Beispiel #1
void QGVNode::updateLayout()
        qreal width  = ND_width(_node->node()) * (DotDefaultDPI);
        qreal height = ND_height(_node->node()) * (DotDefaultDPI);

        //Node Position (center)
        qreal gheight = QGVCore::graphHeight(_scene->_graph->graph());
        QPointF pos = QGVCore::centerToOrigin(QGVCore::toPoint(ND_coord(_node->node()), gheight), width, height);

        //Node on top

        //Node path
        if (0 == strcmp(ND_shape(_node->node())->name, "record")) {
                this->is_record = true;
                _record_desc = QGVCore::to_record_label((field_t *) ND_shape_info(_node->node()), width, height);
                _bounding_rect = _record_desc.first().first;
        } else {
                this->is_record = false;
                _path = QGVCore::toPath(ND_shape(_node->node())->name, (polygon_t *) ND_shape_info(_node->node()),
                                        width, height);
                _bounding_rect = _path.boundingRect();


Beispiel #2
void common_init_node(node_t * n)
    struct fontinfo fi;
    char *str;
    ND_width(n) =
	late_double(n, N_width, DEFAULT_NODEWIDTH, MIN_NODEWIDTH);
    ND_height(n) =
	late_double(n, N_height, DEFAULT_NODEHEIGHT, MIN_NODEHEIGHT);
    ND_shape(n) =
	bind_shape(late_nnstring(n, N_shape, DEFAULT_NODESHAPE), n);
    str = agxget(n, N_label);
    fi.fontsize = late_double(n, N_fontsize, DEFAULT_FONTSIZE, MIN_FONTSIZE);
    fi.fontname = late_nnstring(n, N_fontname, DEFAULT_FONTNAME);
    fi.fontcolor = late_nnstring(n, N_fontcolor, DEFAULT_COLOR);
    ND_label(n) = make_label((void*)n, str,
	        ((aghtmlstr(str) ? LT_HTML : LT_NONE) | ( (shapeOf(n) == SH_RECORD) ? LT_RECD : LT_NONE)),
		fi.fontsize, fi.fontname, fi.fontcolor);
    if (N_xlabel && (str = agxget(n, N_xlabel)) && (str[0])) {
	ND_xlabel(n) = make_label((void*)n, str, (aghtmlstr(str) ? LT_HTML : LT_NONE),
				fi.fontsize, fi.fontname, fi.fontcolor);
	GD_has_labels(agraphof(n)) |= NODE_XLABEL;

    ND_showboxes(n) = late_int(n, N_showboxes, 0, 0);
Beispiel #3
static void ptest_initNode(node_t * n)
    char *str;
    ND_width(n) =
	late_double(n, N_width, DEFAULT_NODEWIDTH, MIN_NODEWIDTH);
    ND_height(n) =
	late_double(n, N_height, DEFAULT_NODEHEIGHT, MIN_NODEWIDTH);
    if (N_label == NULL)
	str = agxget(n, N_label->index);
    str = strdup_and_subst(str, NODENAME_ESC, n->name);
    ND_label(n) = make_label(str,
			     late_double(n, N_fontsize, DEFAULT_FONTSIZE,
					 MIN_FONTSIZE), late_nnstring(n,
			     late_nnstring(n, N_fontcolor, DEFAULT_COLOR),
    ND_shape(n) = bind_shape(late_nnstring(n, N_shape, DEFAULT_NODESHAPE));
    ND_shape(n)->initfn(n);	/* ### need to quantize ? */
    ptest_nodesize(n, n->GD_flip(graph));

Beispiel #4
/* largest_nodesize:
 * Return max dimension of nodes on list
static double
largest_nodesize(nodelist_t* list)
	Agnode_t* n;
	nodelistitem_t* item;
	double size = 0;

	for (item = list->first; item; item = item->next) {
		n = ORIGN(item->curr);
		if(ND_width(n) > size)
			size = ND_width(n);
		if(ND_height(n) > size)
			size = ND_height(n);
	return size;
Beispiel #5
void neato_nodesize(node_t * n, bool flip)
    int w;

    w = ND_xsize(n) = POINTS(ND_width(n));
    ND_lw_i(n) = ND_rw_i(n) = w / 2;
    ND_ht_i(n) = ND_ysize(n) = POINTS(ND_height(n));
Beispiel #6
static void ptest_nodesize(node_t * n, boolean flip)
    int w;

    w = ND_xsize(n) = POINTS(ND_width(n));
    ND_lw(n) = ND_rw(n) = w / 2;
    ND_ht(n) = ND_ysize(n) = POINTS(ND_height(n));
Beispiel #7
/* addNodeOjb:
 * Set up obstacle object based on a node.
 * Use node information to determine size and position of object.
 * Then adjust given bounding box bb to include label and return new bb.
static boxf
addNodeObj (node_t* np, object_t* objp, boxf bb)
    if (Flip) {
	objp->sz.x = INCH2PS(ND_height(np));
	objp->sz.y = INCH2PS(ND_width(np));
    else {
	objp->sz.x = INCH2PS(ND_width(np));
	objp->sz.y = INCH2PS(ND_height(np));
    objp->pos = ND_coord(np);
    objp->pos.x -= (objp->sz.x) / 2.0;
    objp->pos.y -= (objp->sz.y) / 2.0;

