Beispiel #1
void EJBindingImage::endLoad(EJTexture * tex) {
	loading = false;
	texture = tex;

	if( tex->textureId ) {
		EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("load") ,0 ,NULL);
	else {
		EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("error") ,0 ,NULL);
EJCanvasContext::EJCanvasContext(short widthp, short heightp) : viewFrameBuffer(0), viewRenderBuffer(0), msaaFrameBuffer(0), msaaRenderBuffer(0), stencilBuffer(0),vertexBufferIndex(0)
	memset(stateStack, 0, sizeof(stateStack));
	stateIndex = 0;
	state = &stateStack[stateIndex];
	state->globalAlpha = 1;
	state->globalCompositeOperation = kEJCompositeOperationSourceOver;
	state->transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
	state->lineWidth = 1;
	state->lineCap = kEJLineCapButt;
	state->lineJoin = kEJLineJoinMiter;
	state->miterLimit = 10;
	state->textBaseline = kEJTextBaselineAlphabetic;
	state->textAlign = kEJTextAlignStart;
	//state->font = [[UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:10] retain];
	state->font = new UIFont(NSStringMake("simsun.ttc"),32);
	state->clipPath = NULL;
	setScreenSize(widthp, heightp);
	path = new EJPath();
	backingStoreRatio = 1;
	fontCache = new NSCache();
	imageSmoothingEnabled = true;
	msaaEnabled = false;
	msaaSamples = 2;
Beispiel #3
JSValueRef EJApp::loadModuleWithId(NSString * moduleId, JSValueRef module, JSValueRef exports)
    NSString * path = NSStringMake(moduleId->getCString() + string(".js"));
    NSString * script = NSString::createWithContentsOfFile(pathForResource(path)->getCString());

    if( !script ) {
        NSLog("Error: Can't Find Module %s", moduleId->getCString() );
        return NULL;

    NSLog("Loading Module: %s", moduleId->getCString() );

    JSStringRef scriptJS = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(script->getCString());
    JSStringRef pathJS = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(path->getCString());
    JSStringRef parameterNames[] = {

    JSValueRef exception = NULL;
    JSObjectRef func = JSObjectMakeFunction( jsGlobalContext, NULL, 2,  parameterNames, scriptJS, pathJS, 0, &exception );

    JSStringRelease( scriptJS );
    JSStringRelease( pathJS );

    if( exception ) {
        logException(exception, jsGlobalContext);
        return NULL;

    JSValueRef params[] = { module, exports };
    return invokeCallback(func, NULL, 2, params);
EJ_BIND_FUNCTION(EJBindingHttpRequest, abort, ctx, argc, argv) {
    if (connection) {
        EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("abort"), 0, NULL);
    return NULL;
Beispiel #5
EJ_BIND_FUNCTION( EJBindingCanvas, getContext, ctx, argc, argv) {

	NSLOG("Canvas.getContext('2d'), firstCanvasInstance %d, isScreenCanvas : %d", firstCanvasInstance, isScreenCanvas);

	if( argc < 1 || !JSValueToNSString(ctx, argv[0])->isEqual(NSStringMake("2d")) ) { 
		return NULL; 
	if( renderingContext ) { return jsObject; }
	ejectaInstance->currentRenderingContext = NULL;
	if( isScreenCanvas ) {
		NSLOG("get Screen Canvas Context");
		EJCanvasContextScreen * sc = new EJCanvasContextScreen(width, height);
		sc->useRetinaResolution = useRetinaResolution;
		sc->scalingMode = scalingMode;
		ejectaInstance->screenRenderingContext = sc;		
		renderingContext = (EJCanvasContext*)sc;
	else {
		NSLOG("get Texture Canvas Context");
		renderingContext = (EJCanvasContext*)(new EJCanvasContextTexture(width, height));
	renderingContext->msaaEnabled = msaaEnabled;
	renderingContext->msaaSamples = msaaSamples;
	ejectaInstance->currentRenderingContext = renderingContext;

	// Context and canvas are one and the same object, so getContext just
	// returns itself
	return jsObject;
EJ_BIND_FUNCTION(EJBindingHttpRequest, getAllResponseHeaders, ctx, argc, argv) {
    if (!response) {
        return NULL;

