Beispiel #1
FEATURE_SET Classify::ExtractPicoFeatures(TBLOB *Blob) {
 **	Parameters:
 **		Blob		blob to extract pico-features from
 **		LineStats	statistics on text row blob is in
 **	Globals:
 **		classify_norm_method	normalization method currently specified
 **	Operation: Dummy for now.
 **	Return: Pico-features for Blob.
 **	Exceptions: none
 **	History: 9/4/90, DSJ, Created.
  LIST Outlines;
  LIST RemainingOutlines;
  MFOUTLINE Outline;
  FEATURE_SET FeatureSet;
  FLOAT32 XScale, YScale;

  FeatureSet = NewFeatureSet(MAX_PICO_FEATURES);
  Outlines = ConvertBlob(Blob);
  NormalizeOutlines(Outlines, &XScale, &YScale);
  RemainingOutlines = Outlines;
  iterate(RemainingOutlines) {
    Outline = (MFOUTLINE) first_node (RemainingOutlines);
    ConvertToPicoFeatures2(Outline, FeatureSet);
  if (classify_norm_method == baseline)
  return (FeatureSet);

}                                /* ExtractPicoFeatures */
Beispiel #2
FEATURE_SET ReadFeatureSet(FILE *File, const FEATURE_DESC_STRUCT* FeatureDesc) {
 **	Parameters:
 **		File		open text file to read new feature set from
 **		FeatureDesc	specifies type of feature to read from File
 **	Globals: none
 **	Operation: Create a new feature set of the specified type and read in
 **		the features from File.  The correct text representation
 **		for a feature set is an integer which specifies the number (N)
 **		of features in a set followed by a list of N feature
 **		descriptions.
 **	Return: New feature set read from File.
 **	Exceptions: none
 **	History: Wed May 23 09:17:31 1990, DSJ, Created.
  FEATURE_SET FeatureSet;
  int NumFeatures;
  int i;

  if (fscanf (File, "%d", &NumFeatures) != 1 || NumFeatures < 0)
    DoError (ILLEGAL_NUM_FEATURES, "Illegal number of features in set");

  FeatureSet = NewFeatureSet (NumFeatures);
  for (i = 0; i < NumFeatures; i++)
    AddFeature (FeatureSet, ReadFeature (File, FeatureDesc));

  return (FeatureSet);

}                                /* ReadFeatureSet */
 * Create a new feature set of the specified type and read in
 * the features from File.  The correct text representation
 * for a feature set is an integer which specifies the number (N)
 * of features in a set followed by a list of N feature
 * descriptions.
 * @param File open text file to read new feature set from
 * @param FeatureDesc specifies type of feature to read from File
 * @return New feature set read from File.
FEATURE_SET ReadFeatureSet(FILE* File, const FEATURE_DESC_STRUCT* FeatureDesc) {
  int NumFeatures;
  ASSERT_HOST(tfscanf(File, "%d", &NumFeatures) == 1);
  ASSERT_HOST(NumFeatures >= 0);

  FEATURE_SET FeatureSet = NewFeatureSet(NumFeatures);
  for (int i = 0; i < NumFeatures; i++)
    AddFeature(FeatureSet, ReadFeature (File, FeatureDesc));

  return FeatureSet;
Beispiel #4
FEATURE_SET ExtractMicros(TBLOB* Blob, const DENORM& cn_denorm) {
 **	Parameters:
 **		Blob		blob to extract micro-features from
 **		denorm  control parameter to feature extractor.
 **	Globals: none
 **	Operation: Call the old micro-feature extractor and then copy
 **		the features into the new format.  Then deallocate the
 **		old micro-features.
 **	Return: Micro-features for Blob.
 **	Exceptions: none
 **	History: Wed May 23 18:06:38 1990, DSJ, Created.
  int NumFeatures;
  MICROFEATURES Features, OldFeatures;
  FEATURE_SET FeatureSet;
  FEATURE Feature;

  OldFeatures = BlobMicroFeatures(Blob, cn_denorm);
  if (OldFeatures == NULL)
    return NULL;
  NumFeatures = count (OldFeatures);
  FeatureSet = NewFeatureSet (NumFeatures);

