OSErr DoPlayMovie(Boolean useOverlay)
    Rect movieBounds;
	OSErr err;

    BailErr((err = GetAMovieFile(&mMovie)));
    GetMovieBox(mMovie, &movieBounds);
    mMovieController = NewMovieController(mMovie, &movieBounds, mcTopLeftMovie | mcNotVisible);
    GetMovieBox(mMovie, &movieBounds);
	BailErr((err = InitializeMungData(movieBounds, 
							useOverlay, /* overlay */
							true, 		/* clamp */
							false 		/* draw with QT Effect */
	// This is key, as we need to draw all frames in our
	// offscreen gworld first. Once there, our custom
	// decompressor component can perform overlay drawing
	// or color clamping
    SetMovieGWorld(mMovie, GetMungDataOffscreen(), nil);
	// Our DrawCompleteProc calls BlitOneMungData which
    // ---------
    SetMovieActive(mMovie, true);
#ifndef __APPLE_CC__
	// Due to a bug in Jaguar, some QT functions are missing from 
	// /System/Library/CFMSupport/CarbonLib, so we must manually
	// grab the function pointers from the QuickTime.framework
	// for CFM Carbon applications. MachO Carbon applications do not
	// have the problem.
        // start the movie playing
    MCDoAction(mMovieController, mcActionPrerollAndPlay, (void*)Long2Fix(1));

    return err;

// private
bool LLMediaImplQuickTime::load( const std::string url )
	if ( url.empty() )
		return false;

	//In case std::string::c_str() makes a copy of the url data,
	//make sure there is memory to hold it before allocating memory for handle.
	//if fails, NewHandleClear(...) should return NULL.
	const char* url_string = url.c_str() ;
	Handle handle = NewHandleClear( ( Size )( url.length() + 1 ) );
    if ( NULL == handle )
		return false;
	if(noErr != MemError() || NULL == *handle)
		return false ;

	BlockMove( url_string, *handle, ( Size )( url.length() + 1 ) );

	//std::cout << "LLMediaImplQuickTime::load( " << url << " )" << std::endl;

	// TODO: supposed to use NewMovieFromDataParams now
	OSErr err = NewMovieFromDataRef( &mMovieHandle, newMovieActive | newMovieDontInteractWithUser | newMovieAsyncOK | newMovieIdleImportOK, nil, handle, URLDataHandlerSubType );
	DisposeHandle( handle );
	if ( noErr != err )
		return false;

	// do pre-roll actions (typically fired for streaming movies but not always)
	PrePrerollMovie( mMovieHandle, 0, GetMoviePreferredRate( mMovieHandle ), moviePrePrerollCompleteCallback, ( void * )this );

	// get movie rect (and check for min/max)
	Rect movie_rect;
	setMovieBoxEnhanced( &movie_rect );

	// make a new movie controller
	mMovieController = NewMovieController( mMovieHandle, &movie_rect, mcNotVisible | mcTopLeftMovie );

#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(MACOSX)
	setMediaDepth( 4 );
	setMediaDepth( 3 );

	// tell manager about the media size
	setMediaSize( movie_rect.right - movie_rect.left, movie_rect.bottom - movie_rect.top);

	// movie controller
	MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon( mMovieController, mcActionFilterCallBack, ( long )this );

	SetMoviePlayHints( mMovieHandle, hintsAllowDynamicResize, hintsAllowDynamicResize );

	// function that gets called when a frame is drawn
	SetMovieDrawingCompleteProc( mMovieHandle, movieDrawingCallWhenChanged, movieDrawingCompleteCallback, ( long )this );

	// emit an event to say that a media source was loaded
	LLMediaEvent event( this );
	mEventEmitter.update( &LLMediaObserver::onMediaLoaded, event );

	// set up inital state

	return true;
Beispiel #3
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {

  if (nlhs < 0) { mexErrMsgTxt("Too few output arguments."); return; }
  if (nlhs > 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments."); return; }
  if (nrhs < 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("Too few input arguments."); return; }
  if (nrhs > 3) { mexErrMsgTxt("Too many input arguments."); return; }

  TimeValue duration;
  TimeRecord myTimeRecord;
  Rect bounds;
  OSErr result = 0;
  short resRefNum = -1;
  short actualResId = DoTheRightThing;
  FSSpec theFSSpec;
  GWorldPtr offWorld;
  Movie theMovie = nil;
  MovieController thePlayer = nil;
  MovieDrawingCompleteUPP myDrawCompleteProc;
  long frame_end;
  long myStep = 1;
  char location[PATH_BUFFER_SIZE];
  long frame_count;
  mwSize cdims[2];

  mxGetString(prhs[0], location, PATH_BUFFER_SIZE);

  if (nrhs > 2) {
    frame_start = rint(mxGetScalar(prhs[1]));
    frame_end = rint(mxGetScalar(prhs[2]));
  } else if (nrhs > 1) {
    frame_start = 1;
    frame_end = rint(mxGetScalar(prhs[1]));
  } else {
    frame_start = 1;
    frame_end = 0;