    return adjustBB(objp, bb);
Beispiel #8
void dot_nodesize(node_t * n, bool flip)
    double x, y;
    int ps;

    if (flip == FALSE) {
	x = ND_width(n);
	y = ND_height(n);
    } else {
	y = ND_width(n);
	x = ND_height(n);
    ps = POINTS(x) / 2;
    if (ps < 1)
	ps = 1;
    ND_lw_i(n) = ND_rw_i(n) = ps;
    ND_ht_i(n) = POINTS(y);
Beispiel #9
/* _write_plain:
void write_plain(GVJ_t * job, graph_t * g, FILE * f, boolean extend)
    int i, j, splinePoints;
    char *tport, *hport;
    node_t *n;
    edge_t *e;
    bezier bz;
    pointf pt;
    char *lbl;
    char* fillcolor;

    putstr = g->clos->>putstr;
//    setup_graph(job, g);
    pt = GD_bb(g).UR;
    printdouble(f, "graph ", job->zoom);
    printdouble(f, " ", PS2INCH(pt.x));
    printdouble(f, " ", PS2INCH(pt.y));
    agputc('\n', f);
    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	if (IS_CLUST_NODE(n))
	printstring(f, "node ", agcanonStr(agnameof(n)));
	printpoint(f, ND_coord(n));
	if (ND_label(n)->html)   /* if html, get original text */
	    lbl = agcanonStr (agxget(n, N_label->index));
	    lbl = agcanonStr (agxget(n, N_label));
	    lbl = canon(agraphof(n),ND_label(n)->text);
        printdouble(f, " ", ND_width(n));
        printdouble(f, " ", ND_height(n));
        printstring(f, " ", lbl);
	printstring(f, " ", late_nnstring(n, N_style, "solid"));
	printstring(f, " ", ND_shape(n)->name);
	printstring(f, " ", late_nnstring(n, N_color, DEFAULT_COLOR));
	fillcolor = late_nnstring(n, N_fillcolor, "");
        if (fillcolor[0] == '\0')
	    fillcolor = late_nnstring(n, N_color, DEFAULT_FILL);
	printstring(f, " ", fillcolor);
	agputc('\n', f);
Beispiel #10
/* initItem:
static void initItem(node_t * n, nitem * p, double margin)
    int x = POINTS(SCALE * ND_pos(n)[0]);
    int y = POINTS(SCALE * ND_pos(n)[1]);
    int w2 = POINTS(margin * SCALE2 * ND_width(n));
    int h2 = POINTS(margin * SCALE2 * ND_height(n));
    box b;

    b.LL.x = x - w2;
    b.LL.y = y - h2;
    b.UR.x = x + w2;
    b.UR.y = y + h2;

    p->pos.x = x;
    p->pos.y = y;
    p->np = n;
    p->bb = b;
Beispiel #11
/* Ensures that a new canvas item is created for this node and moved to right
 * position, or just moves an existing canvas item if already created.
static void
cls_node_ensure_draw (gpointer klass_id, ClsNode *cls_node, ClsBox *bounding_box) 
	gdouble x, y;
	point node_pos;
#ifndef ND_coord_i
	pointf node_posf;
	/* get some infos from the node */
#ifdef ND_coord_i
	node_pos = ND_coord_i (cls_node->agnode);
	node_posf = ND_coord (cls_node->agnode);
	PF2P (node_posf, node_pos);

	/* Determine node coords and size *in* canvas world coordinate system */
	cls_node->width = INCH_TO_PIXELS (ND_width (cls_node->agnode));
	cls_node->height = INCH_TO_PIXELS (ND_height (cls_node->agnode));
	cls_node->x1 = node_pos.x - cls_node->width/2;
	cls_node->y1 = GRAPH_TO_CANVAS_Y ((node_pos.y + cls_node->height/2));
	cls_node->x2 = node_pos.x + cls_node->width/2;
	cls_node->y2 = GRAPH_TO_CANVAS_Y ((node_pos.y - cls_node->height/2));

	if (cls_node->x1 < bounding_box->x1) bounding_box->x1 = cls_node->x1;
	if (cls_node->y1 < bounding_box->y1) bounding_box->y1 = cls_node->y1;
	if (cls_node->x2 > bounding_box->x2) bounding_box->x2 = cls_node->x2;
	if (cls_node->y2 > bounding_box->y2) bounding_box->y2 = cls_node->y2;

	if (cls_node->canvas_group == NULL ||
	    cls_node->drawn_expansion_status != cls_node->expansion_status)
		if (cls_node->expansion_status == CLS_NODE_COLLAPSED)
			cls_node_draw_collapsed (cls_node);
			cls_node_draw_expanded (cls_node);
	/* Move the canvas item to right place */
	x = cls_node->x1;
	y = cls_node->y1;
	foo_canvas_item_set (cls_node->canvas_group, "x", x, "y", y, NULL);
	g_hash_table_foreach (cls_node->edges_to, (GHFunc) cls_node_draw_edge, cls_node);
Beispiel #12
static void dumpG(graph_t * g)
    node_t *n;
    /* point  p; */
    edge_t *e;

