Beispiel #1
  void Cube::FaceInit()

    NewFace(0, 0, 1, 2, 3, Color(0),Color(255),false);
    NewFace(1, 0, 3, 7, 4, Color(0),Color(255),false);
    NewFace(2, 0, 4, 5, 1, Color(0),Color(255),false);
    NewFace(3, 4, 7, 6, 5, Color(0),Color(255),false);
    NewFace(4, 1, 5, 6, 2, Color(0),Color(255),false);
    NewFace(5, 2, 6, 7, 3, Color(0),Color(255),false);
    // No visible face determination : be sure you use an algorithm to determine
    // which face is visible of*r not, like ZBuffer
    NewFace(0, 0, 1, 2, 3, byte(0),byte(255),true);
    NewFace(1, 0, 3, 7, 4, byte(0),byte(255),true);
    NewFace(2, 0, 4, 5, 1, byte(0),byte(255),true);
    NewFace(3, 4, 7, 6, 5, byte(0),byte(255),true);
    NewFace(4, 1, 5, 6, 2, byte(0),byte(255),true);
    NewFace(5, 2, 6, 7, 3, byte(0),byte(255),true);
Beispiel #2
bool ON_Brep::ReadOld200( ON_BinaryArchive& file, int minor_version )
  bool rc = true;

  // read legacy trimmed surface collection from Rhino 2.0

  int face_count = 0;
  int edge_count = 0;
  int loop_count = 0;
  int trim_count = 0;
  int outer_flag = 0;

  ON_BoundingBox bnd_2d_bbox;
  int i, fi, fbi, fbcnt, bti, btcnt, twin_index;
  int ftype_flag, btype_flag, gcon_flag, mono_flag;
  char b;

  if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &face_count );
  if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &edge_count );
  if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &loop_count );
  if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &trim_count );

  if ( face_count < 1 || edge_count < 1 || loop_count < 1 || trim_count < 1 )
    rc = false;

  if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &outer_flag );
  if (rc) rc = file.ReadPoint( m_bbox.m_min );
  if (rc) rc = file.ReadPoint( m_bbox.m_max );

  // 2d curves
  for ( i = 0; rc && i < trim_count; i++ ) {
    ON_PolyCurve* curve = new ON_PolyCurve();
    rc = curve->Read( file )?true:false;
    if ( curve->Count() == 1 ) {
      m_C2.Append( curve->HarvestSegment(0) );
      delete curve;
      m_C2.Append( curve );
  const int c2_count = m_C2.Count();

  // 3d curves
  for ( i = 0; rc && i < edge_count; i++ ) {
    ON_PolyCurve* curve = new ON_PolyCurve();
    rc = curve->Read( file )?true:false;
    if ( curve->Count() == 1 ) {
      m_C3.Append( curve->HarvestSegment(0) );
      delete curve;
      m_C3.Append( curve );
  const int c3_count = m_C3.Count();

  // make a new edge for each 3d curve
  for ( i = 0; i < c3_count && rc; i++ )

  // 3d surfaces
  for ( i = 0; rc && i < face_count; i++ ) {
    ON_NurbsSurface* surface = new ON_NurbsSurface();
    rc = surface->Read( file )?true:false;
    m_S.Append( surface );

  ON_SimpleArray<int> te_index(trim_count);
  ON_SimpleArray<int> te_twin_index(trim_count);


