Beispiel #1
static inline int allred_sched_diss(int rank, int p, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf,
                                    MPI_Op op, NBC_Schedule *schedule, NBC_Handle *handle) {
  int root, vrank, maxr, vpeer, peer, res;

  root = 0; /* this makes the code for ireduce and iallreduce nearly identical - could be changed to improve performance */
  RANK2VRANK(rank, vrank, root);
  maxr = (int)ceil((log((double)p)/LOG2));

  for (int r = 1, firstred = 1 ; r <= maxr ; ++r) {
    if ((vrank % (1 << r)) == 0) {
      /* we have to receive this round */
      vpeer = vrank + (1 << (r - 1));
      VRANK2RANK(peer, vpeer, root)
      if (peer < p) {
        /* we have to wait until we have the data */
        res = NBC_Sched_recv (0, true, count, datatype, peer, schedule, true);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
          return res;

        /* this cannot be done until handle->tmpbuf is unused :-( so barrier after the op */
        if (firstred && MPI_IN_PLACE != sendbuf) {
          /* perform the reduce with the senbuf */
          res = NBC_Sched_op (recvbuf, false, sendbuf, false, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule, true);
          firstred = 0;
        } else {
          /* perform the reduce in my local buffer */
          res = NBC_Sched_op (recvbuf, false, recvbuf, false, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule, true);

        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
          return res;
    } else {
static inline int allred_sched_diss(int rank, int p, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, MPI_Op op, NBC_Schedule *schedule, NBC_Handle *handle) {
  int root, vrank, r, maxr, firstred, vpeer, peer, res;
  root = 0; /* this makes the code for ireduce and iallreduce nearly identical - could be changed to improve performance */
  RANK2VRANK(rank, vrank, root);
  maxr = (int)ceil((log(p)/LOG2));

  firstred = 1;
  for(r=1; r<=maxr; r++) {
    if((vrank % (1<<r)) == 0) {
      /* we have to receive this round */
      vpeer = vrank + (1<<(r-1));
      VRANK2RANK(peer, vpeer, root)
      if(peer<p) {
        res = NBC_Sched_recv(0, true, count, datatype, peer, schedule);
        if(res != NBC_OK) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
        /* we have to wait until we have the data */
        res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
        if(res != NBC_OK) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
        if(firstred && MPI_IN_PLACE != sendbuf) {
          /* perform the reduce with the senbuf */
          res = NBC_Sched_op(recvbuf, false, sendbuf, false, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule);
          firstred = 0;
        } else {
          /* perform the reduce in my local buffer */
          res = NBC_Sched_op(recvbuf, false, recvbuf, false, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule);
        if(res != NBC_OK) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_op() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
        /* this cannot be done until handle->tmpbuf is unused :-( */
        res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
        if(res != NBC_OK) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
    } else {
Beispiel #3
static inline int red_sched_binomial (int rank, int p, int root, const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,
                                      MPI_Op op, void *redbuf, NBC_Schedule *schedule, NBC_Handle *handle) {
  int vrank, vpeer, peer, res, maxr;

  RANK2VRANK(rank, vrank, root);
  maxr = (int)ceil((log((double)p)/LOG2));

  for (int r = 1, firstred = 1 ; r <= maxr ; ++r) {
    if ((vrank % (1 << r)) == 0) {
      /* we have to receive this round */
      vpeer = vrank + (1 << (r - 1));
      VRANK2RANK(peer, vpeer, root)
      if (peer < p) {
        /* we have to wait until we have the data */
        res = NBC_Sched_recv (0, true, count, datatype, peer, schedule, true);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
          return res;

