// Note that this differs in the calculation of sx, sy, sa
// from simuv2, but is exactly the same when everything is horizontal.
// I changed the implementation so that what happens is mathematically
// clearer, though the code is not very clear :/
SimWheelUpdateForce(tCar *car, int index)
    tWheel 	*wheel = &(car->wheel[index]);
    tdble 	axleFz = wheel->axleFz;
    //    tdble 	vt, v, v2;
    tdble       wrl; /* wheel related velocity */
    tdble 	Fn, Ft, Ft2;
    tdble 	waz;
    tdble 	CosA, SinA;
    tdble	s = 0.0;
    tdble       sa, sx, sy; /* slip vector */
    tdble	stmp, F, Bx;
    tdble	mu;
    tdble       reaction_force;
    tdble f_z = 0.0;
    t3Dd angles;
    t3Dd normal;
    t3Dd rel_normal;
    bool right_way_up = true;
    static long wcnt = 0;

	int seg_id = (int) ((tdble) N_THICKNESS_SEGMENTS *  (wheel->relPos.ay/(2*M_PI))) % N_THICKNESS_SEGMENTS;
	if (seg_id<0) seg_id += N_THICKNESS_SEGMENTS;
	tdble adjRadius = wheel->radius + wheel->thickness[seg_id];
	tdble adjRadius = wheel->radius;

	wheel->T_current = car->carElt->_tyreT_mid(index);
	wheel->condition = car->carElt->_tyreCondition(index);

    waz = wheel->relPos.az;//wheel->steer + wheel->staticPos.az;
    /* Get normal of road relative to the wheel's axis 
	   This should help take into account the camber.*/

    //RtTrackSurfaceNormalL(&(wheel->trkPos), &normal);
	normal = wheel->normal; 

    // now rel_normal.x is the effective camber angle
		angles.x = car->DynGCg.pos.ax + wheel->relPos.ax;
		angles.y = car->DynGCg.pos.ay;
		angles.z = car->DynGCg.pos.az + waz;
		NaiveRotate (normal, angles, &rel_normal);
	} else {
		sgQuat Q;
		sgCopyQuat (Q, car->posQuat);
		sgPreRotQuat (Q, FLOAT_RAD2DEG(wheel->relPos.ax), 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		sgPreRotQuat (Q, FLOAT_RAD2DEG(waz), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		sgVec3 P = {normal.x, normal.y, normal.z};
		sgRotateVecQuat (P, Q);
		sg2t3 (P, rel_normal);
    wheel->state = 0;

    Ft = 0.0;
    Fn = 0.0;
    wheel->forces.x = 0.0;
    wheel->forces.y = 0.0;
    wheel->forces.z = 0.0;

    /* Now uses the normal, so it should work */
    /* update suspension force */
    /* check suspension state */
    wheel->state |= wheel->susp.state;
    reaction_force = 0.0;

    wheel->forces.z = 0;
    Ft = Fn = 0;
    reaction_force = 0.0;
    if ((wheel->state & SIM_SUSP_EXT) == 0) {
		f_z  = axleFz + wheel->susp.force;
        wheel->rel_vel -= SimDeltaTime * wheel->susp.force / wheel->mass;
		if ((f_z < 0)) {
			f_z = 0;
		/* project the reaction force. Only wheel->forces.z is
		   actually interesting for friction. The rest is just
		   reaction. Now we have included the reaction from the sides
		   which is fake.
		   The suspension pushes the wheel down with f_z, but the reaction
		   of the surface is just f_z*rel_normal.z;!
		if ((right_way_up) && (rel_normal.z > MIN_NORMAL_Z)) {
			// reaction force on track z axis should be equal to
			// suspension reaction if suspension is perpendicular
			// to the track plane. We assume other reaction forces
			// proportional, but things break down when car is 
			// tilted a lot with respect to the track plane.
			tdble invrel_normal = 1.0f/rel_normal.z;
			if (invrel_normal>= 4.0) {
				invrel_normal = 4.0;
			} else if (invrel_normal<=-4.0) {
				invrel_normal = -4.0;
			reaction_force = f_z; //* invrel_normal;
			// the other reactions are then:
			Ft = reaction_force*rel_normal.x;//*invrel_normal;
			Fn = reaction_force*rel_normal.y;//*invrel_normal;
		} else {
			f_z = 0;
			wheel->susp.force = 0;
			wheel->forces.z = 0;
			Ft = Fn = 0;
			reaction_force = 0.0;

    } else {
		//if (wheel->rel_vel < 0.0) {
        //wheel->rel_vel = 0.0;
        wheel->rel_vel -= SimDeltaTime * wheel->susp.force / wheel->mass;
		wheel->forces.z = 0.0f;

    wheel->relPos.z = - wheel->susp.x / wheel->susp.spring.bellcrank + adjRadius; /* center relative to GC */


