void OSCAcceptPacket(OSCPacketBuffer packet) {
    if ((packet->n % 4) != 0) {
	OSCProblem("OSC packet size (%d bytes) not a multiple of 4.", packet->n);

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("OSCAcceptPacket(OSCPacketBuffer %p, buf %p, size %d)\n", 
	   packet, packet->buf, packet->n);

    /* If the packet came from the user, it's return address is OK. */
    packet->returnAddrOK = TRUE;

    InsertBundleOrMessage(packet->buf, packet->n, packet, OSCTT_Immediately());

    if (packet->refcount == 0) {
	if (freePackets != packet) {
	    fatal_error("OSCAcceptPacket: packet refcount 0, but it's not the head of the free list!");

Beispiel #2
void MainLoop(ALport alp, FileDescriptor dacfd, FileDescriptor sockfd, SynthState *v1, SynthState *v2) {
/*    int hwm = 300, lwm = 256; */
    int hwm = 1000, lwm = 800;
    fd_set read_fds, write_fds;

    /* largest file descriptor to search for */    
    int	nfds = BIGGER_OF(dacfd, sockfd) + 1;

    printf("MainLoop: dacfd %d, sockfd %d, nfds %d\n", dacfd, sockfd, nfds);

    time_to_quit = 0;
    sigset(SIGINT, catch_sigint);       /* set sig handler       */

    while(!time_to_quit) {

	/* compute sine wave samples while the sound output buffer is below
	   the high water mark */

	while (ALgetfilled(alp) < hwm) {
	    Synthesize(alp, v1, v2);

	/* Figure out the time tag corresponding to the time in the future that we haven't
	   computed any samples for yet. */
							   ALgetfilled(alp) / the_sample_rate));

	/* set the low water mark, i.e. when we want control from select(2) */
	ALsetfillpoint(alp, OUTPUTQUEUESIZE - lwm);

	/* set up select */
	FD_ZERO(&read_fds);	/* clear read_fds */
	FD_ZERO(&write_fds);	/* clear write_fds */
	FD_SET(dacfd, &write_fds);
	FD_SET(sockfd, &read_fds); 

	FD_SET(0, &read_fds);	/* stdin */

	/* give control back to OS scheduler to put us to sleep until the DAC
	   queue drains and/or a character is available from standard input */

	if (select(nfds, &read_fds, &write_fds, (fd_set * )0, (struct timeval *)0) < 0) {
	    /* select reported an error */
	    perror("bad select"); 
	    goto quit;

	if(FD_ISSET(sockfd, &read_fds)) {

	/* is there a character in the queue? */
	if (FD_ISSET(0, &read_fds)) {
	    /* this will never block */
	    char c = getchar();

	    if (c == 'q') {
		/* quit */
	    } else if ((c <= '9') && (c >= '0')) {
		/* tweak frequency */
		v1->f = 440.0 + 100.0 * (c - '0');