void QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::setMapUnits()
  if ( !mIsValidFlag )
    mMapUnits = QGis::UnknownUnit;

  char *unitName;

  // Of interest to us is that this call adds in a unit parameter if
  // one doesn't already exist.
  OSRFixup( mCRS );

  if ( OSRIsProjected( mCRS ) )
    double toMeter = OSRGetLinearUnits( mCRS, &unitName );
    QString unit( unitName );

    // If the units parameter was created during the Fixup() call
    // above, the name of the units is likely to be 'unknown'. Try to
    // do better than that ... (but perhaps ogr should be enhanced to
    // do this instead?).

    static const double feetToMeter = 0.3048;
    static const double smallNum = 1e-3;

    if ( qAbs( toMeter - feetToMeter ) < smallNum )
      unit = "Foot";

    QgsDebugMsg( "Projection has linear units of " + unit );

    if ( unit == "Meter" )
      mMapUnits = QGis::Meters;
    else if ( unit == "Foot" )
      mMapUnits = QGis::Feet;
      QgsDebugMsg( "Unsupported map units of " + unit );
      mMapUnits = QGis::UnknownUnit;
    OSRGetAngularUnits( mCRS, &unitName );
    QString unit( unitName );
    if ( unit == "degree" )
      mMapUnits = QGis::Degrees;
      QgsDebugMsg( "Unsupported map units of " + unit );
      mMapUnits = QGis::UnknownUnit;
    QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Projection has angular units of " + unit, 3 );
Beispiel #2
int readoutlets(char *outletsds,char *lyrname, int uselayername,int outletslyr,OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRSRaster,int *noutlets, double*& x, double*& y,int*& id)

	// initializing datasoruce,layer,feature, geomtery, spatial reference
    OGRSFDriverH    driver;
    OGRDataSourceH  hDS1;
	OGRLayerH       hLayer1;
	OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn1;
	OGRFieldDefnH   hFieldDefn1;
	OGRFeatureH     hFeature1;
	OGRGeometryH    geometry, line;
	OGRSpatialReferenceH hRSOutlet;
	// register all ogr driver related to OGR

	// open data source
	hDS1 = OGROpen(outletsds, FALSE, NULL );
	if( hDS1 == NULL )
	printf( "Error Opening OGR Data Source .\n" );
	return 1;
    //get layer from layer name
	if(uselayername==1) { hLayer1 = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(hDS1,lyrname);}
		//get layerinfo from layer number
	else { hLayer1 = OGR_DS_GetLayer(hDS1,outletslyr);} // get layerinfo from layername

	if(hLayer1 == NULL)getlayerfail(hDS1,outletsds,outletslyr);
	OGRwkbGeometryType gtype;

	// Test that the type is a point
	if(gtype != wkbPoint)getlayerfail(hDS1,outletsds,outletslyr);

	const char* RasterProjectionName;
	const char* sprs;
	const char* sprso;
	const char* OutletProjectionName;
	int pj_raster,pj_outlet;

	// Spatial reference of outlet
	hRSOutlet = OGR_L_GetSpatialRef(hLayer1);
	  pj_raster=OSRIsProjected(hSRSRaster); // find if projected or not
	  if(pj_raster==0) {sprs="GEOGCS";} else { sprs="PROJCS"; }
	  RasterProjectionName = OSRGetAttrValue(hSRSRaster,sprs,0); // get projection name
	  if(pj_outlet==0) {sprso="GEOGCS";} else { sprso="PROJCS"; }
	  OutletProjectionName = OSRGetAttrValue(hRSOutlet,sprso,0);

