/* There are three possibilities for the step rate calculation that keep the step rate error to under 0.2% of the desired value, from within 0.5 to 2KHz: from 78 to 20Khz, Prescale is 1:8, Rollover = (F_PB/8-1)/PPS from 10 to 77Hz, Prescale is 1:64, Rollover = (F_PB/64-1)/PPS from 0.5 to 10Hz, Set rollover for a constant 1Khz, and increment to reach the desired time, Prescale is 1:8, Rollover = (F_PB/8-1)/1000 and the number of times to repeat is (1000-1)/PPS + 1 */ char Stepper_Init(unsigned short int rate) { unsigned short int overflowPeriod; if (rate > TWENTY_KILOHERTZ) return ERROR; dbprintf("\nInitializing Stepper Module"); stepCount = 0; stepperMode = full; stepperSpeed = rate; overflowReps = 0; // Initialize hardware (no current flow) COIL_A_DIRECTION = 1; COIL_B_DIRECTION = 1; ShutDownDrive(); TRIS_COIL_A_DIRECTION = 0; TRIS_COIL_A_ENABLE = 0; TRIS_COIL_B_DIRECTION = 0; TRIS_COIL_B_ENABLE = 0; // Calculate overflow time and prescalar overflowPeriod = CalculateOverflowPeriod(rate); dbprintf("\nOverflow Period: %u",overflowPeriod); dbprintf("\nNumber of Reps: %u",overflowReps); // Setup timer and interrupt OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_SOURCE_INT | T3_PS_1_8, overflowPeriod); // OpenTimer5(T5_ON | T5_IDLE_STOP | T5_GATE_OFF | T5_PS_1_8 | T5_SOURCE_INT,overflowPeriod); // OpenTimer5(T5_ON | T5_PS_1_8 | T5_SOURCE_INT, overflowPeriod); ConfigIntTimer3(T3_INT_ON | T3_INT_PRIOR_3 ); mT3IntEnable(1); stepperState = inited; return SUCCESS; }
//determines the amount of time before the timer interrupts void Timer3Init(int Time) { int frequency = 0; //the frequency is calculated as follows : 10000000 / Prescaler / Hertz //Hertz is calculates as follows : 1 / (((msec per div) / 40) * 10^-3)) if (Time == 0) { frequency = 50; // 10000000/1/200000 = 50 } else if (Time == 1) { frequency = 125; // 10000000/1/80000 = 125 } else if (Time == 2) { frequency = 250; // 10000000/1/40000 = 250 } else if (Time == 3) { frequency = 500; // 10000000/1/20000 = 500 } else if (Time == 4) { frequency = 1250; // 10000000/1/8000 = 1250 } OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_IDLE_CON | T3_SOURCE_INT | T3_PS_1_1 | T3_GATE_OFF, frequency); mT3SetIntPriority(1); mT3IntEnable(1); }
/********************************************************************* * Function: void TouchInit(void) * * PreCondition: none * * Input: none * * Output: none * * Side Effects: none * * Overview: sets ADC * * Note: none * ********************************************************************/ void TouchInit(void){ #define TIME_BASE (GetPeripheralClock()*SAMPLE_PERIOD)/4000000 // Initialize ADC AD1CON1 = 0x080E0; // Turn on, auto-convert AD1CON2 = 0; // AVdd, AVss, int every conversion, MUXA only AD1CON3 = 0x1FFF; // 31 Tad auto-sample, Tad = 256*Tcy #if defined(__dsPIC33F__) || defined(__PIC24H__) AD1CHS0 = ADC_POT; AD1PCFGL = 0; // All inputs are analog AD1PCFGLbits.PCFG11 = AD1PCFGLbits.PCFG12 = 1; #else AD1CHS = ADC_POT; AD1PCFG = 0; // All inputs are analog #endif AD1CSSL = 0; // No scanned inputs #ifdef __PIC32MX__ OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_8, TIME_BASE); ConfigIntTimer3(T3_INT_ON | T3_INT_PRIOR_4); #else // Initialize Timer3 TMR3 = 0; PR3 = TIME_BASE; T3CONbits.TCKPS = 1; // Set prescale to 1:8 IFS0bits.T3IF = 0; // Clear flag IEC0bits.T3IE = 1; // Enable interrupt T3CONbits.TON = 1; // Run timer #endif }
extern void timerStart(timer * pTimer, const timerCalc * pTimerCalc) { pTimer->m_TimerCalc = *pTimerCalc; const uint16_t PrescalerBits = pTimer->m_TimerCalc.PrescalerBits; const uint16_t PriorityBits = pTimer->m_TimerCalc.PriorityBits; const uint16_t Ticks = pTimer->m_TimerCalc.Ticks; const timer_tCallback pCallback = pTimer->m_pCallback; pTimer->m_OverflowCount = pTimer->m_TimerCalc.OverflowCount; switch (pTimer->m_TimerNumber) { case 1: OpenTimer1(T1_ON | T1_SOURCE_INT | PrescalerBits, Ticks); ConfigIntTimer1((pCallback == NULL ? T1_INT_OFF : T1_INT_ON) | PriorityBits); break; case 2: OpenTimer2(T2_ON | T2_SOURCE_INT | PrescalerBits, Ticks); ConfigIntTimer2((pCallback == NULL ? T2_INT_OFF : T2_INT_ON) | PriorityBits); break; case 3: OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_SOURCE_INT | PrescalerBits, Ticks); ConfigIntTimer3((pCallback == NULL ? T3_INT_OFF : T3_INT_ON) | PriorityBits); break; case 4: OpenTimer4(T4_ON | T4_SOURCE_INT | PrescalerBits, Ticks); ConfigIntTimer4((pCallback == NULL ? T4_INT_OFF : T4_INT_ON) | PriorityBits); break; case 5: OpenTimer5(T5_ON | T5_SOURCE_INT | PrescalerBits, Ticks); ConfigIntTimer5((pCallback == NULL ? T5_INT_OFF : T5_INT_ON) | PriorityBits); break; } }
// 20Hz ISR void initTimer3Interrupt(void) { OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_256, 15625); mT3SetIntPriority(1); mT3ClearIntFlag(); mT3IntEnable(1); }
/* Function: void SYSTEM_TickInit(void) Initialize Timer3 timer for 500usec system timer *****************************************************************************/ void SYSTEM_TickInit(void) { OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_256, TICK_PERIOD); ConfigIntTimer3(T3_INT_ON | T3_INT_PRIOR_1); /* OpenTimer4(T4_ON | T4_PS_1_256, TICK4_PERIOD); ConfigIntTimer4(T4_INT_ON | T4_INT_PRIOR_1);*/ }
