void FroniusSimulator::readInterfaceCardHeader( unsigned char* buffer, unsigned char numBytesToRead) { CHECK_PTR(buffer); switch (command_) { case FRONIUS_CMD_GET_VERSION: assert(numBytesToRead == NUM_ELEMS(GetVersionHeader)); memcpy(buffer, GetVersionHeader, numBytesToRead); break; case FRONIUS_CMD_GET_ACTIVE_INVERTER_NUMBERS: assert(numBytesToRead == NUM_ELEMS(GetActiveInverterNumbersHeader)); memcpy(buffer, GetActiveInverterNumbersHeader, numBytesToRead); break; default: Args::dieMessage( Args::ExitSimulatorError, "Simulator: unsupported Interface Card Command: 0x%x\n", command_); break; } }
void FroniusSimulator::readInterfaceCardData( unsigned char* buffer, unsigned char numBytesToRead) { CHECK_PTR(buffer); if (command_ == FRONIUS_CMD_GET_VERSION) { assert(numBytesToRead == NUM_ELEMS(GetVersionData)); memcpy(buffer, GetVersionData, numBytesToRead); } else if (command_ == FRONIUS_CMD_GET_ACTIVE_INVERTER_NUMBERS) { assert(numBytesToRead == NUM_ELEMS(GetActiveInverterNumbersData)); memcpy(buffer, GetActiveInverterNumbersData, numBytesToRead); } else { Args::dieMessage( Args::ExitSimulatorError, "Simulator: unsupported Interface Card Command: 0x%x\n", command_); } }
// customization for mediatek modem static int isFinalResponseErrorEx(const char *line, RILChannelCtx *p_channel) { size_t i; #ifdef MTK_GEMINI int j=0; for(j=0; j<MTK_GEMINI_SIM_NUM; j++){ if( (p_channel->id == RIL_URC+j*RIL_CHANNEL_OFFSET) && (strStartsWith(line, "NO CARRIER")) ){ // [ALPS01225455]NO CARRIER in URC channel is URC, not final response for mediatek modem return 0; } } #else if( (p_channel->id == RIL_URC) && (strStartsWith(line, "NO CARRIER")) ){ // [ALPS01225455]NO CARRIER in URC channel is URC, not final response for mediatek modem return 0; } #endif for (i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS(s_finalResponsesError); i++) { if (strStartsWith(line, s_finalResponsesError[i])) { return 1; } } return 0; }
static void update_shell_folder_listview(HWND dialog) { int i; LVITEMW item; LONG lSelected = SendDlgItemMessageW(dialog, IDC_LIST_SFPATHS, LVM_GETNEXTITEM, -1, MAKELPARAM(LVNI_SELECTED,0)); SendDlgItemMessageW(dialog, IDC_LIST_SFPATHS, LVM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0); for (i=0; i<NUM_ELEMS(asfiInfo); i++) { WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr; LPITEMIDLIST pidlCurrent; /* Some acrobatic to get the localized name of the shell folder */ hr = SHGetFolderLocation(dialog, asfiInfo[i].nFolder, NULL, 0, &pidlCurrent); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LPSHELLFOLDER psfParent; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlLast; hr = SHBindToParent(pidlCurrent, &IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&psfParent, &pidlLast); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { STRRET strRet; hr = IShellFolder_GetDisplayNameOf(psfParent, pidlLast, SHGDN_FORADDRESSBAR, &strRet); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = StrRetToBufW(&strRet, pidlLast, buffer, MAX_PATH); } IShellFolder_Release(psfParent); } ILFree(pidlCurrent); } /* If there's a dangling symlink for the current shell folder, SHGetFolderLocation * will fail above. We fall back to the (non-verified) path of the shell folder. */ if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = SHGetFolderPathW(dialog, asfiInfo[i].nFolder|CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, buffer); } item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = i; item.iSubItem = 0; item.pszText = buffer; item.lParam = (LPARAM)&asfiInfo[i]; SendDlgItemMessageW(dialog, IDC_LIST_SFPATHS, LVM_INSERTITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&item); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = i; item.iSubItem = 1; item.pszText = strdupU2W(asfiInfo[i].szLinkTarget); SendDlgItemMessageW(dialog, IDC_LIST_SFPATHS, LVM_SETITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&item); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, item.pszText); } /* Ensure that the previously selected item is selected again. */ if (lSelected >= 0) { item.mask = LVIF_STATE; item.state = LVIS_SELECTED; item.