Beispiel #1
static void pgasel_irregStartEh ( Widget w, XtPointer clnt, XEvent *event,
							Boolean *ctdr )
 * pgasel_irregStartEh                                                  *
 *                                                                      *
 * Internal callback of button press for irregular area selection       *
 *                                                                      *
 * static void pgasel_irregStartiEh ( w, clnt, event, ctdr )            *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *	w		Widget		Widget that activated callback	*
 *	clnt		XtPointer	Pointer to client data		*
 *	*event		XEvent		Event that triggered callback	*
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * J. Wu/SAIC		04/04	copy from pgdsel_irregStart		*
    int   	ier, xoff, yoff;
    float	xx, yy;
    char	mesg[] = {"Maximum points exceeded."};
 * Make sure event is triggered from left button.
    if ( event->xbutton.button == Button1 ) {

	xgtoff ( &xoff, &yoff, &ier );
	xx = (float) (event->xbutton.x + xoff); 
	yy = (float) (event->xbutton.y + yoff); 
	if ( _irregPt + 2  >= _maxAllowPts ) {
	    NxmWarn_show ( w, mesg );
	    mbotw_mouseSet ( LMHINT_ERROR, MMHINT_DONE );
	else {
	    _xPtsBuf[_irregPt +1] = _xPtsBuf[_irregPt] = xx;
	    _yPtsBuf[_irregPt +1] = _yPtsBuf[_irregPt] = yy;

	    pggst_drawGhost ( GST_NEW_LINE );
	    pggst_replaceGhostPts ( 1, &xx, &yy, &ier );
	    pggst_addGhostPts ( 1, &xx, &yy, &ier );
	    pggst_drawGhost ( GST_NEW_LINE );
Beispiel #2
void wnxm_NxmWarn_show( Widget parent, char *message )
 * wnxm_NxmWarn_show							*
 *									*
 * void wnxm_NxmWarn_show ( parent, message )				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	parent		Widget	The top level widget			*
 *	*message	char	Warning message to be displayed		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 * Return:								*
 *			NONE						*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	11/07	initial coding                          *
    NxmWarn_show( parent, message );	
Beispiel #3
static void pglpfw_browseDoneCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer clnt, XtPointer cbs )
 * pglpfw_browseDoneCb							*
 *									*
 * This is an internal callback function for the browse buttons,	*
 * Ok and Cancel.							*
 *									*
 * void pglpfw_browseDoneCb (wid, clnt, cbs)				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	wid		Widget		Widget that activated callback	*
 *	clnt		XtPointer	Pointer to client data (GrInfo)	*
 *	cbs		XtPointer	Callback struct			*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		04/02						*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	04/02	use cfl_isdir instead of local version	*
    int		which, ier;
    char 	*text;
    char	filepart[MXFLSZ] = "\0" , pathpart[LLPATH] = "\0";
    Widget	popup;
    FSBCBS 	*fcbs;

    which = (long)clnt;
    if (which == 1) {	/* OK */
	fcbs = (FSBCBS *) cbs;
	XmStringGetLtoR (fcbs->value, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, &text);

	if ( cfl_isdir ( text )  ) {
            _fileName[0] = '\0';
            strcpy ( _dirPath, text );
        else {
            cfl_path ( text, pathpart, filepart, &ier ) ;
            if ( filepart[0] != '\0' ) {
                strcpy ( _fileName, filepart );
            if ( pathpart[0] != '\0' ) {
                strcpy ( _dirPath, pathpart );

        if ( _dirPath[ ( strlen(_dirPath) - 1 ) ] != '/' ) {
            strcat ( _dirPath, "/" );

	XtFree (text);