        /* perform the reduce in my local buffer */
        /* this cannot be done until handle->tmpbuf is unused :-( so barrier after the op */
        if (firstred) {
          if (rank == root) {
            /* root is the only one who reduces in the receivebuffer
             * take data from sendbuf in first round - save copy */
            res = NBC_Sched_op (recvbuf, false, sendbuf, false, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule, true);
          } else {
            /* all others may not have a receive buffer
             * take data from sendbuf in first round - save copy */
            res = NBC_Sched_op ((char *) redbuf - (intptr_t) handle->tmpbuf, true, sendbuf, false, 0, true, count,
                                datatype, op, schedule, true);
          firstred = 0;
        } else {
          if(rank == root) {
            /* root is the only one who reduces in the receivebuffer */
            res = NBC_Sched_op (recvbuf, false, recvbuf, false, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule, true);
          } else {
            /* all others may not have a receive buffer */
            res = NBC_Sched_op ((char *) redbuf - (intptr_t) handle->tmpbuf, true, (char *) redbuf - (intptr_t) handle->tmpbuf,
                                true, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule, true);

        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
          return res;
    } else {
Beispiel #4
static inline int red_sched_binomial(int rank, int p, int root, void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, void *redbuf, NBC_Schedule *schedule, NBC_Handle *handle) {
  int firstred, vrank, vpeer, peer, res, maxr, r;

  RANK2VRANK(rank, vrank, root);
  maxr = (int)ceil((log((double)p)/LOG2));

  firstred = 1;
  for(r=1; r<=maxr; r++) {
    if((vrank % (1<<r)) == 0) {
      /* we have to receive this round */
      vpeer = vrank + (1<<(r-1));
      VRANK2RANK(peer, vpeer, root)
      if(peer<p) {
        res = NBC_Sched_recv(0, true, count, datatype, peer, schedule);
        if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
        /* we have to wait until we have the data */
        res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
        if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
        /* perform the reduce in my local buffer */
        if(firstred) {
          if(rank == root) {
            /* root is the only one who reduces in the receivebuffer 
             * take data from sendbuf in first round - save copy */
            res = NBC_Sched_op(recvbuf, false, sendbuf, false, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule);
          } else {
            /* all others may not have a receive buffer 
             * take data from sendbuf in first round - save copy */
            res = NBC_Sched_op((char *)redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, sendbuf, false, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule);
          firstred = 0;
        } else {
          if(rank == root) {
            /* root is the only one who reduces in the receivebuffer */
            res = NBC_Sched_op(recvbuf, false, recvbuf, false, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule);
          } else {
            /* all others may not have a receive buffer */
            res = NBC_Sched_op((char *)redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, (char *)redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule);
        if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_op() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
        /* this cannot be done until handle->tmpbuf is unused :-( */
        res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
        if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
    } else {
Beispiel #5
/* linear iscan
 * working principle:
 * 1. each node (but node 0) receives from left neighbor
 * 2. performs op
 * 3. all but rank p-1 do sends to it's right neighbor and exits
int ompi_coll_libnbc_iscan(const void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op,
                           struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request,
                           struct mca_coll_base_module_2_1_0_t *module) {
  int rank, p, res;
  ptrdiff_t gap, span;
  NBC_Schedule *schedule;
  char inplace;
  NBC_Handle *handle;
  ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module;

  NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace);

  rank = ompi_comm_rank (comm);
  p = ompi_comm_size (comm);

  if (!inplace) {
    /* copy data to receivebuf */
    res = NBC_Copy (sendbuf, count, datatype, recvbuf, count, datatype, comm);
      return res;

  res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, &handle, libnbc_module);
    return res;

  NBC_Scan_args *args, *found, search;

  /* search schedule in communicator specific tree */
  search.sendbuf = sendbuf;
  search.recvbuf = recvbuf;
  search.count = count;
  search.datatype = datatype;
  search.op = op;
  found = (NBC_Scan_args *) hb_tree_search ((hb_tree *) libnbc_module->NBC_Dict[NBC_SCAN], &search);
  if (NULL == found) {
    schedule = OBJ_NEW(NBC_Schedule);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == schedule)) {
      NBC_Return_handle (handle);

    /* ensure the schedule is released with the handle */
    handle->schedule = schedule;

    if(rank != 0) {
      span = opal_datatype_span(&datatype->super, count, &gap);
      handle->tmpbuf = malloc (span);
      if (NULL == handle->tmpbuf) {
        NBC_Return_handle (handle);
        return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