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED; SendDlgItemMessageW(dialog, IDC_LIST_SFPATHS, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, lSelected, (LPARAM)&item); } }
eng_cmd_type eng_cmd_get_type(int cmd) { if (cmd <= NUM_ELEMS(eng_linuxcmd)) return eng_linuxcmd[cmd].type; else return CMD_INVALID_TYPE; }
const char *rfh_toktype_to_s(rfh_toktype_t toktype) { static struct { rfh_toktype_t toktype; const char *str; } toktype_map[] = { ENUM_TUPLE(TT_TOKEN), ENUM_TUPLE(TT_UNESCAPED_QUOTE), ENUM_TUPLE(TT_ILLEGAL_QUOTE), ENUM_TUPLE(TT_UNEXPECTED_EOS), ENUM_TUPLE(TT_TOKEN_TRUNCATED), ENUM_TUPLE(TT_INTERNAL_ERROR), ENUM_TUPLE(TT_ALLOC_FAILURE), ENUM_TUPLE(TT_END), }; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS(toktype_map); ++i) if (toktype_map[i].toktype == toktype) return toktype_map[i].str; return ""; }
static void check_event_1 (void) { static const char *NORMAL_ARGV[] = { "testlwes-event-counting-listener", "-m", TEST_LLOG_ADDRESS, "-p", TEST_LLOG_PORT, "-i", TEST_LLOG_INTERFACE, }; static int NORMAL_ARGC = NUM_ELEMS (NORMAL_ARGV); /* this will totally not work if the order changes, or the SenderPort SenderIP or ReceiptTime are not the lengths represented here */ const char *output = "TypeChecker[12]\n" "{\n" "\tanIPAddress =;\n" "\tanInt16 = -1;\n" "\tanInt64 = -1;\n" "\tReceiptTime = \1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1;\n" "\tSenderIP = \1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1;\n" "\taUInt32 = 4294967295;\n" "\taUInt16 = 65535;\n" "\taUInt64 = 18446744073709551615;\n" "\tSenderPort = \1\1\1\1\1;\n" "\taBoolean = true;\n" "\taString = \"http://www.test.com\";\n" "\tanInt32 = -1;\n" "}\n"; fork_and_wait (NORMAL_ARGC, NORMAL_ARGV, 500, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, output, NULL); }
int eng_linuxcmd_hdlr(int cmd, char *req, char* rsp) { if(cmd >= (int)NUM_ELEMS(eng_linuxcmd)) { ENG_LOG("%s: no handler for cmd%d",__FUNCTION__, cmd); return -1; } return eng_linuxcmd[cmd].cmd_hdlr(req, rsp); }
static int test_full() { char *spec[] = { "10s:1m", "1m:5m", }; TEST(murmur_create(PATH, NUM_ELEMS(spec), spec, agg_average, 0) == 0); struct murmur *mmr = murmur_open(PATH); TEST(mmr != NULL); mmr_test_time = 1000; double val = 100; time_t at = mmr_test_time; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { TEST(murmur_set(mmr, at, val) == 0); val += 100; at -= 10; } // Start at 1: don't overwrite the propogated value from above // Go to 5: we only store 5 minutes of backlog for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { TEST(murmur_set(mmr, at, val) == 0); val += 100; at -= 60; } // This little bit of maths finds the highest timestamp that // will be contained in the archive given that we started at 1000. // // In reality, murmur won't let us go past the current timestamp, but // ignore that crap for testing purposes. // // Basically, the math reads: // 1) To find the start, we need to know where the intervals line up: 1000%60 // 2) That's the distance we are from the start of this interval, // but we need to get to the start of the NEXT interval, and were already ans // seconds into this interval, so that start is: 60-ans // 3) Add our base time back in: 1000+ans // 4) That puts us at the start of the next interval, to get to the end of ours: ans-1 at = (1000+(60-(1000%60)))-1; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { M_INFO("------------"); for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { TEST(_murmur_arch_get(mmr, mmr->archives + 1, at, &val) == 0); M_INFO("@%ld = %f", at, val); at -= 10; } } murmur_close(mmr); return 0; }