	if ( _fileName[0] == '\0' ) {
	    popup = (XtIsManaged (_browsePopup)) ? _browsePopup : _fileSelW;
	    NxmWarn_show (popup, "Not a valid file.");
	else {
	    pglpfw_openCtlBtnCb ( NULL, 0, NULL );
    else {	/* CANDEL */
	XtUnmanageChild (_browsePopup);
Beispiel #4
static void pgconn_select ( Widget wid, XtPointer clnt, XEvent *event,
						Boolean *ctdr )
 * pgconn_select							*
 *									*
 * This function handles the selection callbacks			*
 *									*
 * static void pgconn_select (wid, clnt, event, ctdr )			*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	wid		Widget	calling widget				*
 *	clnt		XtPointer					*
 *	*event		XEvent						*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *			NONE						*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 *  S. Law/GSC		09/98	Initial coding				*
 *  S. Law/GSC		09/98	Removed unnecessary refreshes		*
 *  E. Safford/GSC	09/98	fix ghost problem conn to 2 pt lines    *
 *  G. Krueger/EAI	10/98	Using table for mouse hints		*
 *  S. Law/GSC		09/98	added CLASS_SIGMETS			*
 *  S. Law/GSC		09/99	added parameter to mcanvw_set* functions*
 *  E. Safford/GSC	10/99	update for new xwcmn.h			*
 *  S. Law/GSC		02/00	added CCF				*
 *  S. Law/GSC		03/00	added parameter to pgutls_prepNew	*
 *  H. Zeng/EAI         04/00   changed cursor name                     *
 *  S. Law/GSC		06/00	changed to use xgtoff			*
 *  H. Zeng/EAI         11/00   modified for the new undo design        *
 *  A. Hardy/GSC        11/00   renamed coordinate system declaration   *
 *  H. Zeng/EAI         12/00   modified for multiple undo steps        *
 *  J. Wu/GSC		03/01	added "EXIT" hint to bottom panel       *
 *  J. Wu/SAIC		01/02	scan the current PGEN layer only	*
 *  E. Safford/SAIC	03/02	rename from _pgconn_select, add         *
 *				  pgutls_regroup(), clean up		*
 *  E. Safford/SAIC	04/02	check ier from cvg_scan to avoid UMR	*
 *  T. Lee/SAIC         11/03   added user directory to work_file       *
 *  T. Lee/SAIC		11/03	used cvg_getworkfile			*
 *  S. Danz/AWC         08/06   New flag to pgvgf_saveNewElm to place el*
 *  J. Wu/SAIC		06/07	connect GFAs      			*
    float		xx, yy, llx, lly, urx, ury;
    float		*primary_x, *primary_y;
    float		secondary_x[MAXPTS], secondary_y[MAXPTS];
    int			primary_n, primary_loc, secondary_n;
    int			ier, near, test, xoff, yoff, cur_layer;
    int			start, grp_num1, grp_num2;
    char		grp_typ1, grp_typ2, warnMsg[256], value[10];
    char		mesg[] = {"Maximum vertices exceeded."};
    Boolean		primary_grouped = FALSE;
    Boolean		secondary_grouped = FALSE;

    static int		secondary_elnum;
    static int          secondary_loc;
    static Boolean	reverse_flag = FALSE;
    static VG_DBStruct	secondary_el;
    static VG_DBStruct	GFA_el;
    int			GFA_pts, GFA_newloc;
    float		GFA_x[MAXPTS], GFA_y[MAXPTS];

    xgtoff (&xoff, &yoff, &ier);
    cur_layer = pglayer_getCurLayer ();

    if (event->xbutton.button == Button1) {

        if (_selectFlag) {     /* confirming secondary element */
	    grp_typ1 = _primaryEl.hdr.grptyp;
	    grp_num1 = _primaryEl.hdr.grpnum;

	    if ( grp_typ1 > 0 && grp_num1 > 0 ) {
		primary_grouped = TRUE;

	    cvg_todev (&secondary_el, &secondary_n, secondary_x, 
		       secondary_y, &ier);

	    grp_typ2 = secondary_el.hdr.grptyp;
	    grp_num2 = secondary_el.hdr.grpnum;

	    if ( grp_typ2 > 0 && grp_num2 > 0 ) {
		secondary_grouped = TRUE;
	    if ( _drawGhost ) {
	        near = pgactv_getNearPt ();
	        pgactv_getDevPts (&primary_n, &primary_x, &primary_y);

	        start = (FindNearEnd (0, near, (primary_n - 1)) == 0) ? 
		         0 : primary_n;

	        if (reverse_flag) {
		    pgutls_fReverseArray (secondary_n, secondary_x,

	        pgactv_addPts (secondary_x, secondary_y, secondary_n, 
			       start, &ier);
	    if (ier == 0) {
		if ( _drawGhost ) {
		    pgactv_getDevPts (&primary_n, &primary_x, &primary_y);

