DWORD WINAPI GetLongPathNameU(LPCTSTR lpShortName, LPTSTR lpBuf, DWORD nBufferLength) {
  WCHAR *pwszShortName = NULL;
  WCHAR *pwBuf = NULL;
  int n;
  int lResult;
  int lName = lstrlen(lpShortName);
  int lNameNul = lName + 1;
  int lwBuf = lNameNul + MAX_PATH; /* In most cases, the long path will be shorter than MAX_PATH. If not, the buffer will be extended below. */

  DEBUG_ENTER(("GetLongPathNameU(\"%s\", %p, %d);\n", lpShortName, lpBuf, nBufferLength));

  pwszShortName = MultiByteToNewWidePath(CP_UTF8, lpShortName);
  if (!pwszShortName) {
    RETURN_INT_COMMENT(0, ("Not enough memory\n"));

  pwBuf = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(WCHAR) * lwBuf);
  if (!pwBuf) {
    goto out_of_mem;
  lResult = (int)GetLongPathNameW(pwszShortName, pwBuf, lwBuf);
  if (lResult > lwBuf) { /* In the possible but unlikely case that the result does not fit in pwBuf, */
    GlobalFree(pwBuf);	  /* then extend the buffer and retry. */
    lwBuf = lResult;
    goto realloc_wBuf;
  free(pwszShortName);	 /* We won't need this buffer anymore */
  if (!lResult) {
    RETURN_INT_COMMENT(0, ("GetLongPathNameW() failed\n"));

  /* nRead = UnicodeToBytes(pwStr, len, buf, bufsize); */
  n = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,		/* CodePage, (CP_ACP, CP_OEMCP, CP_UTF8, ...) */
			  0,			/* dwFlags, */
			  pwBuf,		/* lpWideCharStr, */
			  lResult + 1,		/* cchWideChar, */
			  lpBuf,		/* lpMultiByteStr, */
			  (int)nBufferLength,	/* cbMultiByte, */
			  NULL,			/* lpDefaultChar, */
			  NULL			/* lpUsedDefaultChar */
  if (!n) RETURN_INT_COMMENT(0, ("Failed to convert the Long name from Unicode\n"));
  n -= 1; /* Do not count the final NUL */

  /* Remove the long pathname \\?\ prefix, if it was not there before */
  if ((!strncmp(lpBuf, "\\\\?\\", 4)) && strncmp(lpShortName, "\\\\?\\", 4)) {
    n = TrimLongPathPrefix(lpBuf);

  RETURN_INT_COMMENT(n, ("\"%s\"\n", lpBuf));
Beispiel #2
int _accessM(const char *pszName, int iMode, UINT cp) {
  WCHAR *pwszName;
  int iAccess;

  /* Convert the pathname to a unicode string, with the proper extension prefixes if it's longer than 260 bytes */
  pwszName = MultiByteToNewWidePath(cp, pszName);
  if (!pwszName) return -1;

  /* The C library returns errno=EINVAL for iMode X_OK.
     As all files are executable in Windows, change it to an existence test. */
  if (iMode == X_OK) iMode = F_OK;

  iAccess = _waccess(pwszName, iMode);
  return iAccess;
Beispiel #3
int chdirM(const char *pszDir, UINT cp) {
  WCHAR *pwszDir;
  BOOL bDone;
  int iErr = 0;

  DEBUG_ENTER(("chdir(\"%s\");\n", pszDir));

  /* Convert the pathname to a unicode string, with the proper extension prefixes if it's longer than 260 bytes */
  pwszDir = MultiByteToNewWidePath(cp, pszDir);
  if (!pwszDir) return -1;

  bDone = SetCurrentDirectoryW(pwszDir);
  if (!bDone) {
    errno = Win32ErrorToErrno();
    iErr = -1;
  return iErr;