	//Write warnings where projections may not match
	if(hRSOutlet!=NULL && hSRSRaster!=NULL){
		if (pj_raster==pj_outlet){
			 int rc= strcmp(RasterProjectionName,OutletProjectionName); // compare string
				printf( "Warning: Projection of Outlet feature and Raster data may be different.\n" );
				printf("Projection of Raster datasource %s.\n",RasterProjectionName);
                printf("Projection of Outlet feature %s.\n",OutletProjectionName);
		else {
			  printf( "Warning: Spatial References of Outlet feature and Raster data are different.\n" );
			  printf("Projection of Raster datasource %s.\n",RasterProjectionName);
              printf("Projection of Outlet feature %s.\n",OutletProjectionName);
	else if(hSRSRaster==NULL && hRSOutlet!=NULL) {
		      printf( "Warning: Spatial Reference of Raster is missing.\n" );
              printf("Projection of Outlet feature %s.\n",OutletProjectionName);

	else if(hSRSRaster!=NULL && hRSOutlet==NULL) {
	          printf( "Warning: Spatial Reference of Outlet feature is missing.\n" );
			  printf("Projection of Raster datasource %s.\n",RasterProjectionName);
	else {
	          printf( "Warning: Spatial References of Outlet feature and Raster data are missing.\n" );

	long countPts=0;
	// count number of feature
	// get schema i.e geometry, properties (e.g. ID)
	hFDefn1 = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hLayer1); 
	x = new double[countPts];
	y = new double[countPts];
	int iField;
	int nxy=0;
	id = new int[countPts];
	// loop through each feature and get lat,lon and id information

    while( (hFeature1 = OGR_L_GetNextFeature(hLayer1)) != NULL ) {

		 //hFeature1=OGR_L_GetFeature(hLayer1,j); // get feature info
		 geometry = OGR_F_GetGeometryRef(hFeature1); // get geometry
         x[nxy] = OGR_G_GetX(geometry, 0);
		 y[nxy] =  OGR_G_GetY(geometry, 0);
		 int idfld =OGR_F_GetFieldIndex(hFeature1,"id");
		 if (idfld >= 0)
			hFieldDefn1 = OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn( hFDefn1,idfld); // get field definiton based on index
			if( OGR_Fld_GetType(hFieldDefn1) == OFTInteger ) {
					id[nxy] =OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( hFeature1, idfld );} // get id value 
		 else {
		      id[nxy]=1;// if there is no id field         
		 nxy++; // count number of outlets point
		 OGR_F_Destroy( hFeature1 ); // destroy feature
	OGR_DS_Destroy( hDS1); // destroy data source
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
void QgsGrassNewMapset::setGrassProjection()
    QgsDebugMsg( "entered." );
    setError( mProjErrorLabel, "" );

    QString proj4 = mProjectionSelector->selectedProj4String();

    // Not defined
    if ( mNoProjRadioButton->isChecked() )
        mCellHead.proj = PROJECTION_XY;
        mCellHead.zone = 0;
        mProjInfo = 0;
        mProjUnits = 0;

        button( QWizard::NextButton )->setEnabled( true );

    // Define projection
    if ( !proj4.isEmpty() )
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "proj4 = %1" ).arg( proj4.toLocal8Bit().constData() ) );

        OGRSpatialReferenceH hCRS = NULL;
        hCRS = OSRNewSpatialReference( NULL );
        int errcode;
        const char *oldlocale = setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, NULL );
        setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" );
        errcode = OSRImportFromProj4( hCRS, proj4.toUtf8() );
        setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, oldlocale );
        if ( errcode != OGRERR_NONE )
            QgsDebugMsg( QString( "OGR can't parse PROJ.4-style parameter string:\n%1\nOGR Error code was %2" ).arg( proj4 ).arg( errcode ) );

            mCellHead.proj = PROJECTION_XY;
            mCellHead.zone = 0;
            mProjInfo = 0;
            mProjUnits = 0;
            char *wkt = NULL;

            QgsDebugMsg( QString( "OSRIsGeographic = %1" ).arg( OSRIsGeographic( hCRS ) ) );
            QgsDebugMsg( QString( "OSRIsProjected = %1" ).arg( OSRIsProjected( hCRS ) ) );

            if (( errcode = OSRExportToWkt( hCRS, &wkt ) ) != OGRERR_NONE )
                QgsDebugMsg( QString( "OGR can't get Wkt-style parameter string\nOGR Error code was %1" ).arg( errcode ) );
                QgsDebugMsg( QString( "wkt = %1" ).arg( wkt ) );

