Beispiel #1
wxString wxsCoder::GetFullCode(const wxString& FileName,wxFontEncoding& Encoding,bool &UseBOM)
    wxMutexLocker Lock(DataMutex);

    wxString FixedFileName = NormalizeFileName(FileName);

    // Checking if editor is opened
	EditorManager* EM = Manager::Get()->GetEditorManager();
	assert ( EM != 0 );
    cbEditor* Editor = EM->GetBuiltinEditor(FixedFileName);

    if ( Editor )
        Encoding = Editor->GetEncoding();
        UseBOM = Editor->GetUseBom();
        cbStyledTextCtrl* Ctrl = Editor->GetControl();
        return Ctrl->GetText();
        EncodingDetector Detector(FixedFileName);
        Encoding = Detector.GetFontEncoding();
        UseBOM = Detector.GetBOMSizeInBytes() > 0;
        return Detector.IsOK() ? Detector.GetWxStr() : _T("");
Beispiel #2
static void test_filename ( int argc, char ** argv )
    int i;
    char buf[PATH_MAX];

    for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
	printf("%s -> %s\n",argv[i],buf);
Beispiel #3
void wxsCoder::AddCode(const wxString& FileName,const wxString& Header,const wxString& End,const wxString& Code,bool Immediately,bool CodeHasHeader,bool CodeHasEnd)
    wxMutexLocker Lock(DataMutex);

    wxString FixedFileName = NormalizeFileName(FileName);
    if ( FixedFileName.IsEmpty() )

    // Find changing file
    int Index = CodeChangesFiles.Index(FileName);
    if ( Index==wxNOT_FOUND )
        Index = CodeChangesFiles.Count();

    // Add entry to list of waiting changes
    CodeChange* Change = new CodeChange;
    Change->Header = Header;
    Change->End = End;
    Change->Code = Code;
    Change->CodeHasHeader = CodeHasHeader;
    Change->CodeHasEnd = CodeHasEnd;
    Change->Next = CodeChanges[Index];
    CodeChanges[Index] = Change;

    // If the change has already been put onto queue, delete it
    for ( CodeChange *Prev=Change, *This=Prev->Next; This; Prev=This, This=This->Next )
        if ( This->Header==Header && This->End==End )
            Prev->Next = This->Next;
            delete This;
            This = Prev;

    if ( Immediately )
Beispiel #4
void wxsCoder::PutFullCode(const wxString& FileName,const wxString& Code,wxFontEncoding Encoding,bool UseBOM)
    wxMutexLocker Lock(DataMutex);

    wxString FixedFileName = NormalizeFileName(FileName);
    int Index = CodeChangesFiles.Index(FixedFileName);
    if ( Index != wxNOT_FOUND )
        for ( CodeChange* Change=CodeChanges[Index]; Change; )
            CodeChange* Next = Change->Next;
            delete Change;
            Change = Next;
        CodeChanges[Index] = 0;

    // Searching for file in opened file list
	EditorManager* EM = Manager::Get()->GetEditorManager();
	assert ( EM != 0 );
    cbEditor* Editor = EM->GetBuiltinEditor(FixedFileName);

    if ( Editor )
        if ( !cbSaveToFile(FixedFileName,Code,Encoding,UseBOM) )
            #if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 0)
            Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->Log(F(_("wxSmith: Couldn't write file '%s'"),FixedFileName.wx_str()));
            Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->Log(F(_("wxSmith: Couldn't write file '%s'"),FixedFileName.c_str()));
void wxFileHistoryBase::AddFileToHistory(const wxString& file)
    // Check if we don't already have this file. Notice that we avoid
    // wxFileName::operator==(wxString) here as it converts the string to
    // wxFileName and then normalizes it using all normalizations which is too
    // slow (see the comment above), so we use our own quick normalization
    // functions and a string comparison.
    const wxFileName fnNew(file);
    const wxString newFile = NormalizeFileName(fnNew);
    size_t i,
           numFiles = m_fileHistory.size();
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
    for ( i = 0; i < numFiles; i++ )
        if ( newFile == NormalizeFileName(m_fileHistory[i]) )
            // we do have it, move it to the top of the history

    // if we already have a full history, delete the one at the end
    if ( numFiles == m_fileMaxFiles )

    // add a new menu item to all file menus (they will be updated below)
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
    for ( wxList::compatibility_iterator node = m_fileMenus.GetFirst();
        node = node->GetNext() )
        wxMenu * const menu = (wxMenu *)node->GetData();

        if ( !numFiles && menu->GetMenuItemCount() )

        // label doesn't matter, it will be set below anyhow, but it can't
        // be empty (this is supposed to indicate a stock item)
        menu->Append(m_idBase + numFiles, " ");

    // insert the new file in the beginning of the file history
    m_fileHistory.insert(m_fileHistory.begin(), file);

    // update the labels in all menus
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
    for ( i = 0; i < numFiles; i++ )
        // if in same directory just show the filename; otherwise the full path
        const wxFileName fnOld(m_fileHistory[i]);

        wxString pathInMenu;
        if ( (fnOld.GetPath() == fnNew.GetPath()) && fnOld.HasName() )
            pathInMenu = fnOld.GetFullName();
        else // file in different directory or it's not a file but a directory
            // absolute path; could also set relative path
            pathInMenu = m_fileHistory[i];

