static bool
SampleAnimations(Layer* aLayer, TimeStamp aPoint)
  AnimationArray& animations = aLayer->GetAnimations();
  InfallibleTArray<AnimData>& animationData = aLayer->GetAnimationData();

  bool activeAnimations = false;

  for (uint32_t i = animations.Length(); i-- !=0; ) {
    Animation& animation = animations[i];
    AnimData& animData = animationData[i];

    double numIterations = animation.numIterations() != -1 ?
      animation.numIterations() : NS_IEEEPositiveInfinity();
    double positionInIteration =
      ElementAnimations::GetPositionInIteration(aPoint - animation.startTime(),

    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(0.0 <= positionInIteration &&
                      positionInIteration <= 1.0,
                      "position should be in [0-1]");

    int segmentIndex = 0;
    AnimationSegment* segment = animation.segments().Elements();
    while (segment->endPortion() < positionInIteration) {

    double positionInSegment = (positionInIteration - segment->startPortion()) /
                                 (segment->endPortion() - segment->startPortion());

    double portion = animData.mFunctions[segmentIndex]->GetValue(positionInSegment);

    activeAnimations = true;

    // interpolate the property
    Animatable interpolatedValue;
    SampleValue(portion, animation, animData.mStartValues[segmentIndex],
                animData.mEndValues[segmentIndex], &interpolatedValue);
    LayerComposite* layerComposite = aLayer->AsLayerComposite();
    switch ( {
    case eCSSProperty_opacity:
    case eCSSProperty_transform:
      gfx3DMatrix matrix = interpolatedValue.get_ArrayOfTransformFunction()[0].get_TransformMatrix().value();
      if (ContainerLayer* c = aLayer->AsContainerLayer()) {
      NS_WARNING("Unhandled animated property");

  for (Layer* child = aLayer->GetFirstChild(); child;
       child = child->GetNextSibling()) {
    activeAnimations |= SampleAnimations(child, aPoint);

  return activeAnimations;
Beispiel #2
Animation::GetComputedTimingAt(const Nullable<TimeDuration>& aLocalTime,
                               const AnimationTiming& aTiming)
  const TimeDuration zeroDuration;

  // Currently we expect negative durations to be picked up during CSS
  // parsing but when we start receiving timing parameters from other sources
  // we will need to clamp negative durations here.
  // For now, if we're hitting this it probably means we're overflowing
  // integer arithmetic in mozilla::TimeStamp.
  MOZ_ASSERT(aTiming.mIterationDuration >= zeroDuration,
             "Expecting iteration duration >= 0");

  // Always return the same object to benefit from return-value optimization.
  ComputedTiming result;

  result.mActiveDuration = ActiveDuration(aTiming);

  // The default constructor for ComputedTiming sets all other members to
  // values consistent with an animation that has not been sampled.
  if (aLocalTime.IsNull()) {
    return result;
  const TimeDuration& localTime = aLocalTime.Value();

  // When we finish exactly at the end of an iteration we need to report
  // the end of the final iteration and not the start of the next iteration
  // so we set up a flag for that case.
  bool isEndOfFinalIteration = false;

  // Get the normalized time within the active interval.
  StickyTimeDuration activeTime;
  if (localTime >= aTiming.mDelay + result.mActiveDuration) {
    result.mPhase = ComputedTiming::AnimationPhase_After;
    if (!aTiming.FillsForwards()) {
      // The animation isn't active or filling at this time.
      result.mTimeFraction = ComputedTiming::kNullTimeFraction;
      return result;
    activeTime = result.mActiveDuration;
    // Note that infinity == floor(infinity) so this will also be true when we
    // have finished an infinitely repeating animation of zero duration.
    isEndOfFinalIteration =
      aTiming.mIterationCount != 0.0 &&
      aTiming.mIterationCount == floor(aTiming.mIterationCount);
  } else if (localTime < aTiming.mDelay) {
    result.mPhase = ComputedTiming::AnimationPhase_Before;
    if (!aTiming.FillsBackwards()) {
      // The animation isn't active or filling at this time.
      result.mTimeFraction = ComputedTiming::kNullTimeFraction;
      return result;
    // activeTime is zero
  } else {
    MOZ_ASSERT(result.mActiveDuration != zeroDuration,
               "How can we be in the middle of a zero-duration interval?");
    result.mPhase = ComputedTiming::AnimationPhase_Active;
    activeTime = localTime - aTiming.mDelay;

  // Get the position within the current iteration.
  StickyTimeDuration iterationTime;
  if (aTiming.mIterationDuration != zeroDuration) {
    iterationTime = isEndOfFinalIteration
                    ? StickyTimeDuration(aTiming.mIterationDuration)
                    : activeTime % aTiming.mIterationDuration;
  } /* else, iterationTime is zero */

  // Determine the 0-based index of the current iteration.
  if (isEndOfFinalIteration) {
    result.mCurrentIteration =
      aTiming.mIterationCount == NS_IEEEPositiveInfinity()
      ? UINT64_MAX // FIXME: When we return this via the API we'll need
                   // to make sure it ends up being infinity.
      : static_cast<uint64_t>(aTiming.mIterationCount) - 1;
  } else if (activeTime == zeroDuration) {
    // If the active time is zero we're either in the first iteration
    // (including filling backwards) or we have finished an animation with an
    // iteration duration of zero that is filling forwards (but we're not at
    // the exact end of an iteration since we deal with that above).
    result.mCurrentIteration =
      result.mPhase == ComputedTiming::AnimationPhase_After
      ? static_cast<uint64_t>(aTiming.mIterationCount) // floor
      : 0;
  } else {
    result.mCurrentIteration =
      static_cast<uint64_t>(activeTime / aTiming.mIterationDuration); // floor

  // Normalize the iteration time into a fraction of the iteration duration.
  if (result.mPhase == ComputedTiming::AnimationPhase_Before) {
    result.mTimeFraction = 0.0;
  } else if (result.mPhase == ComputedTiming::AnimationPhase_After) {
    result.mTimeFraction = isEndOfFinalIteration
                         ? 1.0
                         : fmod(aTiming.mIterationCount, 1.0f);
  } else {
    // We are in the active phase so the iteration duration can't be zero.
    MOZ_ASSERT(aTiming.mIterationDuration != zeroDuration,
               "In the active phase of a zero-duration animation?");
    result.mTimeFraction =
      aTiming.mIterationDuration == TimeDuration::Forever()
      ? 0.0
      : iterationTime / aTiming.mIterationDuration;

  bool thisIterationReverse = false;
  switch (aTiming.mDirection) {
      thisIterationReverse = false;
      thisIterationReverse = true;
      thisIterationReverse = (result.mCurrentIteration & 1) == 1;
      thisIterationReverse = (result.mCurrentIteration & 1) == 0;
  if (thisIterationReverse) {
    result.mTimeFraction = 1.0 - result.mTimeFraction;

  return result;