      /* we have to wait until we have the data */
      res = NBC_Sched_recv ((void *)(-gap), true, count, datatype, rank-1, schedule, true);
      if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
        NBC_Return_handle (handle);
        return res;

      /* perform the reduce in my local buffer */
      /* this cannot be done until handle->tmpbuf is unused :-( so barrier after the op */
      res = NBC_Sched_op ((void *)(-gap), true, recvbuf, false, count, datatype, op, schedule,
      if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
        NBC_Return_handle (handle);
        return res;

    if (rank != p-1) {
      res = NBC_Sched_send (recvbuf, false, count, datatype, rank+1, schedule, false);
      if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
        NBC_Return_handle (handle);
        return res;

    res = NBC_Sched_commit (schedule);
      NBC_Return_handle (handle);
      return res;

    /* save schedule to tree */
    args = (NBC_Scan_args *) malloc (sizeof (args));
    if (NULL != args) {
      args->sendbuf = sendbuf;
      args->recvbuf = recvbuf;
      args->count = count;
      args->datatype = datatype;
      args->op = op;
      args->schedule = schedule;
      res = hb_tree_insert ((hb_tree *) libnbc_module->NBC_Dict[NBC_SCAN], args, args, 0);
      if (0 == res) {

        /* increase number of elements for A2A */
        if (++libnbc_module->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_SCAN] > NBC_SCHED_DICT_UPPER) {
          NBC_SchedCache_dictwipe ((hb_tree *) libnbc_module->NBC_Dict[NBC_SCAN],
      } else {
        NBC_Error("error in dict_insert() (%i)", res);
        free (args);
  } else {
    /* found schedule */
    schedule = found->schedule;

  res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule);
    NBC_Return_handle (handle);
    return res;

  *request = (ompi_request_t *) handle;

  /* tmpbuf is freed with the handle */
  return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #6
int ompi_coll_libnbc_ireduce_scatter(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, MPI_Datatype datatype, 
                                     MPI_Op op, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request,
                                     struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) {
  int peer, rank, maxr, p, r, res, count, offset, firstred;
  MPI_Aint ext;
  char *redbuf, *sbuf, inplace;
  NBC_Schedule *schedule;
  NBC_Handle *handle;
  ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request;
  ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module;
  NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace);

  res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module);
  if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; }
  handle = (*coll_req);
  res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
  res = MPI_Comm_size(comm, &p);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
  MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &ext);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
  schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule));
  if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return NBC_OOR; }

  res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule);
  if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  maxr = (int)ceil((log(p)/LOG2));

  count = 0;
  for(r=0;r<p;r++) count += recvcounts[r];
  handle->tmpbuf = malloc(ext*count*2);
  if(handle->tmpbuf == NULL) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return NBC_OOR; }

  redbuf = ((char*)handle->tmpbuf)+(ext*count);