#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
        for ( wxList::compatibility_iterator node = m_fileMenus.GetFirst();
              node = node->GetNext() )
            wxMenu * const menu = (wxMenu *)node->GetData();

            menu->SetLabel(m_idBase + i, GetMRUEntryLabel(i, pathInMenu));
Beispiel #6
 * Normalize a path for the conventions on the output filesystem.  This
 * adds optional file type preservation.
 * The path from the archive is in "pPathProposal".  Thew new pathname
 * will be placed in the "new pathname" section of "pPathProposal".
 * The new pathname may be shorter (because characters were removed) or
 * longer (if we add a "#XXYYYYZ" extension or replace chars with '%' codes).
 * This returns the new pathname, which is held in NulibState's temporary
 * pathname buffer.
const char* NormalizePath(NulibState* pState, NuPathnameProposal* pPathProposal)
    NuError err = kNuErrNone;
    char* pathBuf;
    const char* startp;
    const char* endp;
    char* dstp;
    char localFssep;
    int newBufLen;

    Assert(pState != NULL);
    Assert(pPathProposal != NULL);
    Assert(pPathProposal->pathnameUNI != NULL);

    localFssep = NState_GetSystemPathSeparator(pState);

     * Set up temporary buffer space.  The maximum possible expansion
     * requires converting all chars to '%' codes and adding the longest
     * possible preservation string.
    newBufLen = strlen(pPathProposal->pathnameUNI)*3 + kMaxPathGrowth +1;
    NState_SetTempPathnameLen(pState, newBufLen);
    pathBuf = NState_GetTempPathnameBuf(pState);
    Assert(pathBuf != NULL);
    if (pathBuf == NULL)
        return NULL;

    startp = pPathProposal->pathnameUNI;
    dstp = pathBuf;
    while (*startp == pPathProposal->filenameSeparator) {
        /* ignore leading path sep; always extract to current dir */

    /* normalize all directory components and the filename component */
    while (startp != NULL) {
        endp = strchr(startp, pPathProposal->filenameSeparator);
        if (endp != NULL) {
            /* normalize directory component */
            err = NormalizeDirectoryName(pState, startp, endp - startp,
                    pPathProposal->filenameSeparator, &dstp,
            if (err != kNuErrNone)
                goto bail;

            *dstp++ = localFssep;

            startp = endp +1;
        } else {
            /* normalize filename */
            err = NormalizeFileName(pState, startp, strlen(startp),
                    pPathProposal->filenameSeparator, &dstp,
            if (err != kNuErrNone)
                goto bail;

            /* add/replace extension if necessary */
            *dstp++ = '\0';
            if (NState_GetModPreserveType(pState)) {
                AddPreservationString(pState, pPathProposal, pathBuf);
            } else if (NuGetThreadID(pPathProposal->pThread) == kNuThreadIDRsrcFork)
                /* add this in lieu of the preservation extension */
                strcat(pathBuf, kResourceStr);

            startp = NULL;   /* we're done */

    pPathProposal->newPathnameUNI = pathBuf;
    pPathProposal->newFilenameSeparator = localFssep;

    /* check for overflow */
    Assert(dstp - pathBuf <= newBufLen);

     * If "junk paths" is set, drop everything but the last component.
    if (NState_GetModJunkPaths(pState)) {
        char* lastFssep;
        lastFssep = strrchr(pathBuf, localFssep);
        if (lastFssep != NULL) {
            Assert(*(lastFssep+1) != '\0'); /* should already have been caught*/
            memmove(pathBuf, lastFssep+1, strlen(lastFssep+1)+1);

    if (err != kNuErrNone)
        return NULL;
    return pathBuf;
Beispiel #7
wxString wxsCoder::GetCode(const wxString& FileName,const wxString& Header,const wxString& End,bool IncludeHeader,bool IncludeEnd)
    wxMutexLocker Lock(DataMutex);

    wxString FixedFileName = NormalizeFileName(FileName);

    int TabSize = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("editor"))->ReadInt(_T("/tab_size"), 4);

    // Checking if editor is opened
	EditorManager* EM = Manager::Get()->GetEditorManager();
	assert ( EM != 0 );
    cbEditor* Editor = EM->GetBuiltinEditor(FixedFileName);

    if ( Editor )
        cbStyledTextCtrl* Ctrl = Editor->GetControl();
        int Position = Ctrl->SearchInTarget(Header);
        if ( Position == -1 ) return _T("");

        // Counting number of indentation spaces which will be removed at
        // the beginning of each line
        int SpacesCut = 0;
        int SpacesPos = Position;
        while ( --SpacesPos >= 0 )
            wxChar ch = Ctrl->GetCharAt(SpacesPos);
            if ( ch == _T('\t') ) SpacesCut += TabSize;
            else if ( (ch==_T('\n')) || (ch==_T('\r')) ) break;
            else SpacesCut++;

        int EndPosition = Ctrl->SearchInTarget(End);
        if ( EndPosition == -1 ) return _T("");

        // Fixing up positions to include / exclude header and/or ending sequence
        if ( !IncludeHeader ) Position += Header.Length();
        if ( IncludeEnd ) EndPosition += End.Length();
        return CutSpaces(Ctrl->GetTextRange(Position,EndPosition),SpacesCut);
        EncodingDetector Detector(FixedFileName);
        if ( !Detector.IsOK() ) return _T("");

        wxString Content = Detector.GetWxStr();

        int Position = Content.First(Header);
        if ( Position == -1 ) return _T("");
        int SpacesCut = 0;
        int SpacesPos = Position;
        while ( --SpacesPos >= 0 )
            wxChar ch = Content.GetChar(SpacesPos);
            if ( ch == _T('\t') ) SpacesCut += TabSize;
            else if ( (ch==_T('\n')) || (ch==_T('\r')) ) break;
            else SpacesCut++;

        if ( !IncludeHeader ) Position += Header.Length();
        int EndPosition = Content.First(End);
        if ( EndPosition == -1 ) return _T("");
        if ( IncludeEnd ) EndPosition += End.Length();
        return CutSpaces(Content,SpacesCut);