Beispiel #1
static BOOL CALLBACK open_window_station_callbackA(LPSTR winsta, LPARAM lp)
    HWINSTA hwinsta;

    trace("open_window_station_callbackA called with argument %s\n", winsta);
    hwinsta = OpenWindowStationA(winsta, FALSE, WINSTA_ENUMERATE);
    ok(hwinsta != NULL, "Could not open desktop %s!\n", winsta);
    if (hwinsta)
    return lp;
Beispiel #2
static void test_handles(void)
    HWINSTA w1, w2, w3;
    HDESK d1, d2, d3;
    HANDLE hthread;
    DWORD id, flags, le;
    ATOM atom;
    char buffer[20];

    /* win stations */

    w1 = GetProcessWindowStation();
    ok( GetProcessWindowStation() == w1, "GetProcessWindowStation returned different handles\n" );
    ok( !CloseWindowStation(w1), "closing process win station succeeded\n" );
    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ok( !CloseHandle(w1), "closing process win station handle succeeded\n" );
    ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "bad last error %d\n", GetLastError() );
    print_object( w1 );

    flags = 0;
    ok( GetHandleInformation( w1, &flags ), "GetHandleInformation failed\n" );
    ok( !(flags & HANDLE_FLAG_PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE) ||
        broken(flags & HANDLE_FLAG_PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE), /* set on nt4 */
        "handle %p PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE set\n", w1 );

    ok( DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), w1, GetCurrentProcess(), (PHANDLE)&w2, 0,
                         TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ), "DuplicateHandle failed\n" );
    ok( CloseWindowStation(w2), "closing dup win station failed\n" );

    ok( DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), w1, GetCurrentProcess(), (PHANDLE)&w2, 0,
                         TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ), "DuplicateHandle failed\n" );
    ok( CloseHandle(w2), "closing dup win station handle failed\n" );

    w2 = CreateWindowStationA("WinSta0", 0, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, NULL );
    le = GetLastError();
    ok( w2 != 0 || le == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "CreateWindowStation failed (%u)\n", le );
    if (w2 != 0)
        ok( w2 != w1, "CreateWindowStation returned default handle\n" );
        SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
        ok( !CloseDesktop( (HDESK)w2 ), "CloseDesktop succeeded on win station\n" );
        ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE || broken(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef), /* wow64 */
            "bad last error %d\n", GetLastError() );
        ok( CloseWindowStation( w2 ), "CloseWindowStation failed\n" );

        w2 = CreateWindowStationA("WinSta0", 0, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, NULL );
        ok( CloseHandle( w2 ), "CloseHandle failed\n" );
    else if (le == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
        win_skip( "Not enough privileges for CreateWindowStation\n" );

    w2 = OpenWindowStationA("winsta0", TRUE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS );
    ok( w2 != 0, "OpenWindowStation failed\n" );
    ok( w2 != w1, "OpenWindowStation returned default handle\n" );
    ok( CloseWindowStation( w2 ), "CloseWindowStation failed\n" );

    w2 = OpenWindowStationA("dummy name", TRUE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS );
    ok( !w2, "open dummy win station succeeded\n" );

    CreateMutexA( NULL, 0, "foobar" );
    w2 = CreateWindowStationA("foobar", 0, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, NULL );
    le = GetLastError();
    ok( w2 != 0 || le == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "create foobar station failed (%u)\n", le );

    if (w2 != 0)
        w3 = OpenWindowStationA("foobar", TRUE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS );
        ok( w3 != 0, "open foobar station failed\n" );
        ok( w3 != w2, "open foobar station returned same handle\n" );
        ok( CloseWindowStation( w2 ), "CloseWindowStation failed\n" );
        ok( CloseWindowStation( w3 ), "CloseWindowStation failed\n" );

        w3 = OpenWindowStationA("foobar", TRUE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS );
        ok( !w3, "open foobar station succeeded\n" );

        w2 = CreateWindowStationA("foobar1", 0, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, NULL );
        ok( w2 != 0, "create foobar station failed\n" );
        w3 = CreateWindowStationA("foobar2", 0, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, NULL );
        ok( w3 != 0, "create foobar station failed\n" );
        ok( GetHandleInformation( w2, &flags ), "GetHandleInformation failed\n" );
        ok( GetHandleInformation( w3, &flags ), "GetHandleInformation failed\n" );

        SetProcessWindowStation( w2 );
        atom = GlobalAddAtomA("foo");
        ok( GlobalGetAtomNameA( atom, buffer, sizeof(buffer) ) == 3, "GlobalGetAtomName failed\n" );
        ok( !lstrcmpiA( buffer, "foo" ), "bad atom value %s\n", buffer );

        ok( !CloseWindowStation( w2 ), "CloseWindowStation succeeded\n" );
        ok( GetHandleInformation( w2, &flags ), "GetHandleInformation failed\n" );