  for ( fi = 0; rc && fi < face_count; fi++ )
    ftype_flag = 0;
    fbcnt = 0;
    ON_BrepFace& f = NewFace(fi);
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &i ); // legacy face index
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &i ); // OBSOLETE f.m_material_index
    int k = f.m_bRev;
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &k );
    if (rc) f.m_bRev = (k!=0);
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &ftype_flag );
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadPoint( f.m_bbox.m_min );
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadPoint( f.m_bbox.m_max );
    if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &fbcnt);
    if (fbcnt < 1 )
      rc = false;
    for ( fbi = 0; rc && fbi < fbcnt; fbi++ ) {
      btype_flag = 0;
      ON_BrepLoop::TYPE looptype = ON_BrepLoop::unknown;
      if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &i ); // legacy loop index
      if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &btype_flag );
      switch (btype_flag)
      case 0:
        looptype = ON_BrepLoop::outer;
      case 1:
        looptype = ON_BrepLoop::inner;
      case -1:
        looptype = ON_BrepLoop::slit;
        looptype = ON_BrepLoop::unknown;
      if (rc) rc = file.ReadDouble( 2, &bnd_2d_bbox.m_min.x );
      if (rc) rc = file.ReadDouble( 2, &bnd_2d_bbox.m_max.x );
      btcnt = 0;
      if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &btcnt );
      if (btcnt < 1 )
        rc = false;
      ON_BrepLoop& bnd = NewLoop(looptype,f);
      for ( bti = 0; rc && bti < btcnt; bti++ ) {
        ON_BrepTrim& trim = NewTrim(false,bnd,m_T.Count());
        if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &i ); // legacy trim index
        if ( trim.m_trim_index != i )
          ON_ERROR("ON_Brep::ReadOld200 - trim.m_trim_index out of synch.");
          //rc = false;
        if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &twin_index );
        b = 0;
        if (rc) rc = file.ReadChar( &b ); // true if legacy trim managed 3d edge
        if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt( &trim.m_ei );
        if (b) {
          if ( trim.m_ei < 0 || trim.m_ei >= c3_count )
            trim.m_ei = -1;
            ON_ERROR("ON_Brep::ReadOld201 - trim.m_ei out of range.");
            rc = false;
        if ( trim.m_trim_index >= 0 && trim.m_trim_index < c2_count )
          trim.m_c2i = trim.m_trim_index;
        else {
          ON_ERROR("ON_Brep::ReadOld200 - trim.m_trim_index out of range.");
          rc = false;
          trim.m_c2i = -1;
        int k = trim.m_bRev3d;
        if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt(&k);
        if (rc) trim.m_bRev3d = (k!=0);
        if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt(&gcon_flag);
        if (rc) rc = file.ReadInt(&mono_flag);
        if (rc) rc = file.ReadDouble(&trim.m__legacy_3d_tol);
        if (rc) rc = file.ReadDouble(&trim.m__legacy_2d_tol);

  // finish hooking trims to edges
  if (rc) {
    int trim_index;
    for ( i = 0; i < trim_count; i++ ) {
      trim_index = te_index[i];
      if ( trim_index >= 0 && trim_index < m_T.Count() )
      twin_index = te_twin_index[i];
      if ( twin_index >= 0 && twin_index < m_T.Count() )
      ON_BrepTrim& trim1 = m_T[trim_index];
      ON_BrepTrim& trim2 = m_T[twin_index];
      if ( trim1.m_ei >= 0 && trim1.m_ei < c2_count && trim2.m_ei < 0 )
        trim2.m_ei = trim1.m_ei;
      else if ( trim2.m_ei >= 0 && trim2.m_ei < c2_count && trim1.m_ei < 0 )
        trim1.m_ei = trim2.m_ei;
    for ( i = 0; i < m_T.Count(); i++ ) {
      ON_BrepTrim& trim = m_T[i];
      ON_Curve* tcurve = m_C2[trim.m_c2i];
      trim.SetProxyCurve( tcurve );
      if ( trim.m_ei >= 0 && trim.m_ei < c3_count )

    // finish setting flags

    // create 3d vertex information

    // set tols from values in file

  else {

  if (rc) {
    // 3d render mesh geometry
    ON_Object* obj;
    for ( i = 0; rc && i < face_count; i++ ) {
      ON_BrepFace& f = m_F[i];
      if (b) {
        obj = 0;
        rc = (file.ReadObject(&obj)==1)?true:false;
        f.m_render_mesh = ON_Mesh::Cast(obj);
        if ( !f.m_render_mesh )
          delete obj;
    if ( !rc ) {
      // delete render mesh geometry
      for ( i = 0; i < face_count; i++ ) {
        ON_BrepFace& f = m_F[i];
        if ( f.m_render_mesh ) {
          delete f.m_render_mesh;
          f.m_render_mesh = 0;

    if (rc && minor_version >= 1) {
      // 3d analysis mesh geometry
      for ( i = 0; rc && i < face_count; i++ ) {
        ON_BrepFace& f = m_F[i];
        if (b) {
          obj = 0;
          rc = file.ReadObject(&obj)?true:false;
          f.m_analysis_mesh = ON_Mesh::Cast(obj);
          if ( !f.m_analysis_mesh )
            delete obj;
      if ( !rc ) {
        // delete analysis mesh geometry
        for ( i = 0; i < face_count; i++ ) {
          ON_BrepFace& f = m_F[i];
          if ( f.m_analysis_mesh ) {
            delete f.m_analysis_mesh;
            f.m_analysis_mesh = 0;

    // fill in missing information

    if (!rc ) {
      ON_ERROR("ON_Brep::ReadOld201() - trouble reading render/analysis meshes");
      rc = true;

  // 22 April 2003:
  //   Use outer_flag to set m_is_solid for closed solids
  //   with outward pointing normals.
  if ( 1 == outer_flag && IsSolid() )
    m_is_solid = 1;

  return rc;