// Helper function to undo the turning of the vehicle to calculate a relative position of the passenger when boarding
void VehicleInfo::CalculateBoardingPositionOf(float gx, float gy, float gz, float go, float& lx, float& ly, float& lz, float& lo) const
    NormalizeRotatedPosition(gx - m_owner->GetPositionX(), gy - m_owner->GetPositionY(), lx, ly);

    lz = gz - m_owner->GetPositionZ();
    lo = NormalizeOrientation(go - m_owner->GetOrientation());
Beispiel #2
    void PacketBuilder::WriteCommonMonsterMovePart(const MoveSpline& move_spline, WorldPacket& data)
        MoveSplineFlag splineflags = move_spline.splineflags;

        if (move_spline.transportGuid)
            //DEBUG_LOG("Setting transport opcode for %s", move_spline.transport->GetGuidStr().c_str());
            data << PackedGuid(move_spline.transportGuid);
            data << uint8(move_spline.transportSeat);
            data << uint8(0);
            data << (Vector3)move_spline.transportPos;
            data << uint8(0);
            data << move_spline.spline.getPoint(move_spline.spline.first());

        data << move_spline.GetId();

        switch(splineflags & MoveSplineFlag::Mask_Final_Facing)
                data << uint8(MonsterMoveNormal);
            case MoveSplineFlag::Final_Target:
                data << uint8(MonsterMoveFacingTarget);
                data << move_spline.facing.target;
            case MoveSplineFlag::Final_Angle:
                data << uint8(MonsterMoveFacingAngle);
                data << NormalizeOrientation(move_spline.facing.angle);
            case MoveSplineFlag::Final_Point:
                data << uint8(MonsterMoveFacingSpot);
                data << move_spline.facing.f.x << move_spline.facing.f.y << move_spline.facing.f.z;

        // add fake Enter_Cycle flag - needed for client-side cyclic movement (client will erase first spline vertex after first cycle done)
        splineflags.enter_cycle = move_spline.isCyclic();
        data << uint32(splineflags & ~MoveSplineFlag::Mask_No_Monster_Move);

        if (splineflags.animation)
            data << splineflags.getAnimationId();
            data << move_spline.effect_start_time;

        data << move_spline.Duration();

        if (splineflags.parabolic)
            data << move_spline.vertical_acceleration;
            data << move_spline.effect_start_time;
Beispiel #3
// Calculate a global position of local positions based on this transporter
void TransportBase::CalculateGlobalPositionOf(float lx, float ly, float lz, float lo, float& gx, float& gy, float& gz, float& go) const
    RotateLocalPosition(lx, ly, gx, gy);
    gx += m_owner->GetPositionX();
    gy += m_owner->GetPositionY();

    gz = lz + m_owner->GetPositionZ();
    go = NormalizeOrientation(lo + m_owner->GetOrientation());
Beispiel #4
bool Position::HasInArc(float arc, const Position* obj, float border) const
    // always have self in arc
    if (obj == this)
        return true;

    // move arc to range 0.. 2*pi
    arc = NormalizeOrientation(arc);

    float angle = GetAngle(obj);
    angle -= m_orientation;

    // move angle to range -pi ... +pi
    angle = NormalizeOrientation(angle);
    if (angle > float(M_PI))
        angle -= 2.0f * float(M_PI);

    float lborder = -1 * (arc / border);                        // in range -pi..0
    float rborder = (arc / border);                             // in range 0..pi
    return ((angle >= lborder) && (angle <= rborder));
    void PacketBuilder::WriteCommonMonsterMovePart(const MoveSpline& move_spline, WorldPacket& data)
        MoveSplineFlag splineflags = move_spline.splineflags;

        /*if (mov.IsBoarded())
            data << mov.GetTransport()->Owner.GetPackGUID();
            data << int8(mov.m_unused.transport_seat);

        data << uint8(0);
        data << move_spline.spline.getPoint(move_spline.spline.first());
        data << move_spline.GetId();

        switch (splineflags & MoveSplineFlag::Mask_Final_Facing)
                data << uint8(MonsterMoveNormal);
            case MoveSplineFlag::Final_Target:
                data << uint8(MonsterMoveFacingTarget);
                data << move_spline.facing.target;
            case MoveSplineFlag::Final_Angle:
                data << uint8(MonsterMoveFacingAngle);
                data << NormalizeOrientation(move_spline.facing.angle);
            case MoveSplineFlag::Final_Point:
                data << uint8(MonsterMoveFacingSpot);
                data << move_spline.facing.f.x << move_spline.facing.f.y << move_spline.facing.f.z;