    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	fprintf(stderr, " node %s \n", n->name);

	for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g, e)) {
	    fprintf(stderr, " %s - %s \n", e->tail->name, e->head->name);
#ifdef OLD
	p = coord(n);
	fprintf(stderr, " %s pos (%f,%f) (%d,%d)\n",
		n->name, ND_pos(n)[0], ND_pos(n)[1], p.x, p.y);
	fprintf(stderr, "   width %f height %f xsize %d ysize %d\n",
		ND_width(n), ND_height(n), ND_xsize(n), ND_ysize(n));
Beispiel #13
static Point *genRound(Agnode_t * n, int *sidep, float xm, float ym)
    int sides = 0;
    Point *verts;
    char *p = agget(n, "samplepoints");
    int i;

    if (p)
	sides = atoi(p);
    if (sides < 3)
	sides = DFLT_SAMPLE;
    verts = N_GNEW(sides, Point);
    for (i = 0; i < sides; i++) {
	verts[i].x =
	    (ND_width(n) / 2.0 + xm) * cos(i / (double) sides * M_PI * 2.0);
	verts[i].y =
	    (ND_height(n) / 2.0 + ym) * sin(i / (double) sides * M_PI * 2.0);
    *sidep = sides;
    return verts;
Beispiel #14
void common_init_node(node_t * n)
    char *str;
    int html = 0;

    ND_width(n) =
	late_double(n, N_width, DEFAULT_NODEWIDTH, MIN_NODEWIDTH);
    ND_height(n) =
	late_double(n, N_height, DEFAULT_NODEHEIGHT, MIN_NODEHEIGHT);
    if (N_label == NULL)
    else {
	str = agxget(n, N_label->index);
	html = aghtmlstr(str);
    if (html)
	str = strdup(str);
	str = strdup_and_subst_node(str, n);
    ND_label(n) = make_label(html, str,
			     late_double(n, N_fontsize, DEFAULT_FONTSIZE,
					 MIN_FONTSIZE), late_nnstring(n,
			     late_nnstring(n, N_fontcolor, DEFAULT_COLOR),

#ifdef ENABLE_HTML //maks
    if (html) {
	if (make_html_label(ND_label(n), n) == 1)
	    agerr(AGPREV, "in label of node %s\n", n->name);

    ND_shape(n) =
	bind_shape(late_nnstring(n, N_shape, DEFAULT_NODESHAPE), n);
    ND_showboxes(n) = late_int(n, N_showboxes, 0, 0);
Beispiel #15
void QGVNode::updateLayout()
		qreal width = ND_width(_node->node())*DotDefaultDPI;
		qreal height = ND_height(_node->node())*DotDefaultDPI;

    //Node Position (center)
		qreal gheight = QGVCore::graphHeight(_scene->_graph->graph());
		setPos(QGVCore::centerToOrigin(QGVCore::toPoint(ND_coord(_node->node()), gheight), width, height));

    //Node on top

    //Node path
		_path = QGVCore::toPath(ND_shape(_node->node())->name, (polygon_t*)ND_shape_info(_node->node()), width, height);


Beispiel #16
/* dump:
void dump(graph_t * g, int level, int doBB)
    node_t *n;
    boxf bb;
    double w, h;
    pointf pos;

    if (Verbose < level)
    fprintf(stderr, "Graph %s : %d nodes\n", g->name, agnnodes(g));
    if (Verbose > level) {
	for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	    pos.x = ND_pos(n)[0];
	    pos.y = ND_pos(n)[1];
	    w = ND_width(n);
	    h = ND_height(n);
	    if (doBB) {
		bb.LL.x = pos.x - w / 2.0;
		bb.LL.y = pos.y - h / 2.0;
		bb.UR.x = bb.LL.x + w;
		bb.UR.y = bb.LL.y + h;
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: (%f,%f) ((%f,%f) , (%f,%f))\n",
			n->name, pos.x, pos.y, bb.LL.x, bb.LL.y, bb.UR.x,
	    } else {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: (%f,%f) (%f,%f) \n",
			n->name, pos.x, pos.y, w, h);
Beispiel #17
int makePoly(Poly * pp, Agnode_t * n, float xmargin, float ymargin)
    int i;
    int sides;
    Point *verts;
    polygon_t *poly;
    boxf b;

    if (ND_clust(n)) {
	Point b;
	sides = 4;
	b.x = ND_width(n) / 2.0;
	b.y = ND_height(n) / 2.0;
	pp->kind = BOX;
	verts = N_GNEW(sides, Point);
	PUTPT(verts[0], b.x, b.y);
	PUTPT(verts[1], -b.x, b.y);
	PUTPT(verts[2], -b.x, -b.y);
	PUTPT(verts[3], b.x, -b.y);
    } else
	switch (shapeOf(n)) {
	case SH_POLY:
	    poly = (polygon_t *) ND_shape_info(n);
	    sides = poly->sides;
	    if (sides >= 3) {	/* real polygon */
		verts = N_GNEW(sides, Point);
		for (i = 0; i < sides; i++) {
		    verts[i].x = PS2INCH(poly->vertices[i].x);
		    verts[i].y = PS2INCH(poly->vertices[i].y);
	    } else
		verts = genRound(n, &sides, 0, 0);