    CosA = cos(waz);
    SinA = sin(waz);

    /* tangent velocity */
    // This is speed of the wheel relative to the track, so we have
    // to take the projection to the track.
    tdble rel_normal_xz = sqrt (rel_normal.z*rel_normal.z
								+ rel_normal.x*rel_normal.x);
    tdble rel_normal_yz = sqrt (rel_normal.z*rel_normal.z
								+ rel_normal.y*rel_normal.y);
    //tdble rel_normal_xy = sqrt (rel_normal.x*rel_normal.x
	//							+ rel_normal.y*rel_normal.y);


    wheel->bodyVel.z = 0.0;
    wrl = (wheel->spinVel + car->DynGC.vel.ay) * adjRadius;
		// this thing here should be faster than quat?
		t3Dd angles = {wheel->relPos.ax, 0.0, waz};
		NaiveRotate (wheel->bodyVel, angles, &wheel->bodyVel);

    tdble wvx = wheel->bodyVel.x * rel_normal_yz;
    tdble wvy = wheel->bodyVel.y * rel_normal_xz;
    tdble absolute_speed = sqrt(wvx*wvx + wvy*wvy);
    wvx -= wrl;
    wheel->bodyVel.x = wvx;
    wheel->bodyVel.y = wvy;

    tdble relative_speed = sqrt(wvx*wvx + wvy*wvy);
    tdble camber_gain = +0.1f;
    tdble camber_shift = camber_gain * rel_normal.x;
    if ((wheel->state & SIM_SUSP_EXT) != 0) {
	    sx = sy = sa = 0;
    } else if (absolute_speed < ABSOLUTE_SPEED_CUTOFF) {
	    sa = atan2(wvy, wvx);
    } else {
		// The division with absolute_speed is a bit of a hack. 
        // But the assumption is that the profile of friction
        // scales linearly with speed.
		sx = wvx/absolute_speed;
		sy = wvy/absolute_speed;
		sa = atan2(wvy, wvx);
	s = sqrt(sx*sx+sy*sy);
    sa -= camber_shift;
    sx = cos(sa)*s;
    sy = sin(sa)*s;

	access_times = (float) wcnt;
	//if (index==0) {

	if (wcnt<0) {
		//printf ("%f", reaction_force);
		if (index==3) {
			wcnt = 10;
			//printf ("#RCT\n");
		} else {
			//printf (" ");

    if (right_way_up) {
		if (fabs(absolute_speed) < 2.0f && fabs(wrl) < 2.0f) {
			car->carElt->_skid[index] = 0.0f;
		} else {
			car->carElt->_skid[index] =  MIN(1.0f, (s*reaction_force*0.0002f));
		//0.0002*(MAX(0.2, MIN(s, 1.2)) - 0.2)*reaction_force;
		car->carElt->_reaction[index] = reaction_force;
    } else {
		car->carElt->_skid[index] = 0.0f;
		car->carElt->_reaction[index] = 0.0f;
    stmp = MIN(s, 1.5f);

    Bx = wheel->mfB * stmp;
    tdble dynamic_grip = wheel->mfT * sin(wheel->mfC * atan(Bx * (1 - wheel->mfE) + wheel->mfE * atan(Bx))) * (1.0f + stmp * simSkidFactor[car->carElt->_skillLevel]);

	//printf ("%f\n", simSkidFactor[car->carElt->_skillLevel]);

	/* load sensitivity */
    mu = wheel->mu * (wheel->lfMin + (wheel->lfMax - wheel->lfMin) * exp(wheel->lfK * reaction_force / wheel->opLoad));
    //mu = wheel->mu;
	tdble static_grip = wheel->condition * reaction_force * mu * wheel->trkPos.seg->surface->kFriction;
	//tdble static_grip = wheel->condition * reaction_force * mu * wheel->trkPos.seg->surface->kFriction/0.7f;