void PWM_Init(void) { #ifdef _TARGET_440H #else // Tmr1 Init // STEP 1. configure the Timer1 OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_SOURCE_INT | T3_IDLE_CON | T3_PS_1_1, TMR3_RELOAD); // Enable OC | 16 bit Mode | Timer1 is selected | Continuous O/P | OC Pin High , S Compare value, Compare value OpenOC1( OC_ON | OC_TIMER_MODE16 | OC_TIMER3_SRC | OC_PWM_FAULT_PIN_DISABLE , 0, 0 ); OpenOC2( OC_ON | OC_TIMER_MODE16 | OC_TIMER3_SRC | OC_PWM_FAULT_PIN_DISABLE , 0, 0 ); #endif }
// Exported functions void buzzer_setup() { pinMode(BUZZER_PIN, OUTPUT); pin_write(BUZZER_PIN, LOW); buzzing = false; is_buzzer_on = false; alarm = 1; // There are two timers capable of PWM, 2 and 3. We are using 2 for the modem, // so use 3 for the buzzer. OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_8, PWM_PERIOD); ConfigIntTimer3(T3_INT_ON | T3_INT_PRIOR_5); }
//Timer 3 setup function int sysServiceConfigT3(unsigned int T3conval, unsigned int T3perval, unsigned int T3intconval){ //Todo: is there any way to have a compile time semaphore here? if(T3_already_confgured){ return -1; } else{ T3_already_confgured = 1; OpenTimer3(T3conval, T3perval); ConfigIntTimer3(T3intconval); return 0; } }
void TMR3_init(unsigned int reload , void (*func)()) { // Enagle TMR1 interrrupt,16 bit counter, with internal clock, No prescalar OpenTimer3(TIMER_INT_ON & T3_16BIT_RW & T3_SOURCE_INT & T3_PS_1_1 & T3_SYNC_EXT_OFF ); // Reload value for 1ms overflow WriteTimer3(reload); // Make timer1 interrupt high priority //IPR2bits.TMR3IP = 1; tmr[2].reload = reload; tmr[2].func = func; }
/** * Backlight is open drain on pin D2, controlled by OC4, using Timer 3 * Contrast uses normal CMOS with OC3, also driven by Timer 3 */ void lcd_init(void) { //Set backlight to open drain mPORTDOpenDrainOpen( BIT_2 ); //Start the timer for contrast/brightness PWM OpenTimer3(T3_ON, LCD_PWMPERIOD); //Enable contrast control OpenOC3( OC_ON | OC_TIMER_MODE16 | OC_TIMER3_SRC | OC_CONTINUE_PULSE | OC_LOW_HIGH , LCD_PWMPERIOD, 0x500 ); //Enable brightness control OpenOC4( OC_ON | OC_TIMER_MODE16 | OC_TIMER3_SRC | OC_CONTINUE_PULSE | OC_LOW_HIGH , LCD_PWMPERIOD, 0x500 ); }
void HCSR04_Init(){ OpenTimer2(T2_ON | T2_PS_1_64 | T2_32BIT_MODE_ON, 0xFFFF); OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_64, 0xFFFF); OpenCapture5(IC_ON | IC_IDLE_CON | IC_CAP_32BIT | IC_INT_1CAPTURE | IC_EVERY_EDGE | IC_FEDGE_RISE); SetPriorityIntIC5(IC_INT_PRIOR_4 | IC_INT_SUB_PRIOR_3); EnableIntIC5; lastDistance = 0.0; reading = 0; scale = (SOUND_SPEED*3200.0)/GetPeripheralClock(); // 6400 = 64 * 100 = prescale * cm/m. 3200 = Ida e volta }
void setupPWMForIR() { // init OC3 module OpenOC3(OC_OFF | OC_TIMER3_SRC | OC_PWM_FAULT_PIN_DISABLE, 0, 0); // init Timer3 mode and period (PR2) 40 kHz freq: 1 / 40 kHz = (X + 1) / 80MHz * 1 //80 000 / 20 = X + 1 = 3999 //80 000 / 38 = X + 1 = 2104 //80 000 / 36 = X + 1 = 2221 //80 000 / 40 = X + 1 = 2001 OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_1 | T3_SOURCE_INT, MAX_DUTY); SetDCOC3PWM(PR3 / 2); }
// h/w clock ASK emulator - initialise data pointers for ISR and start timer 2 // args: clock pulsewidth (NOT period!), data as array of 0/1, repeat void write_ASK_HW_clock(unsigned int pulse, BYTE *data, unsigned int tpb, unsigned int repeat) { // convert to ticks pulse= CONVERT_TO_TICKS(pulse); // we only need to tick once per bit pulse *= (unsigned long) tpb; // point globals at data for ISR EMU_ThisBit= *data; EMU_Data= data + 1; EMU_Reset_Data= data; EMU_DataBitRate= 1; EMU_SubCarrier_T0= 1; EMU_Repeat= repeat; // if we're manchester or bi-phase encoding, we want to clock twice as fast so we can toggle on half-bit if(RFIDlerConfig.Manchester || RFIDlerConfig.BiPhase) { pulse /= 2; EMU_SubCarrier_T0 *= 2; EMU_DataBitRate *= 2; } // make sure no clock is running stop_HW_clock(); // set mode EmulationMode= MOD_MODE_ASK_OOK; // make sure nobody's using our timer CloseTimer3(); // tri-state on, clock low READER_CLOCK_ENABLE_ON(); CLOCK_COIL= LOW; // emulator mode COIL_MODE_EMULATOR(); // this is also a semaphore so the rest of the code knows we're running mLED_Emulate_On(); // start timer - ISR will send data OpenTimer3( T3_ON | T3_PS_1_1 | T3_SOURCE_INT, pulse - 1L); mT3SetIntPriority(6); mT3ClearIntFlag(); mT3IntEnable(TRUE); }
void TickInit(void) { // Initialize Timer4 #ifdef __PIC32MX__ OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_8, TICK_PERIOD); ConfigIntTimer3(T3_INT_ON | T3_INT_PRIOR_4); #else TMR3 = 0; PR3 = TICK_PERIOD; IFS0bits.T3IF = 0; //Clear flag IEC0bits.T3IE = 1; //Enable interrupt T3CONbits.TON = 1; //Run timer #endif }
inline void Timer3_Setup(void) { OpenTimer3( T3_OFF & T3_IDLE_CON & T3_GATE_OFF & T3_PS_1_256 & T3_SOURCE_INT, 39063); //for 250 ms. ConfigIntTimer3( T3_INT_PRIOR_3 & T3_INT_ON ); return; }