  Features = OldFeatures;
  iterate(Features) {
    OldFeature = (MICROFEATURE) first_node (Features);
    Feature = NewFeature (&MicroFeatureDesc);
    Feature->Params[MFDirection] = OldFeature[ORIENTATION];
    Feature->Params[MFXPosition] = OldFeature[XPOSITION];
    Feature->Params[MFYPosition] = OldFeature[YPOSITION];
    Feature->Params[MFLength] = OldFeature[MFLENGTH];

    // Bulge features are deprecated and should not be used.  Set to 0.
    Feature->Params[MFBulge1] = 0.0f;
    Feature->Params[MFBulge2] = 0.0f;

#ifndef _WIN32
    // Assert that feature parameters are well defined.
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < Feature->Type->NumParams; i++) {

    AddFeature(FeatureSet, Feature);
  return FeatureSet;
}                                /* ExtractMicros */
Beispiel #5
 * Operation: Dummy for now.
 * Globals:
 * - classify_norm_method normalization method currently specified
 * @param Blob blob to extract pico-features from
 * @return Pico-features for Blob.
 * @note Exceptions: none
 * @note History: 9/4/90, DSJ, Created.
    FEATURE_SET Classify::ExtractPicoFeatures(TBLOB * Blob) {
        LIST Outlines;
        LIST RemainingOutlines;
        MFOUTLINE Outline;
        FEATURE_SET FeatureSet;
        FLOAT32 XScale, YScale;

        FeatureSet = NewFeatureSet(MAX_PICO_FEATURES);
        Outlines = ConvertBlob(Blob);
        NormalizeOutlines(Outlines, &XScale, &YScale);
        RemainingOutlines = Outlines;
            Outline = (MFOUTLINE) first_node(RemainingOutlines);
            ConvertToPicoFeatures2(Outline, FeatureSet);
        if (classify_norm_method == baseline)
        return (FeatureSet);

    }                                /* ExtractPicoFeatures */
Beispiel #6
FEATURE_SET Classify::ExtractOutlineFeatures(TBLOB *Blob) {
 **	Parameters:
 **		Blob		blob to extract pico-features from
 **		LineStats	statistics on text row blob is in
 **	Globals: none
 **	Operation: Convert each segment in the outline to a feature
 **		and return the features.
 **	Return: Outline-features for Blob.
 **	Exceptions: none
 **	History: 11/13/90, DSJ, Created.
 **		05/24/91, DSJ, Updated for either char or baseline normalize.
  LIST Outlines;
  LIST RemainingOutlines;
  MFOUTLINE Outline;
  FEATURE_SET FeatureSet;
  FLOAT32 XScale, YScale;

  FeatureSet = NewFeatureSet (MAX_OUTLINE_FEATURES);
  if (Blob == NULL)
    return (FeatureSet);

  Outlines = ConvertBlob (Blob);

  NormalizeOutlines(Outlines, &XScale, &YScale);
  RemainingOutlines = Outlines;
  iterate(RemainingOutlines) {
    Outline = (MFOUTLINE) first_node (RemainingOutlines);
    ConvertToOutlineFeatures(Outline, FeatureSet);
  if (classify_norm_method == baseline)
  return (FeatureSet);
}                                /* ExtractOutlineFeatures */
FEATURE_SET ExtractCharNormFeatures(TBLOB *Blob, LINE_STATS *LineStats) { 
 **	Parameters:
 **		Blob		blob to extract char norm feature from
 **		LineStats	statistics on text row blob is in
 **	Globals: none
 **	Operation: Compute a feature whose parameters describe how a
 **		character will be affected by the character normalization
 **		algorithm.  The feature parameters are:
 **			y position of center of mass in baseline coordinates
 **			total length of outlines in baseline coordinates
 **				divided by a scale factor
 **			radii of gyration about the center of mass in
 **				baseline coordinates
 **	Return: Character normalization feature for Blob.
 **	Exceptions: none
 **	History: Wed May 23 18:06:38 1990, DSJ, Created.
  FEATURE_SET FeatureSet;
  FEATURE Feature;
  FLOAT32 Scale;
  FLOAT32 Baseline;
  LIST Outlines;
  INT_FEATURE_ARRAY blfeatures;
  INT_FEATURE_ARRAY cnfeatures;

