CWinMaskUtil::CInputBioseq_CI& CWinMaskUtil::CInputBioseq_CI::operator++ (void)
    m_Scope.Reset(new CScope(*CObjectManager::GetInstance()));

        CRef<CSeq_entry> next_entry = m_Reader->GetNextSequence();
        if( next_entry.NotEmpty() ){
            NCBI_ASSERT(next_entry->IsSeq(), "Reader returned bad entry");
            m_CurrentBioseq = m_Scope->AddTopLevelSeqEntry(*next_entry).GetSeq();
    } else {
        // No reader; this means input is a list of gis, one per line
        string id;
        while (NcbiGetlineEOL(*m_InputFile, id)) {
            if(id.empty() || id[0] == '#')
            m_CurrentBioseq = m_Scope->GetBioseqHandle(CSeq_id_Handle::GetHandle(id));

    return *this;
Beispiel #2
void CSimpleDictionary::Read(CNcbiIstream& istr)
    string line;
    string metaphone;
    string word;
    while (NcbiGetlineEOL(istr, line)) {
        string::size_type pos = line.find_first_of("|");
        if (pos == string::npos) {
            word = line;
            CDictionaryUtil::GetMetaphone(word, &metaphone, m_MetaphoneKeySize);
        } else {
            metaphone = line.substr(0, pos);
            word = line.substr(pos + 1, line.length() - pos - 1);

        // insert forward and reverse dictionary pairings
        m_ForwardDict.insert(m_ForwardDict.end(), word);
        TStringSet& word_set = m_ReverseDict[metaphone];
        word_set.insert(word_set.end(), word);
Beispiel #3
        const CDBConnParams& other,
        const string& file
: CDBConnParamsDelegate(other)
    string file_name;

    if (!file.empty() && CFile(file).Exists()) {
        file_name = file;
    } else {
        const CNcbiEnvironment env;

        // Get it from a default place ...
        file_name = env.Get("SYBASE") + "/interfaces";
        if (!CFile(file_name).Exists()) {
            file_name = env.Get("HOME") + "/.interfaces";
            if (!CFile(file_name).Exists()) {

    CNcbiIfstream istr(file_name.c_str());

    if (!istr) {

    string line;
    string key;
    string host_str;
    string port_str;

    vector<string> arr_param;
    enum EState {eInitial, eKeyRead,  eValueRead};
    EState state = eInitial;
    bool tli_format = false;

    while (NcbiGetlineEOL(istr, line)) {
        if (line[0] == '#' || line.empty()) {
        } else if (line[0] == '\t') {
            if (state == eKeyRead) {
                NStr::Tokenize(line, "\t ", arr_param);

                if (NStr::Equal(arr_param[0], "query")) {
                    if (NStr::Equal(arr_param[1], "tli")) {
                        tli_format = true;
                        const string tli_str = arr_param[arr_param.size() - 1];
                        host_str = tli_str.substr(10 - 1, 8);
                        port_str = tli_str.substr(6 - 1, 4);
                    } else {
                        host_str = arr_param[arr_param.size() - 2];
                        port_str = arr_param[arr_param.size() - 1];

                    state = eValueRead;
            } else {
                // Skip all values except the first one ...
        } else {
            if (state == eInitial) {
                key = line;
                state = eKeyRead;
            } else {
                // Error ...
                DATABASE_DRIVER_ERROR("Invalid interfaces file line: " + line, 20001);

        if (state == eValueRead) {
            Uint4 host = 0;
            unsigned char* b = (unsigned char*) &host;

            if (!host_str.empty() && !port_str.empty()) {
                if (tli_format) {
                    b[0] = NStr::StringToUInt(host_str.substr(0, 2), 0, 16);
                    b[1] = NStr::StringToUInt(host_str.substr(2, 2), 0, 16);
                    b[2] = NStr::StringToUInt(host_str.substr(4, 2), 0, 16);
                    b[3] = NStr::StringToUInt(host_str.substr(6, 2), 0, 16);