	    if (streq(ND_shape(n)->name, "box"))
		pp->kind = BOX;
	    else if (streq(ND_shape(n)->name, "polygon")
		     && isBox(verts, sides))
		pp->kind = BOX;
	    else if ((poly->sides < 3) && poly->regular)
		pp->kind = CIRCLE;
		pp->kind = 0;

	case SH_RECORD:
	    sides = 4;
	    verts = N_GNEW(sides, Point);
	    b = ((field_t *) ND_shape_info(n))->b;
	    verts[0] = makeScaledPoint(b.LL.x, b.LL.y);
	    verts[1] = makeScaledPoint(b.UR.x, b.LL.y);
	    verts[2] = makeScaledPoint(b.UR.x, b.UR.y);
	    verts[3] = makeScaledPoint(b.LL.x, b.UR.y);
	    pp->kind = BOX;
	case SH_POINT:
	    pp->kind = CIRCLE;
	    verts = genRound(n, &sides, 0, 0);
	    agerr(AGERR, "makePoly: unknown shape type %s\n",
	    return 1;

#ifdef OLD
    if (margin != 0.0)
	inflatePts(verts, sides, margin);
    if ((xmargin != 1.0) || (ymargin != 1.0))
	inflatePts(verts, sides, xmargin, ymargin);

    pp->verts = verts;
    pp->nverts = sides;
    bbox(verts, sides, &pp->origin, &pp->corner);

    if (sides > maxcnt)
	maxcnt = sides;
    return 0;
Beispiel #18
int makeAddPoly(Poly * pp, Agnode_t * n, float xmargin, float ymargin)
    int i;
    int sides;
    Point *verts;
    polygon_t *poly;
    boxf b;

    if (ND_clust(n)) {
	Point b;
	sides = 4;
	b.x = ND_width(n) / 2.0 + xmargin;
	b.y = ND_height(n) / 2.0 + ymargin;
	pp->kind = BOX;
	verts = N_GNEW(sides, Point);
	PUTPT(verts[0], b.x, b.y);
	PUTPT(verts[1], -b.x, b.y);
	PUTPT(verts[2], -b.x, -b.y);
	PUTPT(verts[3], b.x, -b.y);
    } else
	switch (shapeOf(n)) {
	case SH_POLY:
	    poly = (polygon_t *) ND_shape_info(n);
	    sides = poly->sides;

	    if (streq(ND_shape(n)->name, "box"))
		pp->kind = BOX;
	    else if (streq(ND_shape(n)->name, "polygon")
		     && isBox(poly->vertices, sides))
		pp->kind = BOX;
	    else if ((poly->sides < 3) && poly->regular)
		pp->kind = CIRCLE;
		pp->kind = 0;

	    if (sides >= 3) {	/* real polygon */
		verts = N_GNEW(sides, Point);
		if (pp->kind == BOX) {
			/* To do an additive margin, we rely on knowing that
			 * the vertices are CCW starting from the UR
		    verts[0].x = PS2INCH(poly->vertices[0].x) + xmargin;
		    verts[0].y = PS2INCH(poly->vertices[0].y) + ymargin;
		    verts[1].x = PS2INCH(poly->vertices[1].x) - xmargin;
		    verts[1].y = PS2INCH(poly->vertices[1].y) + ymargin;
		    verts[2].x = PS2INCH(poly->vertices[2].x) - xmargin;
		    verts[2].y = PS2INCH(poly->vertices[2].y) - ymargin;
		    verts[3].x = PS2INCH(poly->vertices[3].x) + xmargin;
		    verts[3].y = PS2INCH(poly->vertices[3].y) - ymargin;
		else {
		    for (i = 0; i < sides; i++) {
                        double h = LEN(poly->vertices[i].x,poly->vertices[i].y);
		        verts[i].x = poly->vertices[i].x * (1.0 + xmargin/h);
		        verts[i].y = poly->vertices[i].y * (1.0 + ymargin/h);
		        verts[i].x = PS2INCH(verts[i].x);
		        verts[i].y = PS2INCH(verts[i].y);
	    } else
		verts = genRound(n, &sides, xmargin, ymargin);
	case SH_RECORD:
	    sides = 4;
	    verts = N_GNEW(sides, Point);
	    b = ((field_t *) ND_shape_info(n))->b;
	    verts[0] = makeScaledTransPoint(b.LL.x, b.LL.y, -xmargin, -ymargin);
	    verts[1] = makeScaledTransPoint(b.UR.x, b.LL.y, xmargin, -ymargin);
	    verts[2] = makeScaledTransPoint(b.UR.x, b.UR.y, xmargin, ymargin);
	    verts[3] = makeScaledTransPoint(b.LL.x, b.UR.y, -xmargin, ymargin);
	    pp->kind = BOX;
	case SH_POINT:
	    pp->kind = CIRCLE;
	    verts = genRound(n, &sides, xmargin, ymargin);
	    agerr(AGERR, "makeAddPoly: unknown shape type %s\n",
	    return 1;

