam_key;
    //dbg_printf("<%s>", id_string);
    Menu *pMenu = MakeNamedMenu(title, id_string, popup);
    _menuitem *mi = items; while (mi)
        MenuItem *pItem = mi->_make_item(pMenu);
        if (mi->disabled)
            MenuItemOption(pItem, BBMENUITEM_DISABLED);
        mi = mi->next;
    return pMenu;
Beispiel #5
Menu *CfgMenuMaker(const char *title, const char *defbroam, const struct cfgmenu *pm, bool pop, char *menu_id)
    char buf[100];
    char *broam_dot;
    char *end_id;
    Menu *pMenu, *pSub;

    end_id = strchr(menu_id, 0);
    pMenu = MakeNamedMenu(title, menu_id, pop);
    broam_dot = strchr(strcpy_max(buf, defbroam, sizeof buf), 0);

    for (;pm->text; ++pm)
        const char *item_text = pm->text;
        const void *v = pm->pvalue;
        const char *cmd = pm->command;
        const struct int_item *iip;
        bool disabled, checked;
        MenuItem *pItem;

        disabled = checked = false;
        if (cmd)
            if ('@' != *cmd)
                strcpy(broam_dot, cmd), cmd = buf;

            if (NULL != (iip = get_int_item(v))) {
                pItem = MakeMenuItemInt(
                    pMenu, item_text, cmd, *iip->v, iip->minval, iip->maxval);
                if (-2 != iip->offval)
                    MenuItemOption(pItem, BBMENUITEM_OFFVAL,
                        iip->offval, 10000 == iip->maxval ? NLS0("auto") : NULL);
            } else if (is_string_item(v)) {
                MakeMenuItemString(pMenu, item_text, cmd, (const char*)v);
            } else if (is_fixed_string(v)) {
                checked = 0 == stricmp((const char *)v, strchr(cmd, ' ')+1);
            } else if (v) {
                checked = *(bool*)v;

            disabled = (v == &Settings_styleXPFix && Settings_altMethod)
                    || (v == &Settings_menu.dropShadows && false == usingXP)
            pItem = MakeMenuItem(pMenu, item_text, cmd, checked && false == disabled);
        else if (v)
            sprintf(end_id, "_%s", item_text);
            if ((DWORD_PTR)v <= SUB_PLUGIN_SLIT)
                pSub = PluginManager_GetMenu(item_text, menu_id, pop, (int)(DWORD_PTR)v);
                pSub = CfgMenuMaker(item_text, defbroam, (struct cfgmenu*)v, pop, menu_id);
            if (NULL == pSub)
            pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, pSub, NULL);
            pItem = MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, item_text);

        if (disabled)
            MenuItemOption(pItem, BBMENUITEM_DISABLED);
    return pMenu;
Beispiel #6
// recursive parsing of menu file
static Menu* ParseMenu(struct menu_src *src, const char *title, const char *IDString)
    char line[4000];
    char data[4000];
    char buffer[4000];
    char command[40];
    char label[MAX_PATH];

    Menu *pMenu, *pSub;
    MenuItem *pItem;
    int f, e_cmd;
    const char *p_label, *p_data, *cp, *p_cmd;

    pMenu = NULL;
        p_label = NULL;
        p_data = data;

        if (0 == src->level) {
            // read default menu from string
            NextToken(line, &src->default_menu, "\n");
        } else {
            f = ReadNextCommand(src->fp[src->level-1], line, sizeof(line));
            if (!f) {
                if (src->level > 1) {
                    continue; // continue from included file
                e_cmd = e_no_end;
                goto skip;

        cp = replace_environment_strings(line, sizeof line);

        //dbg_printf("Menu %08x line:%s", pMenu, line);