    NSString *headers = NSStringMake("");
    return NSStringToJSValue(ctx, headers);
Beispiel #7
EJTexture::EJTexture(int widthp, int heightp, GLenum formatp) : textureId(0), width(0), height(0), realWidth(0), realHeight(0) {
	// Create an empty texture
	contentScale = 1;
	NSString* empty = NSStringMake("[Empty]");
	fullPath = empty;
	setWidthAndHeight(widthp, heightp);
	createTextureWithPixels(NULL, formatp);
void EJBindingHttpRequest::onHttpRequestCompleted(NSObject *sender, void *data) {
    response = (EJHttpResponse *)data;

    if (!response) {

    state = kEJHttpRequestStateDone;

    // You can get original request type from: response->request->reqType
    if (0 != strlen(response->getHttpRequest()->getTag())) {
        NSLOG("%s completed", response->getHttpRequest()->getTag());

    int statusCode = response->getResponseCode();
    char statusString[64] = {};
    sprintf(statusString, "HTTP Status Code: %d, tag = %s", statusCode, response->getHttpRequest()->getTag());

    NSLOG("response code: %d", statusCode);

    if (!response->isSucceed()) {
        NSLOG("response failed");
        NSLOG("error buffer: %s", response->getErrorBuffer());
        responseBody = NULL;
        EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("loadend"), 0, NULL);
        EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("readystatechange"), 0, NULL);

    std::vector<char> *buffer = response->getResponseData();

    requestSource = kEJHttpRequestSourceHttp;
    responseBodySize = buffer->size();
    responseBody = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * responseBodySize);
    memcpy(responseBody, &((*buffer)[0]), sizeof(char) * responseBodySize);

    EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("loadend"), 0, NULL);
    EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("readystatechange"), 0, NULL);
NSString * EJBindingHttpRequest::getResponseText()
	if( !response || !responseBody ) { return NULL; }

	// NSStringEncoding encoding = NSASCIIStringEncoding;
	// if ( response.textEncodingName ) {
	// 	CFStringEncoding cfEncoding = CFStringConvertIANACharSetNameToEncoding((CFStringRef) [response textEncodingName]);
	// 	if( cfEncoding != kCFStringEncodingInvalidId ) {
	// 		encoding = CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding(cfEncoding);
	// 	}
	// }

	return NSStringMake(responseBody);
Beispiel #10
void EJApp::init(const char* path, int w, int h)


    int len = (strlen(path) + 1);
    mainBundle = (char *)malloc(len * sizeof(char));
    memset(mainBundle, 0, len);
    snprintf(mainBundle, len, "%s", path);

    height = h;
    width = w;

    // Load the initial JavaScript source files
    // loadScriptAtPath(NSStringMake(EJECTA_BOOT_JS));
EJ_BIND_SET( EJBindingCanvas,font, ctx, value) {
 	char string[64]; // Long font names are long
 	JSStringRef jsString = JSValueToStringCopy( ctx, value, NULL );
 	JSStringGetUTF8CString(jsString, string, 64);

 	// Yeah, oldschool!
 	float size = 0;
 	char name[64];
 	sscanf( string, "%fp%*[tx] %63s", &size, name); // matches: 10.5p[tx] helvetica
 	UIFont * newFont = new UIFont(NSStringMake("droidsans.ttf"),size);
 	if( newFont ) {
 	 	renderingContext->state->font = newFont;

Beispiel #12
EJTexture::EJTexture(int widthp, int heightp, GLubyte * pixels) : textureId(0), width(0), height(0), realWidth(0), realHeight(0) {
	// Creates a texture with the given pixels

	contentScale = 1;
	NSString* empty = NSStringMake("[From Pixels]");
	fullPath = empty;
	setWidthAndHeight(widthp, heightp);
	if( width != realWidth || height != realHeight ) {
		GLubyte * pixelsPow2 = (GLubyte *)calloc( realWidth * realHeight * 4, sizeof(GLubyte) );
		for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) {
			memcpy( &pixelsPow2[y*realWidth*4], &pixels[y*width*4], width * 4 );
		createTextureWithPixels(pixelsPow2, GL_RGBA);
	else {
		createTextureWithPixels(pixels, GL_RGBA);
Beispiel #13
JSClassRef EJBindingBase::getJSClass (EJBindingBase* ej_obj){
	// Gather all class methods that return C callbacks for this class or it's parents
	NSDictionary * methods = new NSDictionary();
	NSDictionary * properties = new NSDictionary();

	string base_obj = ej_obj->toString();