/** * \brief The PIC18 init function. * * \todo Initialize the USART and timer/ccp. */ void pic18_init(void) { /* * Setup the interrupts, all interrupts are by default low prio and * global low priority interrupts should be disabled. */ IPR1 = IPR2 = INTCON = 0; RCONbits.IPEN = 1; INTCONbits.GIEH = 1; /* * Open the usart for 9600 baud and eight bit transmission, * no interrupts. For more info about this call see the C18 * library manual. */ OpenUSART( USART_TX_INT_OFF & USART_RX_INT_OFF & USART_ASYNCH_MODE & USART_EIGHT_BIT & USART_CONT_RX & USART_BRGH_HIGH, 127 ); /* Set the pins for the USART. */ TRISCbits.TRISC6 = 0; TRISCbits.TRISC7 = 1; /* * Let's use CCP2 and Timer3, this is mainly due to CCP1 * being an enhanced CCP that we don't really need. */ OpenTimer3( TIMER_INT_ON & T3_16BIT_RW & T3_SOURCE_INT & T1_CCP1_T3_CCP2 & T3_PS_1_8 ); /* Make sure the timer is OFF. */ T3CONbits.TMR3ON = 0; TMR3L = TMR3H = 0; /* Reset the CCP2 module. */ CCP2OFF(); }
void initPIC() { SYSTEMConfig(SYS_FREQ, SYS_CFG_ALL); initLEDs(); initSerialNU32v2(); // Setup and turn off electromagnets EMAG1 = 0; EMAG2 = 0; TRISEbits.TRISE7 = 0; TRISCbits.TRISC1 = 0; // Direction Output DIR = 1; TRISAbits.TRISA9 = 0; setup_counters(); CloseADC10(); #define PARAM1 ADC_MODULE_ON | ADC_FORMAT_INTG | ADC_CLK_AUTO | ADC_AUTO_SAMPLING_ON #define PARAM2 ADC_VREF_AVDD_AVSS | ADC_OFFSET_CAL_DISABLE | ADC_SCAN_ON | ADC_SAMPLES_PER_INT_16 | ADC_ALT_BUF_OFF | ADC_ALT_INPUT_OFF #define PARAM3 ADC_CONV_CLK_INTERNAL_RC | ADC_SAMPLE_TIME_31 #define PARAM4 ENABLE_AN0_ANA | ENABLE_AN1_ANA | ENABLE_AN2_ANA | ENABLE_AN3_ANA | ENABLE_AN5_ANA | ENABLE_AN15_ANA OpenADC10(PARAM1, PARAM2, PARAM3, PARAM4, 0); EnableADC10(); // 20kHz PWM signal, duty from 0-1000, pin D3 OpenTimer2(T2_ON | T2_PS_1_4, MAX_DUTY); OpenOC4(OC_ON | OC_TIMER2_SRC | OC_PWM_FAULT_PIN_DISABLE, 0, 0); SetDCOC4PWM(0); // 200 Hz ISR OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_256, (6250/4 - 1)); //OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_256, (62500 - 1)); mT3SetIntPriority(1); mT3ClearIntFlag(); mT3IntEnable(1); INTConfigureSystem(INT_SYSTEM_CONFIG_MULT_VECTOR); INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt(); }
// h/w clock PSK emulator - initialise data pointers for ISR and start timer 2 // args: clock period, data as array of 0/1, fc per bit, sub-carrier ticks, repeat void write_PSK1_HW_clock(unsigned int period, BYTE *data, unsigned int fcpb, unsigned int c0, unsigned int repeat) { // convert to ticks period= CONVERT_TO_TICKS(period); // for psk we want a full clock cycle, not a tick period *= 2; // point globals at data for ISR EMU_ThisBit= *data; EMU_Data= data + 1; EMU_Reset_Data= data; EMU_DataBitRate= fcpb; EMU_SubCarrier_T0= c0; EMU_Repeat= repeat; // set mode EmulationMode= MOD_MODE_PSK1; // make sure no clock is running stop_HW_clock(); // make sure nobody's using our timers CloseTimer3(); // tri-state on, clock low READER_CLOCK_ENABLE_ON(); CLOCK_COIL= LOW; // emulator mode COIL_MODE_EMULATOR(); // this is also a semaphore so the rest of the code knows we're running mLED_Emulate_On(); // start timer - ISR will send data OpenTimer3( T3_ON | T3_PS_1_1 | T3_SOURCE_INT, period / 2L - 1L); mT3SetIntPriority(6); mT3ClearIntFlag(); mT3IntEnable(TRUE); }
// h/w clock FSK emulator - initialise data pointers for ISR and start timer 2 // args: clock pulsewidth (NOT period!), data as array of 0/1, T0 sub-carrier ticks, T1 sub-carrier ticks, repeat void write_FSK_HW_clock(unsigned long pulse, BYTE *data, unsigned int tpb, unsigned int t0, unsigned int t1, unsigned int repeat) { // convert to ticks pulse= CONVERT_TO_TICKS(pulse); // point globals at data for ISR EMU_ThisBit= *data; EMU_Data= data + 1; EMU_Reset_Data= data; EMU_Repeat= repeat; EMU_DataBitRate= tpb; EMU_SubCarrier_T0= t0; EMU_SubCarrier_T1= t1; // set mode EmulationMode= MOD_MODE_FSK; // make sure no clock is running stop_HW_clock(); // make sure nobody's using our timer CloseTimer3(); // emulator mode COIL_MODE_EMULATOR(); // tri-state on, clock low READER_CLOCK_ENABLE_ON(); CLOCK_COIL= LOW; // this is also a semaphore so the rest of the code knows we're running mLED_Emulate_On(); // start timer - ISR will send data OpenTimer3( T3_ON | T3_PS_1_1 | T3_SOURCE_INT, pulse - 1L); mT3SetIntPriority(6); mT3ClearIntFlag(); mT3IntEnable(TRUE); }
void initIR(void) { TRISCbits.TRISC2 = 1; //Set pin 2 of PORTC to input as it used for capturing INTCON = 0; //Disable all interrupts // Configure timer 1 - It is used for demodulating the NEC command and address. OpenTimer1(TIMER_INT_ON & T1_16BIT_RW & T1_SOURCE_INT & T1_PS_1_1 & T1_SOURCE_CCP); // Configure timer 3 OpenTimer3(TIMER_INT_ON & T3_16BIT_RW & T3_SOURCE_INT & T3_PS_1_8); // Disable all timers T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 0; T3CONbits.TMR3ON = 0; // Configure interrupts PIE1bits.TMR1IE = 1; PIE2bits.TMR3IE = 1; INTCONbits.PEIE = 1; INTCONbits.GIE = 1; //Enable global interrupts resetIR(); disableIR(); }