    pp->verts = verts;
    pp->nverts = sides;
    bbox(verts, sides, &pp->origin, &pp->corner);

    if (sides > maxcnt)
	maxcnt = sides;
    return 0;
Beispiel #19
/* _write_plain:
void write_plain(GVJ_t * job, graph_t * g, FILE * f, bool extend)
    int i, j, splinePoints;
    char *tport, *hport;
    node_t *n;
    edge_t *e;
    bezier bz;
    point pt;
    char *lbl;

//    setup_graph(job, g);
    pt = GD_bb(g).UR;
    fprintf(f, "graph %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", job->zoom, PS2INCH(pt.x), PS2INCH(pt.y));
    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	if (IS_CLUST_NODE(n))
	fprintf(f, "node %s ", agcanonical(n->name));
	printptf(f, ND_coord_i(n));
	if (ND_label(n)->html)   /* if html, get original text */
	    lbl = agxget(n, N_label->index);
	    lbl = ND_label(n)->text;
	if (lbl)
	    lbl = agcanonical(lbl);
	    lbl = "\"\"";
	fprintf(f, " %.3f %.3f %s %s %s %s %s\n",
		ND_width(n), ND_height(n), lbl,
		late_nnstring(n, N_style, "solid"),
		late_nnstring(n, N_color, DEFAULT_COLOR),
		late_nnstring(n, N_fillcolor, DEFAULT_FILL));
    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g, e)) {
	    if (extend && e->attr) {
		tport = e->attr[TAILX];
		hport = e->attr[HEADX];
	    } else
		tport = hport = "";
	    if (ED_spl(e)) {
		splinePoints = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < ED_spl(e)->size; i++) {
		    bz = ED_spl(e)->list[i];
		    splinePoints += bz.size;
		fprintf(f, "edge ");
		writenodeandport(f, e->tail, tport);
		fprintf(f, " ");
		writenodeandport(f, e->head, hport);
		fprintf(f, " %d", splinePoints);
		for (i = 0; i < ED_spl(e)->size; i++) {
		    bz = ED_spl(e)->list[i];
		    for (j = 0; j < bz.size; j++)
			printptf(f, bz.list[j]);
	    if (ED_label(e)) {
		fprintf(f, " %s", agcanonical(ED_label(e)->text));
		printptf(f, ED_label(e)->p);
	    fprintf(f, " %s %s\n", late_nnstring(e, E_style, "solid"),
		    late_nnstring(e, E_color, DEFAULT_COLOR));
    fprintf(f, "stop\n");
Beispiel #20
void attach_attrs_and_arrows(graph_t* g, int* sp, int* ep)
    int e_arrows;		/* graph has edges with end arrows */
    int s_arrows;		/* graph has edges with start arrows */
    int i, j, sides;
    char buf[BUFSIZ];		/* Used only for small strings */
    unsigned char xbuffer[BUFSIZ];	/* Initial buffer for xb */
    agxbuf xb;
    node_t *n;
    edge_t *e;
    point pt;

