Beispiel #1
Ns_ModuleInit(char *srv, char *mod)
    struct mydata *md = NULL;

    md = (struct mydata*)ns_malloc(sizeof(struct mydata));
    md->modname = strcpy(ns_malloc(strlen(mod)+1), mod);
    md->server  = strcpy(ns_malloc(strlen(srv)+1), srv);

    return (Ns_TclInitInterps(srv, NsThread_Init, (void*)md) == TCL_OK)
        ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR;
Beispiel #2
NsPerl2_ModInit(char *server, char *module)
    extern perl_master_context *nsperl2_master_context;
    int perl_exitstatus;
    Ns_Log(Notice,"nsperl2: loading");

    if (!(nsperl2_master_context = ns_malloc (sizeof(perl_master_context))))
        return TCL_ERROR;

    /* determine initial perl script */
    nsperl2_master_context->param_path = Ns_ConfigGetPath(server, module, NULL);
    nsperl2_master_context->init_script = Ns_ConfigGetValue(nsperl2_master_context->param_path, "init_script");
    nsperl2_master_context->init_sub = Ns_ConfigGetValue(nsperl2_master_context->param_path, "init_sub");
    nsperl2_master_context->server = Ns_ConfigGetValue(nsperl2_master_context->param_path, "server");

    /* TODO: what to do if multiple servers? probably need a master context per server */

    Ns_Log (Notice, "nsperl2: init_script is %s", nsperl2_master_context->init_script);
    char *embedding[] = { "", nsperl2_master_context->init_script };
    PerlInterpreter *perl_interp;

    int perl_argc = 0;
    char **perl_argv = NULL;

    PERL_SYS_INIT3( &perl_argc, &perl_argv, environ_h );

    /* create perl interpreter */

    if((perl_interp = perl_alloc()) == NULL) {
        Ns_Log (Error, "Couldn't alloc perl interp");
        return TCL_ERROR;

    PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; /* run END blocks at destruction */

    PERL_SET_CONTEXT (perl_interp);
    perl_exitstatus = perl_parse(perl_interp, xs_init, 2, embedding, NULL);

    /* TODO: check perl_exitstatus */

    nsperl2_master_context->perl_master_interp = perl_interp;

    /* call the init_sub - eg. where urls are registered etc. 
       you could do the same in a BEGIN block, but this is cleaner */

    Tcl_Interp *tcl_interp;
    tcl_interp = Ns_TclAllocateInterp (server);
    set_nsperl2_globals (perl_interp, tcl_interp, NULL);
    call_pv (nsperl2_master_context->init_sub, G_NOARGS | G_VOID | G_DISCARD); /* not doing G_EVAL - if init_sub fails, we want to bail. */
    /* should I destroy that tcl interp?? */

    Ns_RegisterShutdown (nsperl2_free_master_context, NULL);
    Ns_TclInitInterps(server,NsPerl2InitInterp, NULL);

    return NS_OK;