        SetProcessWindowStation( w3 );
        ok( GetHandleInformation( w2, &flags ), "GetHandleInformation failed\n" );
        ok( CloseWindowStation( w2 ), "CloseWindowStation failed\n" );
        ok( GlobalGetAtomNameA( atom, buffer, sizeof(buffer) ) == 3, "GlobalGetAtomName failed\n" );
        ok( !lstrcmpiA( buffer, "foo" ), "bad atom value %s\n", buffer );
    else if (le == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
        win_skip( "Not enough privileges for CreateWindowStation\n" );

    /* desktops */
    d1 = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId());
    initial_desktop = d1;
    ok( GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()) == d1,
        "GetThreadDesktop returned different handles\n" );

    flags = 0;
    ok( GetHandleInformation( d1, &flags ), "GetHandleInformation failed\n" );
    ok( !(flags & HANDLE_FLAG_PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE), "handle %p PROTECT_FROM_CLOSE set\n", d1 );

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ok( !CloseDesktop(d1), "closing thread desktop succeeded\n" );
    ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_BUSY || broken(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef), /* wow64 */
        "bad last error %d\n", GetLastError() );

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    if (CloseHandle( d1 ))  /* succeeds on nt4 */
        win_skip( "NT4 desktop handle management is completely different\n" );
    ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "bad last error %d\n", GetLastError() );

    ok( DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), d1, GetCurrentProcess(), (PHANDLE)&d2, 0,
                         TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ), "DuplicateHandle failed\n" );
    ok( CloseDesktop(d2), "closing dup desktop failed\n" );

    ok( DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), d1, GetCurrentProcess(), (PHANDLE)&d2, 0,
                         TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ), "DuplicateHandle failed\n" );
    ok( CloseHandle(d2), "closing dup desktop handle failed\n" );

    d2 = OpenDesktopA( "dummy name", 0, TRUE, DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS );
    ok( !d2, "open dummy desktop succeeded\n" );

    d2 = CreateDesktopA( "foobar", NULL, NULL, 0, DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS, NULL );
    ok( d2 != 0, "create foobar desktop failed\n" );
    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    ok( !CloseWindowStation( (HWINSTA)d2 ), "CloseWindowStation succeeded on desktop\n" );
    ok( GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE || broken(GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef), /* wow64 */
        "bad last error %d\n", GetLastError() );

    SetLastError( 0xdeadbeef );
    d3 = CreateDesktopA( "foobar", NULL, NULL, 0, DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS, NULL );
    ok( d3 != 0, "create foobar desktop again failed\n" );
    ok( GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef, "bad last error %d\n", GetLastError() );
    ok( CloseDesktop( d3 ), "CloseDesktop failed\n" );

    d3 = OpenDesktopA( "foobar", 0, TRUE, DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS );
    ok( d3 != 0, "open foobar desktop failed\n" );
    ok( d3 != d2, "open foobar desktop returned same handle\n" );
    ok( CloseDesktop( d2 ), "CloseDesktop failed\n" );
    ok( CloseDesktop( d3 ), "CloseDesktop failed\n" );

    d3 = OpenDesktopA( "foobar", 0, TRUE, DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS );
    ok( !d3, "open foobar desktop succeeded\n" );

    ok( !CloseHandle(d1), "closing thread desktop handle succeeded\n" );
    d2 = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId());
    ok( d1 == d2, "got different handles after close\n" );

    trace( "thread 1 desktop: %p\n", d1 );
    print_object( d1 );
    hthread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, thread, (LPVOID)2, 0, &id );
    trace( "get other thread desktop: %p\n", GetThreadDesktop(id) );
    WaitForSingleObject( hthread, INFINITE );
    CloseHandle( hthread );

    /* clean side effect */
    SetProcessWindowStation( w1 );
Beispiel #3
 * Take a screenshot of this sessions default input desktop on WinSta0
 * and send it as a JPEG image to a named pipe.
DWORD screenshot( int quality, DWORD dwPipeName )
	DWORD dwResult             = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
	HWINSTA hWindowStation     = NULL;
	HWINSTA hOrigWindowStation = NULL;
	HDESK hInputDesktop        = NULL;
	HDESK hOrigDesktop         = NULL;
	HWND hDesktopWnd           = NULL;	
	HDC hdc                    = NULL;
	HDC hmemdc                 = NULL;
	HBITMAP hbmp               = NULL;
	BYTE * pJpegBuffer         = NULL;
	OSVERSIONINFO os           = {0};
	char cNamedPipe[MAX_PATH]  = {0};
	// If we use SM_C[X|Y]VIRTUALSCREEN we can screenshot the whole desktop of a multi monitor display.
	int xmetric               = SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN;
	int ymetric               = SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN;
	DWORD dwJpegSize          = 0;
	int sx                    = 0;
	int sy                    = 0;