void timersInit() { //T4 is input from encoder. Read from TMR4 to see number of ticks counted. T4CON = 0x0; //T4 disabled T4CONSET = 0x0002; //T4 External Clock Source, 1:1 prescaler TMR4 = 0x0; //Reset T4 counter PR4 = 0xffff; //Set T4 period to max //mT4ClearIntFlag(); //clear interrupt flag //mT4SetIntPriority(7); //set Timer4 Interrupt Priority //mT4IntEnable(1); //enable timer4 interrupts T4CONSET = 0x8000; //T4 enable //T5 is input from encoder. Read from TMR5 to see number of ticks counted. T5CON = 0x0; //T5 disabled T5CONSET = 0x0002; //T5 External Clock Source, 1:1 prescaler TMR5 = 0x0; //Reset T5 PR5 = 0xffff; //Set T5 period to max //mT5ClearIntFlag(); //clear T5 interrupt flag //mT5SetIntPriority(2); //set Timer5 Interrupt Priority //mT5IntEnable(1); //enable timer5 interrupts T5CONSET = 0x8000; //T5 enable //The following code snippet opens and uses Timer1,2,3 as an interrupt. //Open Timer1 with 1:8 prescaler (80MHz -> 10MHz), with period of 1250, therefore tick = 8kHz. OpenTimer1(T1_ON | T1_PS_1_8 | T1_SOURCE_INT, 1000); ConfigIntTimer1(T1_INT_ON | T1_INT_PRIOR_2); OpenTimer2(T2_ON | T2_PS_1_8 | T2_SOURCE_INT, 1000); ConfigIntTimer2(T2_INT_ON | T2_INT_PRIOR_2); OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_8 | T3_SOURCE_INT, 1000); ConfigIntTimer1(T3_INT_ON | T3_INT_PRIOR_2); INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt(); }
char Stepper_ChangeStepRate(unsigned short int rate) { unsigned short int overflowPeriod; if ((rate > TWENTY_KILOHERTZ)||(stepperState == off)) return ERROR; dbprintf("\nChanging step rate"); //T5CONbits.ON = 0; // halt timer5 //overflowPeriod = CalculateOverflowPeriod(rate); //WritePeriod5(overflowPeriod); //if (stepperState != halted) { // T3CONbits.ON = 1; // restart timer3 //} // Calculate overflow time and prescalar overflowPeriod = CalculateOverflowPeriod(rate); dbprintf("\nOverflow Period: %u",overflowPeriod); dbprintf("\nNumber of Reps: %u",overflowReps); // Setup timer and interrupt OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_SOURCE_INT | T3_PS_1_8, overflowPeriod); // OpenTimer5(T5_ON | T5_IDLE_STOP | T5_GATE_OFF | T5_PS_1_8 | T5_SOURCE_INT,overflowPeriod); // OpenTimer5(T5_ON | T5_PS_1_8 | T5_SOURCE_INT, overflowPeriod); ConfigIntTimer3(T3_INT_ON | T3_INT_PRIOR_3 ); mT3IntEnable(1); stepperSpeed = rate; return SUCCESS; }
int setupTimer(int timer, int frequency, int priority) { int tX_on; int tX_source_int; int tX_int_on; int tX_ps_1_X; long countTo = SYS_FREQ / frequency; switch (timer) { case 1: tX_on = T1_ON; tX_source_int = T1_SOURCE_INT; tX_int_on = T1_INT_ON; while (1) { if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 8; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 8; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 8; if (countTo >= 65536) { return 0; } tX_ps_1_X = T1_PS_1_256; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T1_PS_1_64; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T1_PS_1_8; break; } else { tX_ps_1_X = T1_PS_1_1; break; } } OpenTimer1(tX_on | tX_source_int | tX_ps_1_X, countTo); ConfigIntTimer1(tX_int_on | priority); break; case 2: tX_on = T2_ON; tX_source_int = T2_SOURCE_INT; tX_int_on = T2_INT_ON; while (1) { if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { return 0; } tX_ps_1_X = T2_PS_1_256; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T2_PS_1_64; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T2_PS_1_32; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T2_PS_1_16; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T2_PS_1_8; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T2_PS_1_4; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T2_PS_1_2; break; } else { tX_ps_1_X = T2_PS_1_1; break; } } OpenTimer2(tX_on | tX_source_int | tX_ps_1_X, countTo); ConfigIntTimer2(tX_int_on | priority); break; case 3: tX_on = T3_ON; tX_source_int = T3_SOURCE_INT; tX_int_on = T3_INT_ON; while (1) { if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { return 0; } tX_ps_1_X = T3_PS_1_256; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T3_PS_1_64; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T3_PS_1_32; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T3_PS_1_16; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T3_PS_1_8; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T3_PS_1_4; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T3_PS_1_2; break; } else { tX_ps_1_X = T3_PS_1_1; break; } } OpenTimer3(tX_on | tX_source_int | tX_ps_1_X, countTo); ConfigIntTimer3(tX_int_on | priority); break; case 4: tX_on = T4_ON; tX_source_int = T4_SOURCE_INT; tX_int_on = T4_INT_ON; while (1) { if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { countTo = countTo / 2; if (countTo >= 65536) { return 0; } tX_ps_1_X = T4_PS_1_256; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T4_PS_1_64; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T4_PS_1_32; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T4_PS_1_16; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T4_PS_1_8; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T4_PS_1_4; break; } tX_ps_1_X = T4_PS_1_2; break; } else { tX_ps_1_X = T4_PS_1_1; break; } } OpenTimer4(tX_on | tX_source_int | tX_ps_1_X, countTo); ConfigIntTimer4(tX_int_on | priority); break; } return 1; }