  /* copy data to redbuf if we only have a single node */
  if((p==1) && !inplace) {
    res = NBC_Copy(sendbuf, count, datatype, redbuf, count, datatype, comm);
    if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
  firstred = 1;
  for(r=1; r<=maxr; r++) {
    if((rank % (1<<r)) == 0) {
      /* we have to receive this round */
      peer = rank + (1<<(r-1));
      if(peer<p) {
        res = NBC_Sched_recv(0, true, count, datatype, peer, schedule);
        if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
        /* we have to wait until we have the data */
        res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
        if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
        if(firstred) {
          /* take reduce data from the sendbuf in the first round -> save copy */
          res = NBC_Sched_op(redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, sendbuf, false, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule);
          firstred = 0;
        } else {
          /* perform the reduce in my local buffer */
          res = NBC_Sched_op(redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule);
        if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_op() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
        /* this cannot be done until handle->tmpbuf is unused :-( */
        res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
        if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
    } else {
      /* we have to send this round */
      peer = rank - (1<<(r-1));
      if(firstred) {
        /* we have to send the senbuf */
        res = NBC_Sched_send(sendbuf, false, count, datatype, peer, schedule);
      } else {
        /* we send an already reduced value from redbuf */
        res = NBC_Sched_send(redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, count, datatype, peer, schedule);
      if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
      /* leave the game */
  res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
  if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  /* rank 0 is root and sends - all others receive */
  if(rank != 0) {
    res = NBC_Sched_recv(recvbuf, false, recvcounts[rank], datatype, 0, schedule);
   if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  if(rank == 0) {
    offset = 0;
    for(r=1;r<p;r++) {
      offset += recvcounts[r-1];
      sbuf = ((char *)redbuf) + (offset*ext);
      /* root sends the right buffer to the right receiver */
      res = NBC_Sched_send(sbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, recvcounts[r], datatype, r, schedule);
      if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
    res = NBC_Sched_copy(redbuf-(unsigned long)handle->tmpbuf, true, recvcounts[0], datatype, recvbuf, false, recvcounts[0], datatype, schedule);
    if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_copy() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule);
  if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
  res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule);
  if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
  /* tmpbuf is freed with the handle */
  return NBC_OK;
Beispiel #7
int ompi_coll_libnbc_ireduce_scatter_inter(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, MPI_Datatype datatype,
					   MPI_Op op, struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request,
					   struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module) {
  int peer, rank, r, res, count, rsize, offset;
  MPI_Aint ext;
  NBC_Schedule *schedule;
  NBC_Handle *handle;
  ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request;
  ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module;

  res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module);
  if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; }
  handle = (*coll_req);
  res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
  res = MPI_Comm_remote_size(comm, &rsize);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_remote_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
  MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &ext);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule));
  if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return NBC_OOR; }

  res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule);
  if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  count = 0;
  for (r = 0 ; r < rsize ; ++r) count += recvcounts[r];

  handle->tmpbuf = malloc(2 * ext * count);
  if(handle->tmpbuf == NULL) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return NBC_OOR; }

  /* send my data to the remote root */
  res = NBC_Sched_send(sendbuf, false, count, datatype, 0, schedule);
  if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  if (0 == rank) {
    res = NBC_Sched_recv((void *) 0, true, count, datatype, 0, schedule);
    if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

    res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
    if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

    for (peer = 1 ; peer < rsize ; ++peer) {
      res = NBC_Sched_recv((void *)(ext * count), true, count, datatype, peer, schedule);
      if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

      res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
      if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

      res = NBC_Sched_op((void *) 0, true, (void *)(ext * count), true, (void *) 0, true, count, datatype, op, schedule);
      if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_op() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

      res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
      if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }


    /* exchange data with remote root for scatter phase (we *could* use the local communicator to do the scatter) */
    res = NBC_Sched_recv((void *)(ext * count), true, count, datatype, 0, schedule);
    if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

    res = NBC_Sched_send((void *) 0, true, count, datatype, 0, schedule);
    if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

    res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
    if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_barrier() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

    /* scatter */
    for (peer = 0, offset = ext * count ; peer < rsize ; ++peer) {
      res = NBC_Sched_send((void *)(uintptr_t) offset, true, recvcounts[peer], datatype, peer, schedule);
      if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_send() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
      offset += recvcounts[peer] * ext;

  /* receive my block */
  res = NBC_Sched_recv(recvbuf, false, recvcounts[rank], datatype, 0, schedule);
  if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_recv() (%i)\n", res); return res; }


  res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule);
  if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule);
  if (NBC_OK != res) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  /* tmpbuf is freed with the handle */
  return NBC_OK;
Beispiel #8
/* linear iexscan
 * working principle:
 * 1. each node (but node 0) receives from left neigbor
 * 2. performs op
 * 3. all but rank p-1 do sends to it's right neigbor and exits
int ompi_coll_libnbc_iexscan(const void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op,
                             struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request,
                             struct mca_coll_base_module_2_1_0_t *module) {
    int rank, p, res;
    MPI_Aint ext;
    NBC_Schedule *schedule;
    NBC_Scan_args *args, *found, search;
    char inplace;
    NBC_Handle *handle;
    ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module;

    NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace);

    rank = ompi_comm_rank (comm);
    p = ompi_comm_size (comm);

    res = ompi_datatype_type_extent(datatype, &ext);
    if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) {
        NBC_Error("MPI Error in ompi_datatype_type_extent() (%i)", res);
        return res;

    res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, &handle, libnbc_module);
        return res;

    if (inplace && rank < p - 1) {
        /* need more buffer space for the inplace case */
        handle->tmpbuf = malloc(ext * count * 2);
    } else {
        handle->tmpbuf = malloc(ext * count);

    if (handle->tmpbuf == NULL) {
        NBC_Return_handle (handle);
        return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

    /* search schedule in communicator specific tree */
    search.sendbuf = sendbuf;
    search.recvbuf = recvbuf;
    search.count = count;
    search.datatype = datatype;
    search.op = op;
    found = (NBC_Scan_args *) hb_tree_search ((hb_tree *) libnbc_module->NBC_Dict[NBC_EXSCAN], &search);
    if (NULL == found) {
        schedule = OBJ_NEW(NBC_Schedule);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == schedule)) {
            NBC_Return_handle (handle);
            return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

        /* make sure the schedule is released with the handle on error */
        handle->schedule = schedule;

        if (rank != 0) {
            if (inplace && rank < p - 1) {
                /* if sendbuf == recvbuf do not clobber the send buffer until it has been combined
                 * with the incoming data. */
                res = NBC_Sched_recv ((void *) (ext * count), true, count, datatype, rank-1, schedule, false);
            } else {
                res = NBC_Sched_recv (recvbuf, false, count, datatype, rank-1, schedule, false);

            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
                NBC_Return_handle (handle);
                return res;

            if (rank < p - 1) {
                /* we have to wait until we have the data */
                res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
                if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
                    NBC_Return_handle (handle);
                    return res;

                /* perform the reduce in my temporary buffer */
                /* this cannot be done until handle->tmpbuf is unused :-( so barrier after */
                if (inplace) {
                    res = NBC_Sched_op (0, true, sendbuf, false, (void *)(ext * count), true, count,
                                        datatype, op, schedule, true);
                } else {
                    res = NBC_Sched_op (0, true, sendbuf, false, recvbuf, false, count, datatype, op,
                                        schedule, true);

                if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
                    NBC_Return_handle (handle);
                    return res;

                /* send reduced data onward */
                res = NBC_Sched_send (0, true, count, datatype, rank + 1, schedule, false);
                if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
                    NBC_Return_handle (handle);
                    return res;

                if (inplace) {
                    /* copy the received data into the receive buffer */
                    res = NBC_Sched_copy ((void *)(ext * count), true, count, datatype, recvbuf,
                                          false, count, datatype, schedule, false);
                    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
                        NBC_Return_handle (handle);
                        return res;
        } else if (p > 1) {
            res = NBC_Sched_send (sendbuf, false, count, datatype, 1, schedule, false);
            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
                NBC_Return_handle (handle);
                return res;

        res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
            NBC_Return_handle (handle);
            return res;

        /* save schedule to tree */
        args = (NBC_Scan_args *) malloc (sizeof (args));
        if (NULL != args) {
            args->sendbuf = sendbuf;
            args->recvbuf = recvbuf;
            args->count = count;
            args->datatype = datatype;
            args->op = op;
            args->schedule = schedule;
            res = hb_tree_insert ((hb_tree *) libnbc_module->NBC_Dict[NBC_EXSCAN], args, args, 0);
            if (0 == res) {