            // Note: GPJ_osr_to_grass() defaults in PROJECTION_XY if projection
            //       cannot be set

            // There was a bug in GRASS, it is present in 6.0.x line
            int ret = GPJ_wkt_to_grass( &mCellHead, &mProjInfo, &mProjUnits, wkt, 0 );

            // Note: It seems that GPJ_osr_to_grass()returns always 1,
            //   -> test if mProjInfo was set

            Q_UNUSED( ret );
            QgsDebugMsg( QString( "ret = %1" ).arg( ret ) );
            QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mProjInfo = %1" ).arg( QString::number(( qulonglong )mProjInfo, 16 ).toLocal8Bit().constData() ) );

            OGRFree( wkt );

        if ( !mProjInfo || !mProjUnits )
            setError( mProjErrorLabel, tr( "Selected projection is not supported by GRASS!" ) );
    else // Nothing selected
        mCellHead.proj = PROJECTION_XY;
        mCellHead.zone = 0;
        mProjInfo = 0;
        mProjUnits = 0;
    button( QWizard::NextButton )->setEnabled( mProjInfo && mProjUnits );
Beispiel #4
int GPJ_osr_to_grass(struct Cell_head *cellhd, struct Key_Value **projinfo,
		     struct Key_Value **projunits, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS,
		     int datumtrans)
    struct Key_Value *temp_projinfo;
    char *pszProj4 = NULL, *pszRemaining;
    char *pszProj = NULL;
    char *datum = NULL;
    struct gpj_datum dstruct;

    if (hSRS == NULL)
	goto default_to_xy;

    /* Set finder function for locating OGR csv co-ordinate system tables */

    /* Hopefully this doesn't do any harm if it wasn't in ESRI format
     * to start with... */

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Set cellhd for well known coordinate systems.                   */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (!OSRIsGeographic(hSRS) && !OSRIsProjected(hSRS))
	goto default_to_xy;

    if (cellhd) {
	int bNorth;

	if (OSRIsGeographic(hSRS)) {
	    cellhd->proj = PROJECTION_LL;
	    cellhd->zone = 0;
	else if (OSRGetUTMZone(hSRS, &bNorth) != 0) {
	    cellhd->proj = PROJECTION_UTM;
	    cellhd->zone = OSRGetUTMZone(hSRS, &bNorth);
	    if (!bNorth)
		cellhd->zone *= -1;
	else {
	    cellhd->proj = PROJECTION_OTHER;
	    cellhd->zone = 0;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Get the coordinate system definition in PROJ.4 format.          */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (OSRExportToProj4(hSRS, &pszProj4) != OGRERR_NONE)
	goto default_to_xy;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Parse the PROJ.4 string into key/value pairs.  Do a bit of      */
    /*      extra work to "GRASSify" the result.                            */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    temp_projinfo = G_create_key_value();

    /* Create "local" copy of proj4 string so we can modify and free it
     * using GRASS functions */
    pszRemaining = G_store(pszProj4);
    pszProj4 = pszRemaining;
    while ((pszRemaining = strstr(pszRemaining, "+")) != NULL) {
	char *pszToken, *pszValue;


	/* Advance pszRemaining to end of this token[=value] pair */
	pszToken = pszRemaining;
	while (*pszRemaining != ' ' && *pszRemaining != '\0')

	if (*pszRemaining == ' ') {
	    *pszRemaining = '\0';

	/* parse token, and value */
	if (strstr(pszToken, "=") != NULL) {
	    pszValue = strstr(pszToken, "=");
	    *pszValue = '\0';
	    pszValue = "defined";

	if (G_strcasecmp(pszToken, "proj") == 0) {
	    /* The ll projection is known as longlat in PROJ.4 */
	    if (G_strcasecmp(pszValue, "longlat") == 0)
		pszValue = "ll";

	    pszProj = pszValue;

	/* Ellipsoid and datum handled separately below */
	if (G_strcasecmp(pszToken, "ellps") == 0
	    || G_strcasecmp(pszToken, "a") == 0
	    || G_strcasecmp(pszToken, "b") == 0
	    || G_strcasecmp(pszToken, "es") == 0
	    || G_strcasecmp(pszToken, "rf") == 0
	    || G_strcasecmp(pszToken, "datum") == 0)