        // get the command
        if (false == get_string_within(command, sizeof command, &cp, "[]"))
        // search the command
        e_cmd = get_string_index(command, menu_cmds);

        if (get_string_within(label, sizeof label, &cp, "()"))
            p_label = label;

        if (false == get_string_within(data, sizeof data, &cp, "{}"))
            p_data = label;

        if (NULL == pMenu)
            if (e_begin == e_cmd) {
                // If the line contains [begin] we create the menu
                // If no menu title has been defined, display Blackbox version...
#ifdef BBXMENU
                if (src->default_menu)
                    strcpy(label, "bbXMenu");
                if (0 == label[0] && src->default_menu)
                    p_label = GetBBVersion();
                pMenu = MakeNamedMenu(p_label, IDString, src->popup);

            if (NULL == title)
                title = NLS0("missing [begin]");

            pMenu = MakeNamedMenu(title, IDString, src->popup);

        pItem = NULL;

        switch (e_cmd) {

        // [begin] is like [submenu] when within the menu
        case e_begin:
        case e_submenu:
            sprintf(buffer, "%s_%s", IDString, label);
            strlwr(buffer + strlen(IDString));
            pSub = ParseMenu(src, p_data, buffer);
            if (pSub)
                pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, pSub, label);
                pItem = MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, label);

        case e_no_end:
            MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, NLS0("missing [end]"));
        case e_end:
            MenuOption(pMenu, BBMENU_ISDROPTARGET);
            return pMenu;

        case e_include:
            char dir[MAX_PATH];
            file_directory(dir, src->path[src->level-1]);
            replace_shellfolders_from_base(buffer, p_data, false, dir);
            if (false == add_inc_level(src, buffer)) {
                replace_shellfolders(buffer, p_data, false);
                if (false == add_inc_level(src, buffer))
                    MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, NLS0("[include] failed"));

        // a [nop] item will insert an inactive item with optional text
        case e_nop:
            pItem = MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, label);

        // a insert separator, we treat [sep] like [nop] with no label
        case e_sep1:
        case e_sep2:
            pItem = MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, NULL);

        // a [path] item is pointing to a dynamic folder...
        case e_path:
            p_cmd = get_special_command(&p_data, buffer, sizeof buffer);
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, label, p_data, p_cmd);

        // a [insertpath] item will insert items from a folder...
        case e_insertpath:
            p_cmd = get_special_command(&p_data, buffer, sizeof buffer);
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, NULL, p_data, p_cmd);

        // a [stylemenu] item is pointing to a dynamic style folder...
        case e_stylesmenu:
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, label, p_data, MM_STYLE_BROAM);

        // a [styledir] item will insert styles from a folder...
        case e_stylesdir:
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, NULL, p_data, MM_STYLE_BROAM);

        // a [rcmenu] item is pointing to a dynamic rc files folder...
        case e_rcmenu:
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, label, p_data, MM_EDIT_BROAM);

        case e_themesmenu:
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, label, p_data, MM_THEME_BROAM);

        // special items...
        case e_workspaces:
            pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, MakeDesktopMenu(0, src->popup), p_label);
        case e_icons:
            pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, MakeDesktopMenu(1, src->popup), p_label);
        case e_tasks:
            pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, MakeDesktopMenu(2, src->popup), p_label);
        case e_config:
            pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, MakeConfigMenu(src->popup), p_label);

        case e_exec:
            if ('@' == data[0]) {
                pItem = MakeMenuItem(pMenu, label, data, false);
                MenuItemOption(pItem, BBMENUITEM_UPDCHECK);
            } else {
                goto core_broam;

        case e_other:
            f = get_workspace_number(command); // check for 'workspace1..'
            if (-1 != f) {
                pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, MakeTaskFolder(f, src->popup), p_label);
            } else {
                p_data = data;
                goto core_broam;

        // everything else is converted to a '' broam
            f = sprintf(buffer, "@bbCore.%s", command);
            if (p_data[0])
                sprintf(buffer + f, " %s", p_data);
            pItem = MakeMenuItem(pMenu, label[0]?label:command, buffer, false);

		if ( Settings_menu.iconSize ) {
			if (pItem && get_string_within(label,  sizeof label, &cp, "<>"))
				MenuItemOption(pItem, BBMENUITEM_SETICON, label);