static int isSMSUnsolicited(const char *line) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS(s_smsUnsoliciteds); i++) { if (strStartsWith(line, s_smsUnsoliciteds[i])) { return 1; } } return 0; }
static int isIntermediatePattern(const char *line) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS(s_IntermediatePattern); i++) { if (!strcmp(line, s_IntermediatePattern[i])) { return 1; } } return 0; }
static int isFinalResponseSuccess(const char *line) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS(s_finalResponsesSuccess); i++) { if (strStartsWith(line, s_finalResponsesSuccess[i])) { return 1; } } return 0; }
static void apply_shell_folder_changes(void) { WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH]; char szBackupPath[FILENAME_MAX], szUnixPath[FILENAME_MAX], *pszUnixPath = NULL; int i; struct stat statPath; HRESULT hr; for (i=0; i<NUM_ELEMS(asfiInfo); i++) { /* Ignore nonexistent link targets */ if (asfiInfo[i].szLinkTarget[0] && stat(asfiInfo[i].szLinkTarget, &statPath)) continue; hr = SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, asfiInfo[i].nFolder|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, wszPath); if (FAILED(hr)) continue; /* Retrieve the corresponding unix path. */ pszUnixPath = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszPath); if (!pszUnixPath) continue; lstrcpyA(szUnixPath, pszUnixPath); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszUnixPath); /* Derive name for folder backup. */ lstrcpyA(szBackupPath, szUnixPath); lstrcatA(szBackupPath, ".winecfg"); if (lstat(szUnixPath, &statPath)) continue; /* Move old folder/link out of the way. */ if (S_ISLNK(statPath.st_mode)) { if (unlink(szUnixPath)) continue; /* Unable to remove link. */ } else { if (!*asfiInfo[i].szLinkTarget) { continue; /* We are done. Old was real folder, as new shall be. */ } else { if (rename(szUnixPath, szBackupPath)) { /* Move folder out of the way. */ continue; /* Unable to move old folder. */ } } } /* Create new link/folder. */ if (*asfiInfo[i].szLinkTarget) { symlink(asfiInfo[i].szLinkTarget, szUnixPath); } else { /* If there's a backup folder, restore it. Else create new folder. */ if (!lstat(szBackupPath, &statPath) && S_ISDIR(statPath.st_mode)) { rename(szBackupPath, szUnixPath); } else { mkdir(szUnixPath, 0777); } } } }
static void check_opt_help (void) { static const char *HELP_ARGV[] = { "testlwes-event-testing-emitter", "-h", }; static int HELP_ARGC = NUM_ELEMS (HELP_ARGV); fork_and_wait (HELP_ARGC, HELP_ARGV, 500, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, help); }
static int isFinalResponseSuccess(const char *line) { size_t i; for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_ELEMS(s_finalResponsesSuccess) ; i++) { if (!line[1] && line[0] == s_finalResponsesSuccess[i][0]) { return 1; } } return 0; }
static void check_opt_bad (void) { static const char *BOGUS_ARGV[] = { "testlwes-event-testing-emitter", "-z", }; static int BOGUS_ARGC = NUM_ELEMS (BOGUS_ARGV); const char *error = "error: unrecognized command line option -z\n"; fork_and_wait (BOGUS_ARGC, BOGUS_ARGV, 500, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, error); }
/** * RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG */ void requestGSMSetBroadcastSMSConfig(void *data, size_t datalen, RIL_Token t) { ATResponse *atresponse = NULL; int err, count, i; char *cmd, *tmp, *mids = NULL; RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo **configInfoArray = (RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo **) data; RIL_GSM_BroadcastSmsConfigInfo *configInfo = NULL; count = NUM_ELEMS(configInfoArray); LOGI("Number of MID ranges in BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG: %d", count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { configInfo = configInfoArray[i]; /* No support for "Not accepted mids" in AT */ if (configInfo->selected) { tmp = mids; asprintf(&mids, "%s%d-%d%s", (tmp ? tmp : ""), configInfo->fromServiceId, configInfo->toServiceId, (i == (count - 1) ? "" : ",")); /* Last one? Skip comma */ free(tmp); } } if (mids == NULL) goto error; asprintf(&cmd, "AT+CSCB=0,\"%s\"", mids); free(mids); err = at_send_command(cmd, &atresponse); free(cmd); if (err < 0 || atresponse->success == 0) goto error; RIL_onRequestComplete(t, RIL_E_SUCCESS, NULL, 0); goto exit; error: RIL_onRequestComplete(t, RIL_E_GENERIC_FAILURE, NULL, 0); exit: at_response_free(atresponse); }
static void check_opt_bad (void) { static const char *BOGUS_ARGV[] = { "testlwes-event-printing-listener", "-z", }; static int BOGUS_ARGC = NUM_ELEMS (BOGUS_ARGV); const char *error = "error: unrecognized command line option -z\n"; /* It seems strange that lwes-event-printing-listener is supposed to go ahead and run when it gets a bad command-line argument, but that's the current behavior: */ fork_and_wait (BOGUS_ARGC, BOGUS_ARGV, 500, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, error); }
int eng_at2linux(char *buf) { int ret=-1; int i; for (i = 0 ; i < (int)NUM_ELEMS(eng_linuxcmd) ; i++) { if (strcasestr(buf, eng_linuxcmd[i].name)!=NULL) { ENG_LOG("eng_at2linux %s",eng_linuxcmd[i].name); if((strcasestr(buf,"AT+TEMPTEST")) && ((strcasestr(buf, "AT+TEMPTEST=1,0,1"))||(strcasestr(buf, "AT+TEMPTEST=1,1,1")) ||(strcasestr(buf, "AT+TEMPTEST=1,0,4"))||(strcasestr(buf, "AT+TEMPTEST=1,1,4")))) return -1; else return i; } } return ret; }
const char* Interface::getModel(void) const { unsigned int i; unsigned char interfaceType; interfaceType = versionResponse_.getInterfaceType(); for (i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS(interfaceTypeMap); i++) { if (interfaceTypeMap[i].id == interfaceType) { return interfaceTypeMap[i].model; } } return "unknown interface type"; }
static void check_event_1 (void) { static const char *NORMAL_ARGV[] = { "testlwes-event-testing-emitter", "-m", TEST_LLOG_ADDRESS, "-p", TEST_LLOG_PORT, "-i", TEST_LLOG_INTERFACE, }; static int NORMAL_ARGC = NUM_ELEMS (NORMAL_ARGV); /* this will totally not work if the order changes, or the SenderPort SenderIP or ReceiptTime are not the lengths represented here */ const char *output = "\1\1:\1\1:\1\1 \1\1/\1\1/\1\1\1\1 : 1\n"; fork_and_wait (NORMAL_ARGC, NORMAL_ARGV, 100000, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, output, NULL); }
static int isFinalResponseError(const char *line) { size_t i; for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_ELEMS(s_finalResponsesError) ; i++) { if ((line[0] == '+' && s_finalResponsesError[i][1] && strStartsWith(line, s_finalResponsesError[i])) || (line[1] == '\0' && line[0] == s_finalResponsesError[i][0])) { if (i == 3) { /* BUSY */ s_last_cme_error = CME_PHONE_BUSY; } else if (i == 6) { /* CME ERROR */ s_last_cme_error = atoi(line+sizeof("+CME ERROR:")); } return 1; } } return 0; }