                /* increase number of elements for A2A */
                if (++libnbc_module->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_EXSCAN] > NBC_SCHED_DICT_UPPER) {
                    NBC_SchedCache_dictwipe ((hb_tree *) libnbc_module->NBC_Dict[NBC_EXSCAN],
            } else {
                NBC_Error("error in dict_insert() (%i)", res);
                free (args);
    } else {
        /* found schedule */
        schedule = found->schedule;

    res = NBC_Start (handle, schedule);
        NBC_Return_handle (handle);
        return res;

    *request = (ompi_request_t *) handle;

    /* tmpbuf is freed with the handle */
    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #9
/* linear iexscan
 * working principle:
 * 1. each node (but node 0) receives from left neigbor
 * 2. performs op
 * 3. all but rank p-1 do sends to it's right neigbor and exits
int ompi_coll_libnbc_iexscan(const void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op,
                             struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request,
                             struct mca_coll_base_module_2_2_0_t *module) {
    int rank, p, res;
    ptrdiff_t gap, span;
    NBC_Schedule *schedule;
    NBC_Scan_args *args, *found, search;
    char inplace;
    void *tmpbuf = NULL;
    ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module;

    NBC_IN_PLACE(sendbuf, recvbuf, inplace);

    rank = ompi_comm_rank (comm);
    p = ompi_comm_size (comm);

    span = opal_datatype_span(&datatype->super, count, &gap);
    if (0 < rank) {
        tmpbuf = malloc(span);
        if (NULL == tmpbuf) {
            return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
        if (inplace) {
            res = NBC_Copy(recvbuf, count, datatype, (char *)tmpbuf-gap, count, datatype, comm);
        } else {
            res = NBC_Copy(sendbuf, count, datatype, (char *)tmpbuf-gap, count, datatype, comm);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
            return res;

    /* search schedule in communicator specific tree */
    search.sendbuf = sendbuf;
    search.recvbuf = recvbuf;
    search.count = count;
    search.datatype = datatype;
    search.op = op;
    found = (NBC_Scan_args *) hb_tree_search ((hb_tree *) libnbc_module->NBC_Dict[NBC_EXSCAN], &search);
    if (NULL == found) {
        schedule = OBJ_NEW(NBC_Schedule);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == schedule)) {
            return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

        if (rank != 0) {
            res = NBC_Sched_recv (recvbuf, false, count, datatype, rank-1, schedule, false);

            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
                return res;

            if (rank < p - 1) {
                /* we have to wait until we have the data */
                res = NBC_Sched_barrier(schedule);
                if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
                    return res;

                res = NBC_Sched_op (recvbuf, false, (void *)(-gap), true, count,
                                     datatype, op, schedule, true);

                if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
                    return res;

                /* send reduced data onward */
                res = NBC_Sched_send ((void *)(-gap), true, count, datatype, rank + 1, schedule, false);
                if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
                    return res;
        } else if (p > 1) {
            if (inplace) {
              res = NBC_Sched_send (recvbuf, false, count, datatype, 1, schedule, false);
            } else {
              res = NBC_Sched_send (sendbuf, false, count, datatype, 1, schedule, false);
            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
                return res;

        res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != res)) {
            return res;

        /* save schedule to tree */
        args = (NBC_Scan_args *) malloc (sizeof (args));
        if (NULL != args) {
            args->sendbuf = sendbuf;
            args->recvbuf = recvbuf;
            args->count = count;
            args->datatype = datatype;
            args->op = op;
            args->schedule = schedule;
            res = hb_tree_insert ((hb_tree *) libnbc_module->NBC_Dict[NBC_EXSCAN], args, args, 0);
            if (0 == res) {

                /* increase number of elements for A2A */
                if (++libnbc_module->NBC_Dict_size[NBC_EXSCAN] > NBC_SCHED_DICT_UPPER) {
                    NBC_SchedCache_dictwipe ((hb_tree *) libnbc_module->NBC_Dict[NBC_EXSCAN],
            } else {
                NBC_Error("error in dict_insert() (%i)", res);
                free (args);
    } else {
        /* found schedule */
        schedule = found->schedule;

    res = NBC_Schedule_request(schedule, comm, libnbc_module, request, tmpbuf);
        return res;

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;