Beispiel #1
void Broadcast_Setup( const char *dest ){
	address_t address;
	char sMsg[1024];

	Net_StringToAddress( dest, &address );
	brdcst_socket = Net_Connect( &address, 0 );
	if ( brdcst_socket ) {
		// send in a header
		sprintf( sMsg, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><q3map_feedback version=\"" Q3MAP_STREAM_VERSION "\">" );
		NMSG_Clear( &msg );
		NMSG_WriteString( &msg, sMsg );
		Net_Send( brdcst_socket, &msg );
Beispiel #2
// send a node down the stream, add it to the document
void xml_SendNode (xmlNodePtr node)
  xmlBufferPtr xml_buf;
  char xmlbuf[MAX_NETMESSAGE]; // we have to copy content from the xmlBufferPtr into an aux buffer .. that sucks ..
  // this index loops through the node buffer
  int pos = 0;
  int size;

  xmlAddChild( doc->children, node );

  if (brdcst_socket)
    xml_buf = xmlBufferCreate();
    xmlNodeDump( xml_buf, doc, node, 0, 0 );

    // the XML node might be too big to fit in a single network message
    // l_net library defines an upper limit of MAX_NETMESSAGE
    // there are some size check errors, so we use MAX_NETMESSAGE-10 to be safe
    // if the size of the buffer exceeds MAX_NETMESSAGE-10 we'll send in several network messages
    while (pos < (int)xml_buf->use)
      // what size are we gonna send now?
      (xml_buf->use - pos < MAX_NETMESSAGE - 10) ? (size = xml_buf->use - pos) : (size = MAX_NETMESSAGE - 10);
      //++timo just a debug thing
      if (size == MAX_NETMESSAGE - 10)
        Sys_FPrintf (SYS_NOXML, "Got to split the buffer\n");
      memcpy( xmlbuf, xml_buf->content+pos, size);
      xmlbuf[size] = '\0';
      NMSG_Clear( &msg );
      NMSG_WriteString (&msg, xmlbuf );
      Net_Send(brdcst_socket, &msg );
      // now that the thing is sent prepare to loop again
      pos += size;

#if 0
    // NOTE: the NMSG_WriteString is limited to MAX_NETMESSAGE
    // we will need to split into chunks
    // (we could also go lower level, in the end it's using send and receiv which are not size limited)
    //++timo FIXME: MAX_NETMESSAGE is not exactly the max size we can stick in the message
    //  there's some tweaking to do in l_net for that .. so let's give us a margin for now

    //++timo we need to handle the case of a buffer too big to fit in a single message
    // try without checks for now
    if (xml_buf->use > MAX_NETMESSAGE-10 )
      // if we send that we are probably gonna break the stream at the other end..
      // and Error will call right there
      //Error( "MAX_NETMESSAGE exceeded for XML feedback stream in FPrintf (%d)\n", xml_buf->use);
      Sys_FPrintf (SYS_NOXML, "MAX_NETMESSAGE exceeded for XML feedback stream in FPrintf (%d)\n", xml_buf->use);
      xml_buf->content[xml_buf->use]='\0'; //++timo this corrupts the buffer but we don't care it's for printing
      Sys_FPrintf (SYS_NOXML, xml_buf->content);


    size = xml_buf->use;
    memcpy( xmlbuf, xml_buf->content, size );
    xmlbuf[size] = '\0';
    NMSG_Clear( &msg );
    NMSG_WriteString (&msg, xmlbuf );
    Net_Send(brdcst_socket, &msg );

    xmlBufferFree( xml_buf );