 *  Grouping the new element:
 *  If the primary element was grouped, the new element stays in 
 *  that group. If the primary element was not grouped, but the 
 *  secondary element was, then put the new element in the 
 *  secondary element's group. 
	        if ( !primary_grouped && secondary_grouped ) {
		    _primaryEl.hdr.grptyp = grp_typ2;
		    _primaryEl.hdr.grpnum = grp_num2;
 *  Save the new element:
 *  For non-GFAs or open FZLVLs, use points of both the primary
 *  and secondary elements.
 *  For closed GFAs,  use points resulting from smearing the primary
 *  and secondary elements.  
 *  Note: The new GFA element will use the the primary element's 
 *        forecast hour, color, and line attributes. 
		if ( _drawGhost ) {
		    pgundo_storeThisLoc ( _primaryLoc, UNDO_DEL, &ier );
		    pgundo_storeThisLoc ( secondary_loc, UNDO_DEL, &ier );

		    pgutls_prepNew ( -1, &_primaryEl,  &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury,
		    pgvgf_saveNewElm ( cvg_getworkfile(), sys_D, &_primaryEl, 
				 primary_n, primary_x, primary_y, 
				 TRUE, &primary_loc, &ier );
		    pgutls_redraw ( primary_loc, &_primaryEl, &ier );

		    pgundo_storeThisLoc ( primary_loc, UNDO_ADD, &ier);
		else {		
		    pgvgf_saveNewElm ( cvg_getworkfile(), sys_M, &GFA_el, 
		                      0, GFA_x, GFA_y, 
		                      TRUE, &GFA_newloc, &ier );
		    if ( ier >= 0 ) {
		        pgundo_storeThisLoc ( _primaryLoc, UNDO_DEL, &ier );
		        pgundo_storeThisLoc ( secondary_loc, UNDO_DEL, &ier );
		        pgactv_setActvElm ( &_primaryEl,  _primaryLoc );
		        pgutls_prepNew ( _primaryLoc, &_primaryEl,  
			                 &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury, &ier);
			pgutls_redraw ( GFA_newloc, &GFA_el, &ier );
			pgundo_storeThisLoc ( GFA_newloc, UNDO_ADD, &ier );
		    else if ( ier == -28 ) { /* too few points in resulting smear */
	                cvg_getFld ( &GFA_el, TAG_GFA_TAG, value, &ier );
	                sprintf( warnMsg, "Unable to connect tag %s.\n It has too few points after smearing and/or snapping.\n", value );
	                NxmWarn_show( mcanvw_getDrawingW(), warnMsg );
		    cvg_freeElPtr ( &GFA_el );

 * set the secondary element as the active
 * one, so that prepNew can remove it
		pgactv_setActvElm (&secondary_el, secondary_loc);
		pgutls_prepNew (secondary_loc, &secondary_el, 
				&llx, &lly, &urx, &ury, &ier);
 *  If both elements were grouped, then move all elements
 *  grouped with the secondary element into the primary
 *  element's group.
		if ( primary_grouped && secondary_grouped ) {
  		    pgutls_regroup ( grp_typ2, grp_num2, 
		    		     grp_typ1, grp_num1, &ier ); 

 *  Clean up for next connection.
                if ( _isGFA ) {
		    cvg_freeElPtr ( &secondary_el );		
		    cvg_freeElPtr ( &_primaryEl );		
		pghdlb_deselectAll ();
                pgactv_clearActv ();
	        pggst_clearGhost ( FALSE );
	    else {
		NxmWarn_show (wid, mesg);

	    mcanvw_setPressFunc ((XtEventHandler)&pgevt_locateElmCb, CURS_DEFAULT);
	    if ( _drawGhost ) mcanvw_disarmDrag ();

	    _selectFlag = FALSE;
	    mbotw_mouseSet(LMHINT_SELECT, MMHINT_EXIT);
	else {	/* selecting secondary element */
 	    xx = (float) (event->xbutton.x + xoff); 
	    yy = (float) (event->xbutton.y + yoff);

	    test = False;
	    cvg_scan (NULL, cur_layer, (char)_primaryEl.hdr.vg_class, xx, yy,
		      0, &secondary_el, &secondary_loc, &near, &ier);

 *  Verify elements only if no error returned from cvg_scan.
	    if ( ier >= 0 ) {
	        test = pgconn_verifyType ( &_primaryEl, &secondary_el); 

