Beispiel #1
bool Octree::setupNewLayerOfOctree()
	if (lifeLeft < 1)
		isLeaf = true;
		return false;

	nodes = new Octree[8];

	GLfloat dimHalf_x = (aabb.max_x - aabb.min_x) / 2.0f;
	GLfloat dimHalf_y = (aabb.max_y - aabb.min_y) / 2.0f;
	GLfloat dimHalf_z = (aabb.max_z - aabb.min_z) / 2.0f;

	GLfloat center_x = aabb.min_x + dimHalf_x;
	GLfloat center_y = aabb.min_y + dimHalf_y;
	GLfloat center_z = aabb.min_z + dimHalf_z;

	nodes[0] = Octree(aabb.max_x, aabb.max_y, aabb.max_z, center_x, center_y, center_z, lifeLeft - 1, this);
	nodes[1] = Octree(center_x, center_y, center_z, aabb.min_x, aabb.min_y, aabb.min_z, lifeLeft - 1, this);
	nodes[2] = Octree(center_x, aabb.max_y, center_z, aabb.min_x, center_y, aabb.min_z, lifeLeft - 1, this);
	nodes[3] = Octree(aabb.max_x, center_y, aabb.max_z, center_x, aabb.min_y, center_z, lifeLeft - 1, this);
	nodes[4] = Octree(center_x, center_y, aabb.max_z, aabb.min_x, aabb.min_y, center_z, lifeLeft - 1, this);
	nodes[5] = Octree(center_x, aabb.max_y, aabb.max_z, aabb.min_x, center_y, center_z, lifeLeft - 1, this);
	nodes[6] = Octree(aabb.max_x, center_y, center_z, center_x, aabb.min_y, aabb.min_z, lifeLeft - 1, this);
	nodes[7] = Octree(aabb.max_x, aabb.max_y, center_z, center_x, center_y, aabb.min_z, lifeLeft - 1, this);

	return true;
Beispiel #2
void Octree::newNode( int depth, double x, double y, double z )
	double extent = boundingBox.xExtent / 2.0;

	Vec3d center;

	center.x() = + (extent * x);
	center.y() = + (extent * y);
	center.z() = + (extent * z);

	BoundingBox bb(center, extent, extent, extent);

	// Add child
	Octree * child = &children.back();

	child->boundingBox = bb;
	child->trianglePerNode = this->trianglePerNode;

	// Collect triangles inside child's bounding box
	for(StdVector<BaseTriangle*>::iterator it = this->triangleData.begin(); it != this->triangleData.end(); it++)
		BaseTriangle* face = *it;

		if( bb.containsTriangle(face->vec(0), face->vec(1), face->vec(2)) )

	child->build(depth + 1); // build it
void OctreeSceneManager::resize( const AxisAlignedBox &box )
    list< SceneNode * >::type nodes;
    list< SceneNode * >::type ::iterator it;

    _findNodes( mOctree->mBox, nodes, 0, true, mOctree );

    OGRE_DELETE mOctree;

    mOctree = OGRE_NEW Octree( 0 );
    mOctree->mBox = box;

    const Vector3 &min = box.getMinimum();
    const Vector3 &max = box.getMaximum();
    mOctree->mHalfSize = ( max - min ) * 0.5f;

    it = nodes.begin();

    while ( it != nodes.end() )
        OctreeNode * on = static_cast < OctreeNode * > ( *it );
        on -> setOctant( 0 );
        _updateOctreeNode( on );

Beispiel #4
Physic::Physic(Camera* cam) : __octree(Octree(Vec3f(-1000.f, -1000.f, -1000.f),
					      Vec3f(1000.f, 1000.f, 1000.f), 1)),
void OctreeSceneManager::init( AxisAlignedBox &box, int depth )

    if ( mOctree != 0 )
        OGRE_DELETE mOctree;

    mOctree = OGRE_NEW Octree( 0 );

    mMaxDepth = depth;
    mBox = box;

    mOctree -> mBox = box;

    Vector3 min = box.getMinimum();

    Vector3 max = box.getMaximum();

    mOctree -> mHalfSize = ( max - min ) / 2;

    mShowBoxes = false;

    mNumObjects = 0;

    Vector3 v( 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 );

    mScaleFactor.setScale( v );

    // setDisplaySceneNodes( true );
    // setShowBoxes( true );

    //mSceneRoot isn't put into the octree since it has no volume.

void OctreeSceneManager::_addOctreeNode( OctreeNode * n, Octree *octant, int depth )

    // Skip if octree has been destroyed (shutdown conditions)
    if (!mOctree)

    const AxisAlignedBox& bx = n -> _getWorldAABB();

    //if the octree is twice as big as the scene node,
    //we will add it to a child.
    if ( ( depth < mMaxDepth ) && octant -> _isTwiceSize( bx ) )
        int x, y, z;
        octant -> _getChildIndexes( bx, &x, &y, &z );

        if ( octant -> mChildren[ x ][ y ][ z ] == 0 )
            octant -> mChildren[ x ][ y ][ z ] = OGRE_NEW Octree( octant );
            const Vector3& octantMin = octant -> mBox.getMinimum();
            const Vector3& octantMax = octant -> mBox.getMaximum();
            Vector3 min, max;

            if ( x == 0 )
                min.x = octantMin.x;
                max.x = ( octantMin.x + octantMax.x ) / 2;

                min.x = ( octantMin.x + octantMax.x ) / 2;
                max.x = octantMax.x;

            if ( y == 0 )
                min.y = octantMin.y;
                max.y = ( octantMin.y + octantMax.y ) / 2;

                min.y = ( octantMin.y + octantMax.y ) / 2;
                max.y = octantMax.y;

            if ( z == 0 )
                min.z = octantMin.z;
                max.z = ( octantMin.z + octantMax.z ) / 2;

                min.z = ( octantMin.z + octantMax.z ) / 2;
                max.z = octantMax.z;

            octant -> mChildren[ x ][ y ][ z ] -> mBox.setExtents( min, max );
            octant -> mChildren[ x ][ y ][ z ] -> mHalfSize = ( max - min ) / 2;

        _addOctreeNode( n, octant -> mChildren[ x ][ y ][ z ], ++depth );


        octant -> _addNode( n );