        // add fake Enter_Cycle flag - needed for client-side cyclic movement (client will erase first spline vertex after first cycle done)
        splineflags.enter_cycle = move_spline.isCyclic();
        data << uint32(splineflags & ~MoveSplineFlag::Mask_No_Monster_Move);

        if (splineflags.animation)
            data << splineflags.getAnimationId();
            data << move_spline.effect_start_time;

        data << move_spline.Duration();

        if (splineflags.parabolic)
            data << move_spline.vertical_acceleration;
            data << move_spline.effect_start_time;
    void PacketBuilder::WriteCreateBytes(const MoveSpline& move_spline, ByteBuffer& data)
        if (!move_spline.Finalized())
            MoveSplineFlag splineFlags = move_spline.splineflags;
            uint32 nodes = move_spline.getPath().size();
            bool hasSplineStartTime = move_spline.splineflags & (MoveSplineFlag::Trajectory | MoveSplineFlag::Animation);
            bool hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = (move_spline.splineflags & MoveSplineFlag::Trajectory) && move_spline.effect_start_time < move_spline.Duration();

            if (hasSplineVerticalAcceleration)
                data << float(move_spline.vertical_acceleration);   // added in 3.1

            data << int32(move_spline.timePassed());

            if (move_spline.splineflags & MoveSplineFlag::Final_Angle)
                data << float(NormalizeOrientation(move_spline.facing.angle));
            else if (move_spline.splineflags & MoveSplineFlag::Final_Target)
                 data.WriteGuidBytes<5, 3, 7, 1, 6, 4, 2, 0>(ObjectGuid(move_spline.facing.target));

            for (uint32 i = 0; i < nodes; ++i)
                data << float(move_spline.getPath()[i].z);
                data << float(move_spline.getPath()[i].x);
                data << float(move_spline.getPath()[i].y);

            if (move_spline.splineflags & MoveSplineFlag::Final_Point)
                data << float(move_spline.facing.f.x) << float(move_spline.facing.f.z) << float(move_spline.facing.f.y);

            data << float(1.f);
            data << int32(move_spline.Duration());
            if (hasSplineStartTime)
                data << int32(move_spline.effect_start_time);   // added in 3.1

            data << float(1.f);

        if (!move_spline.isCyclic())
            Vector3 dest = move_spline.FinalDestination();
            data << float(dest.z);
            data << float(dest.x);
            data << float(dest.y);
            data << Vector3::zero();

        data << uint32(move_spline.GetId());
Beispiel #7
// Update every now and then (after some change of transporter's position)
// This is used to calculate global positions (which don't have to be exact, they are only required for some server-side calculations
void TransportBase::Update(uint32 diff)
    if (m_updatePositionsTimer < diff)
        if (fabs(m_owner->GetPositionX() - m_lastPosition.x) +
                fabs(m_owner->GetPositionY() - m_lastPosition.y) +
                fabs(m_owner->GetPositionZ() - m_lastPosition.z) > 1.0f ||
                NormalizeOrientation(m_owner->GetOrientation() - m_lastPosition.o) > 0.01f)

        m_updatePositionsTimer = 500;
        m_updatePositionsTimer -= diff;
Beispiel #8
// Update the global positions of all passengers
void TransportBase::UpdateGlobalPositions()
    Position pos(m_owner->GetPositionX(), m_owner->GetPositionY(),
                 m_owner->GetPositionZ(), m_owner->GetOrientation());

    // Calculate new direction multipliers
    if (NormalizeOrientation(pos.o - m_lastPosition.o) > 0.01f)
        m_sinO = sin(pos.o);
        m_cosO = cos(pos.o);

    // Update global positions
    for (PassengerMap::const_iterator itr = m_passengers.begin(); itr != m_passengers.end(); ++itr)
        UpdateGlobalPositionOf(itr->first, itr->second->GetLocalPositionX(), itr->second->GetLocalPositionY(),
                               itr->second->GetLocalPositionZ(), itr->second->GetLocalOrientation());

    m_lastPosition = pos;