  /* allocate the feature and feature set - note that there is always one
     and only one char normalization feature for any blob */
  FeatureSet = NewFeatureSet (1);
  Feature = NewFeature (&CharNormDesc);
  AddFeature(FeatureSet, Feature); 

  /* compute the normalization statistics for this blob */
  Outlines = ConvertBlob (Blob);
  OFile = fopen ("f:/ims/debug/nfOutline.logCPP", "r");
  if (OFile == NULL)
    OFile = Efopen ("f:/ims/debug/nfOutline.logCPP", "w");
    WriteOutlines(OFile, Outlines);
    fclose (OFile);
    OFile = Efopen ("f:/ims/debug/nfOutline.logCPP", "a");
  WriteOutlines(OFile, Outlines);
  fclose (OFile);

  ExtractIntFeat(Blob, blfeatures, cnfeatures, &FXInfo);
  Baseline = BaselineAt (LineStats, FXInfo.Xmean);
  Scale = ComputeScaleFactor (LineStats);
  Feature->Params[CharNormY] = (FXInfo.Ymean - Baseline) * Scale;
  Feature->Params[CharNormLength] =
    FXInfo.Length * Scale / LENGTH_COMPRESSION;
  Feature->Params[CharNormRx] = FXInfo.Rx * Scale;
  Feature->Params[CharNormRy] = FXInfo.Ry * Scale;

  File = fopen ("f:/ims/debug/nfFeatSet.logCPP", "r");
  if (File == NULL)
    File = Efopen ("f:/ims/debug/nfFeatSet.logCPP", "w");
    WriteFeatureSet(File, FeatureSet);
    fclose (File);
    File = Efopen ("f:/ims/debug/nfFeatSet.logCPP", "a");
  WriteFeatureSet(File, FeatureSet);
  fclose (File);
  return (FeatureSet);
}                                /* ExtractCharNormFeatures */
FEATURE_SET ExtractPicoFeatures(TBLOB *Blob, LINE_STATS *LineStats) {
 **	Parameters:
 **		Blob		blob to extract pico-features from
 **		LineStats	statistics on text row blob is in
 **	Globals:
 **		classify_norm_method	normalization method currently specified
 **	Operation: Dummy for now.
 **	Return: Pico-features for Blob.
 **	Exceptions: none
 **	History: 9/4/90, DSJ, Created.
  LIST Outlines;
  LIST RemainingOutlines;
  MFOUTLINE Outline;
  FEATURE_SET FeatureSet;
  FLOAT32 XScale, YScale;

  FeatureSet = NewFeatureSet (MAX_PICO_FEATURES);

  Outlines = ConvertBlob (Blob);

  NormalizeOutlines(Outlines, LineStats, &XScale, &YScale);
  RemainingOutlines = Outlines;
  iterate(RemainingOutlines) {
    Outline = (MFOUTLINE) first_node (RemainingOutlines);
    OFile = fopen ("f:/ims/debug/pfOutline.logCPP", "r");
    if (OFile == NULL)
      OFile = Efopen ("f:/ims/debug/pfOutline.logCPP", "w");
      WriteOutline(OFile, Outline);
      fclose (OFile);
      OFile = Efopen ("f:/ims/debug/pfOutline.logCPP", "a");
    WriteOutline(OFile, Outline);
    fclose (OFile);
    ConvertToPicoFeatures2(Outline, FeatureSet);
  if (classify_norm_method == baseline)
  File = fopen ("f:/ims/debug/pfFeatSet.logCPP", "r");
  if (File == NULL)
    File = Efopen ("f:/ims/debug/pfFeatSet.logCPP", "w");
    WriteFeatureSet(File, FeatureSet);
    fclose (File);
    File = Efopen ("f:/ims/debug/pfFeatSet.logCPP", "a");
  WriteFeatureSet(File, FeatureSet);
  fclose (File);
  return (FeatureSet);

}                                /* ExtractPicoFeatures */