		_snprintf_s( cNamedPipe, sizeof(cNamedPipe), MAX_PATH, "\\\\.\\pipe\\%08X", dwPipeName );

		os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( OSVERSIONINFO );

		if( !GetVersionEx( &os ) )
			BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot: GetVersionEx failed" )
		if( os.dwMajorVersion <= 4 )
			xmetric = SM_CXSCREEN;
			ymetric = SM_CYSCREEN;
		// open the WinSta0 as some services are attached to a different window station.
		hWindowStation = OpenWindowStationA( "WinSta0", FALSE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS );
		if( !hWindowStation )
			if( RevertToSelf() )
				hWindowStation = OpenWindowStationA( "WinSta0", FALSE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS );
		// if we cant open the defaut input station we wont be able to take a screenshot
		if( !hWindowStation )
			BREAK_WITH_ERROR( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot: Couldnt get the WinSta0 Window Station", ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE );
		// get the current process's window station so we can restore it later on.
		hOrigWindowStation = GetProcessWindowStation();
		// set the host process's window station to this sessions default input station we opened
		if( !SetProcessWindowStation( hWindowStation ) )
			BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot: SetProcessWindowStation failed" );

		// grab a handle to the default input desktop (e.g. Default or WinLogon)
		hInputDesktop = OpenInputDesktop( 0, FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED );
		if( !hInputDesktop )
			BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot: OpenInputDesktop failed" );

		// get the threads current desktop so we can restore it later on
		hOrigDesktop = GetThreadDesktop( GetCurrentThreadId() );

		// set this threads desktop to that of this sessions default input desktop on WinSta0
		SetThreadDesktop( hInputDesktop );

		// and now we can grab a handle to this input desktop
		hDesktopWnd = GetDesktopWindow();

		// and get a DC from it so we can read its pixels!
		hdc = GetDC( hDesktopWnd );
		if( !hdc )
			BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot. GetDC failed" );

		// back up this DC with a memory DC
		hmemdc = CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
		if( !hmemdc )
			BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot. CreateCompatibleDC failed" );

		// calculate the width and height
		sx = GetSystemMetrics( xmetric );
		sy = GetSystemMetrics( ymetric );

		// and create a bitmap
		hbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, sx, sy );
		if( !hbmp )
			BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot. CreateCompatibleBitmap failed" );
		// this bitmap is backed by the memory DC
		if( !SelectObject( hmemdc, hbmp ) )
			BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot. SelectObject failed" );

		// BitBlt the screenshot of this sessions default input desktop on WinSta0 onto the memory DC we created 
		if( !BitBlt( hmemdc, 0, 0, sx, sy, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ) )
			BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot. BitBlt failed" );

		// finally convert the BMP we just made into a JPEG...
		if( bmp2jpeg( hbmp, hmemdc, quality, &pJpegBuffer, &dwJpegSize ) != 1 )
			BREAK_WITH_ERROR( "[SCREENSHOT] screenshot. bmp2jpeg failed", ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE );

		// we have succeded
		dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS;
	} while( 0 );

	// if we have successfully taken a screenshot we send it back via the named pipe
	// but if we have failed we send back a zero byte result to indicate this failure.
	if( dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS )
		screenshot_send( cNamedPipe, pJpegBuffer, dwJpegSize );
		screenshot_send( cNamedPipe, NULL, 0 );

	if( hdc )
		ReleaseDC( hDesktopWnd, hdc );

	if( hmemdc )
		DeleteDC( hmemdc );

	if( hbmp )
		DeleteObject( hbmp );

	// free the jpeg images buffer
	if( pJpegBuffer )
		free( pJpegBuffer );

	// restore the origional process's window station
	if( hOrigWindowStation )
		SetProcessWindowStation( hOrigWindowStation );

	// restore the threads origional desktop
	if( hOrigDesktop )
		SetThreadDesktop( hOrigDesktop );

	// close the WinSta0 window station handle we opened
	if( hWindowStation )
		CloseWindowStation( hWindowStation );

	// close this last to avoid a handle leak...
	if( hInputDesktop )
		CloseDesktop( hInputDesktop );

	return dwResult;