Node * List_insert(Node * head, int v)
  printf("insert %d\n", v);
  Node * p = Node_construct(v); 
  p -> next = head;
  return p;   /* insert at the beginning */
Beispiel #2
Node * List_insert3(Node *front, int val)
  if(front == NULL)
	return Node_construct(val);
  Node * p = front;

  while ((p->next)!= NULL)
      p = p->next;

  p -> next = Node_construct(val);
  return front;

Beispiel #3
Node * List_insert2(Node * front, int val)
  if(front == NULL)
      return Node_construct(val);

  front -> next = List_insert2(front->next, val);
  return front;
  // if front is null retun new node, or else it returns front.
  // front->next = front->next
Beispiel #4
Node * List_insertSort(Node * front, int val)
  if(front == NULL)
      return Node_construct(val);
  if((front->data) > val)
      Node * n = Node_constrcut(val);
      n-> next = front;
      return n;

  //can use a while loop
  front->next = List_insertSort(front->next, val);
  //when reached, the return n in the 
  //if loop will make the link to the previous val
  return front;
Beispiel #5
Node * List_insert(Node * front, int val)
	Node * n = Node_construct(val);
	n -> next = front;
	return n;