/* Disassemble the code segment, using the given decoder tables.
 * Note: The decoder tables specified in the flags argument will
 * be ignored.
 * Parameters:
 *    mbase - Memory region containing code segment.
 *    vbase - PC address associated with first byte of memory region.
 *    size - Number of bytes in memory region.
 *    flags - Flags to use when decoding.
static void NaClDisassembleSegmentUsingTables(
    uint8_t* mbase, NaClPcAddress vbase,
    NaClMemorySize size, NaClDisassembleFlags flags,
    const struct NaClDecodeTables* decoder_tables)  {
  NaClSegment segment;
  NaClInstIter* iter;
  struct Gio* gout = NaClLogGetGio();
  Bool print_internals =
      NaClHasBit(flags, NACL_DISASSEMBLE_FLAG(NaClDisassembleAddInternals));
  NaClSegmentInitialize(mbase, vbase, size, &segment);
  iter = NaClInstIterCreate(decoder_tables, &segment);
  if (NULL == iter) {
    gprintf(gout, "Error: not enough memory\n");
  } else {
    for (; NaClInstIterHasNext(iter); NaClInstIterAdvance(iter)) {
      NaClInstState* state = NaClInstIterGetState(iter);
      NaClInstStateInstPrint(gout, state);
      if (print_internals) {
        NaClInstPrintOpcodeSeq(gout, state);
        NaClInstPrint(gout, state->decoder_tables, NaClInstStateInst(state));
        NaClExpVectorPrint(gout, state);
Beispiel #2
/* Appends the given kind of register onto the vector of expression nodes.
 * Returns the appended register.
static INLINE NaClExp* NaClAppendReg(NaClOpKind r, NaClExpVector* vector) {
  NaClExp* node;
  DEBUG(NaClLog(LOG_INFO, "append register %s\n", NaClOpKindName(r)));
  node = NaClAppendExp(ExprRegister, r, NaClGetRegSize(r), vector);
  DEBUG(NaClExpVectorPrint(NaClLogGetGio(), vector));
  return node;
Beispiel #3
void NaClInstStateInstPrint(struct Gio* file, NaClInstState* state) {
  int i;
  const NaClInst* inst;

  /* Print out the address and the inst bytes. */
  int length = NaClInstStateLength(state);

      NaClInstPrint(file, state->decoder_tables, NaClInstStateInst(state)));
  DEBUG(NaClExpVectorPrint(file, state));
  gprintf(file, "%"NACL_PRIxNaClPcAddressAll": ",
  for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    gprintf(file, "%02"NACL_PRIx8" ", NaClInstStateByte(state, i));
  for (i = length; i < NACL_MAX_BYTES_PER_X86_INSTRUCTION; ++i) {
    gprintf(file, "   ");

  /* Print out the assembly instruction it disassembles to. */
  inst = NaClInstStateInst(state);
  NaClPrintDisassembled(file, state, inst);
  gprintf(file, "\n");