int main(void) { timesec=0; // set PIC32 to max computing power SYSTEMConfig(SYS_FREQ, SYS_CFG_ALL); INTConfigureSystem(INT_SYSTEM_CONFIG_MULT_VECTOR); INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt(); initLEDs(); LED0 = 1; LED1 = 1; initSerialNU32v2(); setup_counters(); CloseADC10(); #define PARAM1 ADC_MODULE_ON | ADC_FORMAT_INTG | ADC_CLK_AUTO | ADC_AUTO_SAMPLING_ON #define PARAM2 ADC_VREF_AVDD_AVSS | ADC_OFFSET_CAL_DISABLE | ADC_SCAN_ON | ADC_SAMPLES_PER_INT_16 | ADC_ALT_BUF_OFF | ADC_ALT_INPUT_OFF #define PARAM3 ADC_CONV_CLK_INTERNAL_RC | ADC_SAMPLE_TIME_31 #define PARAM4 ENABLE_AN0_ANA | ENABLE_AN1_ANA | ENABLE_AN2_ANA | ENABLE_AN3_ANA | ENABLE_AN5_ANA | ENABLE_AN15_ANA OpenADC10( PARAM1, PARAM2, PARAM3, PARAM4,0); EnableADC10(); // Setup and turn off electromagnets EMAG1 = 0; EMAG2 = 0; TRISEbits.TRISE7 = 0; TRISCbits.TRISC1 = 0; //Direction Output DIR = 1; TRISAbits.TRISA9 = 0; //g-select Outputs GSEL1 = 0; GSEL2 = 0; TRISEbits.TRISE2 = 0; TRISCbits.TRISC13= 0; //0g Inputs TRISAbits.TRISA0 = 1; TRISAbits.TRISA4 = 1; // 20kHz PWM signal, duty from 0-1000, pin D3 OpenTimer2(T2_ON | T2_PS_1_4, 1000); OpenOC4(OC_ON | OC_TIMER2_SRC | OC_PWM_FAULT_PIN_DISABLE, 0, 0); HBridgeDuty = 0; SetDCOC4PWM(HBridgeDuty); // 20Hz ISR OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_256, 15625); mT3SetIntPriority(1); mT3ClearIntFlag(); mT3IntEnable(1); while(1) { if(start){ EMAG2=0; SetDCOC4PWM(100); delaysec(delay1); SetDCOC4PWM(1000); delaysec(delay2); SetDCOC4PWM(500); delaysec(delay3); EMAG2=1; SetDCOC4PWM(0); // EMAG1=0; // SetDCOC4PWM(900); // DIR = 0; // delaysec(delay1); // SetDCOC4PWM(0); // delaysec(delay2); // SetDCOC4PWM(700); // delaysec(delay1); // SetDCOC4PWM(1000); // EMAG1=1; start=0; } } }
/************************************************************************************************** Initialise the video components ***************************************************************************************************/ void initVideo(void) { AutoLineWrap = 1; // test if there is a monitor plugged into the VGA connector CNPUASET = (1 << 4); // set a pullup on the video output pin uSec(300); // allow it to settle //vga = !PORTAbits.RA4; // the pin will be pulled low if the monitor is there CNPUACLR = (1 << 4); //////////////////////////// // setup SPI2 which is the video generator. the output of this module is a stream of bits which are the pixels in a horiz scan line //if(vga) PPSOutput(3, RPA4, SDO2); // B5 is the video out for VGA [color]] //else // PPSOutput(3, RPB2, SDO2); // B2 is the video out for composite PPSInput(4, SS2, RPB9); // B9 is the framing input [horizontal synch] #define P_VIDEO_SPI 2 // the SPI peripheral used for video #define P_SPI_INPUT SPI2BUF // input buffer for the SPI peripheral #define P_SPI_INTERRUPT _SPI2_TX_IRQ // interrupt used by the SPI peripheral when it needs more data //////////////////////////// // the horizontal sync uses Timer 3 and Output Compare 3 to generate the pulse and interrupt level 7 PPSOutput(4, RPB14, OC3); // B14 is the horizontal sync output (ie, the output from OC3) #define P_VID_OC_OPEN OpenOC3 // the function used to open the output compare #define P_VID_OC_REG OC3R // the output compare register //////////////////////////// // the vertical sync uses B13 TRISBCLR = (1<<13); // Vert sync output used by VGA #define P_VERT_SET_HI LATBSET = (1 << 13) // set vert sync hi #define P_VERT_SET_LO LATBCLR = (1 << 13) // set vert sync lo // calculate the paramaters for each video mode and setup Timer 3 to generate the horiz synch and interrupt on its leading edge //if(vga) { // set up for VGA output HRes = VGA_HRES; // HRes is the number of horiz pixels to use HBuf = VGA_HBUFF * 32; // HBuf is the horiz buffer size (in pixels) ConfigBuffers(Option[O_LINES24]); // setup the buffer pointers and VBuf, VRes VC[0] = VGA_VSYNC_N; // setup the table used to count lines VC[1] = VGA_POSTEQ_N; P_VID_OC_OPEN(OC_ON | OC_TIMER3_SRC | OC_CONTINUE_PULSE, 0, VGA_HSYNC_T); // enable the output compare which is used to time the width of the horiz sync pulse OpenTimer3( T3_ON | T3_PS_1_1 | T3_SOURCE_INT, VGA_LINE_T-1); // enable timer 3 and set to the horizontal scanning frequency //} /*else if(Option[O_PAL]) { // this is for the PAL composite output and is the same as VGA with timing differences VBuf = VRes = PAL_VRES; HRes = PAL_HRES; HBuf = PAL_HBUFF * 32; // HBuf is the horiz buffer size (in pixels) ConfigBuffers(0); SvSyncT = PAL_LINE_T - C_HSYNC_T; VC[0] = C_VSYNC_N; VC[1] = PAL_POSTEQ_N; VC[2] = PAL_VRES; VC[3] = PAL_PREEQ_N; P_VID_OC_OPEN(OC_ON | OC_TIMER3_SRC | OC_CONTINUE_PULSE, 0, C_HSYNC_T); // enable the output compare which is used to time the width of the horiz sync pulse OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_1 | T3_SOURCE_INT, PAL_LINE_T-1); // enable timer 3 and set to the horizontal scanning frequency } */ /* else { // this is for the NTSC composite output and is similar again VBuf = VRes = NTSC_VRES; HRes = NTSC_HRES; HBuf = NTSC_HBUFF * 32; // HBuf is the horiz buffer size (in pixels) ConfigBuffers(0); SvSyncT = NTSC_LINE_T - C_HSYNC_T; VC[0] = C_VSYNC_N; VC[1] = NTSC_POSTEQ_N; VC[2] = NTSC_VRES; VC[3] = NTSC_PREEQ_N; P_VID_OC_OPEN(OC_ON | OC_TIMER3_SRC | OC_CONTINUE_PULSE, 0, C_HSYNC_T); // enable the output compare which is used to time the width of the horiz sync pulse OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_1 | T3_SOURCE_INT, NTSC_LINE_T-1); // enable timer 3 and set to the horizontal scanning frequency } */ // set priority level 7 for the timer 3 interrupt (horiz synch) and enable it mT3SetIntPriority(7); mT3IntEnable(1); // initialise the state machine and set the count so that the first interrupt will increment the state VState = SV_PREEQ; VCount = 1; // setup the SPI channel then DMA channel which will copy the memory bitmap buffer to the SPI channel //if(vga) { // open the SPI in framing mode. Note that SPI_OPEN_DISSDI will disable the input (which we do not need) SpiChnOpen(P_VIDEO_SPI, SPICON_ON | SPICON_MSTEN | SPICON_MODE32 | SPICON_FRMEN | SPICON_FRMSYNC | SPICON_FRMPOL | SPI_OPEN_DISSDI, VGA_PIX_T); SPI2CON2 = (1<<9) | (1<<8); // instruct the SPI module to ignore any errors that might occur DmaChnOpen(1, 1, DMA_OPEN_DEFAULT); // setup DMA 1 to send data to SPI channel 2 DmaChnSetEventControl(1, DMA_EV_START_IRQ_EN | DMA_EV_START_IRQ(P_SPI_INTERRUPT)); DmaChnSetTxfer(1, (void*)VideoBuf, (void *)&P_SPI_INPUT, HBuf/8, 4, 4); //} /* else { SpiChnOpen(P_VIDEO_SPI, SPICON_ON | SPICON_MSTEN | SPICON_MODE32 | SPICON_FRMEN | SPICON_FRMSYNC | SPICON_FRMPOL | SPI_OPEN_DISSDI, C_PIX_T); SPI2CON2 = (1<<9) | (1<<8); // instruct the SPI module to ignore any errors that might occur DmaChnOpen(1, 1, DMA_OPEN_DEFAULT); // setup DMA 1 is the blank padding at the start of a scan line DmaChnSetEventControl(1, DMA_EV_START_IRQ_EN | DMA_EV_START_IRQ(P_SPI_INTERRUPT)); DmaChnSetTxfer(1, (void*)zero, (void *)&P_SPI_INPUT, C_BLANKPAD, 4, 4); DmaChnOpen( 0, 0, DMA_OPEN_DEFAULT); // setup DMA 0 to pump the data from the graphics buffer to the SPI peripheral DmaChnSetEventControl(0, DMA_EV_START_IRQ_EN | DMA_EV_START_IRQ(P_SPI_INTERRUPT)); DmaChnSetTxfer(0, (void*)VideoBuf, (void *)&P_SPI_INPUT, HBuf/8 + 6, 4, 4); DmaChnSetControlFlags(0, DMA_CTL_CHAIN_EN | DMA_CTL_CHAIN_DIR); // chain DMA 0 so that it will start on completion of the DMA 1 transfer } */ }
void ADC_TmrInit (void) { OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_PS_1_8 | T3_SOURCE_INT, 0); /* Timer 3 enabled with 1:8 prescaler */ }
// ************************************************************ // Main application entry point. // ************************************************************ int main(void) { static DWORD t = 0; static DWORD dwLastIP = 0; #if defined (EZ_CONFIG_STORE) static DWORD ButtonPushStart = 0; #endif UINT8 channelList[] = MY_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_LIST_PRESCAN; // WF_PRESCAN tWFScanResult bssDesc; #if 0 INT8 TxPower; // Needed to change MRF24WG transmit power. #endif // Initialize application specific hardware InitializeBoard(); // Initialize TCP/IP stack timer TickInit(); // Timer 3 interrupt for refreshing motor status inside here demo_TickInit(); #if defined(STACK_USE_MPFS2) // Initialize the MPFS File System // Generate a WifiGDemoMPFSImg.c file using the MPFS utility (refer to Convert WebPages to MPFS.bat) // that gets compiled into source code and programmed into the flash of the uP. MPFSInit(); #endif // Initialize Stack and application related NV variables into AppConfig. InitAppConfig(); // Initialize core stack layers (MAC, ARP, TCP, UDP) and // application modules (HTTP, SNMP, etc.) StackInit(); Exosite_Init("microchip","dv102412",IF_WIFI, 0); #if 0 // Below is used to change MRF24WG transmit power. // This has been verified to be functional (Jan 2013) if (AppConfig.networkType == WF_SOFT_AP) { WF_TxPowerGetMax(&TxPower); WF_TxPowerSetMax(TxPower); } #endif // Run Self Test if SW0 pressed on startup if(SW0_IO == 1) SelfTest(); #ifdef STACK_USE_TELNET_SERVER // Initialize Telnet and // Put Remote client in Remote Character Echo Mode TelnetInit(); putc(0xff, stdout); // IAC = Interpret as Command putc(0xfe, stdout); // Type of Operation = DONT putc(0x22, stdout); // Option = linemode putc(0xff, stdout); // IAC = Interpret as Command putc(0xfb, stdout); // Type of Operation = DO putc(0x01, stdout); // Option = echo #endif #if defined ( EZ_CONFIG_SCAN ) // Initialize WiFi Scan State Machine NV variables WFInitScan(); #endif // WF_PRESCAN: Pre-scan before starting up as SoftAP mode WF_CASetScanType(MY_DEFAULT_SCAN_TYPE); WF_CASetChannelList(channelList, sizeof(channelList)); if (WFStartScan() == WF_SUCCESS) { SCAN_SET_DISPLAY(SCANCXT.scanState); SCANCXT.displayIdx = 0; } // Needed to trigger g_scan_done WFRetrieveScanResult(0, &bssDesc); #if defined(STACK_USE_ZEROCONF_LINK_LOCAL) // Initialize Zeroconf Link-Local state-machine, regardless of network type. ZeroconfLLInitialize(); #endif #if defined(STACK_USE_ZEROCONF_MDNS_SD) // Initialize DNS Host-Name from TCPIPConfig.h, regardless of network type. mDNSInitialize(MY_DEFAULT_HOST_NAME); mDNSServiceRegister( // (const char *) AppConfig.NetBIOSName, // base name of the service. Ensure