GLES2DefaultHardwareUniformBuffer::GLES2DefaultHardwareUniformBuffer(size_t bufferSize,
                                                                          HardwareBuffer::Usage usage,
                                                                          bool useShadowBuffer, const String& name)
 : HardwareUniformBuffer(0, bufferSize, usage, useShadowBuffer, name)
     mData = static_cast<unsigned char*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(mSizeInBytes, MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY));
	DefaultHardwareVertexBuffer::DefaultHardwareVertexBuffer(HardwareBufferManagerBase* mgr, size_t vertexSize, size_t numVertices, 
		HardwareBuffer::Usage usage)
        : HardwareVertexBuffer(mgr, vertexSize, numVertices, usage, true, false) // always software, never shadowed
        // Allocate aligned memory for better SIMD processing friendly.
        mData = static_cast<unsigned char*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(mSizeInBytes, MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY));
 GLESDefaultHardwareVertexBuffer::GLESDefaultHardwareVertexBuffer(size_t vertexSize,
                                                              size_t numVertices,
                                                              HardwareBuffer::Usage usage)
     : HardwareVertexBuffer(0, vertexSize, numVertices, usage, true, false)
     mData = static_cast<unsigned char*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(mSizeInBytes, MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY));
 NULLStagingBuffer::NULLStagingBuffer( size_t internalBufferStart, size_t sizeBytes,
                                             VaoManager *vaoManager, bool uploadOnly ) :
     StagingBuffer( internalBufferStart, sizeBytes, vaoManager, uploadOnly ),
     mMappedPtr( 0 ),
     mNullDataPtr( 0 )
     mNullDataPtr = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD( sizeBytes, MEMCATEGORY_RENDERSYS ) );
    ObjectMemoryManager::ObjectMemoryManager() :
            mTotalObjects( 0 ),
            mDummyNode( 0 ),
            mDummyObject( 0 ),
            mMemoryManagerType( SCENE_DYNAMIC ),
            mTwinMemoryManager( 0 )
        //Manually allocate the memory for the dummy scene nodes (since we can't pass ourselves
        //or yet another object) We only allocate what's needed to prevent access violations.
        /*mDummyTransformPtrs.mPosition = reinterpret_cast<ArrayVector3*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(
                                                sizeof( ArrayVector3 ), MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS ) );
        mDummyTransformPtrs.mOrientation = reinterpret_cast<ArrayQuaternion*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(
                                                sizeof( ArrayQuaternion ), MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS ) );
        mDummyTransformPtrs.mScale = reinterpret_cast<ArrayVector3*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(
                                                sizeof( ArrayVector3 ), MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS ) );*/

        mDummyTransformPtrs.mDerivedPosition    = reinterpret_cast<ArrayVector3*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(
                                                sizeof( ArrayVector3 ), MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS ) );
        mDummyTransformPtrs.mDerivedOrientation= reinterpret_cast<ArrayQuaternion*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(
                                                sizeof( ArrayQuaternion ), MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS ) );
        mDummyTransformPtrs.mDerivedScale       = reinterpret_cast<ArrayVector3*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(
                                                sizeof( ArrayVector3 ), MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS ) );

        mDummyTransformPtrs.mDerivedTransform   = reinterpret_cast<Matrix4*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(
                                                sizeof( Matrix4 ) * ARRAY_PACKED_REALS,
                                                MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS ) );
        /*mDummyTransformPtrs.mInheritOrientation= OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD( sizeof( bool ) * ARRAY_PACKED_REALS,
                                                                    MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS );
        mDummyTransformPtrs.mInheritScale       = OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD( sizeof( bool ) * ARRAY_PACKED_REALS,
                                                                    MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_OBJECTS );*/