/* Reads the currently set shell folder symbol link targets into asfiInfo. */ static void read_shell_folder_link_targets(void) { WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr; int i; for (i=0; i<NUM_ELEMS(asfiInfo); i++) { asfiInfo[i].szLinkTarget[0] = '\0'; hr = SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, asfiInfo[i].nFolder|CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, wszPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { char *pszUnixPath = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszPath); if (pszUnixPath) { struct stat statPath; if (!lstat(pszUnixPath, &statPath) && S_ISLNK(statPath.st_mode)) { int cLen = readlink(pszUnixPath, asfiInfo[i].szLinkTarget, FILENAME_MAX-1); if (cLen >= 0) asfiInfo[i].szLinkTarget[cLen] = '\0'; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszUnixPath); } } } }
static const char *rfh_state_to_s(state_t state) { static struct { state_t state; const char *str; } state_map[] = { ENUM_TUPLE(ST_INITIAL), ENUM_TUPLE(ST_IN_QUOTED_ID), ENUM_TUPLE(ST_IN_UNQUOTED_ID), ENUM_TUPLE(ST_END), }; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMS(state_map); ++i) if (state_map[i].state == state) return state_map[i].str; return ""; }
static int test_high_precision_full() { char *spec[] = { "10s:1m", "1m:5m", }; TEST(murmur_create(PATH, NUM_ELEMS(spec), spec, agg_average, 0) == 0); struct murmur *mmr = murmur_open(PATH); TEST(mmr != NULL); // So that the archive doesn't wrap and everything is // aggregated into 1 lower-precision point mmr_test_time = (mmr->archives->retention * 5) - 10; double val = 100; time_t at = mmr_test_time; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { TEST(murmur_set(mmr, at, val) == 0); val += 100; at -= 10; } at = mmr_test_time; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { TEST(murmur_get(mmr, at, &val) == 0); TEST(val == (100 + (i * 100))); at -= 10; } TEST(_murmur_arch_get(mmr, mmr->archives + 1, mmr_test_time, &val) == 0); TEST(val == (((double)100+200+300+400+500+600)/6)); murmur_close(mmr); return 0; }
static int test_sane() { char *spec[] = { "10s:1m", "1m:5m", }; TEST(murmur_create(PATH, NUM_ELEMS(spec), spec, agg_average, 0) == 0); struct murmur *mmr = murmur_open(PATH); TEST(mmr != NULL); mmr_test_time = 1000; double val = 100; TEST(murmur_set(mmr, mmr_test_time, val) == 0); TEST(murmur_get(mmr, mmr_test_time, &val) == 0); TEST(val == 100); TEST(_murmur_arch_get(mmr, mmr->archives + 1, mmr_test_time, &val) == 0); TEST(val == (((double)100)/6)); murmur_close(mmr); return 0; }
static void check_opt_c_and_q (void) { static const char *NORMAL_ARGV[] = { "testlwes-event-counting-listener", "-c", "-q", "-m", TEST_LLOG_ADDRESS, "-p", TEST_LLOG_PORT, "-i", TEST_LLOG_INTERFACE, }; static int NORMAL_ARGC = NUM_ELEMS (NORMAL_ARGV); /* this may prove to be a flakey test, we are trying to wait for one second using the usleep() calls in fork_and_wait, keeping fingers crossed this will work on different platforms */ const char *output = "\1\1:\1\1:\1\1 \1\1/\1\1/\1\1\1\1 : 1\n" ; fork_and_wait (NORMAL_ARGC, NORMAL_ARGV, 90000, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, output, NULL); }
static void process_opt( int *parg, int argc, char *argv[] ) { #define II (*parg) int j; char *opt_arg_ptr; /* search opts_lu[] */ for ( j = 0; j < NUM_ELEMS( opts_lu ); j++ ) { if ( ( opt_arg_ptr = check_option( argv[II], opts_lu[j].long_opt ) ) != NULL || ( opt_arg_ptr = check_option( argv[II], opts_lu[j].short_opt ) ) != NULL ) { /* found option, opt_arg_ptr points to after option */ switch ( opts_lu[j].type ) { case OptClear: if ( *opt_arg_ptr ) error_illegal_option( argv[II] ); else *( ( Bool * )( opts_lu[j].arg ) ) = FALSE; break; case OptSet: if ( *opt_arg_ptr ) error_illegal_option( argv[II] ); else *( ( Bool * )( opts_lu[j].arg ) ) = TRUE; break; case OptCall: if ( *opt_arg_ptr ) error_illegal_option( argv[II] ); else ( ( void ( * )( void ) )( opts_lu[j].arg ) )(); break; case OptCallArg: if ( *opt_arg_ptr ) ( ( void ( * )( char * ) )( opts_lu[j].arg ) )( opt_arg_ptr ); else error_illegal_option( argv[II] ); break; case OptCallOptArg: ( ( void ( * )( char * ) )( opts_lu[j].arg ) )( opt_arg_ptr ); break; case OptString: if ( *opt_arg_ptr ) *( ( char ** )( opts_lu[j].arg ) ) = opt_arg_ptr; else error_illegal_option( argv[II] ); break; case OptStringList: if (*opt_arg_ptr) { UT_array **p_path = (UT_array **)opts_lu[j].arg; utarray_push_back(*p_path, &opt_arg_ptr); } else error_illegal_option( argv[II] ); break; case OptDeprecated: if ( *opt_arg_ptr ) *opt_arg_ptr = '\0'; /* delete option argument for warning message */ warn_option_deprecated( argv[II] ); break; default: assert(0); } return; } } /* not found */ error_illegal_option( argv[II] ); #undef II }
void do_load(int argc, char *argv[]) { int res, num_options; int i, err; bool verbose, raw; bool base_addr_set, mode_str_set; char *mode_str; #ifdef CYGPKG_REDBOOT_NETWORKING struct sockaddr_in host; bool hostname_set, port_set; unsigned int port; // int because it's an OPTION_ARG_TYPE_NUM, // but will be cast to short char *hostname; #endif #ifdef CYGBLD_REDBOOT_LOAD_INTO_FLASH bool flash_addr_set = false; #endif bool decompress = false; int chan = -1; #if CYGNUM_HAL_VIRTUAL_VECTOR_NUM_CHANNELS > 1 bool chan_set; #endif unsigned long base = 0; unsigned long end = 0; char type[4]; char *filename = 0; struct option_info opts[9]; connection_info_t info; getc_io_funcs_t *io = NULL; struct load_io_entry *io_tab; #ifdef CYGSEM_REDBOOT_VALIDATE_USER_RAM_LOADS bool spillover_ok = false; #endif #ifdef CYGPKG_REDBOOT_NETWORKING memset((char *)&host, 0, sizeof(host)); host.sin_len = sizeof(host); host.sin_family = AF_INET; host.sin_addr = my_bootp_info.bp_siaddr; host.sin_port = 0; #endif init_opts(&opts[0], 'v', false, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_FLG, (void *)&verbose, 0, "verbose"); init_opts(&opts[1], 'r', false, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_FLG, (void *)&raw, 0, "load raw data"); init_opts(&opts[2], 'b', true, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_NUM, (void *)&base, (bool *)&base_addr_set, "load address"); init_opts(&opts[3], 'm', true, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_STR, (void *)&mode_str, (bool *)&mode_str_set, "download mode (TFTP, xyzMODEM, or disk)"); num_options = 4; #if CYGNUM_HAL_VIRTUAL_VECTOR_NUM_CHANNELS > 1 init_opts(&opts[num_options], 'c', true, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_NUM, (void *)&chan, (bool *)&chan_set, "I/O channel"); num_options++; #endif #ifdef CYGPKG_REDBOOT_NETWORKING init_opts(&opts[num_options], 'h', true, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_STR, (void *)&hostname, (bool *)&hostname_set, "host name or IP address"); num_options++; init_opts(&opts[num_options], 'p', true, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_NUM, (void *)&port, (bool *)&port_set, "TCP port"); num_options++; #endif #ifdef CYGBLD_BUILD_REDBOOT_WITH_ZLIB init_opts(&opts[num_options], 'd', false, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_FLG, (void *)&decompress, 0, "decompress"); num_options++; #endif #ifdef CYGBLD_REDBOOT_LOAD_INTO_FLASH init_opts(&opts[num_options], 'f', true, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_NUM, (void *)&base, (bool *)&flash_addr_set, "flash address"); num_options++; #endif CYG_ASSERT(num_options <= NUM_ELEMS(opts), "Too many options"); if (!scan_opts(argc, argv, 1, opts, num_options, (void *)&filename, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_STR, "file name")) { return; } #ifdef CYGPKG_REDBOOT_NETWORKING if (hostname_set) { ip_route_t rt; if (!