 *  Verify there are actually 2 elements, not the same element.
	    if (test) {
		if (secondary_loc == pgactv_getElmLoc () ||
		    secondary_loc == 0) {
		    test = FALSE;

	    if ( test ) {
		crg_getinx ( secondary_loc, &secondary_elnum, &ier );
 *  Get the points for the potential connect/join and use it
 *  to draw the ghost line so the user can have a feel of the
 *  result before making the confirmation.
 *  For non-GFAs or open FZLVLs, connect points of both the primary
 *  and secondary elements.
 *  For closed GFAs,  get points by smearing the primary and
 *  secondary elements. 
		if ( !_drawGhost ) {	        
 *  Select the second GFA.
		    pghdlb_select ( &secondary_el, secondary_loc );
 *  Smear two GFA polygons.
	            GFA_pts = 0; = 0; 
		    pgconn_smear ( _primaryLoc, secondary_loc,		  
		  		   &GFA_el, &GFA_pts, GFA_x, GFA_y );
 *  Ghost the resulting polygon.
		    pggst_clearGhost (TRUE);
                    pggst_setLineAttr ( _primaryEl.hdr.smooth, 
		                        (Boolean)_primaryEl.hdr.closed );
		    pggst_addGhostPts ( GFA_pts, GFA_x, GFA_y, &ier );
		    pggst_drawGhost ( GST_NORMAL );
		else { 
		    pggst_drawGhost (GST_NORMAL);

		    mcanvw_disarmDrag ();
		    cvg_todev (&secondary_el, &secondary_n, secondary_x, 
			       secondary_y, &ier);

		    if (FindNearEnd (0, near, (secondary_n - 1))) {
		        reverse_flag = TRUE;
		        pgutls_fReverseArray (secondary_n, secondary_x,
		    else {
		        reverse_flag = FALSE;

		    pggst_replaceGhostPts (1, &secondary_x[0], 
				           &secondary_y[0], &ier);

		    pggst_addGhostPts ((secondary_n - 1), &secondary_x[1],
				        &secondary_y[1], &ier);

		    pggst_drawGhost (GST_NORMAL);

		_selectFlag = TRUE;
    else {
        if (_selectFlag) {     /* unselecting secondary element */
	    pghdlb_deselectEl ( secondary_elnum, TRUE );
	    pghdlb_displayAllSel ();

	    if ( _drawGhost ) {
	        xx = (float) (event->xbutton.x + xoff); 
	        yy = (float) (event->xbutton.y + yoff); 

	        _ghostX[_ghostN] = xx;
	        _ghostY[_ghostN] = yy;
	        pggst_clearGhost (FALSE);

	        pggst_addGhostPts ((_ghostN + 1), _ghostX, _ghostY, &ier);

	        pggst_drawGhost (GST_NORMAL);

	    _selectFlag = FALSE;
	    mbotw_mouseSet(LMHINT_NEXT, MMHINT_DONE);
	    if ( _drawGhost ) {
	        mcanvw_setDragFunc((XtEventHandler)&pgconn_ghost, CURS_DEFAULT);
	    if ( _isGFA ) {
		cvg_freeElPtr ( &secondary_el );		
		if ( !_drawGhost ) cvg_freeElPtr ( &GFA_el );		

	else {	/* unselecting primary element */
	    if ( _isGFA ) {
		cvg_freeElPtr ( &_primaryEl );		
	    mcanvw_disarmDynamic ();
	    _selectFlag = FALSE;


	    mcanvw_setPressFunc ((XtEventHandler)&pgevt_locateElmCb, CURS_DEFAULT);

	    _selectFlag = FALSE;
	    mbotw_mouseSet(LMHINT_SELECT, MMHINT_EXIT);	    
Beispiel #5
int get_group ( Widget widget )
 *									*
 *	This subroutione gets the frame selection for the		*
 *		specified group.					*
 *									*
 *		GET_GROUP  ( WIDGET )					*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	WIDGET		Widget		 parent widget			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * T. Piper/SAIC	10/04	Changed MAX_PIXMAP to MAX_FRAME_GROUP	*
int		framecnt, ii, status;
XmStringTable	selectedframes;
char		text[40], message[256];


	get_text(group_nameW, &text[0]);

	if ( *text ) {

		strcpy( GroupList[GroupNo].groupname,text );

				XmNselectedItemCount, &framecnt,
				XmNselectedItems,     &selectedframes,

		if ( framecnt == 0 ) {
			NxmWarn_show( widget, "Please Select Frames." );
			status = 0;

		else {
			if ( framecnt > MAX_FRAME_GROUP ) {
			    "The number of frames in this group exceeds the limit of %d.",
			    NxmWarn_show( widget, message );
			    status = 0;
			else {
			    GroupList[GroupNo].frame_num = framecnt;

			    for ( ii = 0; ii < framecnt; ii++ ) {
				GroupList[GroupNo].frames[ii] =

			    GroupNo ++;
			    status = 1;
	}		/* end of if */
	else	{
		status = 0;
		NxmWarn_show( widget, "Please Input the Group Name.");

	return (status);