        *mDummyTransformPtrs.mDerivedPosition       = ArrayVector3::ZERO;
        *mDummyTransformPtrs.mDerivedOrientation    = ArrayQuaternion::IDENTITY;
        *mDummyTransformPtrs.mDerivedScale          = ArrayVector3::UNIT_SCALE;
        for( size_t i=0; i<ARRAY_PACKED_REALS; ++i )
            mDummyTransformPtrs.mDerivedTransform[i] = Matrix4::IDENTITY;

        mDummyNode = new SceneNode( mDummyTransformPtrs );
        mDummyObject = new NullEntity();
Beispiel #6
void GfxBody::reinitialise (void)


    for (unsigned short i = 0; i < mesh->getNumSubMeshes(); ++i) {
        Ogre::SubMesh *sm = mesh->getSubMesh(i);
        Sub* sub = new Sub(this, sm);
        std::string matname = apply_map(initialMaterialMap, sm->getMaterialName());
        if (!gfx_material_has(matname)) {
            CERR << "Mesh \"/"<<mesh->getName()<<"\" references non-existing material "
                 << "\""<<matname<<"\""<<std::endl;
            matname = "/system/FallbackMaterial";
        sub->material = gfx_material_get(matname);

    if (!mesh->getSkeleton().isNull()) {
        skeleton = OGRE_NEW Ogre::SkeletonInstance(mesh->getSkeleton());
        numBoneMatrixes = skeleton->getNumBones();
        boneMatrixes      = static_cast<Ogre::Matrix4*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(sizeof(Ogre::Matrix4) * numBoneMatrixes, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_ANIMATION));
        boneWorldMatrixes = static_cast<Ogre::Matrix4*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(sizeof(Ogre::Matrix4) * numBoneMatrixes, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_ANIMATION));

    } else {
        skeleton = NULL;
        numBoneMatrixes = 0;
        boneMatrixes      = NULL;
        boneWorldMatrixes = NULL;

Beispiel #7
//void _getBoneMatrices(Matrix4* pMatrices);
void skeleton__get_bone_matrices(SkeletonHandle handle, coiMatrix4* matrices[])
    Ogre::Skeleton* skeleton = static_cast<Ogre::Skeleton*>(handle);

    // Borrowed from OgreEntity.cpp
    unsigned short num = skeleton->getNumBones();
    Ogre::Matrix4* BoneMatrices = static_cast<Ogre::Matrix4*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(sizeof(Ogre::Matrix4) * num, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_ANIMATION));

    for (unsigned short current = 0; current != num; ++current)
        Ogre::Matrix4 o_matrix = *BoneMatrices;
        ogre_matrix4_to_llcoi_matrix4(o_matrix, *matrices[current]);
Beispiel #8
    void InstancedEntity::createSkeletonInstance()
        //Is mesh skeletally animated?
        if( mBatchOwner->_getMeshRef()->hasSkeleton() &&
            !mBatchOwner->_getMeshRef()->getSkeleton().isNull() &&
            mBatchOwner->_supportsSkeletalAnimation() )
            mSkeletonInstance = OGRE_NEW SkeletonInstance( mBatchOwner->_getMeshRef()->getSkeleton() );

            mBoneMatrices       = static_cast<Matrix4*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD( sizeof(Matrix4) *
            if (mBatchOwner->useBoneWorldMatrices())
                mBoneWorldMatrices  = static_cast<Matrix4*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD( sizeof(Matrix4) *

            mAnimationState = OGRE_NEW AnimationStateSet();
            mBatchOwner->_getMeshRef()->_initAnimationState( mAnimationState );
Beispiel #9
    NULLVaoManager::NULLVaoManager() :
        mDrawId( 0 )
        mConstBufferAlignment   = 256;
        mTexBufferAlignment     = 256;

        mConstBufferMaxSize = 64 * 1024;        //64kb
        mTexBufferMaxSize   = 128 * 1024 * 1024;//128MB

        mSupportsPersistentMapping  = true;
        mSupportsIndirectBuffers    = false;

        mDynamicBufferMultiplier = 1;