_gethostbyname(hostname, (in_addr_t *)&host)) { err_printf("Invalid host: %s\n", hostname); return; } /* check that the host can be accessed */ if (__arp_lookup((ip_addr_t *)&host.sin_addr, &rt) < 0) { err_printf("Unable to reach host %s (%s)\n", hostname, inet_ntoa((in_addr_t *)&host)); return; } } if (port_set) host.sin_port = port; #endif if (chan >= CYGNUM_HAL_VIRTUAL_VECTOR_NUM_CHANNELS) { err_printf("Invalid I/O channel: %d\n", chan); return; } if (mode_str_set) { for (io_tab = __RedBoot_LOAD_TAB__; io_tab != &__RedBoot_LOAD_TAB_END__; io_tab++) { if (strncasecmp(&mode_str[0], io_tab->name, strlen(&mode_str[0])) == 0) { io = io_tab->funcs; break; } } if (!io) { diag_printf("Invalid 'mode': %s. Valid modes are:", mode_str); for (io_tab = __RedBoot_LOAD_TAB__; io_tab != &__RedBoot_LOAD_TAB_END__; io_tab++) { diag_printf(" %s", io_tab->name); } err_printf("\n"); } if (!io) { return; } verbose &= io_tab->can_verbose; if (io_tab->need_filename && !filename) { diag_printf("File name required\n"); err_printf("usage: load %s\n", usage); return; } } else { char *which = ""; io_tab = (struct load_io_entry *)NULL; // Default #ifdef CYGPKG_REDBOOT_NETWORKING #ifdef CYGSEM_REDBOOT_NET_TFTP_DOWNLOAD which = "TFTP"; io = &tftp_io; #elif defined(CYGSEM_REDBOOT_NET_HTTP_DOWNLOAD) which = "HTTP"; io = &http_io; #endif #endif #if 0 //def CYGPKG_REDBOOT_FILEIO // Make file I/O default if mounted if (fileio_mounted) { which = "file"; io = &fileio_io; } #endif if (!io) { #ifdef CYGBLD_BUILD_REDBOOT_WITH_XYZMODEM which = "Xmodem"; io = &xyzModem_io; verbose = false; #else err_printf("No default protocol!\n"); return; #endif } diag_printf("Using default protocol (%s)\n", which); } #ifdef CYGSEM_REDBOOT_VALIDATE_USER_RAM_LOADS #ifdef CYGBLD_REDBOOT_LOAD_INTO_FLASH if (flash_addr_set && flash_verify_addr((unsigned char *)base)) { if (!verify_action("Specified address (%p) is not believed to be in FLASH", (void*)base)) return; spillover_ok = true; } #endif if (base_addr_set && !valid_address((unsigned char *)base)) { if (!verify_action("Specified address (%p) is not believed to be in RAM", (void*)base)) return; spillover_ok = true; } #endif if (raw && !(base_addr_set #ifdef CYGBLD_REDBOOT_LOAD_INTO_FLASH || flash_addr_set #endif )) { err_printf("Raw load requires a memory address\n"); return; } info.filename = filename; info.chan = chan; info.mode = io_tab ? io_tab->mode : 0; #ifdef CYGPKG_REDBOOT_NETWORKING info.server = &host; #endif res = redboot_getc_init(&info, io, verbose, decompress); if (res < 0) { return; } #ifdef CYGBLD_REDBOOT_LOAD_INTO_FLASH flash_load_start(); #endif // Stream open, process the data if (raw) { unsigned char *mp = (unsigned char *)base; err = 0; while ((res = redboot_getc()) >= 0) { #ifdef CYGSEM_REDBOOT_VALIDATE_USER_RAM_LOADS #ifdef CYGBLD_REDBOOT_LOAD_INTO_FLASH if (flash_addr_set && flash_verify_addr(mp) && !spillover_ok) { // Only if there is no need to stop the download // before printing output can we ask confirmation // questions. redboot_getc_terminate(true); err_printf("*** Abort! RAW data spills over limit of FLASH at %p\n",(void*)mp); err = -1; break; } #endif if (base_addr_set && !valid_address(mp) && !spillover_ok) { // Only if there is no need to stop the download // before printing output can we ask confirmation // questions. redboot_getc_terminate(true); err_printf("*** Abort! RAW data spills over limit of user RAM at %p\n",(void*)mp); err = -1; break; } #endif #ifdef CYGBLD_REDBOOT_LOAD_INTO_FLASH if (flash_addr_set) { flash_load_write(mp, res); mp++; res++; } else #endif *mp++ = res; } end = (unsigned long) mp; // Save load base/top load_address = base; load_address_end = end; entry_address = base; // best guess redboot_getc_terminate(false); if (0 == err) diag_printf("Raw file loaded %p-%p, assumed entry at %p\n", (void *)base, (void *)(end - 1), (void*)base); } else { // Read initial header - to determine file [image] type for (i = 0; i < sizeof(type); i++) { if ((res = redboot_getc()) < 0) { err = getc_info.err; break; } type[i] = res; } if (res >= 0) { redboot_getc_rewind(); // Restore header to stream // Treat data as some sort of executable image if (strncmp(&type[1], "ELF", 3) == 0) { end = load_elf_image(redboot_getc, base); } else if ((type[0] == 'S') && ((type[1] >= '0') && (type[1] <= '9'))) { end = load_srec_image(redboot_getc, base); } else { redboot_getc_terminate(true); err_printf("Unrecognized image type: 0x%lx\n", *(unsigned long *)type); } } } #ifdef CYGBLD_REDBOOT_LOAD_INTO_FLASH flash_load_finish(); #endif redboot_getc_close(); // Clean up return; }
// Mount disk/filesystem static void do_mount(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *dev_str = "<undefined>", *type_str, *mp_str; bool dev_set = false, type_set = false; struct option_info opts[3]; int err, num_opts = 2; int i,m=0; /* Set to 0 to silence warning */ #ifdef CYGPKG_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE_LEGACY char *part_str; bool part_set = false; #endif init_opts(&opts[0], 'd', true, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_STR, (void *)&dev_str, &dev_set, "device"); init_opts(&opts[1], 't', true, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_STR, (void *)&type_str, &type_set, "fstype"); #ifdef CYGPKG_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE_LEGACY init_opts(&opts[2], 'f', true, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_STR, (void *)&part_str, &part_set, "partition"); num_opts++; #endif CYG_ASSERT(num_opts <= NUM_ELEMS(opts), "Too many options"); if (!scan_opts(argc, argv, 1, opts, num_opts, &mp_str, OPTION_ARG_TYPE_STR, "mountpoint")) return; if (!type_set) { err_printf("fs mount: Must specify file system type\n"); return; } if( mp_str == 0 ) mp_str = "/"; if( mount_count >= MAX_MOUNTS ) { err_printf("fs mount: Maximum number of mounts exceeded\n"); return; } #ifdef CYGPKG_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE_LEGACY if (part_set) { int len; cyg_io_handle_t h; if (dev_set && strcmp(dev_str, CYGDAT_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE_NAME_1)) { err_printf("fs mount: May only set one of <device> or <partition>\n"); return; } dev_str = CYGDAT_IO_FLASH_BLOCK_DEVICE_NAME_1; len = strlen(part_str); err = cyg_io_lookup(dev_str, &h); if (err < 0) { err_printf("fs mount: cyg_io_lookup of \"%s\" returned %d\n", err); return; } err = cyg_io_set_config(h, CYG_IO_SET_CONFIG_FLASH_FIS_NAME, part_str, &len); if (err < 0) { diag_printf("fs mount: FIS partition \"%s\" not found\n", part_str); return; } } #endif for( i = 0; i < MAX_MOUNTS; i++ ) { if( mounts[i].mp_str[0] != '\0' ) { if( strcmp(mounts[i].dev_str, dev_str ) == 0 ) { err_printf("fs mount: Device %s already mounted\n",dev_str); return; } } else m = i; } strcpy( mounts[m].mp_str, mp_str ); strcpy( mounts[m].dev_str, dev_str ); strcpy( mounts[m].type_str, type_str ); err = mount(mounts[m].dev_str, mounts[m].mp_str, mounts[m].type_str); if (err) { err_printf("fs mount: mount(%s,%s,%s) failed %d\n", dev_str, mp_str, type_str, errno); mounts[m].mp_str[0] = '\0'; // mount failed so don't let it appear mounted } else { if( mount_count == 0 ) chdir( "/" ); mount_count++; } }