uniformity with CheckHibernate(). (const char *) "DemoWebServer", // base name of the service. Ensure uniformity with CheckHibernate(). "_http._tcp.local", // type of the service 80, // TCP or UDP port, at which this service is available ((const BYTE *)"path=/index.htm"), // TXT info 1, // auto rename the service when if needed NULL, // no callback function NULL // no application context ); mDNSMulticastFilterRegister(); #endif #if defined(WF_CONSOLE) // Initialize the WiFi Console App WFConsoleInit(); #endif // Now that all items are initialized, begin the co-operative // multitasking loop. This infinite loop will continuously // execute all stack-related tasks, as well as your own // application's functions. Custom functions should be added // at the end of this loop. // Note that this is a "co-operative mult-tasking" mechanism // where every task performs its tasks (whether all in one shot // or part of it) and returns so that other tasks can do their // job. // If a task needs very long time to do its job, it must be broken // down into smaller pieces so that other tasks can have CPU time. #ifndef PERIOD #define PERIOD 3120 // set 3120 for get to timer interrupt every 20ms, 40MHz PBUS, div by 256 #endif OpenTimer3(T3_ON | T3_SOURCE_INT | T3_PS_1_256, PERIOD); while(1) { if (AppConfig.networkType == WF_SOFT_AP) { if (g_scan_done) { if (g_prescan_waiting) { SCANCXT.displayIdx = 0; while (IS_SCAN_STATE_DISPLAY(SCANCXT.scanState)) { WFDisplayScanMgr(); } #if defined(WF_CS_TRIS) WF_Connect(); #endif g_scan_done = 0; g_prescan_waiting = 0; } } } #if defined (EZ_CONFIG_STORE) // Hold SW0 for 4 seconds to reset to defaults. if (SW0_IO == 1u) { // Button is pressed button_state = 1; if (ButtonPushStart == 0) //Just pressed ButtonPushStart = TickGet(); else if(TickGet() - ButtonPushStart > 4*TICK_SECOND) RestoreWifiConfig(); } else { ButtonPushStart = 0; //Button release reset the clock } if (AppConfig.saveSecurityInfo) { // set true by WF_ProcessEvent after connecting to a new network // get the security info, and if required, push the PSK to EEPROM if ((AppConfig.SecurityMode == WF_SECURITY_WPA_WITH_PASS_PHRASE) || (AppConfig.SecurityMode == WF_SECURITY_WPA2_WITH_PASS_PHRASE) || (AppConfig.SecurityMode == WF_SECURITY_WPA_AUTO_WITH_PASS_PHRASE)) { // only need to save when doing passphrase tWFCPElements profile; UINT8 connState; UINT8 connID; WF_CMGetConnectionState(&connState, &connID); WF_CPGetElements(connID, &profile); memcpy((char*)AppConfig.SecurityKey, (char*)profile.securityKey, 32); AppConfig.SecurityMode--; // the calc psk is exactly one below for each passphrase option AppConfig.SecurityKeyLength = 32; SaveAppConfig(&AppConfig); } AppConfig.saveSecurityInfo = FALSE; } #endif // EZ_CONFIG_STORE // Blink LED0 twice per sec when unconfigured, once per sec after config if((TickGet() - t >= TICK_SECOND/(4ul - (CFGCXT.isWifiDoneConfigure*3ul)))) { t = TickGet(); LED0_INV(); } // This task performs normal stack task including checking // for incoming packet, type of packet and calling // appropriate stack entity to process it. StackTask(); // This task invokes each of the core stack application tasks if (cloud_mode == 0) StackApplications(); // Enable WF_USE_POWER_SAVE_FUNCTIONS WiFiTask(); #if defined(STACK_USE_ZEROCONF_LINK_LOCAL) ZeroconfLLProcess(); #endif #if defined(STACK_USE_ZEROCONF_MDNS_SD) mDNSProcess(); #endif Exosite_Demo(); // Process application specific tasks here. // Any custom modules or processing you need to do should // go here. #if defined(WF_CONSOLE) WFConsoleProcess(); WFConsoleProcessEpilogue(); #endif // If the local IP address has changed (ex: due to DHCP lease change) // write the new IP address to the LCD display, UART, and Announce // service if(dwLastIP != AppConfig.MyIPAddr.Val) { dwLastIP = AppConfig.MyIPAddr.Val; DisplayIPValue(AppConfig.MyIPAddr); #if defined(STACK_USE_ANNOUNCE) AnnounceIP(); #endif #if defined(STACK_USE_ZEROCONF_MDNS_SD) mDNSFillHostRecord(); #endif } } }
int main(void) { int value; int junk; millisec = 0; value = SYSTEMConfigWaitStatesAndPB( GetSystemClock() ); // Enable the cache for the best performance CheKseg0CacheOn(); //Setupt input for inteface button JF8 (RA01) (0x02) TRISASET = 0x02; //RED LED - JF9 (RA04) (0x10) TRISACLR = 0x10; ODCACLR = 0x10; LATASET = 0x10; //Green LED -JF7 (RE9) (0x200) TRISECLR = 0x200; ODCECLR = 0x200; LATESET = 0x200; //Setupt Input for DataFlag Button - JF10 - RA5 0x20 TRISASET = 0x20; //Setup Output for Clutch Hold (Launch) JE1 RD14 0x4000 //This function is active low, driving the FET on the PDU TRISDCLR = 0x4000; ODCDCLR = 0x4000; LATDSET = 0x4000; //Default state is high (off) CAN1Init();//CAN1 ACCL 500kbs CAN2Init();//Motec 1mbs DelayInit(); initUART2(); // GPS UART prevButton1 = 0; prevButton2 = 0; millisec = 0; // Configure Timer 2 to request a real-time interrupt once per millisecond. // The period of Timer 2 is (16 * 5000)/(80 MHz) = 1 ms. OpenTimer2(T2_ON | T2_IDLE_CON | T2_SOURCE_INT | T2_PS_1_16 | T2_GATE_OFF, 5000); // Configure the CPU to respond to Timer 2's interrupt requests. INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt(); INTSetVectorPriority(INT_TIMER_2_VECTOR, INT_PRIORITY_LEVEL_2); INTClearFlag(INT_T2); INTEnable(INT_T2, INT_ENABLED); //UART GPS Interrupts INTSetVectorPriority(INT_UART_2_VECTOR ,INT_PRIORITY_LEVEL_1); //Make sure UART interrupt is top priority INTClearFlag(INT_U2RX); INTEnable(INT_U2RX, INT_ENABLED); value = OSCCON; while (!