        VertexElement2Vec vertexElements;
        vertexElements.push_back( VertexElement2( VET_UINT1, VES_COUNT ) );
        uint32 *drawIdPtr = static_cast<uint32*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD( 4096 * sizeof(uint32),
                                                                    MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY ) );
        for( uint32 i=0; i<4096; ++i )
            drawIdPtr[i] = i;
        mDrawId = createVertexBuffer( vertexElements, 4096, BT_IMMUTABLE, drawIdPtr, true );
	GLDefaultHardwareVertexBuffer::GLDefaultHardwareVertexBuffer(HardwareBufferManagerBase* mgr, size_t vertexSize, size_t numVertices, 
		HardwareBuffer::Usage usage)
        : HardwareVertexBuffer(mgr, vertexSize, numVertices, usage, true, false) // always software, never shadowed
        mData = static_cast<unsigned char*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(mSizeInBytes, MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY));
 DefaultHardwareCounterBuffer::DefaultHardwareCounterBuffer(HardwareBufferManagerBase* mgr, size_t sizeBytes, HardwareBuffer::Usage usage, bool useShadowBuffer, const String& name)
 : HardwareCounterBuffer(mgr, sizeBytes, usage, useShadowBuffer, name)
     // Allocate aligned memory for better SIMD processing friendly.
     mData = static_cast<unsigned char*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(mSizeInBytes, MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY));
 GL3PlusDefaultHardwareCounterBuffer::GL3PlusDefaultHardwareCounterBuffer(HardwareBufferManagerBase* mgr,
                                                                          const String& name)
     : HardwareCounterBuffer(mgr, sizeof(GLuint), HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC, false, name)
     mData = static_cast<unsigned char*>(OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(mSizeInBytes, MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY));
Beispiel #13
    void WireAabb::createBuffers(void)
        const float c_vertexData[8*3] =
            -1, -1,  1,
             1, -1,  1,
             1,  1,  1,
            -1,  1,  1,
            -1, -1, -1,
             1, -1, -1,
             1,  1, -1,
            -1,  1, -1

        //Create the indices.
        const Ogre::uint16 c_indexData[2 * 4 * 3] =
            0, 1,   1, 2,   2, 3,   3, 0,	//Front
            4, 5,   5, 6,   6, 7,   7, 4,	//Back
            0, 4,   1, 5,   2, 6,   3, 7

        Ogre::uint16 *cubeIndices = reinterpret_cast<Ogre::uint16*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD(
                                                                         sizeof(Ogre::uint16) * 2 * 4 * 3,
                                                                         Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY ) );
        memcpy( cubeIndices, c_indexData, sizeof( c_indexData ) );

        VaoManager *vaoManager = mManager->getDestinationRenderSystem()->getVaoManager();
        Ogre::IndexBufferPacked *indexBuffer = 0;

            indexBuffer = vaoManager->createIndexBuffer( Ogre::IndexBufferPacked::IT_16BIT,
                                                         2 * 4 * 3,
                                                         cubeIndices, true );
        catch( Ogre::Exception &e )
            // When keepAsShadow = true, the memory will be freed when the index buffer is destroyed.
            // However if for some weird reason there is an exception raised, the memory will
            // not be freed, so it is up to us to do so.
            // The reasons for exceptions are very rare. But we're doing this for correctness.
            OGRE_FREE_SIMD( indexBuffer, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY );
            indexBuffer = 0;
            throw e;

        //Create the vertex buffer

        //Vertex declaration
        VertexElement2Vec vertexElements;
        vertexElements.push_back( VertexElement2( VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION ) );

        //For immutable buffers, it is mandatory that cubeVertices is not a null pointer.
        float *cubeVertices = reinterpret_cast<float*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD( sizeof(float) * 8 * 3,
                                                                          Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY ) );
        //Fill the data.
        memcpy( cubeVertices, c_vertexData, sizeof(float) * 8 * 3 );

        Ogre::VertexBufferPacked *vertexBuffer = 0;
            //Create the actual vertex buffer.
            vertexBuffer = vaoManager->createVertexBuffer( vertexElements, 8,
                                                           cubeVertices, true );
        catch( Ogre::Exception &e )
            OGRE_FREE_SIMD( vertexBuffer, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GEOMETRY );
            vertexBuffer = 0;
            throw e;

        //Now the Vao. We'll just use one vertex buffer source
        VertexBufferPackedVec vertexBuffers;
        vertexBuffers.push_back( vertexBuffer );
        Ogre::VertexArrayObject *vao = vaoManager->createVertexArrayObject(
                    vertexBuffers, indexBuffer, OT_LINE_LIST );

        mVaoPerLod[0].push_back( vao );
        mVaoPerLod[1].push_back( vao );