Beispiel #1
void Remove(edge *e) {
	point *u = Oi(e), *v = Dt(e);
	if (u->in == e) u->in = e->on;
	if (v->in == e) v->in = e->dn;
	if (Oi(e->on) == u) e->on->op = e->op; else e->on->dp = e->op;
	if (Oi(e->op) == u) e->op->on = e->on; else e->op->dn = e->on;
	if (Oi(e->dn) == v) e->dn->op = e->dp; else e->dn->dp = e->dp;
	if (Oi(e->dp) == v) e->dp->on = e->dn; else e->dp->dn = e->dn;
	elist[nfree++] = e;
/** After the running shader on the complete grid return the compute Oi
 * \param x Integer Raster position.
 * \param y Integer Raster position.
CqColor CqImagersource::Opacity( TqFloat x, TqFloat y )
	CqColor result = gColWhite;

	TqInt index = static_cast<TqInt>( ( y - m_uYOrigin ) * ( m_uGridRes + 1 ) + x - m_uXOrigin );

	if ((TqInt) Oi() ->Size() >= index )
		Oi() ->GetColor( result, index );

	return result;
Beispiel #3
edge *Join(edge *a, point *u, edge *b, point *v, int side) {
	edge *e = Make_edge(u, v);
	if (side == 1) {
		if (Oi(a) == u) Splice(Op(a), e, u);
		else Splice(Dp(a), e, u);
		Splice(b, e, v);
	} else {
		Splice(a, e, u);
		if (Oi(b) == v) Splice(Op(b), e, v);
		else Splice(Dp(b), e, v);
	} return e;
Beispiel #4
void Divide(int s, int t, edge **L, edge **R) {
	edge *a, *b, *c, *ll, *lr, *rl, *rr, *tangent;
	int n = t - s + 1;
	if (n == 2) *L = *R = Make_edge(Q[s], Q[t]);
	else if (n == 3) {
		a = Make_edge(Q[s], Q[s + 1]), b = Make_edge(Q[s + 1], Q[t]);
		Splice(a, b, Q[s + 1]);
		double v = C3(Q[s], Q[s + 1], Q[t]);
		if (v > eps)       c = Join(a, Q[s], b, Q[t], 0), *L = a, *R = b;
		else if (v < -eps) c = Join(a, Q[s], b, Q[t], 1), *L = c, *R = c;
		else *L = a, *R = b;
	} else if (n > 3) {
		int split = (s + t) / 2;
		Divide(s, split, &ll, &lr); Divide(split + 1, t, &rl, &rr);
		Merge(lr, Q[split], rl, Q[split + 1], &tangent);
		if (Oi(tangent) == Q[s]) ll = tangent;
		if (Dt(tangent) == Q[t]) rr = tangent;
		*L = ll; *R = rr;
void CqImagersource::Initialise( const CqRegion& DRegion, IqChannelBuffer* buffer )

	// We use one less than the bucket width and height here, since these
	// resolutions really represent one less than the number of shaded points
	// in each direction.  (Usually they describe the number of micropolygons
	// on a grid which is one less than the number of shaded vertices.  This
	// concept has no real analogue in context of an imager shader.)
	TqInt uGridRes = DRegion.width()-1;
	TqInt vGridRes = DRegion.height()-1;
	TqInt x = DRegion.xMin();
	TqInt y = DRegion.yMin();

	m_uYOrigin = static_cast<TqInt>( y );
	m_uXOrigin = static_cast<TqInt>( x );
	m_uGridRes = uGridRes;
	m_vGridRes = vGridRes;

	TqInt mode = QGetRenderContext() ->poptCurrent()->GetIntegerOption( "System", "DisplayMode" ) [ 0 ];
	TqFloat components;
	TqInt j, i;
	TqFloat shuttertime = QGetRenderContext() ->poptCurrent()->GetFloatOption( "System", "Shutter" ) [ 0 ];

	components = mode & DMode_RGB ? 3 : 0;
	components += mode & DMode_A ? 1 : 0;
	components = mode & DMode_Z ? 1 : components;

	TqInt Uses = ( 1 << EnvVars_P ) | ( 1 << EnvVars_Ci ) | ( 1 << EnvVars_Oi | ( 1 << EnvVars_ncomps ) | ( 1 << EnvVars_time ) | ( 1 << EnvVars_alpha ) | ( 1 << EnvVars_s ) | ( 1 << EnvVars_t ) );

	m_pShaderExecEnv->Initialise( uGridRes, vGridRes, uGridRes * vGridRes, (uGridRes+1)*(vGridRes+1), true, IqAttributesPtr(), IqTransformPtr(), m_pShader.get(), Uses );

	// Initialise the geometric parameters in the shader exec env.

	TqInt numShadingPoints = (uGridRes+1) * (vGridRes+1);
	P() ->Initialise( numShadingPoints );
	Ci() ->Initialise( numShadingPoints );
	Oi() ->Initialise( numShadingPoints );
	alpha() ->Initialise( numShadingPoints );
	s() ->Initialise( numShadingPoints );
	t() ->Initialise( numShadingPoints );

	//TODO dtime is not initialised yet
	//dtime().Initialise(uGridRes, vGridRes, i);

	ncomps() ->SetFloat( components );
	time() ->SetFloat( shuttertime );

	m_pShader->Initialise( uGridRes, vGridRes, (uGridRes+1)*(vGridRes+1), m_pShaderExecEnv.get() );

	TqUint CiIndex = buffer->getChannelIndex("Ci");
	TqUint OiIndex = buffer->getChannelIndex("Oi");
	TqUint coverageIndex = buffer->getChannelIndex("coverage");
	for ( j = 0; j < vGridRes+1; j++ )
		for ( i = 0; i < uGridRes+1; i++ )
			TqInt off = j * ( uGridRes + 1 ) + i;
			P() ->SetPoint( CqVector3D( x + i, y + j, 0.0 ), off );
			Ci() ->SetColor( CqColor((*buffer)(i, j, CiIndex)[0], (*buffer)(i, j, CiIndex)[1], (*buffer)(i, j, CiIndex)[2]), off );
			CqColor opa((*buffer)(i, j, OiIndex)[0], (*buffer)(i, j, OiIndex)[1], (*buffer)(i, j, OiIndex)[2]);
			Oi() ->SetColor( opa, off );
			TqFloat avopa = ( opa.r() + opa.g() + opa.b() ) /3.0f;
			alpha() ->SetFloat( (*buffer)(i, j, coverageIndex)[0] * avopa, off );
			s() ->SetFloat( x + i + 0.5, off );
			t() ->SetFloat( y + j + 0.5, off );
	// Execute the Shader VM
	if ( m_pShader )
		m_pShader->Evaluate( m_pShaderExecEnv.get() );
		alpha() ->SetFloat( 1.0f ); /* by default 3delight/bmrt set it to 1.0 */
Beispiel #6
void Splice(edge *a, edge *b, point *v) {
	edge *next;
	if (Oi(a) == v) next = On(a), On(a) = b; else next = Dn(a), Dn(a) = b;
	if (Oi(next) == v) Op(next) = b; else Dp(next) = b;
	if (Oi(b) == v) On(b) = next, Op(b) = a; else Dn(b) = next, Dp(b) = a;