    F = dynamic_grip * static_grip;
    // This is the steering torque
		tdble Bx = wheel->mfB * (sa);// + camber_shift);
        //printf ("%f %f\n", sa, camber_shift);
		car->carElt->_wheelFy(index) =  (tdble)(cos(sa)*wheel->mfT * sin(wheel->mfC * atan(Bx * (1 - wheel->mfE) + wheel->mfE * atan(Bx))) * (1.0 + stmp * simSkidFactor[car->carElt->_skillLevel]) * static_grip);

	if (car->options->tyre_temperature) {
    	// heat transfer function with air
		tdble htrf = (tdble)((0.002 + fabs(absolute_speed)*0.0005)*SimDeltaTime);
		tdble T_current = wheel->T_current;
		tdble T_operating = wheel->T_operating;
		tdble T_range = wheel->T_range;
		tdble mfT;
		// friction heat transfer
		T_current += (tdble)(0.00003*((fabs(relative_speed)+0.1*fabs(wrl))*reaction_force)*SimDeltaTime);
		T_current = (tdble)(T_current * (1.0-htrf) + htrf * 25.0);	
		tdble dist = (T_current - T_operating)/T_range;
		//mfT = 100.0f * exp(-0.5f*(dist*dist))/T_range;
		mfT = 0.85f + 3.0f * exp(-0.5f*(dist*dist))/T_range;
		if (T_current>200.0) T_current=200.0;
		wheel->mfT = mfT;
		wheel->T_current = T_current;

    if (car->options->tyre_damage > 0.0f && s>0.01f) {
		tdble compound_melt_point = wheel->T_operating + wheel->T_range;
		tdble adherence = wheel->Ca * 500.0f; 
		tdble melt = (exp (2.0f*(wheel->T_current - compound_melt_point)/compound_melt_point)) * car->options->tyre_damage;
		tdble removal = exp (2.0f*(F - adherence)/adherence);
		tdble wheel_damage = (tdble)(0.001 * melt * relative_speed * removal / (2.0 * M_PI * wheel->radius * wheel->width * wheel->Ca));

		if (wheel_damage>0.01f) {
			wheel_damage = 0.01f;
		tdble delta_dam = wheel_damage * SimDeltaTime;
		wheel->condition -= 0.5f*delta_dam;
		if (wheel->condition < 0.5f) wheel->condition = 0.5f;
    } else {
		wheel->mfT = 1.0f;


    wheel->rollRes = reaction_force * wheel->trkPos.seg->surface->kRollRes;
    car->carElt->priv.wheel[index].rollRes = wheel->rollRes;

    // Calculate friction forces
    Ft2 = 0.0f;
    tdble Fn2 = 0.0f;
	tdble epsilon = 0.00001f;
	if (s > epsilon) {
		/* wheel axis based - no control after an angle*/
		if (rel_normal.z > MIN_NORMAL_Z) {
			// When the tyre is tilted there is less surface
			// touching the road. Modelling effect simply with rel_normal_xz.
			// Constant 1.05f for equality with simuv2.
			tdble sur_f = 1.05f * rel_normal_xz;
			sur_f = 1.0;
			Ft2 = - sur_f*F*sx/s;
			Fn2 = - sur_f*F*sy/s;
		} else {
			Ft2 = 0.0f;
			Fn2 = 0.0f;
        //Ft2 -= camber_shift*F;
    } else {
		tdble sur_f = rel_normal_xz;
		Ft2 = - sur_f*F*sx/epsilon;
		Fn2 = - sur_f*F*sy/epsilon;

    Ft2 -= tanh(wvx) * fabs(wheel->rollRes);
    Fn2 -= tanh(wvy) * fabs(wheel->rollRes);
	wheel->forces.x = Ft2 * rel_normal_yz;
	wheel->forces.y = Fn2 * rel_normal_xz; 
	wheel->forces.z = Ft2 * rel_normal.x + Fn2 * rel_normal.y;

	if (0) {
		// EXPERIMENTAL code - estimate amount of mass linked to this
		// wheel. Maybe useful for adjusting the slope of the 
		// static friction function. Currently not used.
		tdble Ftot = sqrt(Ft2*Ft2 + Fn2*Fn2);
		tdble ds = wheel->s_old-s;
		tdble EF = wheel->Em * ds;
		tdble dF = wheel->F_old - EF;
		wheel->Em += (float)(0.1 * dF*ds);
		wheel->F_old = Ftot;
		wheel->s_old = s;

    wheel->relPos.az = waz;
    if (rel_normal.z > MIN_NORMAL_Z) {
		right_way_up = true;
    } else {
		right_way_up = false;

    if (car->collide_timer < 0.00) {
        right_way_up = false;

    if (right_way_up==false) {
		Fn = 0.0f;
		Ft = 0.0f;
		wheel->forces.x = 0.0f;
		wheel->forces.y = 0.0f;
		wheel->forces.z = 0.0f;
		Ft2 = 0.0f;
		wheel->spinTq = 0.0f;
    } else {
		BEGIN_PROFILE (timer_wheel_to_car);
		t3Dd f;
		// send friction and reaction forces to the car
		// normally we would not need to add f.z here, as that
		// would be purely coming from the suspension. However
		// that would only be the case if the wheels were really
		// independent objects. Right now their position is determined
		// in update ride, so we have no choice but to transmit the
		// suspension-parallel friction forces magically to the car.
		f.x = wheel->forces.x;
		f.y = wheel->forces.y;
		f.z = wheel->forces.z;