    e_arrows = s_arrows = 0;
    agxbinit(&xb, BUFSIZ, xbuffer);
    safe_dcl(g, g->proto->n, "pos", "", agnodeattr);
    safe_dcl(g, g->proto->n, "rects", "", agnodeattr);
    N_width = safe_dcl(g, g->proto->n, "width", "", agnodeattr);
    N_height = safe_dcl(g, g->proto->n, "height", "", agnodeattr);
    safe_dcl(g, g->proto->e, "pos", "", agedgeattr);
    if (GD_has_labels(g) & EDGE_LABEL)
	safe_dcl(g, g->proto->e, "lp", "", agedgeattr);
    if (GD_has_labels(g) & HEAD_LABEL)
	safe_dcl(g, g->proto->e, "head_lp", "", agedgeattr);
    if (GD_has_labels(g) & TAIL_LABEL)
	safe_dcl(g, g->proto->e, "tail_lp", "", agedgeattr);
    if (GD_label(g)) {
	safe_dcl(g, g, "lp", "", agraphattr);
	if (GD_label(g)->text[0]) {
	    pt = GD_label(g)->p;
	    sprintf(buf, "%d,%d", pt.x, YDIR(pt.y));
	    agset(g, "lp", buf);
    safe_dcl(g, g, "bb", "", agraphattr);
    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	sprintf(buf, "%d,%d", ND_coord_i(n).x, YDIR(ND_coord_i(n).y));
	agset(n, "pos", buf);
	sprintf(buf, "%.2f", PS2INCH(ND_ht_i(n)));
	agxset(n, N_height->index, buf);
	sprintf(buf, "%.2f", PS2INCH(ND_lw_i(n) + ND_rw_i(n)));
	agxset(n, N_width->index, buf);
	if (strcmp(ND_shape(n)->name, "record") == 0) {
	    set_record_rects(n, ND_shape_info(n), &xb);
	    agxbpop(&xb);	/* get rid of last space */
	    agset(n, "rects", agxbuse(&xb));
	} else {
	    polygon_t *poly;
	    int i;
	    if (N_vertices && isPolygon(n)) {
		poly = (polygon_t *) ND_shape_info(n);
		sides = poly->sides;
		if (sides < 3) {
		    char *p = agget(n, "samplepoints");
		    if (p)
			sides = atoi(p);
			sides = 8;
		    if (sides < 3)
			sides = 8;
		for (i = 0; i < sides; i++) {
		    if (i > 0)
			agxbputc(&xb, ' ');
		    if (poly->sides >= 3)
			sprintf(buf, "%.3f %.3f",
			sprintf(buf, "%.3f %.3f",
				ND_width(n) / 2.0 * cos(i /
							(double) sides *
							PI * 2.0),
				YFDIR(ND_height(n) / 2.0 *
				   sin(i / (double) sides * PI * 2.0)));
		    agxbput(&xb, buf);
		agxset(n, N_vertices->index, agxbuse(&xb));
	if (State >= GVSPLINES) {
	    for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g, e)) {
		if (ED_edge_type(e) == IGNORED)
		if (ED_spl(e) == NULL)
		    continue;	/* reported in postproc */
		for (i = 0; i < ED_spl(e)->size; i++) {
		    if (i > 0)
			agxbputc(&xb, ';');
		    if (ED_spl(e)->list[i].sflag) {
			s_arrows = 1;
			sprintf(buf, "s,%d,%d ",
			agxbput(&xb, buf);
		    if (ED_spl(e)->list[i].eflag) {
			e_arrows = 1;
			sprintf(buf, "e,%d,%d ",
			agxbput(&xb, buf);
		    for (j = 0; j < ED_spl(e)->list[i].size; j++) {
			if (j > 0)
			    agxbputc(&xb, ' ');
			pt = ED_spl(e)->list[i].list[j];
			sprintf(buf, "%d,%d", pt.x, YDIR(pt.y));
			agxbput(&xb, buf);
		agset(e, "pos", agxbuse(&xb));
		if (ED_label(e)) {
		    pt = ED_label(e)->p;
		    sprintf(buf, "%d,%d", pt.x, YDIR(pt.y));
		    agset(e, "lp", buf);
		if (ED_head_label(e)) {
		    pt = ED_head_label(e)->p;
		    sprintf(buf, "%d,%d", pt.x, YDIR(pt.y));
		    agset(e, "head_lp", buf);
		if (ED_tail_label(e)) {
		    pt = ED_tail_label(e)->p;
		    sprintf(buf, "%d,%d", pt.x, YDIR(pt.y));
		    agset(e, "tail_lp", buf);

    if (HAS_CLUST_EDGE(g))
    *sp = s_arrows;
    *ep = e_arrows;
Beispiel #21
/* scAdjust:
 * Scale the layout.
 * equal > 0  => scale uniformly in x and y to remove overlaps
 * equal = 0  => scale separately in x and y to remove overlaps
 * equal < 0  => scale down uniformly in x and y to remove excess space
 * The last assumes there are no overlaps at present.
 * Based on Marriott, Stuckey, Tam and He,
 * "Removing Node Overlapping in Graph Layout Using Constrained Optimization",
 * Constraints,8(2):143--172, 2003.
int scAdjust(graph_t * g, int equal)
    int nnodes = agnnodes(g);
    info *nlist = N_GNEW(nnodes, info);
    info *p = nlist;
    node_t *n;
    pointf s;
    int i;
    expand_t margin;
    pointf *aarr;
    int m;

    margin = sepFactor (g);
    if (margin.doAdd) {
	/* we use inches below */
	margin.x = PS2INCH(margin.x);
	margin.y = PS2INCH(margin.y);

    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	double w2, h2;
	if (margin.doAdd) {
	    w2 = (ND_width(n) / 2.0) + margin.x;
	    h2 = (ND_height(n) / 2.0) + margin.y;
	else {
	    w2 = margin.x * ND_width(n) / 2.0;
	    h2 = margin.y * ND_height(n) / 2.0;
	p->pos.x = ND_pos(n)[0];
	p->pos.y = ND_pos(n)[1];
	p->bb.LL.x = p->pos.x - w2;
	p->bb.LL.y = p->pos.y - h2;
	p->bb.UR.x = p->pos.x + w2;
	p->bb.UR.y = p->pos.y + h2;
	p->wd2 = w2;
	p->ht2 = h2;
	p->np = n;

    if (equal < 0) {
	s.x = s.y = compress(nlist, nnodes);
	if (s.x == 0) {		/* overlaps exist */
	    return 0;
	fprintf(stderr, "compress %g \n", s.x);
    } else {
	aarr = mkOverlapSet(nlist, nnodes, &m);

	if (m == 0) {		/* no overlaps */
	    return 0;