                    m_Records[key] = SIRecord(host, NStr::StringToUInt(port_str, 0, 16));
                } else {
                    NStr::Tokenize(host_str, ".", arr_param);

                    b[0] = NStr::StringToUInt(arr_param[0]);
                    b[1] = NStr::StringToUInt(arr_param[1]);
                    b[2] = NStr::StringToUInt(arr_param[2]);
                    b[3] = NStr::StringToUInt(arr_param[3]);

                    m_Records[key] = SIRecord(host, NStr::StringToUInt(port_str));

            state = eInitial;
Beispiel #4
    // run a test
    void s_RunTest(const string &sTestName, const STestInfo & testInfo)
        CAgpToSeqEntry::TFlags fFlags = 0;

        // adjust flags based on whatever's in the flags file
        if( ! testInfo.m_FlagFile.GetPath().empty() ) {
            CNcbiIfstream flagfile( testInfo.m_FlagFile.GetPath().c_str() );
            while( flagfile ) {
                string sLine;
                NcbiGetlineEOL(flagfile, sLine);
                if( sLine.empty() ) {
                    // ignore blank lines
                } else if( sLine == "fForceLocalId" ) {
                    // make sure flag not already set
                    BOOST_CHECK(0 == (fFlags & CAgpToSeqEntry::fForceLocalId));
                    fFlags |= CAgpToSeqEntry::fForceLocalId;
                } else if( sLine == "fSetSeqGap" ) {
                    BOOST_CHECK(0 == (fFlags & CAgpToSeqEntry::fSetSeqGap));
                    fFlags |= CAgpToSeqEntry::fSetSeqGap;
                } else {
                    BOOST_ERROR("Unknown line in flags file (" 
                        << testInfo.m_FlagFile.GetPath() << "): " << sLine);

        // create the object to do the actual reading
        CAgpToSeqEntry agpToSeqEntry(fFlags);

        // read the AGP
        CAgpToSeqEntry::TSeqEntryRefVec seqEntryRefVec;
            CNcbiIfstream agpfile(testInfo.m_AGPFile.GetPath().c_str());
            int iErrCode = agpToSeqEntry.ReadStream(agpfile);
            // in the future, we might have a file to allow us
            // to expect certain errors rather than assuming all errors are
            // bad.
            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( iErrCode, 0 );

            const string sErrorMsgs = 
            if( ! sErrorMsgs.empty() ) {
                cout << "AGP errors/warnings: " << endl;
                cout << "(Ignore warnings about assuming AGP version)" << endl;
                cout << sErrorMsgs << endl;

            // swap faster than assignment, and okay in this case
            seqEntryRefVec.swap( agpToSeqEntry.GetResult() );

        const size_t uNumExpected = testInfo.m_vecExpectedSeqEntryFiles.size();
        const size_t uNumResulted = seqEntryRefVec.size();
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( uNumResulted, uNumExpected );

        // check the results against what was expected
        for( size_t idx = 0; idx < uNumResulted; ++idx ) {

            // the SeqEntry that we got
            CConstRef<CSeq_entry> pResultingSeqEntry = seqEntryRefVec[idx];

            // determine what SeqEntry was expected
            CRef<CSeq_entry> pExpectedSeqEntry;
            if( idx < uNumExpected )
                CNcbiIfstream expected_seq_entry_file( 
                    testInfo.m_vecExpectedSeqEntryFiles[idx].GetPath().c_str() );
                pExpectedSeqEntry.Reset( new CSeq_entry );
                BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(expected_seq_entry_file >> MSerial_AsnText >> *pExpectedSeqEntry);

            // check if same (or if none was expected here)
            if( pExpectedSeqEntry.IsNull() ||
                ! pResultingSeqEntry->Equals(*pExpectedSeqEntry) ) 
                BOOST_ERROR("For test " << sTestName 
                    << " on index " << idx 
                    << ", the resulting seq-entry does not match "
                    "what was expected");
                cerr << "##### Resulting Seq-entry: " << endl;
                cerr << MSerial_AsnText << *pResultingSeqEntry << endl;