		// TODO: Check whether this is correct.
		angles.x = wheel->relPos.ax + asin(rel_normal.x);
		angles.y = asin(rel_normal.y);
		angles.z = waz;
		NaiveInverseRotate (f, angles, &wheel->forces);
		// transmit reaction forces to the car	
		wheel->forces.x +=(Ft* CosA - Fn * SinA);
		wheel->forces.y +=(Ft* SinA + Fn * CosA);

		//RELAXATION2(wheel->forces.x, wheel->preFn, 50.0f);
		//RELAXATION2(wheel->forces.y, wheel->preFt, 50.0f);

		wheel->forces.z = f_z + wheel->bump_force; // only suspension acts on z axis.
		car->carElt->_wheelFx(index) = wheel->forces.x;
		car->carElt->_wheelFz(index) = wheel->forces.z;

		wheel->spinTq = (Ft2  + tanh(wrl)*fabs(wheel->rollRes))* adjRadius;
		wheel->sa = sa;
		wheel->sx = sx;
		END_PROFILE (timer_wheel_to_car);
    wheel->feedBack.spinVel = wheel->spinVel;
    wheel->feedBack.Tq = wheel->spinTq;
    wheel->feedBack.brkTq = wheel->brake.Tq;
	car->carElt->_tyreT_mid(index) = wheel->T_current;
	car->carElt->_tyreCondition(index) = wheel->condition;
	car->carElt->_wheelSlipSide(index) = wvy;
	car->carElt->_wheelSlipAccel(index) = wvx;

Beispiel #2
static void
SimCarUpdateSpeed(tCar *car)
    t3Dd original;
    t3Dd updated;
    t3Dd angles;
    tdble	mass;
    mass = car->mass + car->fuel;

        // fuel consumption
        tdble delta_fuel = car->fuel_prev - car->fuel;
        car->fuel_prev = car->fuel;
        if (delta_fuel > 0) {
            car->carElt->_fuelTotal += delta_fuel;
        tdble fi;
        tdble as = sqrt(car->airSpeed2);
        if (as<0.1) {
            fi = 99.9;
        } else {
            fi = 100000 * delta_fuel / (as*SimDeltaTime);
        tdble alpha = 0.1;
        car->carElt->_fuelInstant = (1.0-alpha)*car->carElt->_fuelInstant + alpha*fi;

    // update angles
    angles.x = car->DynGCg.pos.ax;
    angles.y = car->DynGCg.pos.ay;
    angles.z = car->DynGCg.pos.az;	
    // update linear velocity
    car->DynGCg.vel.x += car->DynGCg.acc.x * SimDeltaTime;
    car->DynGCg.vel.y += car->DynGCg.acc.y * SimDeltaTime;
    car->DynGCg.vel.z += car->DynGCg.acc.z * SimDeltaTime;

    /* We need to get the speed on the actual frame of reference
       for the car. Now we don't need to worry about the world's
       coordinates anymore when we calculate stuff. I.E check
    original.x = car->DynGCg.vel.x;
    original.y = car->DynGCg.vel.y;
    original.z = car->DynGCg.vel.z;
    NaiveRotate (original, angles, &updated);
    car->DynGC.vel.x = updated.x;
    car->DynGC.vel.y = updated.y;
    car->DynGC.vel.z = updated.z;

    // Update angular momentum
    car->rot_mom[SG_X] -= car->rot_acc[0] * SimDeltaTime;
    car->rot_mom[SG_Y] -= car->rot_acc[1] * SimDeltaTime;
    car->rot_mom[SG_Z] -= car->rot_acc[2] * SimDeltaTime;
#if 0
    // spin limitation
    if (Rm > fabs(car->rot_mom[SG_Z])) {
        Rm = fabs(car->rot_mom[SG_Z]);
    car->rot_mom[SG_Z] -= Rm * SIGN(car->rot_mom[SG_Z]);

    // Translate angular momentum to angular velocity
    // NOTE: This translation is done again in SimCarAddAngularVelocity()
    car->DynGCg.vel.ax = car->DynGC.vel.ax = -2.0f*car->rot_mom[SG_X] * car->Iinv.x;
    car->DynGCg.vel.ay = car->DynGC.vel.ay = -2.0f*car->rot_mom[SG_Y] * car->Iinv.y;
    car->DynGCg.vel.az = car->DynGC.vel.az = -2.0f*car->rot_mom[SG_Z] * car->Iinv.z;
