Beispiel #1
static void
stop (NMDHCPClient *client, gboolean release, const GByteArray *duid)
	NMDHCPDhcpcdPrivate *priv = NM_DHCP_DHCPCD_GET_PRIVATE (client);

	/* Chain up to parent */
	NM_DHCP_CLIENT_CLASS (nm_dhcp_dhcpcd_parent_class)->stop (client, release, duid);

	if (priv->pid_file)
		remove (priv->pid_file);

	/* FIXME: implement release... */
static void
nm_dhcp_systemd_class_init (NMDhcpSystemdClass *sdhcp_class)
	NMDhcpClientClass *client_class = NM_DHCP_CLIENT_CLASS (sdhcp_class);
	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (sdhcp_class);

	g_type_class_add_private (sdhcp_class, sizeof (NMDhcpSystemdPrivate));

	/* virtual methods */
	object_class->dispose = dispose;

	client_class->ip4_start = ip4_start;
	client_class->ip6_start = ip6_start;
	client_class->stop = stop;
static void
stop (NMDhcpClient *client, gboolean release, const GByteArray *duid)
	NMDhcpDhcpcdPrivate *priv = NM_DHCP_DHCPCD_GET_PRIVATE (client);

	/* Chain up to parent */
	NM_DHCP_CLIENT_CLASS (nm_dhcp_dhcpcd_parent_class)->stop (client, release, duid);

	if (priv->pid_file) {
		if (remove (priv->pid_file) == -1)
			nm_log_dbg (LOGD_DHCP, "Could not remove dhcp pid file \"%s\": %d (%s)", priv->pid_file, errno, g_strerror (errno));

	/* FIXME: implement release... */