	NSObjectFactory::fuc_map_type* base = NSObjectFactory::getFunctionMap();
	for(NSObjectFactory::fuc_map_type::iterator it = base->begin(); it != base->end(); it++)
		string name = it->first;
		string base_obj_tmp = base_obj;
		if( name.find("_func_") != string::npos ) {
			int pos = name.find("_func_");
			int is_member_func = name.find(base_obj_tmp);
			bool n_pos = (is_member_func == string::npos);
			while(n_pos) {
				EJBindingBase* pClass = (EJBindingBase*)NSClassFromString(base_obj_tmp);
				base_obj_tmp = pClass->superclass();
				is_member_func = name.find(base_obj_tmp);
				if ((is_member_func != string::npos) || (base_obj_tmp.find("EJBindingBase") != string::npos))
					n_pos = false;
			if (is_member_func != string::npos)
			   	methods->setObject(NSStringMake(name.substr(pos + strlen("_func_"))), name);
		else if( name.find("_get_") != string::npos ) {
			int pos = name.find("_get_");
			int is_member_func = name.find(base_obj_tmp);
			bool n_pos = (is_member_func == string::npos);
			while(n_pos) {
				EJBindingBase* pClass = (EJBindingBase*)NSClassFromString(base_obj_tmp);
				base_obj_tmp = pClass->superclass();
				is_member_func = name.find(base_obj_tmp);
				if ((is_member_func != string::npos) || (base_obj_tmp.find("EJBindingBase") != string::npos))
					n_pos = false;
			if (is_member_func != string::npos)
				// We only look for getters - a property that has a setter, but no getter will be ignored
			  	properties->setObject(NSStringMake(name.substr(pos + strlen("_get_"))), name);
	// Set up the JSStaticValue struct array
	JSStaticValue * values = (JSStaticValue *)calloc( properties->count() + 1, sizeof(JSStaticValue) );
	int i = 0;
	NSDictElement* pElement = NULL;
	NSObject* pObject = NULL;

	NSDICT_FOREACH(properties, pElement)
		pObject = pElement->getObject()->copy();
		string key_name = pElement->getStrKey();
	    NSString* name = (NSString*)pObject;

		char * nameData = NSDataFromString( name );
		char** p_name = const_cast<char**>(&values[i].name);
		*p_name = nameData;
		values[i].attributes = kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete;
		SEL get = NSSelectorFromString(key_name);
		values[i].getProperty = (JSObjectGetPropertyCallback)get;
		// Property has a setter? Otherwise mark as read only
		int pos = key_name.find("_get_");
		key_name = key_name.replace(pos, strlen("_get_"), "_set_");
		SEL set = NSSelectorFromString(key_name);
		if( set ) {
			values[i].setProperty = (JSObjectSetPropertyCallback)set;
		else {
			values[i].attributes |= kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly;

EJ_BIND_FUNCTION(EJBindingHttpRequest, send, ctx, argc, argv) {
    if (!method || !url) { return NULL; }
    NSLOG("XHR: URL %s ", url->getCString());
    Uri u0 = Uri::Parse(string(url->getCString()));
    std::string host = u0.Host;
    EJHttpRequest* request = new EJHttpRequest();
    // if( ! ) {
    //      No host? Assume we have a local file
    // 	requestUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[EJApp instance] pathForResource:url]];
    // }

    if (host.empty()) {
        NSLOG("no host");
        return NULL;
    // NSURL * requestUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:url];

    // NSMutableURLRequest * request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:requestUrl];
    // [request setHTTPMethod:method];

    // for( NSString * header in requestHeaders ) {
    // 	[request setValue:[requestHeaders objectForKey:header] forHTTPHeaderField:header];
    // }