  if (frame_start < 1) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Error: the starting frame must be positive\n"); 

  if (frame_end < 0) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Error: the ending frame must be positive\n"); 

  if (frame_end != 0 && frame_end < frame_start) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Error: the ending frame must not be less than the starting frame\n"); 

  myDrawCompleteProc = NewMovieDrawingCompleteUPP(DrawCompleteProc);


  if (NativePathNameToFSSpec(location, &theFSSpec, 0) ||
      OpenMovieFile(&theFSSpec, &resRefNum, 0) ||
      NewMovieFromFile(&theMovie, resRefNum, &actualResId, 0, 0, 0)) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Error: failed to open movie\n"); 

  if (resRefNum != -1) CloseMovieFile(resRefNum);

  GetMovieBox(theMovie, &bounds);
  QTNewGWorld(&offWorld, k32ARGBPixelFormat, &bounds, NULL, NULL, 0);
  SetGWorld(offWorld, NULL);

  thePlayer = NewMovieController(theMovie, &bounds, mcTopLeftMovie | mcNotVisible);
  SetMovieGWorld(theMovie, offWorld, NULL);
  SetMovieActive(theMovie, true);
  SetMovieDrawingCompleteProc(theMovie, movieDrawingCallWhenChanged, myDrawCompleteProc, (long) offWorld);
  GetMovieTime(theMovie, &myTimeRecord);
  duration = GetMovieDuration(theMovie);

  // Compute the number of frames for allocation of output structure
  frame_count = 0;
  while ((frame_end == 0 || frame_count < frame_end) && GetMovieTime(theMovie, NULL) < duration) {
    MCDoAction(thePlayer, mcActionStep, (Ptr) myStep);
  SetMovieTime(theMovie, &myTimeRecord);
  // Ignore frames greater than those in the file
  if (frame_end == 0 || frame_count < frame_end) frame_end = frame_count;
  cdims[0] = frame_end - frame_start + 1; // Indices are one-based
  cdims[1] = 1; 

  plhs[0] = mxCreateCellArray(2, cdims);

  // Step through the movie and save the frame when in the chosen interval
  // Note: the step size seems to be handled as a short internally. 
  //       Using anything greater than 32758 will seek to an incorrect frame
  frame_num = 1;
  while (frame_num <= frame_end) {
    MCDoAction(thePlayer, mcActionStep, (Ptr) myStep);
    if (frame_num >= frame_start) {
      mxSetCell(plhs[0], frame_num - frame_start, framedata);

  UnlockPixels(GetGWorldPixMap (offWorld));
  DisposeMovieController (thePlayer);

Beispiel #4
boolean playeropenmovieinwindow ( ptrfilespec f ) {
	// 2006-06-23 creedon: FSRef-zed
	// 7.0b4 PBS: open a movie in the QuickTime Player window and display it.  If the window isn't already open, open it.
	short movieresref;
	OSErr err;
	hdlwindowinfo hinfo;
	FSSpec fs;
	if (macgetfsspec (f, &fs) != noErr)
		return (false);
	if (!findplayerwindow (&hinfo))
		playeropencommand (); // If the Player window doesn't exist, create a new one.
	getwindowinfo (playerwindow, &playerwindowinfo);
	playerdisposecurrentmovie (); // make sure the current movie has been disposed
	SetGWorld (GetWindowPort (playerwindow), nil);
	err = OpenMovieFile ( &fs, &movieresref, fsRdPerm);
	if (err != noErr)
		return (false);
	NewMovieFromFile (&currentmovie, movieresref, nil, nil, newMovieActive, nil);
	CloseMovieFile (movieresref);
	SetMovieGWorld (currentmovie, GetWindowPort (playerwindow), nil);
	GetMovieBox (currentmovie, &currentmovierect);
	OffsetRect (&currentmovierect, -currentmovierect.left, -currentmovierect.top);
	SetMovieBox (currentmovie, &currentmovierect);		
	currentcontroller = NewMovieController (currentmovie, &currentmovierect, mcTopLeftMovie);
	MCGetControllerBoundsRect (currentcontroller, &currentmovierect);
	//MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon (currentcontroller, NewMCActionFilterWithRefConProc(playermoviecontrollereventfilter), (long) playerwindow);
	SizeWindow (playerwindow, currentmovierect.right, currentmovierect.bottom, false);
	(**playerwindowinfo).contentrect = currentmovierect;
	AlignWindow (playerwindow, false, nil, nil); // position for optimal playback
	//MCDoAction (currentcontroller, mcActionSetKeysEnabled, (void *) true); /*enable keyboard input*/ /*No!*/
	MoviesTask (nil, 0);
	MCIdle (currentcontroller);
	return (true);	
	} // playeropenmovieinwindow