	/* We will handle units separately */
	if (G_strcasecmp(pszToken, "to_meter") == 0
	    || G_strcasecmp(pszToken, "units") == 0)

	G_set_key_value(pszToken, pszValue, temp_projinfo);

    *projinfo = G_create_key_value();

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Derive the user name for the projection.                        */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (pszProj) {
	char path[4095];
	char name[80];

	sprintf(path, "%s/etc/projections", G_gisbase());
	if (G_lookup_key_value_from_file(path, pszProj, name, sizeof(name)) >
	    G_set_key_value("name", name, *projinfo);
	    G_set_key_value("name", pszProj, *projinfo);

	G_set_key_value("proj", pszProj, *projinfo);
	G_warning(_("No projection name! Projection parameters likely to be meaningless."));

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Find the GRASS datum name and choose parameters either          */
    /*      interactively or not.                                           */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

	const char *pszDatumNameConst = OSRGetAttrValue(hSRS, "DATUM", 0);
	struct datum_list *list, *listhead;
	char *dum1, *dum2, *pszDatumName;
	int paramspresent =
	    GPJ__get_datum_params(temp_projinfo, &dum1, &dum2);

	if (pszDatumNameConst) {
	    /* Need to make a new copy of the string so we don't mess
	     * around with the memory inside the OGRSpatialReferenceH? */

	    pszDatumName = G_store(pszDatumNameConst);

	    list = listhead = read_datum_table();

	    while (list != NULL) {
		if (G_strcasecmp(pszDatumName, list->longname) == 0) {
		    datum = G_store(list->name);
		list = list->next;

	    if (datum == NULL) {
		if (paramspresent < 2)
		    /* Only give warning if no parameters present */
		    G_warning(_("Datum <%s> not recognised by GRASS and no parameters found"),
	    else {
		G_set_key_value("datum", datum, *projinfo);

		if (paramspresent < 2) {
		    /* If no datum parameters were imported from the OSR
		     * object then we should use the set specified by datumtrans */
		    char *params, *chosenparams = NULL;
		    int paramsets;

		    paramsets =
			GPJ_get_default_datum_params_by_name(datum, &params);

		    if (paramsets < 0)
			G_warning(_("Datum <%s> apparently recognised by GRASS but no parameters found. "
				   "You may want to look into this."), datum);
		    else if (datumtrans > paramsets) {

			G_warning(_("Invalid transformation number %d; valid range is 1 to %d. "
				   "Leaving datum transform parameters unspecified."),
				  datumtrans, paramsets);
			datumtrans = 0;

		    if (paramsets > 0) {
			struct gpj_datum_transform_list *list, *old;

			list = GPJ_get_datum_transform_by_name(datum);

			if (list != NULL) {
			    do {
				if (list->count == datumtrans)
				    chosenparams = G_store(list->params);
				old = list;
				list = list->next;
			    } while (list != NULL);

		    if (chosenparams != NULL) {
			char *paramkey, *paramvalue;

			paramkey = strtok(chosenparams, "=");
			paramvalue = chosenparams + strlen(paramkey) + 1;
			G_set_key_value(paramkey, paramvalue, *projinfo);

		    if (paramsets > 0)


    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*   Determine an appropriate GRASS ellipsoid name if possible, or      */
    /*   else just put a and es values into PROJ_INFO                       */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if ((datum != NULL) && (GPJ_get_datum_by_name(datum, &dstruct) > 0)) {
	/* Use ellps name associated with datum */
	G_set_key_value("ellps", dstruct.ellps, *projinfo);
    else {
	/* If we can't determine the ellipsoid from the datum, derive it
	 * directly from "SPHEROID" parameters in WKT */
	const char *pszSemiMajor = OSRGetAttrValue(hSRS, "SPHEROID", 1);
	const char *pszInvFlat = OSRGetAttrValue(hSRS, "SPHEROID", 2);

	if (pszSemiMajor != NULL && pszInvFlat != NULL) {
	    char *ellps = NULL;
	    struct ellps_list *list, *listhead;
	    double a = atof(pszSemiMajor), invflat = atof(pszInvFlat), flat;
	    double es;