    // if( argc > 0 ) {
    // 	NSString * requestBody = JSValueToNSString( ctx, argv[0] );
    // 	NSData * requestData = [NSData dataWithBytes:[requestBody UTF8String] length:[requestBody length]];
    // 	[request setHTTPBody:requestData];
    // }

    // if( timeout ) {
    // 	NSTimeInterval timeoutSeconds = (float)timeout/1000.0f;
    // 	[request setTimeoutInterval:timeoutSeconds];
    // }	

    if (method->isEqual(NSStringMake("GET"))) {
    } else if (method->isEqual(NSStringMake("POST"))) {
    } else if (method->isEqual(NSStringMake("PUT"))) {
    } else if (method->isEqual(NSStringMake("DELETE"))) {
    } else {
    request->setResponseCallback(this, callfuncND_selector(EJBindingHttpRequest::onHttpRequestCompleted));

    connection = EJHttpClient::getInstance();

    NSLOG("XHR: %s %s", method->getCString(), url->getCString());
    EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("loadstart"), 0, NULL);

    // if( async ) {
    // 	state = kEJHttpRequestStateLoading;
    // 	connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self];
    // }
    // else {	
    // 	NSData * data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:nil];
    // 	responseBody = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithData:data];
    // 	[response retain];

    // 	state = kEJHttpRequestStateDone;
    // 	if( [response isKindOfClass:[NSHTTPURLResponse class]] ) {
    // 		NSHTTPURLResponse * urlResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse *)response;
    // 		if( urlResponse.statusCode == 200 ) {
    // 			[self triggerEvent:@"load" argc:0 argv:NULL];
    // 		}
    // 	}
    // 	else {
    // 		[self triggerEvent:@"load" argc:0 argv:NULL];
    // 	}
    // 	[self triggerEvent:@"loadend" argc:0 argv:NULL];
    // 	[self triggerEvent:@"readystatechange" argc:0 argv:NULL];
    // }
    // [request release];

    state = kEJHttpRequestStateLoading;
    EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("load"), 0, NULL);

    return NULL;
void EJBindingHttpRequest::loadLocalhost() {

    state = kEJHttpRequestStateLoading;
    // No host? Assume we have a local file        
    EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("loadstart"), 0, NULL);
    EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("load"), 0, NULL);

    // Check file from cache - /data/data/
    NSString *urlPath = EJApp::instance()->pathForResource(url);
    unsigned long size = 0;
    unsigned char *pData = 0;
    NSLOG("Search data: %s", urlPath->getCString());
    pData = NSString::createFileData(urlPath->getCString(), "rb", &size);

    if (pData) {
        // Data was found
        NSLOG("Data found in data/data");
        requestSource = kEJHttpRequestSourceData;
        responseBodySize = size;
        responseBody = (char *)pData;
    } else {
        NSLOG("Checking in bundle");
        // Check file from main bundle - /assets/EJECTA_APP_FOLDER/
        if (EJApp::instance()->aassetManager == NULL) {
            NSLOG("Error loading asset manager");

        const char *filename = urlPath->getCString(); // "dirname/filename.ext";

        // Open file
        AAsset *asset = AAssetManager_open(EJApp::instance()->aassetManager, filename, AASSET_MODE_UNKNOWN);
        if (NULL == asset) {
            NSLOG("Error: Cannot find script %s", filename);

        long size = AAsset_getLength(asset);
        unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * size);
        int result = AAsset_read(asset, buffer, size);

        if (result < 0) {
            NSLOG("Error reading file %s", filename);

        requestSource = kEJHttpRequestSourceAssets;
        responseBodySize = result;
        responseBody = (char *)buffer;
    state = kEJHttpRequestStateDone;
    // A response Object was never added to the response queue so we do not have
    // anything to clean on the network thread, but we must create a fake response
    // to hold the response code etc.
    // Set a response code and emit events
    response = new EJHttpResponse(NULL);
    // Emit events
    EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("loadend"), 0, NULL);
    EJBindingEventedBase::triggerEvent(NSStringMake("readystatechange"), 0, NULL);
Beispiel #16
NSString * EJApp::pathForResource(NSString * resourcePath)
    string full_path = string(mainBundle) + string("/") + string(EJECTA_APP_FOLDER) + resourcePath->getCString();
    return NSStringMake(full_path);