Beispiel #1
static char FindPartner( void )
    static BYTE segdata[128];
    BYTE        moresegs;
    BYTE        flags;
    WORD        connection;

    if( NWGetPrimaryConnectionID( &connection ) != 0 ) return( 0 );
    if( NWReadPropertyValue( connection, &, DBG_SERVER_TYPE,
        "NET_ADDRESS", 1, segdata, &moresegs, &flags ) != 0 ) return( 0 );
    memcpy( &ServHead.destNet, segdata, 12 );
    if( IpxGetLocalTarget( (PUCHAR)&ServHead.destNet,
                           &ServECB, (PULONG)segdata ) != 0 ) return( 0 );
    IpxSend( IPXSocket, &ServECB );
    RespECB.fragList[1].fragAddress = &PartnerSPXSocket;
    if( IpxReceive( IPXSocket, 55*MAX_PARTNER_WAIT, &RespECB ) != 0 )
        return( 0 );
    _IPX_ASSIGNADDR( SendHead.dest, RespHead.source );
    SendHead.destSocket = PartnerSPXSocket;
    AssignArray( SendECB.immediateAddress, RespECB.immediateAddress );
    return( 1 );
Beispiel #2
// Check_Configuration
// This function reads the configuration files and/or interacts with the
// user to insure that required configuration items are set to
// something. This function depends on bindery emulation. It should be
// updated sometime to use NDS facilities instead.
static void Check_Configuration()
    // Read the configuration files.

    // Do we have the required configuration items?
    string *Name    = spica::lookup_parameter("Full_Name");
    string *Address = spica::lookup_parameter("Email_Address");

    // If so, load the current options.
    if (Name != 0 && Address != 0) {
      *Full_Name     = Name->c_str();
      *Email_Address = Address->c_str();

    // Otherwise try to compute this information or, as a last ditch,
    // ask the user.
    else {
      #ifndef ON_NETWORK
      bool          Ask_User = true;

      #ifdef ON_NETWORK
      NWCONN_HANDLE Connection;
      BYTE         *Buffer = new BYTE[128];
      NWFLAGS       More_Data;
      char          Username[MAX_DN_CHARS+1];

      bool          Ask_User = false;

      // Can we initialize the NetWare client?
      if (NWCallsInit(0, 0) != SUCCESSFUL) {
        Ask_User = true;

      // Can we figure out our username?
      else if (!Get_Username(Username)) {
        Ask_User = true;

      // Can we get a valid connection handle?
      else if (NWGetConnectionHandle("NIGHT", 0, &Connection, 0)) {
        Ask_User = true;

      // Can we figure out our full name?
      else if (NWReadPropertyValue(Connection, Username, OT_USER, "IDENTIFICATION", 1, Buffer, &More_Data, 0)) {
        Ask_User = true;

      // All of that worked. Update our internal information *and* the
      // config file.
      else {
        Full_Name     = reinterpret_cast<char *>(Buffer);
        Email_Address = Username;

        spica::Register_Parameter("Full_Name", Full_Name, false);
        spica::Register_Parameter("Email_Address", Email_Address, false);

      delete [] Buffer;

      // Something didn't work. Ask the user.
      if (Ask_User) {
        DialogBox(Global::Get_Instance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(CONFIG_DIALOG), 0, Config_Dialog);
Beispiel #3
static char FindPartner( void )
    static char RepBuff[132];

#ifdef __WINDOWS__
        BYTE    moresegments;
        BYTE    propertyflags;
        int         binderyerror;

        binderyerror = NWReadPropertyValue( 0,
//                                       _SWAPINT( DBG_SERVER_TYPE ),
                                         (void *)&moresegments,
                                         (void *)&propertyflags );
        if( binderyerror != 0 ) return( 0 );
        AssignArray( ServHead.destination, RepBuff[0] );
        extern char ReadPropertyValue( void *, void *);

        #pragma aux ReadPropertyValue =         \
        0xb4 0xe3                       /* mov ah,0e3h */       \
        0x1e                            /* push ds */           \
        0x07                            /* pop es */            \
        0xcd 0x21                       /* int 21h */           \
        parm [ si ] [ di ] value [al] modify [ es ];

        static char ReqBuff[80];
        unsigned    i;

        ReqBuff[ 2 ] = 0x3d; /* sub-function */
        ACC_WORD( ReqBuff[ 3 ] ) = DBG_SERVER_TYPE;
        i = strlen( );
        ReqBuff[5] = i;
        memcpy( &ReqBuff[6], &, i );
        i += 6;
        ReqBuff[ i++ ] = 1;
        ReqBuff[ i++ ] = sizeof( "NET_ADDRESS" ) - 1;
        memcpy( &ReqBuff[ i ], "NET_ADDRESS", sizeof( "NET_ADDRESS" ) - 1 );
        ACC_WORD( ReqBuff[0] ) = i + (sizeof( "NET_ADDRESS" ) - 2);
        ACC_WORD( RepBuff[0] ) = 130;
putstring( "read prop\r\n" );
        if( ReadPropertyValue( &ReqBuff, &RepBuff ) != 0 ) return( 0 );
putstring( "assgn array\r\n" );
        AssignArray( ServHead.destination, RepBuff[2] );
putstring( "lcl targ\r\n" );
    if( _IPXGetLocalTarget( &[0],
                            (WORD *)&RepBuff ) != 0 ) return( 0 );
    RespECB.fragmentDescriptor[1].address = &PartnerSPXSocket;
    _IPXListenForPacket( &RespECB );
putstring( "send p\r\n" );
    _IPXSendPacket( &ServECB );
    WaitOn( ServECB );
putstring( "wait for\r\n" );
    if( !WaitTimeout( &RespECB, MAX_PARTNER_WAIT, 1 ) ) return( 0 );
putstring( "got one\r\n" );
    SendHead.destination = RespHead.source;
    SendHead.destination.socket = PartnerSPXSocket;
    SendECB.immediateAddress = RespECB.immediateAddress;
    return( 1 );