	    /* Allow for incorrect WKT describing a sphere where InvFlat 
	     * is given as 0 rather than inf */
	    if (invflat > 0)
		flat = 1 / invflat;
		flat = 0;

	    es = flat * (2.0 - flat);

	    list = listhead = read_ellipsoid_table(0);

	    while (list != NULL) {
		/* Try and match a and es against GRASS defined ellipsoids;
		 * accept first one that matches. These numbers were found
		 * by trial and error and could be fine-tuned, or possibly
		 * a direct comparison of IEEE floating point values used. */
		if ((a == list->a || fabs(a - list->a) < 0.1 || fabs(1 - a / list->a) < 0.0000001) && ((es == 0 && list->es == 0) ||	/* Special case for sphere */
												       (invflat == list->rf || fabs(invflat - list->rf) < 0.0000001))) {
		    ellps = G_store(list->name);
		list = list->next;
	    if (listhead != NULL)

	    if (ellps == NULL) {
		/* If we weren't able to find a matching ellps name, set
		 * a and es values directly from WKT-derived data */
		char es_str[100];

		G_set_key_value("a", (char *)pszSemiMajor, *projinfo);

		sprintf(es_str, "%.16g", es);
		G_set_key_value("es", es_str, *projinfo);
	    else {
		/* else specify the GRASS ellps name for readability */
		G_set_key_value("ellps", ellps, *projinfo);



    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Finally append the detailed projection parameters to the end    */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < temp_projinfo->nitems; i++)
			    temp_projinfo->value[i], *projinfo);



    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Set the linear units.                                           */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    *projunits = G_create_key_value();

    if (OSRIsGeographic(hSRS)) {
	/* We assume degrees ... someday we will be wrong! */
	G_set_key_value("unit", "degree", *projunits);
	G_set_key_value("units", "degrees", *projunits);
	G_set_key_value("meters", "1.0", *projunits);
    else {
	char szFormatBuf[256];
	char *pszUnitsName = NULL;
	double dfToMeters;
	char *pszUnitsPlural, *pszStringEnd;

	dfToMeters = OSRGetLinearUnits(hSRS, &pszUnitsName);

	/* Workaround for the most obvious case when unit name is unknown */
	if ((G_strcasecmp(pszUnitsName, "unknown") == 0) &&
	    (dfToMeters == 1.))
	    G_asprintf(&pszUnitsName, "meter");

	G_set_key_value("unit", pszUnitsName, *projunits);

	/* Attempt at plural formation (WKT format doesn't store plural
	 * form of unit name) */
	pszUnitsPlural = G_malloc(strlen(pszUnitsName) + 3);
	strcpy(pszUnitsPlural, pszUnitsName);
	pszStringEnd = pszUnitsPlural + strlen(pszUnitsPlural) - 4;
	if (G_strcasecmp(pszStringEnd, "foot") == 0) {
	    /* Special case for foot - change two o's to e's */
	    pszStringEnd[1] = 'e';
	    pszStringEnd[2] = 'e';
	else if (G_strcasecmp(pszStringEnd, "inch") == 0) {
	    /* Special case for inch - add es */
	    pszStringEnd[4] = 'e';
	    pszStringEnd[5] = 's';
	    pszStringEnd[6] = '\0';
	else {
	    /* For anything else add an s at the end */
	    pszStringEnd[4] = 's';
	    pszStringEnd[5] = '\0';

	G_set_key_value("units", pszUnitsPlural, *projunits);

	sprintf(szFormatBuf, "%.16g", dfToMeters);
	G_set_key_value("meters", szFormatBuf, *projunits);


    return 2;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Fallback to returning an ungeoreferenced definition.            */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (cellhd != NULL) {
	cellhd->proj = PROJECTION_XY;
	cellhd->zone = 0;

    *projinfo = NULL;
    *projunits = NULL;

    return 1;