(value & 0x00000020)) { value = OSCCON; // Wait for PLL lock to stabilize } deviceAttached = FALSE; //Initialize the stack USBInitialize(0); shouldLog = FALSE; shouldStop = FALSE; //count = 0; angularRateInfoRec = FALSE; accelerationSensorRec = FALSE; HRaccelerationSensorRec = FALSE; //init tim er 3 to convert adc at 100hz OpenTimer3(T3_ON|T3_PS_1_256|T3_SOURCE_INT, 1562); //initialize i2c for the psoc initI2CPSoC(); state = wait; logNum = 0; initI2CEEPROM(); short addy = 0x0000; BYTE num = 0x00; logNum = readEEPROM(addy); if(logNum >= 0xEF) //Address stored in EEPROM if greater than 0xEF reset to zero, limited to a single byte with current code configuration { writeEEPROM(addy, 0x00); } char GroupString[550];//Group Names (Line1) char UnitString[550];//Units (line2) char ParamString[650];//Paramater Names (line3) sprintf(GroupString,"Time,Accelerometer,Accelerometer,Accelerometer,Accelerometer,Accelerometer,Accelerometer,Accelerometer,Accelerometer,Accelerometer,Engine,Engine,Engine,Engine,Engine,Engine,Engine,Engine,Engine,Engine,Drivetrain,Drivetrain,Electrical,Drivetrain,Drivetrain,Drivetrain,Drivetrain,Engine,Engine,Engine,Engine,Electrical,Electrical,Electrical,Electrical,Electrical,Electrical,Suspension,Suspension,Suspension,Suspension,Suspension,Drivetrain,Driver\n"); sprintf(UnitString,"ms,deg/s,deg/s,deg/s,m/s^2,m/s^2,m/s^2,m/s^2,m/s^2,m/s^2,rpm,%,kpa,degF,degF,lambda,psi,degF,na,na,psi,psi,V,mph,mph,mph,mph,s,gal,degF,degBTDC,mV,mV,mV,mV,mV,mV,mV,mV,mV,mV,mV,mV,\n"); sprintf(ParamString, "Millisec,pitch(deg/sec),roll(deg/sec),yaw(deg/sec),lat(m/s^2),long(m/s^2),vert(m/s^2),latHR(m/s^2),longHR(m/s^2),vertHR(m/s^2),rpm,tps(percent),MAP(kpa),AT(degF),ect(degF),lambda,fuel pres,egt(degF),launch,neutral,brake pres,brake pres filtered,BattVolt(V),ld speed(mph), lg speed(mph),rd speed(mph),rg speed(mph),run time(s),fuel used,Oil Temp (deg F), Ignition Adv (degBTDC),Overall Consumption(mV),Overall Production(mV),Fuel Pump(mV),Fuel Injector(mV),Ignition(mV),Vref(mV),Back Left(mV),Back Right(mV),Front Left(mV),Front Right(mV),Steering Angle(mV),Brake Temp(mV),Data Flag,GPRMC,Time,Valid,Lat,N/S,Long,E/W,Speed,Course,Date,Variation,E/W\n"); LATACLR = 0x10; //Turn on Red LED // LATECLR = 0x200; UARTSendString(UART2,PMTK_HOT_RESTART); int i = 0; while(!UARTTransmissionHasCompleted(UART2)){ i++; } while(1) { GPSDataRead(); GPSSentenceParse(); ClutchHold(); //This function handles the venting direction of the clutch actuator DataFlagFunc(); //This function handles the updates of the data flag variable //USB stack process function USBTasks(); switch(state){ case wait: USBTasks(); millisec = 0; if(CheckLogStateChange() == 1){ //start the transition from wait to log state = startLog; } break; case startLog: //if thumbdrive is plugged in if(USBHostMSDSCSIMediaDetect()) { deviceAttached = TRUE; //now a device is attached //See if the device is attached and in the right format if(FSInit()) { //Opening a file in mode "w" will create the file if it doesn't // exist. If the file does exist it will delete the old file // and create a new one that is blank. logNum = readEEPROM(addy); sprintf(nameString, "test%d.csv", logNum); myFile = FSfopen(nameString,"w"); FSfwrite(GroupString,1,strlen(GroupString),myFile); FSfwrite(UnitString,1,strlen(UnitString),myFile); FSfwrite(ParamString,1, strlen(ParamString),myFile); millisec = 0; //LATDSET = 0x4000; //Send sync pulse (aeroprobe) // while(millisec < 1000){} //Wait 1s then move to log, the aeroprobe ADC waits 1s. state = log; LATECLR = 0x200; //Turn on Green LATASET = 0x10; //Turn off Red } } break; case log: //This uses MOTEC as the master timer. Data is only written to the USB after all the motec Data is received if(motec0Read && motec1Read && motec2Read && motec3Read && motec4Read && motec5Read){ WriteToUSB(); } else{}//Wait for motec data to write the next row if(CheckLogStateChange() == 2){ //Start the transition from log to wait state = stopLog; } if(millisec > 2000){ LATDCLR = 0x4000; //After 2 seconds pass no need to keep output high } //Add a function to check for a flag button and set a variable break; case stopLog: //Always make sure to close the file so that the data gets written to the drive. FSfwrite("endFile", 1, 7, myFile); FSfclose(myFile); state = wait; logNum++; writeEEPROM(addy, logNum); LATACLR = 0x10; //Turn on Red LATESET = 0x200; //Turn off Green break; default: state = wait; break; } //CAN Handlers CANRxMessageBuffer* CAN1RxMessage = CAN1RxMsgProcess(); if(CAN1RxMessage){ WriteAccelData(CAN1RxMessage); //Accel is on CAN 1 } CANRxMessageBuffer* CAN2RxMessage = CAN2RxMsgProcess(); if(CAN2RxMessage){ writeCan2Msg(CAN2RxMessage); //Motec is on CAN 2 } } return 0; }