	if (equal) {
	    s.x = s.y = computeScale(aarr, m);
	} else {
	    s = computeScaleXY(aarr, m);

    p = nlist;
    for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {
	ND_pos(p->np)[0] = s.x * p->pos.x;
	ND_pos(p->np)[1] = s.y * p->pos.y;

    return 1;
Beispiel #22
/* _write_plain:
void write_plain(GVJ_t * job, graph_t * g, FILE * f, boolean extend)
    int i, j, splinePoints;
    char *tport, *hport;
    node_t *n;
    edge_t *e;
    bezier bz;
    pointf pt;
    char *lbl;
    char* fillcolor;

    putstr = g->clos->>putstr;
//    setup_graph(job, g);
    pt = GD_bb(g).UR;
    printdouble(f, "graph ", job->zoom);
    printdouble(f, " ", PS2INCH(pt.x));
    printdouble(f, " ", PS2INCH(pt.y));
    agputc('\n', f);
    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	if (IS_CLUST_NODE(n))
	printstring(f, "node ", agcanonStr(agnameof(n)));
	printpoint(f, ND_coord(n));
	if (ND_label(n)->html)   /* if html, get original text */
	    lbl = agcanonStr (agxget(n, N_label));
	    lbl = canon(agraphof(n),ND_label(n)->text);
        printdouble(f, " ", ND_width(n));
        printdouble(f, " ", ND_height(n));
        printstring(f, " ", lbl);
	printstring(f, " ", late_nnstring(n, N_style, "solid"));
	printstring(f, " ", ND_shape(n)->name);
	printstring(f, " ", late_nnstring(n, N_color, DEFAULT_COLOR));
	fillcolor = late_nnstring(n, N_fillcolor, "");
        if (fillcolor[0] == '\0')
	    fillcolor = late_nnstring(n, N_color, DEFAULT_FILL);
	printstring(f, " ", fillcolor);
	agputc('\n', f);
    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g, e)) {

	    if (extend) {		//assuming these two attrs have already been created by cgraph
		if (!(tport = agget(e,"tailport")))
		    tport = "";
		if (!(hport = agget(e,"headport")))
		    hport = "";
		tport = hport = "";
	    if (ED_spl(e)) {
		splinePoints = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < ED_spl(e)->size; i++) {
		    bz = ED_spl(e)->list[i];
		    splinePoints += bz.size;
		printstring(f, NULL, "edge");
		writenodeandport(f, agtail(e), tport);
		writenodeandport(f, aghead(e), hport);
		printint(f, " ", splinePoints);
		for (i = 0; i < ED_spl(e)->size; i++) {
		    bz = ED_spl(e)->list[i];
		    for (j = 0; j < bz.size; j++)
			printpoint(f, bz.list[j]);
	    if (ED_label(e)) {
		printstring(f, " ", canon(agraphof(agtail(e)),ED_label(e)->text));
		printpoint(f, ED_label(e)->pos);
	    printstring(f, " ", late_nnstring(e, E_style, "solid"));
	    printstring(f, " ", late_nnstring(e, E_color, DEFAULT_COLOR));
	    agputc('\n', f);
    agputs("stop\n", f);
Beispiel #23
void attach_attrs_and_arrows(graph_t* g, int* sp, int* ep)
    int e_arrows;		/* graph has edges with end arrows */
    int s_arrows;		/* graph has edges with start arrows */
    int i, j, sides;
    char buf[BUFSIZ];		/* Used only for small strings */
    unsigned char xbuffer[BUFSIZ];	/* Initial buffer for xb */
    agxbuf xb;
    node_t *n;
    edge_t *e;
    pointf ptf;
    int dim3 = (GD_odim(g) >= 3);
    Agsym_t* bbsym;

    gv_fixLocale (1);
    e_arrows = s_arrows = 0;
    agxbinit(&xb, BUFSIZ, xbuffer);
    safe_dcl(g, AGNODE, "pos", "");
    safe_dcl(g, AGNODE, "rects", "");
    N_width = safe_dcl(g, AGNODE, "width", "");
    N_height = safe_dcl(g, AGNODE, "height", "");
    safe_dcl(g, AGEDGE, "pos", "");
    if (GD_has_labels(g) & NODE_XLABEL)
	safe_dcl(g, AGNODE, "xlp", "");
    if (GD_has_labels(g) & EDGE_LABEL)
	safe_dcl(g, AGEDGE, "lp", "");
    if (GD_has_labels(g) & EDGE_XLABEL)
	safe_dcl(g, AGEDGE, "xlp", "");
    if (GD_has_labels(g) & HEAD_LABEL)
	safe_dcl(g, AGEDGE, "head_lp", "");
    if (GD_has_labels(g) & TAIL_LABEL)
	safe_dcl(g, AGEDGE, "tail_lp", "");
    if (GD_label(g)) {
	safe_dcl(g, AGRAPH, "lp", "");
	safe_dcl(g, AGRAPH, "lwidth", "");
	safe_dcl(g, AGRAPH, "lheight", "");
	if (GD_label(g)->text[0]) {
	    ptf = GD_label(g)->pos;
	    sprintf(buf, "%.5g,%.5g", ptf.x, YDIR(ptf.y));
	    agset(g, "lp", buf);
	    ptf = GD_label(g)->dimen;
	    sprintf(buf, "%.2f", PS2INCH(ptf.x));
	    agset(g, "lwidth", buf);
	    sprintf(buf, "%.2f", PS2INCH(ptf.y));
	    agset(g, "lheight", buf);
    bbsym = safe_dcl(g, AGRAPH, "bb", "");
    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
	if (dim3) {
	    int k;

	    sprintf(buf, "%.5g,%.5g,%.5g", ND_coord(n).x, YDIR(ND_coord(n).y), POINTS_PER_INCH*(ND_pos(n)[2]));
	    agxbput (&xb, buf);
	    for (k = 3; k < GD_odim(g); k++) {
		sprintf(buf, ",%.5g", POINTS_PER_INCH*(ND_pos(n)[k]));
		agxbput (&xb, buf);
	    agset(n, "pos", agxbuse(&xb));
	} else {
	    sprintf(buf, "%.5g,%.5g", ND_coord(n).x, YDIR(ND_coord(n).y));
	    agset(n, "pos", buf);
	sprintf(buf, "%.5g", PS2INCH(ND_ht(n)));
	agxset(n, N_height, buf);
	sprintf(buf, "%.5g", PS2INCH(ND_lw(n) + ND_rw(n)));
	agxset(n, N_width, buf);
	if (ND_xlabel(n) && ND_xlabel(n)->set) {
	    ptf = ND_xlabel(n)->pos;
	    sprintf(buf, "%.5g,%.5g", ptf.x, YDIR(ptf.y));
	    agset(n, "xlp", buf);
	if (strcmp(ND_shape(n)->name, "record") == 0) {
	    set_record_rects(n, ND_shape_info(n), &xb);
	    agxbpop(&xb);	/* get rid of last space */
	    agset(n, "rects", agxbuse(&xb));
	} else {
	    polygon_t *poly;
	    int i;
	    if (N_vertices && isPolygon(n)) {
		poly = (polygon_t *) ND_shape_info(n);
		sides = poly->sides;
		if (sides < 3) {
		    char *p = agget(n, "samplepoints");
		    if (p)
			sides = atoi(p);
			sides = 8;
		    if (sides < 3)
			sides = 8;
		for (i = 0; i < sides; i++) {
		    if (i > 0)
			agxbputc(&xb, ' ');
		    if (poly->sides >= 3)
			sprintf(buf, "%.5g %.5g",
			sprintf(buf, "%.5g %.5g",
				ND_width(n) / 2.0 * cos(i / (double) sides * M_PI * 2.0),
				YFDIR(ND_height(n) / 2.0 * sin(i / (double) sides * M_PI * 2.0)));
		    agxbput(&xb, buf);
		agxset(n, N_vertices, agxbuse(&xb));
	if (State >= GVSPLINES) {
	    for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g, e)) {
		if (ED_edge_type(e) == IGNORED)
		if (ED_spl(e) == NULL)
		    continue;	/* reported in postproc */
		for (i = 0; i < ED_spl(e)->size; i++) {
		    if (i > 0)
			agxbputc(&xb, ';');
		    if (ED_spl(e)->list[i].sflag) {
			s_arrows = 1;
			sprintf(buf, "s,%.5g,%.5g ",
			agxbput(&xb, buf);
		    if (ED_spl(e)->list[i].eflag) {
			e_arrows = 1;
			sprintf(buf, "e,%.5g,%.5g ",
			agxbput(&xb, buf);
		    for (j = 0; j < ED_spl(e)->list[i].size; j++) {
			if (j > 0)
			    agxbputc(&xb, ' ');
			ptf = ED_spl(e)->list[i].list[j];
			sprintf(buf, "%.5g,%.5g", ptf.x, YDIR(ptf.y));
			agxbput(&xb, buf);
		agset(e, "pos", agxbuse(&xb));
		if (ED_label(e)) {
		    ptf = ED_label(e)->pos;
		    sprintf(buf, "%.5g,%.5g", ptf.x, YDIR(ptf.y));
		    agset(e, "lp", buf);
		if (ED_xlabel(e) && ED_xlabel(e)->set) {
		    ptf = ED_xlabel(e)->pos;
		    sprintf(buf, "%.5g,%.5g", ptf.x, YDIR(ptf.y));
		    agset(e, "xlp", buf);
		if (ED_head_label(e)) {
		    ptf = ED_head_label(e)->pos;
		    sprintf(buf, "%.5g,%.5g", ptf.x, YDIR(ptf.y));
		    agset(e, "head_lp", buf);
		if (ED_tail_label(e)) {
		    ptf = ED_tail_label(e)->pos;
		    sprintf(buf, "%.5g,%.5g", ptf.x, YDIR(ptf.y));
		    agset(e, "tail_lp", buf);
    rec_attach_bb(g, bbsym);

    if (HAS_CLUST_EDGE(g))
    *sp = s_arrows;
    *ep = e_arrows;
    gv_fixLocale (0);